Episode 119

Published on:

16th Sep 2024

Ep. 119 - Prostate...Why All The Fuss?

Understanding and Improving Prostate Health: Tips and Exercises

In this episode of 'Reality of Health,' dive into the intricate details of prostate health with an emphasis on its anatomy and function. Host Erik shares insights into the importance of keeping the prostate healthy, discussing potential issues that can arise from neglect. Learn about common causes of prostate problems, including toxins and lifestyle factors, and discover practical solutions, such as the male deer exercise and using natural remedies like ginger and castor oil. Get Erik's expert advice, but remember, always do your own research and consult with your healthcare provider.

00:00 Introduction and Content Warning

00:33 Understanding the Prostate

02:33 Anatomy and Function of the Prostate

05:39 Prostate Health and Common Issues

11:54 Impact of Lifestyle on Prostate Health

17:34 Environmental Toxins and Prostate Health

22:26 Shocking Toxin Levels in Major Cities

23:27 Unbelievable Toxin Statistics in Indianapolis

25:54 Prostate Health: The Male Deer Exercise

33:37 The Power of Ginger for Prostate Health

39:42 The Importance of Structure and Chiropractic Care

42:28 Final Thoughts on Prostate Health


Welcome healthy friends to the reality of health.

Not going to waste time. I'm just going to tell you right off the bat that this episode. You might want to consider it. Well it's not R rated, but it's going to be PG 13. I guess. Because we're going to talk about some anatomy and I'm going to also get into some other things that. You might want to use your headphones for this one? If you get my drift.

We're going to talk about the prostate.

And so for all the ladies who are like, great, I could care less about listening to this one. Well, this matters because you have men in your life. And most of this episode, Is going to relate to them.

Some of this episode, won't relate and you're probably not going to want to think about it. That's going to be later. Uh, I'll preface that when I get there. But. Later, we're going to talk about some things that are going to help you. And they might be.

A little. Colorful. But. As with the, recent episode for mammograms, this is not going to be any kind of anatomy. There's no nudity, nothing like that.

The anatomy that I will show will be. Computer generated or, you know, drawings, things like that. But.

Because it's the male organs. It's a little bit more graphic. Just want to throw that out there. So if you're watching on a big screen or you're in public, I might want to wait a little bit on this one to your more private. All right. Enough of that. I got to hit it one more thing, which is. I'm not your doctor. This is my opinion. This is stuff that obviously applies to me and that I do in my own life.

So. Don't take my word for all of this. You need to do your own research on maybe the things that I'm going to bring up to you.

If you don't agree with it? No problem. Go look it up. If you do agree with it. Try it. I utilize it. Some of this. I have dealt with for many, many years, and I have a lot of experience with this. All right. Enough of that. Let's get into it. Ready, here we go. So. We have the best rendition, this simplest and easiest. Anatomy photo cartoonish looking, drawing that I could find that was. Really. Easy to see it and understand it.

And it's actually got colors so I can walk you through a little bit. Those of you on audio. I know you can't see this. So maybe a check out some of my video stuff. Everything's on my website, therealityofhealth.com. Most platforms. We'll have a link to like Spotify has a link to my video. Um, anyway, here we go.

The obvious. Topic today is the red. So to speak, it's close enough to red. That's the prostate gland. I'm going to point out some things here that are very interesting. And then I'm going to refer back to this later, when we talk about how this whole thing. Is relating to. Things I'm going to talk about later.

Does that make sense? Well, we'll get there.

All right. First thing.

Why do we even have it? Well, it's kind of like a built-in. Regulating mechanism. And it can do a lot of really cool things. For instance. It can shut off. The bladder. That's what this is in the orange. So that when you are having fun, if you know what I mean. Uh, you don't have that coming out. And then when a. You are doing other things. It can regulate. How flows happen?

Let me just state it like this. This is like a gateway. And you want this to be as healthy as possible. It's sort of. I mean, everything is important here, but it's sort of like, If you have a bad door. Going into your home, let's say. Or your garage. It's just so irritating. It affects you in so many different ways. You're like, man, I just got to fix that. Can't get your car in and out. You can't get in and out of your house.

