Episode 19

Published on:

13th Sep 2023

Ep. 19 - Truth about water

This is the most fascinating subject to me! This subject is so completely indescribable and incomprehensible that any human should relish in it's complete and utter mystery.

This is a topic that should make you realize how much we don't really understand about life, nature, and all that we know...enjoy...

Thank you for listening!

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Erik: Okay. It's finally here. I promised I would do this episode. Well, Here it is.

This is one of my favorite topics of all time.

It's one of the most important things you can do in your life.

And you never think about it. Well, maybe some of you do who are health nuts, but. For most people. They never think about this.

I find this topic. Absolutely fascinating.

oing to bring it today. This [:

On a regular basis every single day. You consume it.

But it's so innocuous.

It's almost like it's not even there. And yet it is one of the most powerful things. In the world. Physics even says it could be the most powerful thing on this planet.

Do you know what it is?

Today, we're talking about. Water.

I know I told you we would talk about it. And today we are. I'm so happy to do this episode.

I think water is the most amazing substance. On this planet.

I think it's possibly. The most intriguing. And. Scientifically interesting. Substance. That we deal with every single day.

So today we're going to [:

Why would you say that Erik. Well, you see in life, there are four things that keep you alive.

Oxygen. Water. Circulation. And nutrients.

water your vegetable garden. [:

Then you have in your whole life. And you will realize how important the substance actually is. Why do they want to find water on other planets because of this, that I'm going to tell you right now.

. Is the only incommensurate [:

The water's ability to be incommensurate in its structure lies with in. That pyramid structure. I like the water that's in a bottle. It's not the bottle itself. It's what's in the bottle. That's.

What makes the incommensurate structure so powerful? That's where the water holds it's memory. Remember we talked about that last episode. The memory is the key.

's an antenna. If you take a [:

Water's shape. Is incommensurate, meaning it has and is its own antenna. That's really awesome.

Erik: It is perfect geometric. Incommensurability. It's the only geometry. In the entire universe. That's perfect. And it's just water. Isn't that amazing.

The entire universe. It's the only perfect geometric shape. And it's the only one that holds it. The memory. The power, the antenna, its ability to communicate. Inside of it.

t to you right away, because [:

Well, water is a polar molecule. The to attract or repel. .

It's attracting when it wants to in a repel when it needs to. It's also. A perfect holographic molecule, meaning it's clear. You could see right through it. Yeah. You know, what's there.

What else on this planet? Has that. Attribute.

ery similar. To the glass in [:

Not even stating that it has three attributes and commensurate geometry, polar molecule, and it's holographic. But think about that. It's holographic when you. Consider what a hologram is. You can see the hologram, but you can also see through it water is that. That's incredible. It's the basis of all life. And in that holographic molecule. It's.

It's in four phases. Okay. Now hear me out. There's. Vapor. Liquid. Solid. And structured.

So this holographic molecule that you can see through. But can be. Liquid vapor solid, or this one we're going to talk about, which is structured. That's the fourth phase. I'll get back to that.

You can put [:

You can take a hot liquid. Pour it over ice. And create just a

normal liquid. Holographic substance.

All right. Let's get into structured water. Cause this is really, really cool. This is the whole reason we're talking about this. Okay. Structured water is. H3O2 not. H2O two. H 3 0 2. Is known as easy water.

Or structured water.

Easy means exclusion zone. Water. Easier to say easy.

Sometimes I'll refer to it in here as easy other times. It's structured water, the same thing.

But it is how you are hydrated and we're going to get into hydrated in a minute.

ydration is H three O two or [:

Poisons. Like drugs or toxins. Any number of toxins, any toxin you can basically think of. So it's a negative substance in your body that destroys you. How does it destroy you? It dehydrates you, it dehydrates the cells or the mitochondria. Or the surface. Of protein structures like. Your blood vessels. Or in your heart or in your brain? Or on your tongue for that matter. That's how poisons kill you. Things like. Glyphosate. Which is Roundup. You've heard of that. We're going to have an episode in the future because that's the number one killer on the planet. For toxins that we have control over and it's in rainwater. It's everywhere. You can't get away from it. Tylenol. Regular medical drugs. Plastics, everything you can think of. [00:10:00] Toxins as a whole, one of the ways they hurt you is by de hydrating. The structures I just mentioned.

