Episode 50

Published on:

22nd Jan 2024

Ep. 50 - Foods you shouldn't eat!

The Truth About Our Food: Healthy vs Poisonous Choices

I discusse various types of food and whether they truly benefit our health or not. Some of the foods discussed include American cheese, fast food, margarine, vegetable oils, beans, canned soups, store bought bread, crackers, chips, almonds, kale, spinach, sports drinks, hot dogs, cereal, carbonated beverages, fried potatoes, pastries, fruit, mushrooms, table salt, soy sauce, and common condiments. I cast doubt on the health benefits of these foods and sometimes condemn them as being harmful or even poisonous for our bodies while promoting the idea of paying attention to food labels and sourcing fresh, local ingredients for homemade meals.

00:22 Introduction to the Podcast

00:27 The Truth About American Cheese

01:59 The Dark Side of Fast Food

03:13 The Dangers of Margarine and Vegetable Oils

04:32 The Misconceptions About Juice and Beans

05:30 The Unhealthy Truth About Canned Soup and Store-Bought Bread

06:38 The Risks of Consuming Plant Milks and Crackers

07:19 The Hidden Dangers of Consuming Chips and Almonds

08:54 The Health Risks of Consuming Kale, Spinach, and Lettuce

09:51 The Unhealthy Truth About Sports Drinks and Hot Dogs

13:32 The Dangers of Consuming Fried Potatoes and Pastries

14:28 The Misconceptions About Consuming Fruit and Mushrooms

16:16 The Risks of Consuming Soy Sauce and Condiments

19:23 Conclusion: The Importance of Choosing Your Food Carefully


β€ŠWelcome friends.

Did the reality of health podcast?

Another Monday minutes for you. Foods, you should never eat. Yeah, I'm going there. Bear with me.

Might not like me after this episode, but. Hey. It's why you're here. Right? Get the truth. Let's kick it off right away with AmErikan cheese. Is it really cheese? You know that you can actually burn it like plastic. but it doesn't turn black. Hmm, weird. Isn't it. Well, just be careful if you're going to consume it, there is such a thing as real AmErikan cheese, but it has to say. AmErikan cheese. It cannot say. Cheese product or cheese, food, or slices. Like pasteurized processed AmErikan slices.

That's not cheese. You gotta be able to read. The actual label.

These so-called AmErikan slices are basically just a vegetable oil.

Trying to mimic AmErikan cheese. Pretty bad at it too. I would have to say. This is what you'll see on the label. AmErikan sandwich slices, tropical sandwich slices, valued time. Sandwich slices or anything else that doesn't have the word cheese. In it. It's fully processed. It's not real. AmErikan cheese is actually a mix of a whole bunch of cheeses. After.

Chefs would make. Foods containing cheese they'd have leftover bits and pieces. They would put it all together, melt it together and created something called. AmErikan cheese. But guess what? It started in. France. This isn't even AmErikan to begin with. Somehow we call it AmErikan cheese, even though we didn't develop it. Either way. If it's not real AmErikan.

cheese. I would not be eating it. It's absolutely poison food. Next one is fast food. Which is. Just Frankenfood, that's what they should just call it. Sort of fast food, they should just say, Hey, this is Frankenfood. So many additives. Totally poisonous. Prepped in a building more than a week ago, then it's trucked to the quote restaurant unquote. If you want to call even a restaurant. So many preservatives to keep the ingredients looking fresh.

Guess what? They're not. I used to have a store. Nutrition store. It was next to a subway.

They used to say. Fresh. Right subway. Fresh.

Well guess what? They only got a truck once a week. That's not fresh. The meats are full of preservatives. It's not even real meat. There's so much additives in there to make it a meat substance.

Then they got to add all this stuff to it, to make it last for more than a week. Before the next truck showed up. By the way they didn't have a freezer. Only a cooler.

Well, of course the source of the ingredients is totally not going to be good. If you think that they're going to put in organic food or anything healthy, no, they're going to buy the cheapest.

Ingredients that they possibly can.

How about margarine?

Do I need to even say it. It's poison.

They take oil that you shouldn't even be consuming a type of vegetable oil or seed oil.

And then convert it actually into a synthetic fat. That doesn't occur in nature anywhere. And then you eat it. When your body says, I have no idea what this stuff is. I can't digest. There's nothing I can do with it. So, what does it do? It's fights against it. Because it's a poison. Everybody. He believes in nutrition yet.

