Episode 107

Published on:

5th Aug 2024

Ep. 107 - Silica & Salt = Body Electricity

The Hidden Power of Silica: Connecting the Dots in Your Body

In this episode, I dive deep into the fascinating world of silica and its crucial role in the human body. Last time, I touched on the topic but failed to connect all the dots. Today, I make those connections and explore how silica, in conjunction with water and salt, forms a fundamental part of our energetic, spiritual, and physical being. From explaining its presence in crystals to discussing its memory-storing capabilities as demonstrated in computer chips, I explore the multifaceted nature of silica. We also delve into its presence in various forms, including diatomaceous earth and comfrey, and discuss the importance of maintaining silica levels for overall health. Join me to uncover the mysteries and practical applications of silica in our daily lives and health.

00:00 Introduction and Apology

00:30 Connecting the Dots: Silica's Role in the Body

00:47 The Spiritual and Scientific Significance of Silica

02:34 Silica, Salt, and Water: The Body's Battery

03:12 Exploring Silica Crystals and Their Forms

06:19 Silica in Technology: From Crystals to Computer Chips

09:39 The Wisdom of the Body and Silica's Role

18:45 Silicon and Its Metallic Properties

21:43 Silica's Role in Reducing Aluminum Toxicity

22:58 Silicon in the Human Body

25:08 Silicon Supplements and Their Benefits

25:40 Practical Ways to Incorporate Silicon

28:23 The Importance of Silica for Bone Health

34:01 The Spiritual and Energetic Aspects of Silicon

36:17 Conclusion and Final Thoughts


Welcome healthy friends. To the reality of health.

Today, we're going to talk about silica. I made a mistake last episode and I forgot. To connect that first. Tab about silica. With the whole rest of the episode. My apologies. So today. I'm going to show you. What the next part of that episode was supposed to be. Because I hinted to it and then didn't connect. The dot. Does that make sense? Or dots. But anyway.

So, this is why it's so much fun for me is because when you start connecting said dots, you can see all kinds of amazing things in how your body actually functions. So I spoke about. How silica. Was so responsible in the body.

And what I meant to say was silica and other factors that all come together, like the water. And your food. And all those types of things. They're all very important. They work together and they create this whole. Almost.

I don't know how to put it. It's a.

A spiritual, emotional, physical magnetic. Energetic. Body. Your life.

Well anyway. I know it sounds metaphysical kind of is. But it's also very spiritual. To think that somehow or another. This all happened. These elements. Came together. Either. They were put together by God. Or they came together to create something in your body. That's absolutely phenomenal. And that's called life.

So when I talked about salt, last episode, Salt has energy. Has charge.

What I wanted to connect was silica. As you see here on the screen.

Also has charge. Lot of it. It also has memory. So with salt. Good salt. And silica. And water. It gives you. Your battery. All right, let's get into it. See here. Beautiful. Isn't it. I mean seriously, how does it even do that? Does that through EMF fields? That's beautiful. Look at those crystals.

Those of you on audio.

I'm just showing you pictures of. Said Crystal's in quatrz form the clear stuff or the white stuff. Absolutely beautiful. And I do collect some of these. It's a hobby of mine because I think this is. Incredible stuff that no one really thinks about. And to me. I want to know how these things make themselves.

I think you get my drift. So what we're going to talk about the general silica today. This is just one form of silica. So the general entity of silica has many different forms. So let's see here.

By the way. Just real quickly. Uh, this is called a Vogel. Crystal has 12 sides. This is the most researched, most powerful crystal shape you can get. Maybe we'll do an episode in the future on this. It goes beyond this whole hippie thing. It has nothing to do with that. This is purely scientific. Proven and Vogel crystals are. Just mindblowing. Okay. It could be fun.

Like I was saying. Silica in the general entity of silica. This is kind of a really good roadmap of what there is involved. I just showed you pictures of these. And the.

Trydimite is absolutely gorgeous. But notice you've seen silica gels. It was absorbed water. There's many different types of silicones, but I want to point this out so you could see their crystalline, their synthetic. And then there is amorphous, so it doesn't matter. Just understand that there's many different levels. Up down left.