It's so difficult. It's like you can open the door kind a little bit, and you're sort of trying to get in there. This gate. He has a specific purpose and here it is right here. So you have your urethra coming through from the seminal vesicle, right into where it meets to the. Uh, urinary urethra. See that. Well, Well think about like, are you doing the fun thing and need this to happen?

Or do you need to eliminate urine?

There needs to be. Uh, doorway, if you know what I mean. So. I'm just saying.

All right.

I want to just point out a few things. And I'm going to refer, refer to this later when we get into causes of problems, but you see this distance right here. This is, uh, a situation. So. Your rectum is the end. Of all your digestion. It's the body saying I don't need any of this other stuff.

It's the most toxic of what's.

In your, in your intestines that you ate.

It is. It's taken out everything it wants. It says, all right, we're rejecting the rest of this. And so it sits here until you go to the bathroom. Which is right next to your seminal vesicle and your prostate. That interplay right there. I think I have another graphic that shows it even closer. Is important. When you're in the fun time. Sperm come up. Through the.

Vas Deferenes comes around, meets up with a seminal vesicle seminal vesicle adds about 70% of the fluid. To the seman.

The prostate adds about 30%. So your.

Swimmers. Plus seminal vesicle fluid. Plus the fluid from your prostate gland equals your.


By the way this is your pubic bone.

Obviously the Cox six coming around. Pelvic floor muscles, tendons, this kind of thing.

When this gets. Toxified. It swells. And you have issues.

Happens from a few different reasons. Water soluble toxins here. Water and fat-soluble toxins here. And it's right in the middle. It's the gateway. So if you walk out of your house, And you're carrying something, a sticky. And you brushed the edge of your door. You're going to leave a little bit on that door edge, right?

Same with your car back your car out of the garage, you hit the edge of the garage.

You're going to cause some damage. This can happen right here. From your waste here and your waste here. So it's an interesting gland. Think about it. It's regulating.

Your. Ejection plus your waste material to know which one it wants to handle. And it's in. Because it's sensitive as a tissue. It can block off.

Either of those.

And make your life a little uncomfortable.

I think that's about the easiest way I can say it.

Okay, let's move on.

This is a good comparison of. Here you have your bladder up here. Your urethra combs through, this is a normal prostate gland here. It is in large. So you have these sort of vesicles inside this gland, you know, it's funny when you think about glands, you're like, okay, I've seen photos of them, but what do they really do?

I mean, what kind of tissue is there? Well, there's all kinds of tissue and weird structures in there. And when you, when they get messed up, they do things like this. And you don't want that. So what happens is it. Pushes on urethra. And by the way, let me just stop right here. I'm going to say something.

I know, this seems very rudimentary to a lot of people.

You're like, Erik, I'm going to turn this off. I already know all this. Yeah, but there's young people and there are people that have been told by their doctor, but they've never actually gone and looked it up and learned. So, what I'm trying to teach you is you hear about these things. But have you ever actually looked at these things?

Have you actually, can you picture it in your mind? What's happening? Because with this visual allows you to see what's really going on. I mean after all it's inside, you. You know,


Also notice it's irritated. It's got some redness going on. So this is easy flow. Both. Ejection and urine. This is not.

So here's how close. You get. This is your normal prostate, and you can see there's a small amount of tissue. There it's much thinner than that, but this is the best graphic I could S I could, you know, find. And I would have to say this is probably an, a. A, um, shall I say. A. Rendering of a much older gentlemen because, uh, I don't know.

Um, I don't know that many. People that have this shape here, but I digress. All right.

This is what it looks like when it's enlarged. It's pressing on the rectum as well, not just the urethra. Okay. But you can envision now here's the normal size is what it's supposed to be. Kind of like right in here. And now it's. Three four times the size. Well, of course, you're going to have issues. I wanted you to see how close this is, and then the representation of. How much bigger it can get.