They think that, you know, somehow it's okay to consume a substance that was so adulterated.

That it's actually looked at by your body as poison. Guess what. It's in more food than, you know, it's called hydrogenated oil or hydrogenated fat. Cotton seed oil is the number one, one. You'll see. Super super cheap to make it.

Your body sees it as poison. I'm going to use poison a lot because these foods are all poisonous. All vegetable oils are poison. There's not a single benefit to not even one of them. They're all poisoned to the body. And by the way, they're not just vegetable oils. They don't come from quote vegetables.

They come from. Legumes and seeds.

Juice. That's just pure sugar. And then if you want to say, well, there's vegetable juice. Well, that's just concentrated. Anti-nutrients.

We'll have an episode in the future about juicing and whether or not that's a beneficial or not.

Beans. πŸ“

They've got nearly every single anti nutrient known. They are. They are terrible for the human body. Not supposed to be eating them.

By the way. They're the bean plants, little tiny babies.

Full of carbs. Full of fiber. Causes all kinds of digestive issues. Most people that give up beans feel so much better. Now, if you're used to eating those from. Early childhood on and you have no issues. Ah, okay. Just cause you don't feel the issues now doesn't mean you're not going to have them later. But you're also a, probably, if you grew up on beans like that, you're probably eating generally healthier than most people.

Soup in a can. Not good. I mean most soups in cans are terrible, full of modified food starch and chemicals and preservatives and all kinds of nasties. Don't consume soup from a can make your own or read the labels very, very carefully. Any of the store bought bread. Y. Well, because they're using enriched or brominated wheat flour. We spoke about brominated products.

In the illegal foods episode.

First of all, why are you? Taking all the benefits out of flour and then trying to put them back in and then say they're enriched. That's not, that's not how nature works. Just leave it in there. Oh, that's right. They can't. Why? Because it would go bad on the shelf. Hmm. Isn't that interesting.

So either just make your own at home fresh right away and even better if you're going to make it home.

then use Einkorn flour, E I N K O R N. I've spoken to this before, has the least issues for the human body. A little bit tough to get, but trust me.

You'll thank me. Plant milks. Oh, yeah. Any of these fake milks are horrible for you. They're full of anti-nutrients and emulsifiers.

Not only do the, anti-nutrients create all kinds of havoc in the body, but if you want digestive upset of any kind. Consume emulsifiers. That's not a recipe for health.

For those of you cracker lovers, πŸ“ I feel your pain. But yeah, they're loaded with vegetable oils and hydrogenated fats and enriched, or brominated wheat flour. They're just little crispy goodies of poison. πŸ“

Now for all you chip lovers and anything, it comes in a bag that's crispy. Yep. Vegetable oils. They use corn, which corn is the dirtiest food. You can pretty much eat. They're loaded with chemicals. All kinds of toxins. They are . Frankenfood. The by-product of which literally kills yourselves. Every time you consume them.

How about almonds? Erik. I've heard so many good things about how you need to consume almonds. Okay. You know, what else is in almonds? Oxalates. You know how bad oxalates are to your body. They are terrible. Why did you know that oxalates are what causes kidney stones? They're like little tiny balls that have razorblades all over them.

If you look up photos, microscopic photos, online of oxalates, you'll never consume anything with oxalates ever again. They are absolutely detrimental to every cell. In your body. It's like taking a child, they put a suit on their body with razorblades everywhere, and then they're running through. A store that's full. Of balloons. They're just popping balloons everywhere they go. πŸ“ It's just total destruction for the balloon store. Yeah, that's what's happening to your cells. And guess what else is loaded with oxalates? The two quote, superfoods that you've heard about so much over the last 10 years are absolutely poison food.

Kale. And spinach. πŸ“ If you want.

Cell πŸ“ death and destruction. And kidney stones to go with πŸ“ it. Consume a lot of kale and spinach. Believe it or not. You're going to hear this from me right now. If you're going to consume lettuces. Literally the best lettuce. Is good old iceberg. But Erik, there's no nutrition in iceberg. Wrong. Everything's got nutrition in it. The problem is, is most things with nutrition in it That aren't animal foods also come with anti-nutrients that block you from absorbing all those good things that are in those plants.

