Episode 44

Published on:

1st Jan 2024

Ep. 44 - Your belly button is not a button...

The Intricacies of Your Belly Button

This episode discusses interesting facts about the belly button and its connections to various body organs including the liver, bladder and womb. Particular points of interest include potential health implications, such as a liver-related condition called Caput Medusae, and the possibility of endometriosis of the belly button. Additionally, it also touches on the issue of hygiene, noting that the belly button can attract debris and house as many as 2300 different species of bacteria. The episode concludes by suggesting the application of certain essential oils for their potential therapeutic qualities.


β€Š Welcome friends to another Monday minutes.

Never thought about your belly button.

Yeah, I say button.

So all of you that say it's not button it's button. Okay. Whatever. Anyway. Do you even know what it is?

Obviously, we all know what it comes from. It would be the umbilical cord.

After πŸ“ birth, your umbilicus also known as your belly button, which was full of blood vessels becomes. What's called your falciform ligament. That connects your liver to your diaphragm. Isn't that pretty cool.

So when you are born, And then they cut it. The body closes it up. And then there's a ligament. From that belly button. Up to your liver.

That suspend your liver by connecting it to your diaphragm. It's amazing.

So your belly button and your liver are actually connected. 90% of belly buttons are actually innies.

If you get cirrhosis of the liver in any way, it doesn't have to be just alcohol. That ligament can actually open back up and cause what's called Caput Medusae.

That looks like Medusa's head around your navel,

what in the world Medusa's head.

Yeah. Looks like πŸ“ snakes that come out of her head. Will they come out from your Naval and all directions? It's just wild.


You have another ligament from your belly button that actually connects to your bladder.

So you have health connections. From a scar, your belly button. Do these organs.

I'll have a scar episode in the near future. Scars or nothing to just.

Discount. They are serious. They do affect your health in many ways. And people who heal scars find their health gets better.

Well by creating good health. Of your belly button. And in it. You can actually affect your liver and your bladder. Don't believe me. Well, Ayurveda for thousands of years, they've known this. They have all kinds of methods to work with the belly button because they know it's a scar. And an input to ligaments nerves. Fascia that runs from the scar to all the other areas of your body.

Did you know, you can even get endometriosis of your belly button. Yeah. Itself. Not inside the belly button itself. You can also have blood coming out of your belly button. If you have endometriosis inside your body.

Once you were born. Your body starts to seal off that hole. That was your umbilicus. By creating a whole bunch of connective tissue around where it entered into the abdominal muscles. Like all whole bunch. It's like a whole. Area just sealed up. Like patched up. Some people. One in five, actually it doesn't seal off and the small intestine can actually protrude through it. They do have surgery for that.

Don't worry.

Skin around your buy button. Can feel ticklish or rousing because it's connected to the T 10 thoracic spinal nerve, which is also connected. Do your gonads. and your uterus and your cervix. I'll just leave that one there.

All right. So now I'm going to gross you out a little bit. Bear with me. You can actually have a rock. In your belly button that you created. Yeah, you created it. Okay. So it's not actually a rock, but it's called an Umbolith it's made up of oil. And hair. And other substances. And then it becomes solid and it's like dark colored. Don't worry.

You can have a doctor remove it. It's actually the size of like a peanut M and M. Looks like that dark brown coated M and M. You know what I mean? Sorry. Sorry. To ruin that for you M and M lovers.

If you love gross stuff like that. Go ahead and Google it. I dare you. I can also get mold in your belly button.

Not a good thing. I'll describe that in a minute. You actually collect lint because of the stomach hair. I know women don't have a lot stomach here. Like men do doesn't matter. You have little hairs and these little hairs will help grab it. And it just kind of pulls its way in through movement. And of course depends on how big that cavity is. For 90% of you because the other 10% have an outie.

d debris. Dead skin cells and:

You could also consider that your belly button microbiome.

And of course, if you have a microbiome, you can have a dysbiosis and that's not uncommon at all. Scientists actually conducted studies of what's in a belly button and found it has a bacteria called

Marimona, MARIMONA . They've never seen that bacteria on the skin before, until they tested the belly button. Finally. Yeah. They finally got around to testing the belly button and that wasn't even that long ago. They just didn't even think about it. Apparently. Nothing better to do.