Right. That we could be talking about and I'm going to try and keep it. Concise and simple for you. I did want to point out one thing and that's diatomaceous earth right here. That is one of the most miraculous substances on the planet. It's in a powder form. If you don't know what it is. It's basically all the little diatoms in the ocean. And when they die, they fall to the floor or they mix in the water to some degree, but eventually they fall to the floor.

That's the exoskeleton of these tiny microscopic organisms.

You can use that from everything from stopping ants. In your house. Two. Scrubbing your face. It's abs. It's so amazing. Well, guess what? It's loaded with silica. We're going to get into why this is important.

So let's move on. Shall we. We all know what this is. Computer chips, right. Well, the one thing I'm going to point out here, not just the chip that's important, but see that disc right there. How about that? This great there, and here's a closeup of said disk.

These. Have changed. All of life on this planet. Everything you deal with. Every single day now. Has some form of this in your life.

Obviously we know what those are.

But this is why this is important. You see. That.

Ability that these have is because of silica. Or Silicon.

These chips, they store memory. How do they store memory? On a crystal. This is a liquified. Solidified then cut sheet. Of this. So we took this.

And turn it into that. Right there.

Do you find this fascinating? How you can take information. And store it on this. How is this possible? How do computers work actually? Well, my dad was a. Computer engineer. He could probably tell you.

My question is if we can do this. With Silicon. AKA silica. Then when it's all over your body. How. Or does. Your body stored data. Inside. You. You see how fascinating this is? Are you a big walking computer chip silicone disk.

Are you. Shall we say a.

Vogel crystal or a crystal that has memory only in a liquified format in the proteins, in the water. As a whole being walking around in is your brain the only place that stores memory. And can think.

I know I'm extrapolating, but. If you can put memory on that. I understand what the memory is. I'm simply stating that. How do you put information onto something physical? When that same physical thing is in your body. Does it not store the same type of data or data of any kind. This is why the body is absolutely so completely fascinating to me.

And it should be to you.

My belief. Is the body knows how much silica it needs. Like all their substances. It knows from the EMFs. From those substances. and either. Accepts or eliminates them.

It knows what it wants.

It knows what it needs.

The body has wisdom.

We get in the way.


There is more wisdom in your body than in your deepest philosophy. You know what words sticks out to me most? Is right there. The word, your. Meaning. We have gotten in the way of our body's wisdom. There is more wisdom in your body than in your deepest philosophy. So we come up with all these ways and. Theories.

This is how the body works. Really. Have you proven any of these? Because if you've listened to me in the last. Six months. I'm going against the grain because everything I learned. Has been proven to be wrong. False fake. Unproven all theory.

So instead of just realizing the body has wisdom. And letting it do what it's supposed to do. We want to get in the way and say, no, this is how it's done. Really. Is that how you want to be healthy?

The moment. You change your perception. Is the moment you rewrite the chemistry of your body. Dr. Bruce Lipton. Let me say that again. This is. Excellent. The moment you change your perception. Is the moment you rewrite the chemistry of your body. Meaning. Get out of your own way. Quit thinking that you understand how the body works, because nobody does our best guess is it knows what it's doing.

That's called the wisdom of the body.

Yeah, I got a little. Philosophical. Well, let's move on.

So we spoke about this recently, but we talked about the transmutation of minerals. And in silica, this is really fun. I think this is pretty cool. And if this doesn't fascinate you, I don't know what else will, but let's go here. Research during the 19th century.

I'm sorry, my cursor keeps doing this.

f you can't tell already. In:

He is certainly the first scientist to have demonstrated the biological transmutation. Of silicone. Into calcium. What.

If you listen to my minerals episode. That was crazy stuff. And it's all about this.

How does your body do that? Oh, could it be the wisdom possibly. And the fact that there's nothing. Stationary in the body. It doesn't stay the same. It's always changing. DNA is different in every part of your body. And they've proven that. And as well as they've proven. It changes like every second and it's not the huge double helix thing that. You've seen. Never proven.

