Episode 121

Published on:

23rd Sep 2024

Ep. 121 - Yes...Vaccines Are Poison! Proven!

The proof has been revealed!

In this episode, I reveal disturbing findings about vaccines and their potential link to various health problems. From the stonewalled studies by the CDC to Robert F. Kennedy's lawsuit demanding transparency, we dive deep into the hidden data and the alarming outcomes of vaccinated versus unvaccinated children. This isn't just another health episode; it's a critical exposé on what may be contributing to the rise of chronic diseases and neurological disorders in our children. Tune in as we dissect official reports, review unpublished studies, and discuss the dangerous chemicals present in vaccines. Don't forget to question what you're told and always do your own research.


00:00 Introduction and Shocking Revelation

01:19 CDC's Evasive Tactics and Legal Battles

03:02 Unveiling the Hidden Data

05:38 Health Risks and Statistical Evidence

07:20 Mercury in Vaccines: A Deep Dive

09:07 The Broader Impact of Vaccination

11:02 Specific Vaccine Risks and Outcomes

15:13 Thimerosal and Its Controversies

20:38 Historical Context and Final Thoughts

22:33 Historical Disease Trends

22:55 Vaccination Effectiveness Questioned

23:43 Health Issues Linked to Vaccinations

25:13 Legal and Regulatory Concerns

27:42 Harmful Vaccine Ingredients

35:16 Alternative Health Recommendations

37:35 Final Thoughts and Warnings


Welcome, healthy friends, to an episode I don't want to have to do. But when I came across this on my social media, I just thought, I didn't know this happened, and I figured you might want to know this has happened. If you didn't see it, it's disturbing. And yes, they lied. They always lie. Money is the root of all evil.

Guess who makes lots and lots of money off the internet? Some of the most amount of evil. Yeah, that would be companies that make things that you put into your body to stop things that they say cause disease. The words are right there on the screen. You know what I'm talking about. It's in the title. But there's algorithms.

This is not going to be a funny episode, probably very sarcastic because this kind of. Ticks me off, and I hope it does for you. I know no one wants to see this, but if you haven't, Robert F. Kennedy sued the CDC and asked through a FOIA request for a study done on fully vaccinated versus unvaccinated children and the outcomes.

They stonewalled for a long time until finally they had to give in. This is the Children's Health Defense website. I'm going to read to you the beginning of this, because there's people in audio as well, and then I'm going to show you the results. The Institute of Medicine has repeatedly asked CDC to create studies which explain, quote, how do children health outcomes compare between fully vaccinated and unvaccinated children?

Unquote. During the November:

t vaccine safety data link in:

Yeah, this goes back to:

Oh, you don't say. That's exactly what they did because you don't want that kind of information out there. The world's largest vaccine maker, GSK, whisked Verstraeten off to Sinecure in Brussels, and CDC handed his raw data to his CDC boss, Frank DeStefano. And another researcher, Robert Davis, who served as a vaccine industry consultant.

End. Those two men tortured the data for four years, removing all unvaccinated children to bury the autism signal before publishing a sanitized version purporting to exculpate the vaccine. The CDC then cut off public access to the VSD, that's the um, vaccine safety data link.

And to this day, aggressively blocks any attempts by researchers to study health outcomes in vaccinated versus unvaccinated populations. Oh, well, aggressively blocks? Oh, they would never do something like that, Erik. They have our best interest in mind, especially children, because you never harm children, right?

ed unvaccinated studies since:

And then there's our summarized, I won't get into them because We'll get into more, by the way, uh, you've heard about this many times, how the Amish don't have the issues with their children that first world does because they don't inject their kids. So children's health defense science, part one, this right here, the very first one generation one, CDC is unpublished for straight and study on hep B show dramatic increased risk of autism.

At 7. 6 times normal rate. Sleep disorders, 5 times. Speech disorders, 2. 1 times. And neurodevelopmental disorders, 1. 8 times. Oh, so they saw this. And by the way, we're looking at charts for those on audio. Red is bad, blue is not good, but you know, that's the unvaccinated, it's going to happen a few times because we have poor nutrition.

population. Yes, this is from:

I know you've heard the argument, thimerosal is bad. No, it's not. It's been proven to be just fine. Okay, there is no mercury of any kind on the planet that's good to be in your body above such a small amount of trace that it's almost undetectable. Your body doesn't deal with it very well. But Erik, yes it does.