And by the way, this is not actually off. This is literally how. It can get bigger than this.

So you say. Erik. You know, I do all kinds of things. I think I'm pretty healthy. So what's really causing my situation. I mean, I work out. You know, I, I, I. I don't get it. I mean, as my dad had it, does that mean I'm going to get it? What's going on. Well, the first reason you get it. Is from this. sitting.

You know what happens when you sit. Those pelvic floor muscles get very weak. There's a lot of pressure on your lower spine, which we'll get into at the very end.

Then, if you were doing this, which is putting an electromagnetic device right on top of your junk. You're going to damage tissues and I would have to say. Probably the easiest thing to damage is the prostate, because it is so active. It is trying to regulate. And when you dysregulate you get issues. If you dysregulated your testes. All right, so you don't produce swimmers, so you can't get somebody pregnant. But the gate being the prostate is what's stops the flow of urine or allows it. And then also let's you. eject. So. I think, yeah, the most tense, the most sensitive tissue down there is the prostate.


This creates weakness in the pelvic floor. You know what else? So. Causes weakness in the pelvic floor. That would be sitting on the toilet too long. Men.

You have to stop doing this. This causes so many problems. First of all, that should not be more interesting than getting stuff out and moving on with your life. When you sit like this. Now you have no support underneath your perennial. That's the lower portion of your pelvic floor there. And it sags and you get all relaxed and you're hanging out. And you don't realize you're doing that for a long time.

So what happens? Well, not only does it affect the entire tissue in that area. But then it also gets weak and then you end up with hemorrhoids. So, not only are you. Not helping your prostate. You're not helping. The rectum. Darn near killed him. So. My point being that. This is not. A good thing to do. When you couple, this. With this all day. The pelvic floor. Which I will say, you know, as well as I do. That.

You can go to the gym and you can work out your muscles. Yet your pecs and your biceps. And you're like, yeah, I'm so jacked. And you never work on your internal muscles, like in your pelvic floor.

You know, You're not going to the doctor going yo doc. You know, my bicep. My bicep is just. Man. I can't pee. can't have sex.

It's just, this is, I don't know. What's. I'll get it. He's like, you know, Yeah, you're doing those curls. Too much. Or not enough. No, that's not what happens.

Those things don't affect your life. All that much. You know, I mean, so what your biceps aren't big.

But. When you're not taking care of crucial tissues of your body and they degrade. And you ignore them. Then you're going in. You're saying not only can I not pee, I can't have sex. And what did you say? Oh, that's right. I have cancer of my prostate. Hmm. Or testicular cancer or rectal cancer. Why is that? Hmm, could it be the fact that I've poisoned myself, I've neglected the area?

I don't pee when I'm supposed to. I don't poop when I'm supposed to. And I generally just don't take care of my private region. Yes. That's exactly what's happening. So then you say, well, I have my PSA test every year. I mean, I, I go in and my doctor does his routine. Check if you know what I mean? And I'm fine. Well, he's not going to notice. Until it's huge down there. Y. Because he hasn't touched your prostate for a year. Oh, he's got notes.

Does he? No, he's comparing you to other people. All right. I'm getting in the weeds. I think you understand what I'm trying to say. Men spend too much time here. It causes hemorrhoids. It lowers the quality of the tissue, your ligaments, that hold things in an up and strong in your fascia. Get weak and droopy and that area of your body gets droopy.

That's why the testicles. As guys get older, they hang lower it's because of tendon and tissue.


Remember when I spoke earlier about. How close you get. So toxins in these areas will. Show up. And when you have a tissue like that, it's going to be effected. So here's a pub med. Um, research study showing the different types of basic toxins that. affect. The more serious tissues of our body. In this case, this is about prostate for men and breasts for women.

But I want you to notice here, I'm gonna just go, I'm gonna try and go quickly.

The referring to ER, that's estrogen receptors, but essentially BPA. It was known as xenoestrogen. It can be found in all these things. Right here. That's a lot of things and I'm telling you right now, it's everywhere. That's just one of them.