Remember. We spoke about this, but water has memory. So it's actually holding it's EMF. We spoke about EMF last episode, if you haven't listened to that, I encourage you to go listen to that, maybe even right now. So you'll understand what the rest of this episode is actually about.

But it's holding its own EMF, everything that's in the water and where that water came from, that you consume. Changes the EMF in your body.

Did it come from the ground with a good EMF field or did it come from the tap?

Which came from the city supply.

Obviously the city supply water is not going to be good. We'll delve into that a little bit.

People who get organ transplants, say that they wake up.

ven theirs. Um, the weirdest [:

With the person that was killed, let's say a car accident. And then when you put that organ into the. Oregon. Recipient. He then remembers the accident.

How is that even possible? It's called water. Water has memory.

We consider the brain. It was just. Uh, storage, vice. It's not a storage device. It's actually an instrument. You see water in its structure is where the memories are stored in the brain. I believe this. There's science proving this. Now some people say the science isn't there other, see it is. I believe it's there. Let me explain this.

tem is made up of structured [:

So think about it, your brain. Has structured water in it that has a memory. What is associated when you think of your brain memory? Thoughts. It's all there. We're going to get deeper in other episodes with this because you can't get away from it. And there's more and more research showing it.

Does that not tell you how much water you need. Does that not tell you how important water is for your mental. You're emotional. Stability.


So the more negative things you consume, the more negative memories and information that you have in your brain. Hm, is that mean?

lains why so many people are [:

Interesting stuff. Dr. Copeland in [00:14:00] Germany. Did experiments where he would take flowers. Just the tops of the flowers, put it into water. But a droplet. Of the water on a glass slide. I put like a bunch of them.

Let it dry. And when it was fully dried. And you put it under the microscope. After it was dehydrated. Okay.

It left a signature memory pattern. From everything that was in the water. Every flower had its own geometric shape. Let that sink in.

Water taken out of a vase that had. Flower tops put in it. But at dehydrate made a structure of the droplet. After it was dried.

Like almost. A crystalline pattern. Look it up. You'll see it. Lots of photos.

Then he did stones of different types. They did exactly the same thing. Oh,

in healing circles as flower [:

Very very long time ago. I think it's going on 150 years now. Yeah situation. You know, he's thinking about this, he's in this field, he's got this beautiful house, you know, the. He's got the dog and some other animals around and it's that? Quaint quintessential. Vision you see in movies. Dog's totally hyperactive. Just wouldn't relax. So it's springtime. All of a sudden he notices his dog. Has relaxed he's chilled out and he's totally normal. It's like a regular dog again.

r receptacle. Near the house [:



Erik: Asked for permission. With the hospital staff, they said, yes, you can give this water to the patients. He did. And they all noticed that their depression. And their symptoms got better.

That's interesting. It's just the water. There's nothing in it.

Hertz. And then [:

My point is just, you can see the water ripples go away. If you add frequency to water. A very high vibrational frequency. It's holding that hurts in the water as memory.

You can see how this would be implicated in many different aspects. We're going to get into those as well. Like this right here.

If you ate a vegetable right [:

That's one thing.

Take that out of the ground, process it by cooking it and junk oils, adding chemicals to keep it from going bad. Put in a plastic bag and ship it to a warehouse. After that warehouse goes to the grocery store. And from that grocery store goes to you. All that time in that plastic bag. All of the components. All of the EMF. All of the structured water in it. All the memory of everything made that potato toxic.

ng really good, sustainable, [:

All the water from that farm has been changed because of all the chemicals use to grow the food. So you might get structured water from your plant foods. But you also get the memory. Of all the poisons at the same time. Would you rather consume. Good memories from structured water or evil memories. Monsanto.

Surveys have been done to ask people who the most evil corporation on the planet is. Do you know who won? Monsanto.

So during lifeblood analysis, if you're not familiar with lifeblood analysis, they take live blood and they look at under a microscope. See what happens. You could take someone's


ss of structured water . You [:

Is where the water, this, the structured water attaches to.

ch is sort of like a, like a [:

It's highly charged. So therefore the cells. Have electricity. In that structured water that's on the surfaces of all the surfaces. Inside your cells. You add up all of that in your body and you have electricity. Making up.