If you read, there's different types of mercury. Okay. Whether it's a long standing mercury that's hard to get out or one that goes out quickly, it doesn't matter. They cause harm. We assess the risk for neurological and renal impairment associated with past exposure to thimerosal containing vaccine using automated data from the Vaccine Safety Datalink.

VSD is a large linked database from four health maintenance organizations in Washington, Oregon, and California containing immunization, medical visit, and demographic data on over 400, 000 infants born between 91 and 97. So it's not a small study. They really tried to figure it out. Now the methods section is always the most important thing to look, but for sake of time, we're not going to go there.

But notice the risk. It's extraordinary. This is just four different things. And by the way, we've talked about this. You only get sick three ways. Trauma, poisoning, and malnutrition. This is poisoning. It also then causes malnutrition in many cases. Now we have, remember when I said, well that caused a firestorm?

Caused a lot of other people to say, whoa, before they hushed it. Well, from this point, you're going to see all the studies that were done to prove it. So on the left, these are your PubMed, this is the study, and then on the right is our outcome. Of course, a conclusion of what happened. I'm going to make this quicker and just kind of go through these pretty fast.

If you want to pause and read them, go for it. So DTP and tetanus vaccinations increase the odds of allergies 1. 63 times in children. So you just think, well, I'll get the tetanus shot, they'll be good. No, no, they get DTaP too. And that increases

odds of allergies by one and a half times. Hepatitis B vaccines increase the odds of special education by 8. 63 times. Your child is going to have brain issues enough that it can't think straight. Why is that? Because it's poison, and poison shows up in water soluble areas of the body, and fat soluble, and your brain is mostly water and fat.

Gonna go there. 8. 6 times. You wonder why sometimes we think, you know, what's wrong with my child? What is he thinking? Well, it may be legit, where he can't think. I'm serious. Not trying to be funny. We can pick on teenagers a little bit, but not children ages 1 to 9. Hepatitis B vaccines in male newborns increase the odds of autism three times.

Flu shot increases rate of non flu infection 4. 4 times. Okay, so, you get the sniffles, you get a cough, little runny nose and stuff like that. Like, uh oh, better go get a, get a vaccine so we don't get the flu. Thank you. Then you end up with other infections, which by the way, as we've said, I don't believe in infections, it's your body's way to clean up itself.

But in other words, you are caught, you're doing one thing thinking you're doing good, when in reality, you're actually creating many more other problems at the tune of 4. 4 times. So you didn't win. That's not a good, you know, return on investment, I would say. DTP increases mortality in girls 10 times.

Should I say that again?

By the way, where do they do this? Oh, that would be in Africa. So you give them the diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis vaccine, which also is polio, and then you kill the girls at 10 times their normal death rate. 3. 9 times for boys. Oh, Yeah, just keep believin the guy whose last name rhymes with hates.


Vaccination of preemies increased odds of neurodevelopmental disorders 6. 6 times. Oh, little ones.

Vaccination increases risk of allergic rhinitis 30 times. Look at the graph. Rhinitis. It's a sinus infection. Like Why? Well, that would be because your body wants to purge all the chemicals, which I'm going to show you are in there. And one of the ways it does it is through snot, through your lymphatic system.

And when your lymphatic system kicks up, you usually feel it as a fever, you feel it body aches and pains, that kind of thing. And especially in your throat and your nose. Allergies, 3. 1 times, ADHD. 4. 2 times. So your child has a greater than four times risk of being ADHD or autistic by getting a vaccine of any kind.

Eczema, 2. 9. Again, you have poisoning with ADHD in the brain, autism, poisoning. Eczema is your body trying to push the poisons out through the skin because it can't do it through the liver or the gallbladder or your, uh, digestive system. So it's going to go to the skin. Learning disability at 5. 2 times.

That's because it poisoned the brain. And neuro, uh, developmental disorders at 3. 7. Poisoning the brain, killing the brain.

Wow. That's just the first part of this. That's part one. Part two keeps going. And this is really long. I want you to notice over here. Can you see my cursor right here? So I'm at the top. Okay? So here we have what I was just on. Here's part two. Look how small that slider is. Yeah, it goes on and on and on.

Oh, but there's no evidence. We have no evidence whatsoever. They would never do this to our children. Really? Vaccination increases type 1 diabetes three times.

Vaccination increases type 1 diabetes three times. That's Finland. 41 out of 100, 000 kids. They're two to four years after vaccination.