Iceberg has low amounts of anti-nutrients, but it has pretty good amount of nutrition. The other one would be dandelion. I would do dandelion here and there. If I were you, that's not such a big deal.

This next one is probably the most sold. Most profitable.

And biggest.

Nutrition lie that's ever been hoisted on humans and that sports drinks. Oh, yes. Gatorade and all those things are absolutely just sugar. But they're supposed to have electrolytes in there, Erik, to help replenish all the nutrients I lost because I work out so much that I lose all of my potassium and sodium. And all these electrolytes like magnesium and chloride that I can't even function anymore without this Gatorade. Or sports product. Wrong.

First of all, you do not work out that much. Second of all, there's not enough in those products to do anything to your body. That's basically just a way for them to sell a sugary drink. You know, who came up with the whole 10 glasses of water a day thing. That was Gatorade by the way. So they're just loaded with sugar and. Really bad salt, the salt that's in there. Is actually not.

Hydrating. You want salt that works with hydration?

Not against it. Your body doesn't like bad salt, like the whole Morton table salt thing. Actually fights it. It tries to keep it from going into cell structures because it's that poisonous.

No. I know when you're at the baseball game, you're going to get a hot dog. Probably I get, it might even be, have one on a barbecue. At your buddy's house in the summer. I totally get it. One here and there. A year or so. Okay. That's whatever, but hotdogs are so bad for you. Do I need the, even like everybody already knows pretty much. Anything that you wouldn't normally consume that comes from an animal, kind of goes into a hotdog. Now when they say all beef?

No, they just mean all cow. That doesn't mean it's, you know, Hamburger ground up with. Other muscle meat and these kinds of, no, that's not what they're using. They use all the stuff that they can't sell you in the packages sitting there in the meat department. Cereal. All cereals. Every single one of them that are all grains, they are all horrible for you.

And yes. All the hype. You've heard about oatmeal. Not good. People that get off oatmeal, feel better at the people that say I started consuming oatmeal. I felt better. They only feel better a short time. And then it backfires. If you're going to have oatmeal. Once a year or something fine. Carbonated beverages as a whole are not good for you.

Now I will give you an exception and that is carbonated. Springwater naturally carbonated. Mountain valley spring, literally the best water coming from the earth that you can consume. I'm a huge fan. You can get it pretty much anywhere and they will ship it to your house. There isn't a better water that you can purchase. That is naturally occurring and that's not been cleaned now.

They still have to clean it because they gotta make sure there's no chemicals in there, but they don't. Adulterate the water.

But why would carbonated beverages not be good? Well, I spoke about carbonation earlier in the acid alkaline episode. Carbon dioxide. I will cause the acidification of your body. If you're going to have some here and there, that's fine. But it's sitting there drinking. Pop and.

Well, it depends on where you're from soda, pop, soda, pop, fizzy drinks.

If you're in Europe, you know, this kind of thing. Those are really unhealthy for you. Obviously we know how much sugar is in there, but there's all kinds of other things that caramel color, which we know causes cancer.

This is where I'm probably gonna lose most of you. Any potatoes that have been fried. There is a big difference between eating potatoes of like mashed or baked. Compared to fried, unless you are frying potatoes at home in pure tallow. Or. Lard.

Or butter. Or ghee.

Then you shouldn't consume fried potatoes of any kind.

That is its own episode. There are so many nuances. I can go into that, but just know you shouldn't be doing that, which of course takes away chips. All pastries of any kind. Just don't eat them once you get rid of that stuff in your life. Yeah. They're tasty here and there. Uh, you're always going to be.

Tempted to eat that donut at work. But trust me, it's a short term.

Reward. It's got. Long-term repercussions.

If I haven't already lost Jared and you're already mad at me. Fruit. Fruit is not healthy.

It is nothing but a sugar packet.

And I'm not saying that a bite of an apple here and there or something just. Small, I'm talking about most of the fruit that's. Now we consider fruit. He is so much sweeter than it ever used to be in nature that it's literally candy. I mean, you can actually eat certain candy. And it has less sugar than the fruit.

And then the type of sugar that's in the candy is actually easier on your body than fruit. Sugar is fructose is a poison to the body. When you might not know about is mushrooms. You know, the food type mushrooms I'm not talking about. Lion's mane. And some of these I'm talking about your regular button mushrooms. Portobellos and you know, these kinds of things. They have thousands and thousands of chemicals. That cause cancer. He yeah. They actually produce their own chemicals. As.