Causes things like endocrine disorders, such as infertility. Early puberty, metabolic dis arrangement and cancer. DDT. It's used as an insecticide. Goes through all these processes and ends up, what does it do? Well, it's a estrogen mimicker. Nice. Then you get to PCBs, which are organichlorine compounds.

Awesome. These three things that have just absolutely crushed the health of people in the world. But again, Let's look at what's going on. Oh, the effects of environmental endocrine disruptors. Causing breast and prostate cancer. And how does it do that? Through estrogenic activity.

Is there supposed to be a lot of estrogen and your prostate and your testes?

No, it's not. I just wanted to bring that up. That these three super powerful. Chemicals. These are in broad ranging, by the way. There's. Many many versions of those three. Not DDT, but. The are everywhere and they're prevalent. And where are they going to show up? They're going to show up in the waste of the body. Body's trying to get rid of it. And what happens is. You're close to this.

A very delicate tissue.

That's responsive to toxins. It's got water-soluble here. Fat and water soluble here. They pass through. They affect it. That's why you have to be careful. So these comp, these, these chemicals are important. And by the way, I mean. If you're having issues, trying to get, you know, Get pregnant. This is a known thing for both of the male and the female.

All right.

Then you have all the toxins in your life. I preach this constantly because it's trauma. Poisoning. And malnutrition period. When you break it down to the bottom three, that's what it is. I know I've got episodes early on that talk about many things. Early on. I talked about many things because. I was trying to be too broad ranging for people so they could understand more now. I'm trying to actually bring it more concise. And make it more understandable. So that you don't have to think. Well, man, I've got a billion things I need to worry about.

No, you just have a few things to worry about. There's just a billion in those three things. But it helps you to see it in your life when you go, all right. Toxins. What are they? Well, here we go. A malnutrition. What is it? Oh, here we go. When you know that. You can refer to any of the episodes I've done. Audio or audio and visual as well. And you can see what I'm trying to teach you. All right.

So. Toxins. Everything from fluoride diesel BPA lead mercury. Smoking has now considered over 4,000 chemicals. I think that's actually low personally. Exhaust pollution. Uh, alcohol insecticides and pesticides and flame retardants, which by the way, are on your clothes and you're absorbing them. So you, now you have your underwear on. And you're using that really cool underwear that you think looks awesome. You know, from an underwear model and you're putting flame-retardant bromide right on your sack and berries. Yes, you're doing that.

And then you dry, clean your clothes and you're absorbing all of that. And then you have aluminum and this kind of thing, and then your food it's everywhere. The more that you can lower all of this. The better your prostate will be for it. Some of these are water-soluble. Some are oil soluble.

I thought this graphic was totally amazing.

Maybe I can pull this up.

cities this has done in, uh,:

What. In the world. And then what really struck out here to me, what I really saw.

Let's do things. First. Oh, New York city said. Toxins. And we don't want you talking about.

And then San Francisco. Same thing. I don't know what she talking about.

We. What do you mean toxins? We don't release toxins in the environment. The second thing that I, I noticed when I was like, what. Wait a minute. How is it? Indianapolis has trumped basically. Everybody. It's double Louisville. What's going on in Louisville, Kentucky, but most importantly, what's going on in Indianapolis, Indiana. If you live in Indianapolis. This should concern you. I mean, really? And even some of these like, oh, maybe texts, uh, Houston's bigger. All right. So Houston's a little higher. If you live in Houston, why. 6,600,000 pounds of toxins released.

What are they releasing? And why is it so high and where is it going? What are they using it for? What do you need?

Nearly 11 million pounds of toxins. Why do you need that? What's it for?

y I see that is. That's just:

Let's do an extrapolation. 10 years. Where did it go?

Where is it? What are the, why do they need it? Are you telling me? That you have to.

Clean fix repair build. By using these chemicals. So much. That you're consuming double. What the next city is basically double Houston.