EMF field. In each cell.

And then. All of those, making a one giant EMF field of your whole body. All starts with water. That holographic. Substance that you deal with every single day, but don't even really think about anymore.

By the way this might give you information. On all this, what we're talking about. As to why you don't need to drink so much water every day. It's how you do it. It's not how much you do it. Because there are different types. You're trying to create .

Structured [:

But this whole concept of drinking 10 glasses of water, every single day is nonsense. And if you're not drinking the right water, what are you doing? You're bringing in all kinds of negativity. We'll get into that too.

It's time to use your mind's eye. I want you to visualize right now. The inside of your blood vessels. I know you've never seen him. But just picture like the inside of a tube. And by the way, Did you know? No. That you have 60,000 miles of blood vessels.

I'm going to say that again, 60,000 miles. That's two and a half times around the Earth's equator.

all the blood vessels out of [:

You're made up of 60,000 miles of blood vessels. If you cut through a cross section. Of active muscle. And put it under a microscope. You would find. 190 capillaries in every square millimeter. I didn't say square inch. Millimeter square millimeter. That's tiny. That is like, The size of the end of a pen. It's even smaller than that. The entire body. Has 70,000 square feet of capillary wall. 70,000 square feet. That's the size of like,

Three grocery stores put together. Think about how much surface area.

a football field, you could [:

The water that is structured is a positively charged. Substance. It's [00:25:00] very viscous. Remember it's got. Blood cells and nutrients and all kinds of stuff in there. Fibrins and crazy stuff, cholesterol. And. A lot of stuff.

Because one is positive and one is negative. They repel a little bit. And therefore it's hydrophilic.

Since the blood is viscous. Viscous means it's a little bit thick. This positively.

t train in Japan that can do [:

Rails are probably positively charged and the train is probably negative charge. I don't know which one that is either way. It doesn't matter because the principal is there. It sitting there with no friction, it can go as fast as it wants. So 200 miles an hour. Plus.

As the larger arteries or veins go smaller down into small, small, small channels. The flow actually speeds up. So think of. A river, when it goes down into a small river, down a small river, it actually speeds up and kayakers know this and. People who do canoeing and things like this, they know that when you bring water down into smaller, smaller point, it actually goes faster.

That is where you get flow. Flow is your circulation.

peed. Is by movement. You're [:

Dr. Gerald Pollack has done so much research on structured water. It's amazing. In one of his experiments, he took water, put it in a beaker. And then suspended a hydrophilic tube of proteins, like a. Like a vein picture, like a. Uh, proteins. Type of vein. Put it in a lead box and there was no flow. Took that water, put it in the sun. Water started to flow. How. Because the sun became the energy source. If you place that beaker on the ground, outside the flow starts, if you put your hands around the beaker, the flow starts. Because of our EMF field and the EMF field of the earth. So why did Nick do it [00:28:00] with the lead box? The same way. I was just telling you about the inside of your blood vessels. It's stops the movement. Of the viscous fluid.

And the more. Of those tubes you put together, you can actually increase more flow.

Here's a weird one for you.

If, you know, already, you know, I like weird facts. This is one of those weird ones that. I love to give, I love teaching you really cool stuff like this. This is kind of the whole purpose of the podcast is to teach you things that you've never thought about. You didn't know. Or. Maybe weren't concerned about until someone said, Hey, you might want to think about that.

But one of the coolest things is to learn why Novacaine works.

So basically.

Novacane works by turning the structured water that's in your nerves. Into a liquid state.

Then [:

Your whole body is filled with structured water except places like urine. And cerebral fluid. Those two things need to move quickly. Your body knows that doesn't want structured water there. Remember structured water is a little bit gelatinous. And so. That gelatinous structure. Which is the fourth phase of water. Conducts electricity. Moves it out using liquid. Not structured. It's held onto the structure. It got rid of the liquid. And then the [00:30:00] cerebral spinal fluid needs conduction. With the structured water. But needs movement. With the liquid. Fluid because when you move, you move cerebral fluid from. The lowest area of your sacrum all the way up into your brain. And that movement keeps that fluid going. Also another cool side note.