Insecticides. To keep. Critters from eating them.

Some of them up to 20,000. Insecticides. So. Think about that next time you want mushrooms. I will have an upcoming episode on mushrooms because so many people eat them. And they're considered healthy. We're going to hit that. The next one would be Morton table salt. Oh yeah. You already know you shouldn't be doing it. But Erik, it's so easy to pour out of the container and it's in every restaurant.

I understand bring your own salt with you. You can do that. Or just don't use salt when you're at the restaurant.

You know this because of the whole Himalayan salt craze. Why do you think that has taken off to such a degree? Because. It is so much healthier for you.

Shouldn't consume. Soy sauce. At all. First of all, it's not real. It's totally synthetic. It's not fermented. If you want soy sauce. Like a legit type of soy sauce, then you want ones called. Tamari T a M a R. I. That's Japanese fermented soy sauce. It can't even be called tamari unless it's fermented properly. Yeah, it's the real deal tastes 10 times better to that.

Regular soy sauce is garbage. It's just salt. Liquid is all it is.

There's so many other flavor compounds and real soy sauce that is delicious. And. Your normal brands. Yeah, they don't have those. Most of your condiments are also just full of sugar and vegetable oils. You know what? Those are salad, dressings and ketchup. And. Just about all these type of. Marinades and things that you can use that whole aisle at the grocery store.

There's all those little bottles, everything. And yet 95% of that stuff is garbage. By the way, almost every single one of those things you can make at home, then you could make it better and the way you want it to taste. I make a lot of condiments myself have for many years.

So you're saying I can't eat anything at all is basically the. Title of this episode. No, that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying you need to learn how to read labels and don't buy food. That's made by companies in a building. God knows somewhere on the planet. Make your own food from ingredients, you know, where you know where they're coming from. Even. Especially local.

Yeah. I mean, You could, can your own stuff and.

Now you buy the local stuff, you can can that, and you know where it's coming from. You can, I mean, you can even go visit the farm. You can't do that when that stuff comes from Mexico or Guatemala or. Thailand or something. Why not just get the stuff local, make your own food.

You're eating it after all.

I mean, think about it. If I put. Those ingredients. On a table. In front of you. You would need to decide if that's something you should even eat. Or. Yeah, that's that's food. I can see that. So if I put the ingredients to a salad out there, you're going to say, oh, I know what that is. And that is, and that is, I can see those are normal things. Then I put all the ingredients. From potato chips or a hot dog or anything else.

And you're going to think twice, you would not eat those individual ingredients. Um, those foods that I just basically listed off to you, then you shouldn't eat those types of foods. If you can eat each individual ingredient. No problem. And it looks good to you like the ingredients of a salad minus the salad dressing.

I'm just seeing the lettuce, the tomatoes, the onions, green peppers, these kinds of things. You could eat all those on their own. Right. You know what it is? How about a steak? And you've based it with butter and some garlic cloves. You would eat the butter. You can eat the garlic cloves. And you need the meat.

You're not going to do that. With some of those foods I've listed. You just wouldn't.

Then, if I could show you where those ingredients came from. You know, if they were real or not. You don't eat flour, you cook with it. Why would you eat a powder that you don't know where it comes from? What it even is. It's just white ish and it's dry. You're not going to eat that.

So why is this even important? Because it becomes you. You've absorbed it. The ingredients are either metabolized. Or they're stored in your body. If you can't metabolize them, then your body will store almost all of it. I'd rather store nutrition than toxins. I don't know about you. Once positive. And the other one is disease.

It's either good for you or it's bad for you. All food has affects on the body. You need to pick your consumption carefully? know, the consequences. know, the benefits. Use food as medicine and sustenance. Bad food has repercussions.

Please don't hate me too much. Thank you for listening. Send this to anybody, you know, needs to hear it. Take care of yourselves.

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The Reality of Health
Health is a holistic concept impacted by lifestyle, habits, sleep, exercise, water, food, air, and toxins.
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About your host

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Erik Muzzy

I have been educating clients since 1992 on health and nutrition, studied numerous different areas of natural healing and wellness. Utilizing nutrition, diet, exercise, mind, body and spirit for ultimate health or just feeling better.