Episode 46

Published on:

8th Jan 2024

Ep. 46 - Memory and Super Learning!

Boosting Memory and Learning: Techniques for Better Brain Health

This episode discusses the relationship between overall health and memory, focusing on the hippocampus, a vital part of the brain responsible for memory and learning. It explores the concept of neurogenesis, the process of creating new memory cells, and highlights how habits can either enhance or inhibit this process. The conversation also delves into the influence of diet, sleep, and exposure to various vibrational frequencies on the brain's functioning. The episode further highlights the benefits of lions mane mushroom for brain health and provides a unique technique for pre-learning material before actual study. It emphasizes the importance of removing brain-damaging toxins, found primarily in processed foods, for optimal brain health.

00:08 Introduction to Memory and Learning

00:31 Understanding the Hippocampus

00:56 The Role of the Hippocampus in Memory and Learning

03:12 The Impact of Positive and Negative Inputs on Memory

04:33 The Influence of Music on Memory and Learning

08:35 Exploring Solfeggio Frequencies

12:38 The Detrimental Effects of Food on Memory

14:39 Identifying Neurotoxic Ingredients in Food

15:16 Hidden Ingredients in Your Food

15:59 The Importance of Cooking at Home

16:41 Choosing the Right Ingredients

16:46 The Truth About Olive Oil

17:27 Making Your Own Broth

18:20 The Role of Sleep in Learning

18:56 Boosting Your Memory and Retention

19:14 The Power of Lion's Mane Mushroom

20:31 Choosing the Right Products

21:56 Exposure to New Stimulus

23:14 Pre-learning Techniques

25:20 Speed Reading and Scanning Techniques

28:18 Recap and Challenge

Host Defense Lions Mane Mushroom


soy sauce, msg, yeast extract, sugar, aspartame

  • Monosodium Glutamate

  • Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein

  • Hydrolyzed Protein

  • Hydrolyzed Plant Protein

  • Plant Protein Extract

  • Sodium Caseinate

  • Calcium Caseinate

  • Yeast Extract

  • Textured Protein

  • Autolyzed Yeast

  • Hydrolyzed Oat Flour

  • Malt Extract

  • Malt Flavoring

  • Bouillon

  • Broth

  • Stock

  • Flavoring

  • Natural Flavoring

  • Natural Beef or Chicken Flavoring

  • Seasoning

  • Spices

  • Carrageenan

  • Enzymes

  • Soy Protein concentrate

  • Soy Protein Isolate

  • Whey Protein Concentrate


β€ŠHello friends. Welcome to money minutes. This one's not going to be a minutes. It's going to be a little longer and I'm going to go quickly. So.

Bear with me.

Today, we're talking about your memory and learning. What does that have to do with my overall health, Erik? Well, this, this part of your health. Isn't it. All parts of your body, all tissues.

So let's get going.

Starts with your hippocampus. What did you just say? I said hippo campus. Is that where hippos camp? Nope. That's just the part of your brain. Hippos means horse and Campos actually means sea monster. Okay. So I know what you're thinking. I have a horse or a sea monster in my brain. Well, it looks like that, but.

It actually looks like a seahorse.

The two most influential theories for hippocampal function are related to space and memory. So your memories and then spatial navigation. We're not getting into spatial navigation in this episode. We're just going to do a memory and how to learn.

One of the benefits that the hippocampus gives you is. Brain cell regeneration. It's called neurogenesis. Yes, your brain does create new memory cells. It's like adding more hard drive space to your computer.

In turn, that should make you smarter because you learn, retain more. But unfortunately it looks like most of the human race is going the opposite way. And that's the point of this episode, you can either increase your memory and retention, or you can do things that inhibit. New memory cells in the ability to learn and retain information. In other words. Your stuck or are reversing your intelligence, your understanding of any other topic or recollection of memories, creating new memories that will last. Learning new skills, having clear thoughts and even down to remembering what you ate for dinner last night. Most people can't remember something simple as what you had for dinner last night.