Zinc is responsible for. Cerebral spinal fluid and men's store 80% of the zinc in their seminal fluid. And when you lose too much seminal fluid. You actually lose conduction.

In the spinal. Column to the brain, which is why they used to say. Boys could go blind. I thought I would just throw that one out here. Let's move on.

ease the structure of water? [:

into a solenoid. And inside that Solano was this glass little container with pure water. This is unadulterated water of any kind. That solenoid was protected. With [00:32:00] magnets and things like this to stop all the interference.

Then they added DNA base components, the structures that make up DNA, the proteins, things like this, not DNA itself. And the water actually. Structured. That DNA sequence. The water did it and they knew the water did it. That has major implications into the future of. Medicine. Does it not. 'cause now. From one side of the earth you could code. Right through and give somebody. Structured water you could create. Any kind of health condition using. Water. But fourth phase water, structured water, easy water.

In nature. Actually. How does the streams and rivers, et cetera, how does it do it? How does it make structure water? Well, Dr. Shaw Berger.

ms and rivers. Anything with [:

And so how do you make your own structured water on this planet? Well, You can use a filter method. . I have this filter method.

rs. They're usually plastic. [:

On an over the crystals, it has this like river action to it. You can do it a few times, but essentially you just pour it over it and it's creating the same thing, like those eddies and all the surfaces of the bottom of a river or stream. That's how it works. Plus the EMF field. Of. The crystals. Increases . The rate and. .

The EMF field of the crystals. Works very quickly. So when you're just pouring water over it, it doesn't take hours and hours. It just happens pretty quick.

You're not going to make [:

Remember the last episode we talked about crystals. Why not use crystals to do this? I mean, the earth uses crystals to make spring water. Doesn't it. It's the same thing. This is just an easy way to do it. Crystals are amazing. We'll have an episode on crystals and it's not Wu and it's not hippie. This is real science. This is real.

Real information. [:

The other way that you can increase. Uh, structured water. Is infrared light. Even earthing, just taking the water and getting into a vessel and go and put on the ground. Someplace. Or you can shoot infrared light through it, which is basically the sun. That we talked about. But.

The best infrared light panels that you can get. There's two that I'm going to recommend. I don't recommend many things.

w. The second one I gave you [:

The easiest way to make structured or charged. Water, which you could actually say is charged from the sun. This kind of thing is to put it in glass, leaving in the sunlight for a couple of minutes. Or a few hours has to be glass. That's important. Maybe that's why southerners always make sun tea. Hmm. Don't they say it's the best tea. Maybe that's why. But notice they're not really [00:39:00] doing it in. Plastic so much. I think they mostly do it in glass. Don't they. Those of you who know what I'm talking about would say, oh yeah, it's absolutely has to be in glass and not plastic because that's terrible. Why would you do that? Yeah. Who wants plastic any way? I've gotten rid of all my plastic stuff. Unless where it's absolutely necessary. Or I know it doesn't do any harm.

I hope that brought it down to a.

Let's just say a, an interesting level, um, where you can kinda wrap your head around the differences of water and why they're so important. Remember that, uh, There's. Four things. Oxygen water, circulation and nutrients. oxygen that's easy. You just breathe. And then water. Well, what kind of water is it? That's what we just discussed. Circulation. That's created. Bye. The.

r body has created. And then [:

Let's get into the best ways to consume water, how to get it. What do I get? What do I do? Alright. . I can't answer that for you. How important. Is water to you. I mean, is it something that you find important? Does, does this resonate with you or do you just not really care all that much? And you're a tap water drinker.

I think it's the number one thing for health. It is life.

ywhere. But you have to seek [:

But the most important thing is light and water. Cause you can get oxygen anytime. So these are the waters. That I believe.

never learned anything about [:

It's recycled. Millions of times from people's toilets and sewers and runoff from fields and peoples.

Lawns. It's. Filth. Every kind of filth on top of filth. It's disgusting. I will not drink water at a restaurant at all. I'll bring my own. And if. I do have to drink there's I can ask them. And some restaurants actually do filtered water.

You see. Tap water. Not only contains all of the filth, the nastiness. All of the contaminants.

a. You are what you eat. You [:

They don't care about you. If they did they'd check for all of these.