There's the UK at half.

Polio vaccination increases type 1 diabetes two and a half times. Polio is not a virus. So what are they doing? Well, they're giving you a concoction of chemicals that affect you. And I'm going to show you how these vaccinations, they're not the saviors that you think they are. Later, in the future, we'll go into the real truth about vaccination.

This is more about kids and the truth behind it. And what is it? JFK got. RFK. RFK got. By suing. And he had to sue, by the way. Why wouldn't they just give up that information? So, polio vaccination increases type 1 diabetes two and a half times. Raw CDC data shows vaccination on time with MMR increased odds of autism by 3.

64. Hmm. Wow. They did it like they were told to do it, and look what happened, and by the way, for those that are not on video, they segregated it by all kids, boys, African americans, and African american boys. And of course, the African american boys are worse off. There's a reason for that, I don't need to get into it.

It has nothing to do with anything other than anthropologically where people come from. Chinese people have their issues, white people have their issues, Hispanics have their issues, black people have their issues. Anywhere you're from, you've got issues. Not everybody's the same. Oh, everybody's the same.

No, they're not. They're not at all. Certain segments of people have more issues than others, and when you go after things like the liver toxicity, or the brain, and things like this, you're gonna have issues. It's just what happens. Go after those measles, mumps, rubella, which by the way are all the same.

There's no difference between all of those, but they tell you there is. Thimerosal containing hepatitis B series increases odds of autism 3. 39 times. So, you get autism from thimerosal, which is what the original study found that started this whole thing. I'm not going to go through all of these, but things like HPV, increases the odds of asthma eight times.

Kids don't need this. Why are they getting this? More thimerosal. Premature puberty 2. 1. MMR. Risk of Crohn's disease three times higher and same with ulcerative colitis. Thimerosal containing HP, uh, Hep B vaccines when compared to children vaccinated without thimerosal increased odds of ADHD two times.

Listen, you could go through this whole thing. You can look at all of this. It's all here. I'll put a link in the description. Just go to the Children's Health Defense. You'll see it.

Man, highest levels of thimerosal exposure increase autism risk 11. 3 times. What that means is when you give not just one vaccine, but like a whole bunch at once, you're going to get things like that. When you go in and you're Doctor says, Heh, you're a pediatrician. Pediatricians need to Ugh, I don't want to go there, but they make so much money off you and your child it's not even funny.

And they literally don't care. No, you don't understand, Erik. He cares. If he's telling you you need vaccines, then your doctor does not care about your child. I'm telling you right now. You can hate me. You can go in the comments. I don't care. I'm telling you what's happening. If you don't believe me, talk to people who went in and brought their kids in, and an hour later, the kids have never been right since.

Because he gets kickbacks, and that's the way it is. So, I could go through all these, I mean, look at the red, it's just above the blue every single time. Celiac, seasonal flus, narcolepsy, look at that, 25 times the normal rate for narcolepsy! For the swine flu! What do your kid need swine flu vaccine for?

Okay. gets into pregnancy, taking things during pregnancy, that kind of stuff. So since thimerosal is in basically all of them for the most part, the single dose where it's just one thing and nothing else in there probably doesn't have thimerosal in there. They've pretty much taken that out, it looks like.

But if you do any of them that have more than one, like MMR, it will have thimerosal in there. Thimerosal, which is approximately 50 percent mercury by weight. has been one of the most widely used preservatives in vaccines. It is metabolized or degraded to ethyl mercury and thiosalicylate. Oh, it's, it's not a big deal at all.

y cool. This is an old study,:

ally, you have way back up to:

h at that point. Polio. Uh,:

just went away on its own. By:

1950. Done over with vaccine. Introduced here. Done. It was already on the way out. It's just, they tell you, oh, we, the vaccines were highly successful and we really, really did need them. No, you didn't. They didn't need any of them. This is just a small sampling. There's more than this. Trust me, I could make this episode really long and I'm trying to make it faster.

Here's a good one for you. This a legit graph done by Dr. Thomas, can't remember his last name. Had all these, he's a, he's a pediatrician. This And he started noticing, all these kids coming in, he was doing the vaccinations on time and they're all getting sick, so these are his kids coming in. Obviously the orange line is the issue, in this case asthma, blue line is no vaccinations, number of office visits, look at that.