How does this work for those in school?

Because this is kind of like one of those topics that they could benefit from. What, if you could learn at least double what you can learn currently, or maybe even more than that. If you're doing.

Things that inhibit regrowth of your memory cells. And you're not really learning all that much. When you could be learning many more times, the amount of information you currently can retain. Then this is going to benefit you. Did you know that you can actually pre learn. Your brain is learning things all day without you even knowing it. And then at night when you go to sleep, it organizes all of that and creates your memories. So if you put good things in throughout your day, You're remembering and writing on your memory cells.

Good things. If you're listening or doing bad things, your brain is remembering and writing down bad things. Example. If you're listening to an uplifting audio book. Is different than listening to an evil audio book. If you listen to one of those audio books every day over all the time you are creating in your brain, either uplifting, positive or evil and negative. Memories. It's a fact you cannot get away from it. This is what your brain does. The more you put in your brain as a positive, the more positive you will be. The more negative, the more negative you will be. By the way it's not always just what you think it actually creates positive and negative hormones and chemicals for your health.

If you have a hobby. And you're trying to learn it. Even like a physical hobby. You know, a sport. If you read a book. I'm trying to remember the story. If you're an informational nerd, like I am, you need to prep yourself for a speech or anything that requires you to learn as much as possible about a topic.

Now here's the fun part. What if you could do it much, much faster. If you could create new cells, memory cells and utilize that power by understanding how to create memories, you can speed. Learn.

Seriously. I'll get into that in a little bit. What inhibits neural growth of memory cells? Well, that would be your food first. See, this is related to health. So your lack of sleep, poor nutrition, putting your phone to your ear. And believe it or not listening to music that is not uplifting and of positivity or positive.

Good frequencies. Like. Rap music. Almost all rock and roll heavy metal. Any music that is not harmonious. Harmonious means tuneful not discordant. Forming a pleasing or consistent hole free from disagreement or descent. Descent Is an interesting word. Isn't it? That means it's taking you down. It's not bringing you up. Even though music can sound cohesive.

It's not harmonious to the brain. Therefore it can create havoc in your brain, your chemistry, your vibrational frequencies in that organ. I'll give you some examples of harmonious music. Classical harp piano. Single orchestra instruments of all different types. If you like the tuba, go ahead. I don't know anybody who wants to just listen to tuba music, unless you're a tuba player. Generally anything without a beat.

Works with your brain.

Even single frequencies, like 5 28 Hertz and 4 30, 2 Hertz. These are all the universal frequencies. the Hertz frequency is how many. Vibrations per second. By the way. There are 432 Buddhist statues at Mount Meru. In Nike claims that their scientists found out that the best golf balls have 432 dimples. πŸ“ Pretty fascinating.

So music was tuned to all kinds of vibrational frequencies for many, many years in the olden times. Then Joseph Gables. Yep. That guy. I decided to change it.

Many other international music organizations tried to set a standard. And they settled on four 40 Hertz. There's a lot of controversy on whether it was done to change people's brain activity. AKA Joseph Gables or if it was just to get everybody on the same tune, so to speak. But once the tuning fork was invented, it helped everybody kind of settle in on the same vibrational frequency. Even though to this day. Orchestras we'll use anywhere from four 20 to four 80 Hertz. The biggest problem. During this whole time. Was the opera singers.

Specifically, they couldn't keep up with the orchestras. You see if you run these vibrational frequencies higher in the spectrum.

Then the singers have a hard time keeping up. They can't sing that high all the time. So they complained and then that made it all weird. And so they came up with four 40 as a general standard. Now there are many single frequencies that you can use audibly to affect your body. In specific ways, it starts with your brain first and then will cascade down into your body. We all know this. We felt this for. Several years you listened to something gets you all worked up. Well, it starts with working up your brain and your brain secretes chemicals, and it works you up.