You have to use. A shower filter, or if you can afford it, get a whole house filter. Love it. Those systems are awesome. It's great for every aspect from laundry to washing dishes and, and all of it. Brushing teeth. It's fantastic. They're just expensive. And if you rent or if you're an apartment or something that's really hard to do. I digress.

. But. It has a major caveat [:

It doesn't have 40 to 50 grams of sugar. Like the major. Pop brands do it's got more around 15 to 18 or so for about eight to 10 ounces. But it's still sugar. It also. Has toxins and Ty nutrients. , the anti-nutrients from coconut are not super terrible

and the water of the coconut is slightly different. Doesn't quite have as much, but it's got phytates in it and phytates inhibit. Mineral absorption. So here you go thinking, oh, I'm going to get sodium potassium and magnesium and these kind of things out of the, out of the water, but yeah, the phytates stop you from resorbing. A lot of that.

w it's the structured water, [:

Maybe if you want to do coconut water. Don't do a lot of it. Maybe have some of it or add it to your normal water. So that you get some structured water in your normal water and less sugar and toxins.

Probably the worst way to get structured water is juicing.

ees are known for this. It's [:

Let's go back.

e center of their veins, but [:

The problem with juicing is you have all these anti-nutrients actually in a concentrated form. So you take. You know, Two or three carrots and an apple. And. Uh, two handfuls of spinach. Some celery. Beat, whatever, all this. Uh, stuff and you juice it down. You just concentrated all the anti-nutrients into a liquid form. That becomes a very potent toxic beverage. And that's proven by the way. Anti-nutrients interfere with your nutrient absorption and utilization. [00:48:00] It's a fact. A lot of people who want or believe that you should consume plants. They push this. They don't want to believe this. But the fact is that's happening. So. If you're not doing organic for juicing, you are also concentrating all of that EMF, bad water, all of those toxins. And then all of the man-made toxins from all of the pesticides. Insecticides fertilizers, et cetera, not good. Juicing should be done the right way. And you should know. When and how to use it.

We will do a episode in the future with juicing. We'll help you with that.

My personal favorite is filtered or distilled water.

of water. It's called Penta. [:

My body will also help structure it from a liquid state into structured water because it's so clean. It's so easy.

To turn from a liquid state into. A structured water state. You see.

The molecules are very, very small. They're not globules of hundreds or thousands of other water molecules, so it can turn Penta from a liquid state, into a structure state, and very quickly, very easily. Whereas. Normal waters. They are large. Globules

team distilled. So the steam [:

Very little plastic, if at all is actually in it.

ke it. To get it to you. You [:

The other distillation techniques. They're they're really good. It doesn't matter what they are. Could be. Reverse osmosis or other things. Fantastic. I'm all about that. Why would you want to add minerals back into clean water? Why put minerals back end to begin with? I just don't understand. They're not small enough to enter the human cells. They're just raw. Powderized minerals. You see, you need angstrom size. That's what plants and animals do with minerals. When it, when the plants bring it up through the roots, they bring up the smallest particles possible. And when animals eat. Food and grasses and things. They synthesize these minerals, the smallest form possible. Up into their digestive system and the heaviest stuff leaves. So you can get your minerals from your food. You can also get supplements. There's lots of [00:52:00] ways you can get minerals from your supplements. A lot of really, really good supplements. My favorite is actually liquid angstrom minerals. No, I will tell you. These are in liquid format. They taste terrible because you're in the smallest particles possible. You put those on your tongue. You're going to know it. . Just forewarning. One of the best. Liquid minerals that you can get besides angstrom size murals, which are there's lots of companies that make angstrom minerals. Is a company called trace minerals research. They make these mineral drops. It comes from salt lake. They're fantastic. Proven to have electrical conduction. Awesome. You're going to taste it though. Minerals do not taste good. Which is why spring, water doesn't taste as clean as distilled water. I just say, let water be water. Get your minerals elsewhere. That's just me.

eople use is a water pitcher.[:

Some of these other brands. They are beautiful. They work great. They're called gravity fed. [00:54:00] Does gravity exist? Yeah, that's a different topic. But.