It's all theory. But what they do know is that said structure. Changes all the time, whatever that structure is, they still don't know what it is. Anyway. Silica. The. The hens turned it into calcium.

Did you know that plants can do that? Did you know that you do that? If you do that and plants do that and all kinds of living creatures do that. Then, if you take a single substance like silica or magnesium or calcium or anything else, what does your body do with that? There are said principles for this.

They've noticed they do know certain things have to be there, but generally speaking, this is what happens. Amazing.

Let's move on.

Like I've said a million times because it's true. You are a crystalline water structure being. And this is what your tissues. Resemble. This. Gelatin. See that. How was all the water? That's used in order to make gelatin. Not just spill out of your body. If you cut yourself. If you cut yourself, should just water start pouring out.

If you're 60 to 70% water. No. It doesn't do that at all whatsoever. Because of the protein. What's in the protein. That would be silica. That's what holds it all together. Well, I shouldn't say holds it all together so much as it's part of it's matrix. It's it's structure. It gives it strength. It makes it. Not so sloppy. Almost like.

Instead of thinking of, uh, If you take jello and you drop it, it bounces. So there's some strength there. Instead of just dropping it and it just splatters all over the place. Gotta be held together. Well, the proteins hold that together. What helps the proteins hold all of this together? That would be silica. Yes. We'll see more. Don't you worry.

I would also venture to say that you were a silica water structure being. How about that one?

Makes more sense? Doesn't it.

Okay, let's move on.

Everybody's seen this thing.

They call it a desiccant. So silica. Absorbs water.

It loves water.

So is that maybe what helps with your hydration?

I would say, yeah. Because. If silica. Holds water. And that water is now in your collagen. Your muscle, your skin, all of your tissues that could explain. A larger scenario for hydration than just. Get structured water. Drink more water drink, spring water, and all these things you need silica to hold that water. And there might be some. Well, there probably is similar electromagnetic frequencies going on with silica. We're going to get into that. I need to move on because it's going to be a really long one.

So check this out.

Remember how excited I was last week with sodium being a metalloid. Being like a metal substance. Well guess what?

Well, so as Silicon checked that out, looks just like a metal. Chunk. Right. Hmm. Interesting.

The reason I find that interesting is. Metal conducts electricity. And if we are a battery. Then this is one more piece of the puzzle. For conducting electricity. I know Silicon, which is what that is, needs oxygen to become silica. You can see it right there. Silica is S I O two that's, two oxygen and one Silicon. And that's, if you believe in atom theory, I won't go there. But. It's still amazing that. Salt is basis of life to conduct electricity. How do you actually conduct that electricity? You're gonna need a medium. A metal. Uh, in batteries, they have a metal plate. Can be different types of metal plates than they have the solution of water and sodium in there. And so you have metal. Sodium ions charge and water. And all that works together. There you have more metal. Uh, metalloid, it looks metal until you add oxygen.

And then it turns into what we saw earlier. This. Amazingly. Cool. Isn't that?

Well, I think that's pretty neat. And if that doesn't excite you well,

Let's go to the next.

Do you know anybody with Alzheimer's dementia? How about just general heavy metal poisoning. Well, Silica. As you see here has a high affinity for aluminum. Silica.

Reduces aluminum availability and ameliorates toxicity in several biological systems. It has therefore been suggested that these two species strongly interact in solution.

That means basically that it helps to bind to aluminum and other things and pull those out of the body. You could read a bunch of this. It's pretty neat stuff. But generally speaking, they do use silica to pull aluminum out of the body.

Moving on.

So, where is it in the body? Well, Highest amounts of silicone are accumulated in the kidneys, liver bone. Skin spleen lungs while free orthosilicic acid. That's silica. Not bounded to proteins. That's your connective tissue and all the other tissues, your body. Occurs. In the blood, the amount of Silicon. In tissues decreases with age. That I think has to do with your charge.