And then you're like, I can't sit here. I'm listening to this heavy metal music. I got to do something. Kind of like when you use Eye of the Tiger to go work πŸ“ out. That song will get you pumped up on it.

Well, what if you want to lower stress? Or you want. Relief in pain. How about immunity? Or clear thinking, or you want to learn something or you want to feel more πŸ“ spiritual. How about if you want more energy. And just about any other effect. Well, you can use something called Selfeggio frequencies. Spelled S E L F E G G I O.

There's also frequencies called binaural beats.

Which are very low on the spectrum of Hertz. Not going to get into those right now. You can look those up if you want, or we can talk about those later, if so, let me know.

Today, we're just talking about Solfeggio frequencies. You can get these frequencies on. All kinds of players. Like you can get an app on your phone or your iPad or your computer. Or even like an apple TV, you can play it through your stereo system of. Just these frequencies. Or you can go on Spotify, apple music. You know, all those kinds of streamers and there's lots and lots of people that have put together playlists and single frequencies, and you can listen to those. For a few minutes up to literally all day. Nonstop.

So, let me give you just a fast list of the main frequencies. 174 πŸ“ Hertz is for relieving pain and stress. 2 πŸ“ 85.

Is used for healing tissue and organs 3 πŸ“ 96 for liberating guilt and fear 5 πŸ“ 28. Love imagination. Well, being. 7 πŸ“ 41 is used for things like awakening, intuition. So to wake up the brain to. Fire in such a way that.

You become more intuitive? What should I do? What's the best decision in this circumstance?

How should I say this? Things like that. And then 9, πŸ“ 6, 3. It was used for spirituality. So great for meditation. Or prayer by the way. Who says you can't listen to a Frequency while you're praying. It's awesome. God made those.

Now I know that some of this will sound woo. To you. I get it. So I encourage you to look it up. You'll see this principle. It's well-known there's another one. That's known as cymatics, C Y M a T I C S.

So here's what they do. They take a plate. Any shape size doesn't matter. And they run frequencies underneath that plate plate could be glass or metal doesn't matter.

I think metal works better actually. And they put sand or salt on top of it. And when they run these frequencies, it creates geometric patterns. If it's a positive, good sound. It'll make it really beautiful. Like geometric

Similar to like a snowflake or even more geometric than that actually.

If it's a negative or distorting or evil, non harmonious than it's just a complete mess.

You can do this at home. There's easy ways to do it. Take a speaker. Lay it on its back. I put a plate on top of it, throw some salt on there and play music and you'll see what happens. So, what does that do to your brain then?

How is your brain listening to. Those music genres I was telling you about. It's complete distortion. And it's in descent.

Dr. Masaru Emoto E M O T O. It's actually famous for vibrations and water. I spoke about him in an earlier episode called water.

This is all proven science. If you like to learn crazy cool new things. Cymatics and water vibrations are simple and yet extremely interesting and far ranging. It's not just a single frequency. That makes it interesting. There are thousands of frequencies. And then the combination of those can create whatever outcome you want.

I encourage you to explore the different vibrations and frequencies. Number one way to inhibit your memory. Cell production is from your food companies. Add flavor, enhancers, and flavor stimulants to your food. You don't even know it's in there. If you read the label, many times you will see ingredients that you think look totally innocuous, but they're not. A guarantee you. They're absolutely sinister and it's not your fault. No one teaches you these things until you learn about them or care about them, or you get sick. Food companies want to make as much money as possible. They're not in the business for your health. I said before, there's 10 companies that own all the food produced. Minus the small independent companies, which there aren't very many. And of course. People like farmers and co-op farms and small boutique companies, they buy ingredients and then make stuff.


Even the produce you buy to make stuff.

Is owned by the 10 largest companies.

Unless you're getting it from a local, small farm.

And of course, now we know that. I'll use his initials. BG has decided to put a coating on these vegetables and fruits. Called APEEL.