Industrial, maybe. I mean, Boston's only at 11. Tulsa Oklahoma is that sorry. Uh, new Orleans is at an eight. What are they? They're almost nothing. Well, in comparison to everybody else. I was blown away when I saw this and I had to bring it to you. And then you wonder why I preached toxins so much because it's everywhere. All right, Erik, you killed that one.

Let's move on. So men. What's one thing that you can do to.

Change the health of your prostate and the area down there. And that would be the male deer exercise. I did a, uh, sex episode one and two. Talked about these a little bit for both male and female. This is a very easy it's free thing to do. And many, many people in the east do this. They even do this and. In India and other places, these similar type of things. The idea, basically being that they're going to. Energize and electrify zones in your body, you are working out those tissues.

I told you that you don't work out when you go to the gym and lift weights, like bench, press.

So, what do we have?

Well, let me just say first. We're going to get into to now all of the things you can do. For the most part.

Let me just say here that. This is now. Going to get more graphic for a little bit. So if you're listening in an environment that other people might hear you. Now's the time to change it. I thought it was pretty good before that, but it's going to get more real now.

See how he's got his upper hand here. Lower hand here. I'm going to describe that, but I want you to picture this scenario. Now. It doesn't have to be sitting up. It could be laying down. But essentially you'll get the gist. All right, here we go.

Do your exercise. Let me just blow that up for you guys a little bit. Uh, lots of reasons to do it, but basically the purpose is to balance the secretion of the endocrine glands, particularly the sexual glands for both male and female. I'm not going to get into the female one. You can read it. I already went over it quite extensively in I believe sex episode number two.

The sex exercise is inspired by the deer. Who constantly wags its tail to generate the sexual glands. You know, back in the day, I'm talking thousands and thousands of years ago. They had to figure this stuff out. They didn't have science. They have labs. They had nature. And that was priests used to watch.

Emperors, they watch the, the, um, wildlife.

They watched everything and. They would see. How things worked and they would come up with names and associations. So nowadays we're actually proving them. Correct. We just didn't know what they were trying to say, because they would say things like heat or dampness. Now we know more of that, but check this out. All right.

Here's what you're going to do it. Stan sit or lie down. Take your hands. You're going to vigorously rub them. You want to really heat up your hands. Okay. One of your hands. You want to cup? Your sack and berries other hand. Goes on top of your pelvic bone is right above your member.

The thumb from the hand, that's holding the sack and berries wants to be on top of your member up against. Your body. So you're doing one of these kinds of things. Okay.

Meanwhile, you need to have an erection. This is important. If you lose your erection and you need to bring it back otherwise. Don't keep doing this without an erection. It's important with an erection. There's a lot of energy flow there. The brain is sensing it. There's a lot of electrical stimulus. This is important.

Then you want to, with your above hand on your pelvic, rotate that 81 times in one direction. If the hair gets in the way. Need to lose the hair. Then when you're done. Warm your hands again. Change hands. 81 times the opposite way. Makes sense. All right. Once that's done.

You're going to hold that spot. Whichever one whichever hand you're using. Now you want to clench. I draw up in. Not your anus. But your pelt, your perennial muscles, those are the ones that stop you from urinating or. Create the ejection, if you know what I mean. And you need to learn how to use those muscles.

So don't do your entire pelvic floor. You're only doing the muscles that run both sides. Underneath there. Not your anus, muscles. Okay. You'll draw that up. Hold it for as long as you can in breathe, just normal breathing. You don't have to do anything special. You get to the point where you can't hold anymore, let it out. Relax, wait, five, 10 seconds. Still holding. With your hands.

Pull up, use those muscles to contract and you're feeling like you're taking them up inside your body. Not just clenching. I see that I'm doing that. You want to feel like those muscles are going up inside, you will feel this energy running all up your spine into your head. If you don't feel that. Then you have serious health issues. You should always feel that.

That energy flow feels amazing. It is a wonderful feeling. It's free. It's not sexual. It's just. A whole different level. Then you do that. As many times you can. When you first start out. Don't do it too much. Only do it as much as you need to don't fatigue yourself. You can always work up. I don't know.

Everybody's different.