So as you get older, your charge comes down as a battery gets older, it can't hold the charge. The quality of your body is going to come down no matter what you do. Nobody lives forever. I wish the case was true. That if you took care of yourself really well, you could live to be 700 years old, but that's just not the way it is. So as your body degrades over time, because it just can't go that long.

It can't hold onto silica. Therefore that building structure. Which if you think of things like asparagus, Or celery. Or other things that have high silica content. See how stiff those are and then your bones have silica. And as you lose silica over time, they get softer. And they break easier. Well, the more silica you can hold on to. By feeding that to you. Then your body through its wisdom can bring that in and build those structures.

And it's not just your bones that need silica, your hair needs it. Your fingernails. are direct. Indication of the quality of your bones. Toenails. Because they're literally extensions of like talons. Um, They are almost pure silica. So. The quality of your nails will tell you the quality of the amount of silica you get in your body or how you're using it. Let's move on.

So it's not three hours. The analysis of the scientific literature on the use of supplements containing silicone shows, great therapeutic potential of this element, as it operates in different conditions of human health and presents aesthetic properties. That backed up what I just said. You can use silicone products. To help you in your life. Let's talk about those.

First one. You can use cell salts. This is the product that I use every day. This brand. It's called Jackson's cell salts. You can use other brands. I find this one the best. And there are many different cell salts, but in there, there is one specifically. Oh, would you look at that? They would be silica. What happens with cell salts is it tells your body. To pull in. And utilize. And trans mutate. And sort of.

Well, I said utilization, but it it's like telling your body what to do. It says, Hey. Uh, we need to activate silica and do what silica needs to do. And it's very powerful in this way without actually taking silica because there is no technical silica in it. Yeah. Maybe. Way, way, way down in nanoscale. But essentially. This says, Hey, we need to wake up. And utilize. Silica. And then your body says, oh yeah, you're right.

We needed to do that. And it does that. Okay, next way you can utilize silica in your life. Bone broth. Oh, Erik, I don't want to go through the whole process of making this. I get it. I totally understand. When you make it yourself, you can make whatever type of recipe you like, whatever flavor profile you like, but essentially. If you buy it and it doesn't do that right here. Let's make that bigger. If it doesn't do that, that means there's no collagen in it. If there's no collagen it or very little collagen, then it's terrible. If you make homemade stuff like this. It will do this. Farmer's markets. There's people there that make it. Um, It's very easy.

Yep. Put everything in the pot. You cook it for God knows how long that's your recipe it's can be 8, 10, 12 hours, whatever. It pulls the minerals like silica out of the bones, out of the bone marrow. Plus. A gazillion other nutrients. But you get collagen which we spoke about. And silica.

It's super cheap to make, and it's pretty easy and it's really tasty. All right. That's the next one you can use. What about this one?

If you heard of comfrey, that's what it looks like when it's flowered. But comfrey. It earned the nickname. Sorry with the cursor again, knit bone.

It earned the nickname, knit bone, as it has been used for centuries to help mend broken bones. Taken as a tea or use topically, it's been known to speed healing of bone injuries. Why is that? That would be because comfrey is loaded. With silica. There's lots of other herbs that are that way. Most herbs don't have a high absorption. Of silica and I'm going to get to that in a second. But if this is all you have, this works comfrey is a miracle herb.

And the fact that it's known as knit bone.

I mean. How did they nickname something knit bone They know it. Knits bone. They've known it knits bone for years and years and years. And who figured that out? Like. You know, That guy over there broke his leg. So let's use this thing. This purple flower in stems and leaves and root. And, um, let's put it on that bone and see what happens.

Like somebody had to figure this out. Or was it given. In some way. A higher power. The fact that it's called knit bone it's high in silica, and we know bones need silica to be strong. And flexible, like bamboo. If it's not flexible and strong, it's brittle and it breaks. Interesting.

I find comfrey. To be amazing. And there is one time, years ago it was outlawed. I wonder why.

There are some supplements that are so basic to life. That I think they're amazing. This is one of them.

You get a little bit of Silicon in your spring water. If you use heavy spring water. But we're not so sure. If it's fully absorbable.