A P E E L. Yeah, you can't wash it off and it's terrible for you. So that's one more way they get ya.

If you listen to my past episode called illegal food. You'll learn more about one of those companies.

Cough cough, , Nestle , cough, cough.

So they add what are called excitotoxins. They're actually excitatory, neurotoxins. That's what they should be called.

These typically contain glutamate, but also others. So here's some of the main ones you got to look for. Soy sauce.

Now you can make your own homemade soy sauce, very difficult, but you could do it. MSG. Yeast extract. Sugar. Of all different forms. Go back to the episode of sugar. I teach you what all those sugar forms are. Aspartame. Any of the unnatural sweeteners.

So now I'm going to give you. A list quickly of the things that are in your food that you don't know are toxic. These are neurotoxic. They destroy your hippocampus, your ability to learn, and you're a memory. If you want this list, I'll put it in the show notes. And of course it's also in the transcript, but ready?

Here we go. I'm going to go quick. MSG hydrolyzed, vegetable protein, hydrolyzed protein, hydrolyzed, plant protein, plant protein extract, sodium caseinate. Calcium caseinate yeast extract. Textured protein. Autolyzed yeast, hydrolyzed, oat flour. Malt extract malt flavoring. Bullion broth stock flavoring, natural flavoring, natural beef or . Chicken flavoring. Seasoning spices. Carrageenan. Enzymes soy protein concentrate. Soy protein isolate. And whey protein concentrate.

That's just some of them. You can find these in all kinds of foods from your potato chips and your salad, dressing to chicken noodle soup and protein powder. It just goes on and on and on.

So, what does this list tell you? Well, first of all, it tells you that most of what's in your food, you buy is poisonous. This is why the general idea of cooking at home is so much healthier. Because you're in control of your ingredients.

Now, you know, if you use things like ranch dressing that you bought at the store, well, you didn't make it.

Therefore it contains many of these ingredients in that list. But if you used basic ingredients, like your meat and a vegetable, and even if you eat things like pasta and potatoes, Foods like that. They're pretty simple. You can see what's on that label on the pasta pretty easily. And then you get a natural version. You don't have to look at the ingredient list. In a potato. Always just buy organic. And then you're good. Then you use olive oil. if you're going to use. olive oil.

It needs to be expensive.

Let me just put that out to ya. If you're buying inexpensive olive oil of any kind, it's not real olive oil. It's garbage. I'm sorry. That's just the way it is. Same with avocado oil. The only brand avocado you should buy is chosen foods brand. Nothing else you should trust. You can use butter, any of the animal fats to cook with.

And then of course, you've got spices of your own, which you can see on the label. To see if it's got added garbage. It should say. Oregano and that's it. If you can find organic, that's even better because now, you know, they're not spraying.

Then you can make your own chicken broth and stock. It's super easy.

It's insane. And it tastes way better than anything you're going to buy in the store. It's also active by the way, which means there's compounds in there that have not been destroyed because when you buy most of that stuff in the store, it's been pasteurized. I remember it comes from an animal they're going to pasteurize it.

You can easily make your own breath.

Exactly. Like you like it, maybe you like it more herb forward, or maybe you like it. A little roasted chicken instead of fresh chicken. It's way cheaper too. And don't forget, you can make a lot of it and freeze it. Number one culprit. His snack foods. So you got to look at the labels, you'll find even your regular foods that you would not think that they would add it.

Well, They did. Did you know, That you're not technically learning. While you're reading something or listening or even studying. The learning portion and memory occurs while you're sleeping. When you're asleep, your brain actually organizes your whole day, specifically information that's new and not a habit.

Like brushing your teeth or anything you normally do.

That's why it's really hard to remember your habits, but you could remember some new event that happened pretty easily. This is why good sleep is really important so that your brain can do its job by writing it down in a clear and concise format. So you can remember it later.