It could be. You know, Five minutes could be 15 minutes, whatever works in your life. But I'm telling you, you do this daily. You can't wait to do it. You can do it morning and night. You can do it morning or night. I don't really think that before bed is a good idea. It can wake you up a little bit too much. But in the morning, great way to do it.

And if you have a, you know, if you made a tent. In the morning. It's perfect. Put your legs off to the side of the bed. And do your deer exercise. That's the best time. Um, This is going to do many, many things. The most important thing that it does is it strengthens. All of the tissue down there. It brings energy flow. It brings. Circulation. It works out the muscle. And helps detoxify. It is. Free and amazing.

And. There are many, many Taoist priests that have done this and they, they made sure that the emperors did it. And emperors.


used to be able to have sex. The entire night. With. A hundred concubines or more. No problem. That's not folklore. That's legit. And what do they do? Well, they made their pelvic floor muscles. There are prostate. And everything else down there. Super powerful.

All right.

Next thing you can do is utilize ginger in your life. Ginger. Is my favorite herb. Is it an herb it's considered an herb. It's a root. Yeah, it's food too. Right? But essentially it has.

I want to say the last I heard it was, it was about. 700 chemicals and compounds. They ran out of names for them at 477 of those. I don't know of any other food herb whatever that has this many compounds and, uh, nutritive agents.

It is. By far. The most useful.

Medicine to have in the house. This is amazing.

You can add it to your food. You can do beverages. You can eat it straight. Any way that you can get ginger in your life is a good thing. Especially if you're not feeling well. In this case, we're talking about prostate.

Just want to point out.

Let's see here, let's go to this right here. Ginger has been known to display anti-inflammatory and let me just say that there's like 20 different anti things. It does. This is a small sample. Anti-inflammatory antioxidant and anti-proliferative activities indicating its promising role. As a chemo preventative agent here, we show that whole ginger extract exert significant growth, inhibitory and death inductory effects in a spectrum of prostate cancer cells. Oh, Comprehensive studies. Have confirmed that. Ginger extract perturbed cell cycle progression. Impaired reproductive capacity, meaning the cells reproduce. Modulating cell cycle and apoptosis regulatory molecules, and induced a caspace driven mitochondrially mediated apoptosis in human prostate cancer cells. What that means is it's stopped. Your prostate cancer from growing.

Hmm. Pretty interesting. I don't know of many things that can do that. I will say that there are 19 compounds. That's stop prostate cancer from developing.

You don't kill cancer world. We'll eventually we'll do a cancer episode. We're not going to do that just yet. Because. Man, that's a delicate subject. But I want you to understand the way ginger works. Is it mediates the growth? The expansion, the creation of cancer in the prostate. By 19 compounds.

There's nothing else that has that. Isn't that amazing.

I don't know what else is that? Powerful and. It's PR. It's pretty cool. Erik, how would you even know that? That's because Paul Schulick. The founder of new chapter, who is a master herbologists and scientists figured it out. He's got the, the receipts to prove it.

Created a fantastic book. Ginger book.

He also. Created. Prostate five LX. I have no affiliation here. I'm not selling this stuff. But I've put a lot of guys on this and I've never had anybody tell me that their prostate is not totally awesome. I mean one product and it can do. Pretty much anything you need for your prostate. So if you do something like this, And you do the deer exercise. Uh, you're pretty good. If you're really bad and you've got a really serious condition.

I got other things you can do to, you can incorporate lots of healing techniques. This product is legit. It's not very expensive. And it works on more than just your prostate. This is an overall health product. Absolutely. Awesome. The best. Uh, supplement I've ever seen. For prostate health.

The other one you can do.

No, it sounds really goofy, but they do make a pelvic floor castor oil pack. Shaped like that. I know. Well, men. It's not a diaper. You just put some oil Castro, like right here. If your audio, I know you can't see it, but. Put it here, a couple of tablespoons. Shove that thing up the crack. Watch some football or TV, you know, whatever you're doing, getting on the computer. And. That Castro oil will detoxify and tonify tissues in your lower region.

castor oil works.