Research showing both ways. The research showing Orgono that's a trademark is very high. The most absorbed. Assuming if it's absorbed it's utilizable it seems like it is. I think it is. But only if. You do your collagen.

And your silica. Together. So.

People take college and substance all time, who we talked about bone broth, but they need silica in order to be absorbed and utilized. So one of the best ways to do it would be if you're going to buy a collagen supplement, then also add the silica.

Silica is the. Antagonist to create and absorb. More collagen, absolute fact proven to be so. this is a great way to go. I want you to see here. What is also on the label. Do you see that? I know it's really hard if you're on your phone or something, but not only is it Silicon, which is living silica known as

Let's make that bigger.

Silicone known as Mon-El methyl. Sillon net trio. I know I said way back when that I wouldn't use big words in this. Reality of health. Podcast, but I just used a big word. see because nobody cares what the name is. Nobody cares, but I want you to see this right here. Horsetail extract and Rosemary leaves. the horse till extract. Is a. A form of silica. So you get a model that's a single silica form. Very highly absorbed. Like more than 50%. And then they put horsetail extract in there.

And that horsetail extract, I think, has the EMF. That stimulates the absorption of this. I could be wrong. But as much as I know about EMF, And how the body functions electrically. I would say that. Is the reason to use this product and not this product without that. That is probably.

Extremely important, their signature, it's almost a homeopathic effect. Does that make sense to you that understand homeopathy?

Well, either way. I think it's great stuff. I like this. Your whole body has silicone in it. It's an amazing.

entity That keeps you alive. It structures your body. It helps you conduct electricity. It's initially metallic.

As you delve deeper into your body into how it works. Does this not excite you? Do you not see yourself? Differently than you did. Of just particles.

With no. Thought behind them with no energy. No. No life just. Stuff that goes through and then dies and it's over.

It's bigger than that. It's deeper than that. And I'm not talking about hippie, you know, what. I am talking about. Base.

You could call it energy. Vibration and frequency. Like Tesla said. Where do those come from? Well, if you believe in elements, things like Silicon. This is part of that. This is who you are.

That was my diatribe. But I think it's important to see so much more. Then just. Particles. That you are somehow the same thing as a car or a book. Or anything else? Just lying around, getting old. How do you have. Spirituality. And the ability to think and reason.

Where do you get all the energy to do all of that? Well, you need to be a battery. You get that energy from everything around you, like from the aether. The sun, your food. Water. And love.

And your dog.

Yeah. If you have a cat, I guess they love you too. I know, I just dissed on cats.

I appreciate you listening as usual.

I hope this was enlightening. I hope that you saw the connection that I was trying to create sodium. It's an electrical charge. But you need silicone as the base. Do you have a memory in your silicon? Do you have. The ability to pull from that. Memory. Can you use that then later? Are you storing more than just memory in your brain? Some people let it go. And they feel better. How do you feel better. if you let it go? Just thoughts for you to think about. I know this was longer than I was hoping it to be. But I love this topic so much. And it is the basis for your health and who you are when you bring that funnel all the way down. And you get to the core. Situations. That make you, you. This is one of those. Very few things. That is so much a part of who you are. And it's everywhere. Did you know, Sand is silica. Sand is everywhere. It's in the dirt. It's on the ocean.

Well in the ocean. It's in the beach. Or on the beach. If it's that ubiquitous. You know, It's part of you. If you're eating the foods that contain it. You should know. How big and important. silica is for your life. All right, Eric, you just totally went way out there. Well, it's important. Thank you for listening. I really appreciate you guys. For those of you who stuck this long. I congratulate you. Take care of yourselves. Until the next time.

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The Reality of Health
Health is a holistic concept impacted by lifestyle, habits, sleep, exercise, water, food, air, and toxins.
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About your host

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Erik Muzzy

I have been educating clients since 1992 on health and nutrition, studied numerous different areas of natural healing and wellness. Utilizing nutrition, diet, exercise, mind, body and spirit for ultimate health or just feeling better.