Now let's get into how to increase your memory and your retention and your knowledge. By the way. Just so, you know, These few things I'm going to tell you can rapidly increase your ability to learn and remember. Who doesn't want that? But you got to apply them. You got to try them. You got to do them.

First. Lion's mane mushroom. Yup. You've heard a lot about medicinal mushrooms recently. Well, lion's mane. Absolutely amazing for your memory and your cognition. It also has one extra thing that they're starting to find in the research. Which is it rebuilds your nerves? Do you know how many things rebuild your nerves?

Very, very, very few.

That would have massive implications on anybody who had anything from a major wound.

To a burn. Any kind of parallelization. How about.

Facial paralysis.

So many areas in your body that you could use nerve regeneration.

If you can rebuild your nerves. Your brain is part of your central nervous system. So you can repair your brain as well. Says huge potential.

When you start taking this. Lion's mane. And you start noticing memory cognition, ability to recall past events. It's easier. To remember things. Your ability to retain information is better or any other brain response that is your indication that you had poor brain health.

If you don't see any benefits. Then either you were taking a product that is no good. It's just garbage. Or you already highly functional.

People always ask me. Well, what should I buy? I'm going to tell you. Paul Stamets S T a M E T S is the world's expert on medicinal mushrooms. He has a brand called host defense. That's what I recommend you can do capsules powder or liquid powders way cheaper. It's what I use because I can control my dosage. It doesn't taste totally awesome, but it's not that bad actually. If you add it to beverages that you already consume, you probably wouldn't even know it's there. Many people claim, they feel like a whole new person intellectually using lion's mane.

How much should you take? Well, that's going to depend on your budget first. Secondly, uh, there's no real dosage for something that's technically a food. I'm always of the opinion that more is better in natural health for 90% of just about everything you can consumer do. It depends.

If you're using capsules, liquid or powder, if you do powder, you could do more at one dose. If you do capsules. We are talking several capsules to get the equivalent liquid has been concentrated, but it tastes terrible. And it seems like it's more cost-effective, but it might not actually be.

I'm doing currently a small heaping teaspoon, two to three times a day of powder. But I would not.

Be against doing the liquid. You'll have to figure that out for you. I can't tell you how much you should take. That's called prescribing, which I'm not allowed to do. The next thing you can do is heavy exposure to new stimulus. All right. What does that mean? It's anything that's intense. For the brain like crossword puzzles concentrating on one thing for long periods of time, like one thought. Or a memory you might have and just sit there in meditation for 15 minutes, thinking about every detail of that memory. Listening to a frequency, like I spoke about for like a half an hour. No other distractions. You can also do two things at once.

Like walking and reading. I've spoke about that for people in school to remember what they're reading.

Listen to an audio book or a podcast while you're exercising and concentrating on what they're saying.

Music should be classical or highly complicated and energetic classical music. Point is you want to do something for your brain that is utilizing your entire brain because it's intense. And then also you can do that. Plus exercise. As a different route.

And you can do both of these as much as you want.

You're not going to wear out your brain. You can't really do that. Highly functional people use their brain a lot. It's like a muscle, the more you use it better, it gets next thing you could do. Is whatever you want to learn about. You have that in the background, for example. Do you want to learn about sewing?

Listen to podcasts, audio books, or videos in the background while you're doing anything. It doesn't matter what you're doing. Even if you don't listen, your brain is hearing all of it. The more info you get on that subject later, when you go sit down and actually study it, you'll grasp it easier. And remember more of it. It's like pre-learning unconsciously. Extremely powerful. One really powerful way. As an example would be. Do you want to learn a language? You should play audio of that language for weeks, even a couple months in the background while you're working around the house or put your headphones on while you're working out. Or while you're at work or doing your walk, it doesn't matter.

Get as much of that language into your brain as possible. you haven't even learned how to speak it yet or what the words mean. Doesn't matter. Your brain is picking up the inflection, the pronunciation, the pace duration of time in between words and every other aspect of how. that language is supposed to sound and be spoken. Then when you learn the language.