It only lives. In your belly button nor else on the skin. Just your belly button. The only other place they've ever seen this. Marimona. Is in the πŸ“ ocean.

Okay. Think about that.

There's a bacteria that's in the ocean only. And in your belly button. Nowhere else. So I'm just saying. Y. You just. I don't even have words. Fun fact for you. Your belly button contains a bacteria that when added to milk will make cheese.

I think I'll leave that one right there as well.

So, so did you clean it? Yeah. You should clean it. But what should you clean it with? Personally, I would clean it with castor oil or coconut oil. Because those oils have antimicrobial factors, but won't kill the good guys. Or. Any non antibacterial soap. antibacterial soap will kill all the microbiome, not just the bad ones. Then you get the dysbiosis. If you don't clean your belly button. It can smell just like your own πŸ“ pits. Once that Naval microbiome is completely shifted from a positive. Microbiome.

To a negative microbiome.

That's dysbiosis. Then you get smell.

So when you clean it properly with things like castor oil or coconut oil, those are both anti-microbial. In a good way. They don't kill the good microbiome. You can then use some kind of fragrance down there if you like, make sure. Whatever it is, is not an antibiotic or antimicrobial type scent. So I prefer essential oils and you gotta be careful because essential oils. Literally every single one of them, except one is either antiseptic, antibiotic. Or


Do you want to make sure that whatever using won't kill the good microbiome? I'm a big fan of vanilla oil. Yes, you can get vanilla oil. The probably best brand that you could purchase is Aura Cacia, A U R A C A C I A I'll have a link in the show notes.

It's the only essential oil that will not. Kill the good . Microbiome. And yeah, dudes can use it too. Trust me. She will love it. πŸ“ Who doesn't like the smell of vanilla. I don't care who you are.

Remember how I said that the belly button is connected to the liver and the bladder? Well, it's an entry point into the body. There's nerve endings right there that travel. All throughout the body. So vanilla oil can penetrate and give you therapeutic uses. It lowers stress and anxiety and nervousness. Um, insomnia, restlessness. And then if you let's say you were going to a meeting or you had to give a speech Or anything like that? It actually will help with a nervous stomach.

So you could put a little bit on your belly button. Before you have to go to that.

Uh, event that's causing you stress. And it smells awesome. So.

Why not.

If you get that microbiome out of balance. In the belly button, you can actually get an, a yeast infection in it. This is where essential oils that are anti-microbial anti-fungal can help. Preferably, if they're more antifungal than bacteria. Anti-fungal only. So of all the essentials except vanilla.

All essential oils, except vanilla are antiseptic, antimicrobial, antifungal, anti infectious. My favorites.

For the.

Yeast infection in your belly button. Is cinnamon. Citronella clove bud lemon grass. oregano, patchouli, yeah, I know. Peppermint. Rosemary tea tree, thyme and veriver.

You could use all of them or just use one. For maybe two.

Remember your belly button is a scar. So any healing oils will benefit it in all kinds of ways. Remember what you put on your belly button will go in.

You can actually get a belly button hernia. And for that need to see your doctor.

So if you have pain in your belly button, Y. Well, here's some symptoms. Pain the belly button could be an ulcer or an infection inside the abdomen. Like. Appendix. If you have a problem with your appendix you'll know it because you'll have pain around the belly button. Good have a urinary tract infection. Yes.

You'll feel it in your belly button. Small intestine obstructions will show up. Indigestion could cause pain in the button. Crohn's disease will cause it it'll be behind the belly button, not the belly button itself. Pancreatitis, you can feel it there. Constipation. Definitely because it's pulling on all of those nerves there.

And certain food allergies can actually cause your belly button to feel pain.

Isn't that wild.

To can you see there's much more to your belly button than most people know. It's because you never think about it. Uh, until it hurts or you're in an intimate moment. You know, they're kissing you on your tummy and then they look up at you with this look of like, what is that smell? πŸ“

You should

pay attention to the buy button.

It has health Implications don't neglect it. Quick one for you. Thanks for listening. If you thought this was interesting, send it to other people

who you think might find it interesting as well? Take care of yourselves.

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The Reality of Health
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Erik Muzzy

I have been educating clients since 1992 on health and nutrition, studied numerous different areas of natural healing and wellness. Utilizing nutrition, diet, exercise, mind, body and spirit for ultimate health or just feeling better.