The gravity fed style. You pour water in the top. You've got a bunch of filters that the water pours through. Cleans it out. They say they can take out fluoride and all the nasties. Okay. Let's just say they can do that. Test the water afterwards. You'll find total dissolved solids. And one of those total dissolved solids that you will find is zinc. Now. I'm okay with having zinc in the water. Just realize you can absorb that zinc very well at all. But zinc has a distinct flavor. So even though you're distilling this water with this really expensive home unit, That's great and all, you can taste that zinc. And for people like me, who can taste zinc. I mean, I can really taste the ink to me. It just tastes like spring water. Which the whole reason for me to filter the water. So not tastes like spring water. So there's that.

My preferred way [:

Excellent purchase. But don't rely on those to be. Your healthiest water that you can get still great. And a heck of a lot better than probably what 90% of you are doing right now. That's a good start. You didn't spend a lot of money. Good value gets you started into good clean water. Then you can go from there.


course it is. But is it the [:

Most of them are all the same. The only difference between any of these is their mineral content.

what spring water tastes the [:

Glacier water companies will not. Just. Take the glacier water, put it into bottles and give it to you because you could get sick. And you could Sue them. And by the way, many companies have been sued. By the FDA and others because of poor water. Walmart's water. And. Those of you live in an area where giant grocery stores, that's the name of them? They're waters have been found to [00:59:00] have high levels of contaminants in them. They do not pass the test. They've been in trouble before.

sted. Then it changes again. [:

[01:01:00] That water has to go from that volcano to your home and all the steps in between, which I mentioned earlier. It's not the scene that EMF field has changed. The memory and the water has changed. I will say. If I was going to drink.

e not putting in clear glass [:

Or 10. Tens terrible for you, but there's no light.

Also if the water is in glass or plastic. What does that tell you? The only reason they're using plastic is because water's heavy. Glass makes it even heavier. But the two of those have a distinct EMF field. They change the memory of water. And therefore glasses better. It's going to cost you. But it's better. Why not spend your money on. A container. That is good for you. You can keep a lot of those containers as well. Like many people keep a Voss container because it's got a nice cap on it's glass bottle.

Glass is made out of sand, which is a crystal. Plus it's nontoxic and is good EMF.

Could that be the reason why people like.

es. Remember that? When they [:

Aluminum cans. People hated that didn't taste as good. That's interesting.

I told you before filtering your water through crystals actually improves. It's. EMF field in its memory, creating a structured water. Why not, if you're going to buy spring water. Don't buy it. In plastic, why not buy it in glass? There's lots of great companies out there. And some of the companies add carbonation to their.


If it's not a naturally occurring.

Carbonation. That means they're adding carbon dioxide to it. What quality of carbon dioxide are they adding to that? And do you want carbon dioxide in your water? That's an interesting discussion because

, I'm speaking to all of the [:

If you're going to do spring water, you want companies that care. And those companies don't do anything to it. They harvest it right away. Put it in glass. And get it to you.

Very simple. Super precise. They care. Most brands don't care.

id hydrogen. And these other [:

You will reap the destruction. It's an absolute fact. There is no way to refute this. This is proven. Not just scientifically. But throughout all of the world throughout all of history. You can't consume toxic water. And expect to be healthy.

Some of them are okay. They [:

Uh, reservoir. With a tube attached to it, wrapped around magnets.

Certain size magnets with certain GOs rating. Those work really, really well.

If you want to know how to do that, let me know. I will link a video that teaches you how to do it.

y can make structured water. [:

I'm so glad you joined me today. This is one of my favorite things to talk about. I think it's really, really fun. I hope you enjoyed yourself as much as I enjoyed talking about this. And if you want to know more, we can dive even deeper. I just need to know if you want me to. Do this again? I'm sure. I'll talk about this in the future a lot, because that's the way water is. It's the most important thing you need. Of course you need oxygen. Of course you need food. But I believe. In order, the most important things in your life are God oxygen, water than food. That's the way I believe.

Thanks for joining me. Take care of yourself.

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About the Podcast

The Reality of Health
Health is a holistic concept impacted by lifestyle, habits, sleep, exercise, water, food, air, and toxins.
This is not your average health podcast. It is cutting edge info.
"I never know who to believe"
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About your host

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Erik Muzzy

I have been educating clients since 1992 on health and nutrition, studied numerous different areas of natural healing and wellness. Utilizing nutrition, diet, exercise, mind, body and spirit for ultimate health or just feeling better.