You've pre learned it. In many other ways.

You can learn it so much faster than you ever could. Just starting from scratch.

Just like, if you use it for music and you want to play the guitar. You listened to straight guitar music for a long time. Then when you go to learn it,

You already know what it's supposed to sound like? That's just a quick hack for any topic subject you want to learn. Pre-learning. Your brain is learning it. All the time. That's why children. When they're babies, the more you talk to your child, the faster they will pick up speech and then know how to speak it. If your child grew up in a house, no one ever talks.

There's no music. There's nothing. Your child would be literally stupid. Literally. Next thing you can do. You can take a book. Now this one's gonna blow your mind. All right, so just bear with me. You got to try it.

You take a book.

Open it up. And you scan each page. In one second, just go quick. You don't have to read it, use your eyes to kind of scan it really, really fast in one second. Then you do the other page flip pages. You do that. So a 500 page book, you've done it in 500 seconds. Until you're done.

Could do this once or many times doesn't matter.

Then after you've done that. As many times as you want. Now comes the weird part. You understand how the brain works and the way your vision works. Okay.

Now you're going to do that scanning method with the book upside down. What. Yes, upside down. Just like a camera stuff comes into your.

Eyes it's flipped upside down in the back of your eye and then your brain has to turn it back the other way. So don't worry. Your brain knows what it's doing.

Do the same thing. Scan each page upside down. Then when you go to read the book, you'll retain so much more information than you ever did. Reading the book. Straight from start to finish. You've already pre learned it. Your brain saw all the words. It took a photo of all of it. And then when you slept it, imprinted it in your brain. It's not difficult.

Super easy. Understand. And it's really easy to do in your brain while you sleep, takes all that information and memorizes it.

Then when you do read that book, you should actually try and read the book a little bit faster than you normally would, because remember you've pre learned it.

But this is only if you want to learn. Something in a shorter amount of time. For example, reading a 500 page book takes a while. So if you want to do it faster, increase your reading speed. Otherwise, slow down, enjoy the words. Doesn't matter. You've already pre learned it. Now you will remember more.

The other way to do it. Is to learn speed reading from those reading courses. There's lots of ways you can learn. I say, go for it. But the principle of scanning each page in one second.

As many times you want and then doing a speed reading course is only going to help you. It's never going to slow you down.

It's going to rapidly speed you up. But the biggest part is the learning. This whole episode was technically about learning. I talked about physiology anatomy. Chemicals, all this kind of stuff, but really it comes down to creating new brain cells. And then memory. And the ability to learn.

So, if you want to try that method first. Of scanning right-side up. Scanning upside down. Then read the book. Maybe you don't actually need to take those speed reading courses.

But of course that's. If you want to learn what's in a book, you can use this for anything.

So to recap really fast lion's mane brain stimulus, remove brain poisons that alone will make your brain work so much better. But if you want to learn or remember. A book or something. Intensive then you need to do the scan and read technique. Give it a try. What could it hurt? I challenge you.

I challenge you go pick up that book that you've always wanted to read and do this technique. Try it.

I know that was a bit long. I'm sorry, but it's so cool and so informative and it's so remarkable and you can change your life and learn. Just about anything you want to learn so fast. It took. 37 minutes for me to say that. Alright, thank you for listening. Send this to everybody, you know? Take care of yourselves.

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About the Podcast

The Reality of Health
Health is a holistic concept impacted by lifestyle, habits, sleep, exercise, water, food, air, and toxins.
This is not your average health podcast. It is cutting edge info.
"I never know who to believe"
I hear this all the time...
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The reality is not what you were sold...
New episodes every Monday and Thursday @ 5am!
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About your host

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Erik Muzzy

I have been educating clients since 1992 on health and nutrition, studied numerous different areas of natural healing and wellness. Utilizing nutrition, diet, exercise, mind, body and spirit for ultimate health or just feeling better.