It is an absolutely amazing detoxifier. And I think it actually may do more than detoxification because the results that people get with castor. Is beyond what I would consider to be a detoxification process. But this is super easy to do. It's inexpensive. Um, there is zero downsides. And I would say also. You know, even though this is a prostate episode, you still have your rectum. You know, you've got other tissues down there that are important. And if you can do something that helps those out, why not? We also know that that area is prone to toxin buildup because it's an, eliminatory area and anything you can do to help that. It doesn't get easier. Works amazing.

The final thing that I want to say is some people consider chiropractic to be, you know, Wu science or they hurt me or whatever.

Well, you know what. One of the best doctors ever. I mean, the name is escaping me. But he said, everything starts with structure first. This guy healed. Everybody have so many things for 65 years. It's incredible. His sons have then. Taken on the mantle. If you remember who that is, just put it in the comments.

So other people see it. Um, Anyway. So, if you wanted to see him. It doesn't matter what it was for the first thing he would do is either adjust you or tell you to go to the chiropractor. And here's why. Because nerves come out of your spinal cord in between your vertebrae.

And here is your prostate right here above it.

Is your bladder connected to L one L two. And the top of L three. Also L four L five and S one. So my point is, if these are messed up, this doesn't get the energy flow. It needs. It'll get waterflow. It could get circulation. But it doesn't get electricity and it doesn't get communication with your brain. Therefore it can malfunction. So you first think, well, I've got an inflamed prostate for. Whatever reason. When an actuality, he could just be a mechanical thing. It's not even a toxin. Or malnutrition or. It could just be physical. Which falls under the trauma aspect of the three ways you get sick. This is simple.

Oh, what's this. Did you fall sometime in your life? Oh yeah, I fell. And then now you have a prostate problem. They adjust it.

They work on it. Prostate issue goes away. Structure is as important as anything else in your body. If you don't want to go to a chiropractor, that's fine. And by the way, Chiropractic is not just twisting and cracking you. There's lots of different versions. They use little tapping guns and stuff like that.

Go to go to somebody like a shiatsu person or. And anybody that deals with structure. I think that's amazing and it is very important. I know people that have issues physically in their body and when they change their structure, those issues went away. Very quickly. You don't always need to do it with diet or pills or surgery or chemical injections. Sometimes it's just. Structure. I mean, if you know what I mean. All right.

So maybe. This episode would help you guys in thinking about your prostate in maybe a different way. A more natural way. I could make this really long and way more in depth already in. The longest episode I've done on video probably so far, but it's important. And I know you guys get scared. Doctor says something and then you think, oh, no, Don't think that way. It's not as bad as you think.

It's very much one of the.

How do we say it? It's one of the most misdiagnosed. Things that happen to men. Just because they diagnose you with something doesn't mean you have it the same way that they think that you have it. Or you think you have it? A lot of times. It's not near as bad as they tell you. They misdiagnosed conditions all the time based on your symptoms. Symptoms are there to tell you. The body's trying to fix itself. You got to figure out why it's trying to fix itself. Don't be in fear. But none of us want to have low urine flow and poor sex and all the other things.

So Take care of your prostate. You know, guys, I mean, It's. It's important. Thank you for listening. Appreciate you all as usual. And.

PG 13 is. Is. No longer in effect. How's that? 📍 Thank you. See you guys in a few days, take care of yourselves.

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About the Podcast

The Reality of Health
Health is a holistic concept impacted by lifestyle, habits, sleep, exercise, water, food, air, and toxins.
This is not your average health podcast. It is cutting edge info.
"I never know who to believe"
I hear this all the time...
Well, I will help you navigate all the info you are constantly sold to believe.
The reality is not what you were sold...
New episodes every Monday and Thursday @ 5am!
You can reach me here for anything...


About your host

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Erik Muzzy

I have been educating clients since 1992 on health and nutrition, studied numerous different areas of natural healing and wellness. Utilizing nutrition, diet, exercise, mind, body and spirit for ultimate health or just feeling better.