Allergic, uh, rhinitis, common cold and then sinuses, breathing issues, hmm, behavioral issues, ADHD, respiratory infection, Otis Medea, I have no idea. Otitis media. I don't know what that is. Ear pain. Infection. Eye disorders like conjunctivitis and other stuff. Eczema. Look at that. Just straight up fast. And then lots of visits.

And by the way, this is the amount of kids down here. 500, so on and so forth. And then dermatitis, of course. Um, uh, I believe that is kidney issue, bladder. And, uh, anemia. So, yes. The orange is bad, blue is good. Look at ADHD. They're almost zero unless they had vaccinations. Interesting. So, uh, Informed Consent Action Network actually decided to sue, uh, the CDC for proof of any kind of, uh, adverse reactions for vaccines.

Did you, did you do any research to find out if they were bad for people? Do they have any reactions? Boy, they stonewalled. Check this out

right here. It has. The CDC admitted it has no studies to support that any of these vaccines do not cause autism. All of these, DTaP, PEPB, PCV13, IPV, etc, etc. They had to get FOIA requests. They stonewalled. MMR, all of them, proved that there are no studies to support that DTaP does not cause autism. By the way, do you think that's not real?

There's the court case. There's them saying they have nothing. Another one. Stipulated order can, uh, showing FDA's off label use of vaccines during pregnancy. Hmm. Yes.

It is clear that the FDA has not licensed any influenza vaccine as an indicated use for pregnant women, let alone conducted or required any pharmaceutical company to conduct any clinical trial which supports the safety of injecting pregnant women with the influenza vaccine. Again, there's your document.

They said, yep, we got nothing. We didn't do it.

Stipulated order showing that NIH and HRSA have not acted in their duties regarding vaccine safety. Yes, you can read this one. This one's, this is crazy.

This stipulated order shows that NIH and HRSA have not acted in their duties regarding vaccine safety. Forcing 78 million american children into a vaccine program with no safety provisions. Huh, interesting. Wonder why. You could read all these other ones too. There's more. It goes on and on. So you say, well, why are, why are they getting sick?

Well, here's one way. Here's some chemicals. These are some of the normal stuff. There's, there's more than this. And I'll get into some of those. But. It's a good way to look at it. Formaldehyde, yes. Formaldehyde is in so many things, but if you remember last episode, I told you that formaldehyde stops your body from healing.

Yes, that's what it does. They use it as a preservative. So why are you injecting formaldehyde into people's bodies? We all know what formaldehyde does to people who've passed away, and other things we saw in school. Polysorbate 80. Frequently linked to increased risk of heart attacks, strokes, and infertility.

Um, get your Seasonal flu vaccine every year until you die. Could that affect infertility in many people? Possible. Ethanol. Why do you need ethanol? Acetone. Oh, oh, you mean that stuff that's, they use for nail polish remover? Why is that in there? Of course, we just talked about thimerosol. This known neurotoxin,

benzothonium chloride. Extremely dangerous chemical may result in fetal Mutations. It's also a known carcinogen. If that is in a vaccine and you are pregnant.

Glutaraldehyde. Commonly in commercial settings for disinfection and preservative purposes. Compromised respiratory function. Again, here we go with asthma and all that stuff. Aluminum phosphate and sulfate. Yes, there's aluminum in there. And it's a neurotoxin. Also causes cancer. Human serum albumin. That is basically proteins from humans.

You know where those are coming from? Uh, most likely the kidneys from aborted babies. And I'm not joking. They all know it. Animal DNA. DNA types of proteins, but regardless, you put cow and monkey stuff in you, and you're not a cow or a monkey. Not good. Phenylcarbolic acid is so potentially bad that even the Centers for Disease Control has it categorized as a hazardous chemical, hazardous material.

Contact can cause everything from dizziness and upset stomach to death. That's called poisoning.

se. I'll show you. So this is:

Why does your child need Hep B? It's not a drug user and is not having sex with unprotected people. So why do you need it?

I'm, I don't even know what to say. I'm speechless. And if you are not looking at this thinking, uh, you're trying to do everything you can to keep your child healthy and then you just, they just shoot this crap into your child. Then you think, no, it's fine because the doctor said it's all right. Gotta do your own research.

hard to read, but. So here's:

You cannot sue the companies that make this stuff. And once that happened, that happened. You went from a small amount to a lot.

These are ingredients and I wanted you to kind of see what they look like a little bit. Preservative, adjuvants, stabilizers, cell culture materials from egg protein and all kinds of things. Lots of different, uh, inactivating ingredients used to kill viruses and inactivate toxins like formaldehyde, antibiotics, but look at it, just adenovirus.

It was the first one. Look at all of that stuff. I mean, that's got everything. I mean, why do you need? Yellow number six. It makes no sense. There are more things in this than some foods.

Anthrax? Vaccine? Really? I mean, when was the last time your kid got cholera? Or seen anybody with cholera? You don't need this. Some of the things that are in here are terrible. The list just goes on and on. Squalene? There are things in here you are not supposed to put under your skin.

There's basically, you know, two ways you get things into your body. You breathe them in or you swallow them. You don't get any of this stuff. Just inject. That's not how you do it. You gotta go through proper channels. That's, those channels are there to protect you. Your body's wise. It knows what to do.

Shoving all of this stuff into your blood, into your tissue, under your skin. You, you know your body's gonna react to this. Why is E. coli in there? I know why it's in there. I know about chemistry and stuff. Besides the fact that it doesn't need to be in there, but it, it, look at this. It's just on and on.

Polio. Oh, he's got polio and monkey kidney cells. Cuz that's the medium that they try and grow all this garbage on and then they inject it into you. Think your body wants chicken fibroblasts? No, it doesn't. It's just Look at this. With beef heart infusion or not, I'm not making this up. Guinea pig cell cultures?


Well, Erik, So what do I feed my child so that I don't have to do that? Cuz if I opt out, I mean, I'm gonna I'm going to have to, you know, I'm going to have to do what I got to do. Well, it's a good place to start right here. Weston A. Price Foundation. Minimize sugar, additives, and processed food. Raw whole milk if you can get it.

Vitamins A and D from cod liver oil. Know where the cod liver source is, but that's amazing for children and for everybody. Cholesterol rich foods like egg yolks, butter, cream. Children need lots of saturated fat. They do. That's what mother's milk is. Fermented foods like sauerkraut. You can make your own.

You don't buy the garbage in the store. You need to know how to make it yourself. It's super easy. Very healthy. Bone broth. You can make your own. I've gone over this a thousand times already. Vitamin C from fresh fruits and vegetables if you're into that thing. Or you get it from fermented foods like sauerkraut, which is a better source.

But, you know, these whole foods I would much rather put my child on, even though I don't think that fruits and vegetables are all that healthy. They're way healthier than injecting all of that stuff in there. Let's be real. Red meat, seafood, kefir gives you all these important nutrients. And if you're forced to get vaccinated, here's some guidelines for that.

Don't give them aspirin and Tylenol and all that kind of stuff. Get some good supplementation in there. Never vaccinate him when he's sick or her. Least wait till three years old. But I like this one. Obtain a medical exemption if the child has a bad reaction to a vaccination or has a family history of vaccine reactions.

Convulsions or neurologic disorders, severe allergies and or immune system disorders. You can get an exemption. Just saying. Here's more list of harmful ingredients. I, I don't even know what to say. Like, why? It's just, I mean, kidney failure, death, kidney damage, Alzheimer's, Lou Gehrig's disease. It goes on and on and on.

Well, that was a really depressing episode, wasn't it? Sorry about that.

When I saw this, I just knew I had to do this episode. For any of you that are about to have kids or you just had a kid, do not suckered and bamboozled into taking vaccines you don't need. You don't need them. Just say you're Amish or something. They get away with it. You don't need them. But Erik, just No.

You don't need a single one. Not one. Ever. If you needed vaccines, As a child, we never would be here in the first place, we would have died out however many years ago humans started. It's not how things work. Well, maybe next one I'll be more upbeat and we'll do something more fun to talk about. Sorry to be such a downer today.

This is probably, could be in the top three most important things about health for the future, and going on right now, because if you get these vaccinations, and then you get all those health conditions I've been naming off. It's a very good indication that that might have been caused by those and the fact that you didn't just get four or five, you got 74 over all those years.

And then you wonder why you don't feel well. You were poisoned, literally poisoned for profit.

📍 Thank you for listening. Take care of yourselves.

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The Reality of Health
Health is a holistic concept impacted by lifestyle, habits, sleep, exercise, water, food, air, and toxins.
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About your host

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Erik Muzzy

I have been educating clients since 1992 on health and nutrition, studied numerous different areas of natural healing and wellness. Utilizing nutrition, diet, exercise, mind, body and spirit for ultimate health or just feeling better.