Episode 62

Published on:

28th Feb 2024

Ep. 62 - Round Up weed killer: The end of food as you know it

The Dark Side of Our Food System: Exposing Monsanto

This podcast episode delves into the concerning aspects of food production, particularly focusing on Monsanto's role in developing harmful chemicals like PCBs, DDT, and glyphosate found in Roundup, and their impact on human health and the environment. I discuss Monsanto's history, including their development of agents like Agent Orange and their monopoly over seeds and food production. Highlighting instances like the poisoning of the town of Anniston and the unethical promotion of bovine growth hormone, the episode sheds light on the broader implications of Monsanto's practices. It also covers the pervasive presence of glyphosate in various food products, its potential health risks, including its contribution to diseases and conditions like cancer, fertility issues, and microbiome disruption. Furthermore, the episode criticizes the lack of effective regulation and the deceptive marketing practices surrounding these chemicals. I advocate for organic, locally sourced foods as a solution to mitigate the adverse effects of chemicals in the food supply and call for support towards regenerative agriculture. The episode is a call to action against the monopolization and malpractices in the food industry, emphasizing the importance of awareness and personal choice in combating these issues.

00:00 Introduction to the Reality of Health Podcast

01:20 The Power of Food Supply and Monsanto's Influence

01:49 The Dangers of PCBs and Monsanto's Cover-Up

03:22 The Impact of Monsanto's Bovine Growth Hormone

04:34 The Corruption of Government Agencies and Monsanto's Legal Battles

05:36 The Devastating Effects of Monsanto's Agent Orange

06:53 The Threat of Monsanto's Glyphosate and Roundup

11:46 The Importance of Buying Local and Organic

18:20 The Dangers of Glyphosate on Soil and Fertility

24:16 The Presence of Glyphosate in Common Foods

26:12 The Hidden Dangers of Glyphosate

26:46 Glyphosate in Everyday Foods

27:39 The Dark Side of Monsanto and GMOs

28:53 Glyphosate and Health Risks

30:15 Glyphosate in Dairy and Mother's Milk

32:51 How to Protect Yourself from Glyphosate

33:31 The Global Impact of Glyphosate

36:46 The Devastating Effects on Third World Countries

37:34 The Fight Against Monsanto

45:03 The Final Word on Glyphosate and Monsanto

Youtube video of the documentary by Marie-Monique Robin on the Monsanto.



β€Š Welcome friends to the reality of health podcast. This is one of the most important episodes I have done or will ever do. What I'm going to talk about. And this episode is the epitome of evil. This is going to be a truth bomb. For many of you. Who've never heard of anything like this. πŸ“

I'll preface right now and say,

If you want to live in the perception of reality that you currently have. And turn this off now. Maybe listen to a past episode I've done. You want to know the real truth? And keep listening. Because this may be finally, the one thing that makes you change. What you feed yourself? Or your families?

The most powerful tool on the planet to control people is the food supply. He who owns the seeds. Owns everything. That entity determines who gets, what seeds, what kind of seeds they are. And what you need to grow that food.

Never heard of Monsanto. Yeah. They're responsible for developing PCBs and DDT among many other evil toxins. By the way, the whole PCBs thing dates back all the way to the twenties. And it didn't end until only recently. Uh, the production of PCBs has destroyed communities all around the world by poisoning their water. When they test people. The allowable amount. Is two parts per billion in the human body. These people are testing 50. Parts per billion in the blood. And three to 4,000 parts per billion in the fat tissue. It is literally killing people. And it was all covered up by the government agencies, local to those communities.

These companies. And the. Governmental agencies. Do not care about your health.

That's a really strong statement, Erik.

There must be good people in these organizations. There are. But once they start talking about it in public, They're shut down.

Theres a town called Anniston to poor community. Everybody got so sick from cancers to thyroid problems, to so many diseases that they decided to get together and Sue Monsanto. They won. And Monsanto had to pay out 700 million to the community. And clean up their water supply and their environment. And also build a special hospital. Because they had PC B poisoning. This is the company. That is producing most of the food that you are eating.

Ever heard of bovine growth hormone. Yeah, that's Monsanto as well. That's a whole episode in and of itself, but just know it's not healthy for you or the cows.

Let me just say, if you're buying dairy, Then you need to read the labels. And make sure it says from cows not given. rBGH or RBST.

Here's just one reason.

Side effects. Of these dairy cows. Is mastitis. Which is an infection of your mammory glands

so when they draw the milk, there's pus in the milk. Does that sound good to you? So then you have to give all these antibiotics to the cow because this growth hormone creates all kinds of problems in their bodies. If you're wondering. Why they even get these shots of growth hormone it's because it increases production by 20%. By the way. It's been banned in Canada and the European union.

They got caught bribing Canadian health officials to claim that these growth hormones were just fine. If something is so good. Why do you have to bribe anyone?

. FDA and the U S D a. Since:


They were also instrumental in the Manhattan project. And the two bombs that hit Japan. πŸ“ They also originally created saccharin, you know, that stuff in diet Coke that causes cancer and multiple sclerosis. I know somebody. Who had Ms from drinking diet Coke.

Causes all kinds of other problems as well.

They also created agent orange. For those of you who know what that is. It's one of the worst chemicals ever made. In the history of humankind. One of its ingredients is dioxin. Dioxin is such a powerful toxin. It takes one drop in the water supply and they will shut the whole water supply down.

Was used in Vietnam during the war to kill crops. Of the food. That the Vietnamese were eating also. To kill the trees. So they didn't have any place to hide.

What it really did. Was it contaminated 3 million people. With a super toxin.

Then when they, of course they had babies. And a half a million birth defects. And to this day, they still have birth defects. I've seen the video. Footage. It's. Completely disturbing. I wish I've never seen it.

Guess what else they created and made. Led bulbs. In the seventies.

Monsanto makes. What you know of as Roundup. Which also has glyphosate in it.

And this episode. I'll be using those terms interchangeably.

Today, we're talking about glyphosate and Roundup.

And how it is killing everything on the planet.

Monsanto has been so bogged down with legal battles from all these chemicals. That they make. And it's been purchased by Bayer.

Yes. That German company, you know, that makes aspirin, that tells you, you need to eat aspirin every day to protect from heart disease. What a bunch of bunk. You know what aspirin everyday does to your body? Yeah. Very bad things. I'm not saying aspirin. Is bad for you. I'm saying aspirin every day is bad for you, especially when it's synthesized.

Animals. When they get supplemental food. Experience all kinds of birthing issues and diarrhea.

From the green foods that they feed them to the food stuffs that have glyphosate in it from growing.

The foodstuffs.

They don't get these situations with non glyphosate grown food stuffs. Yes. I keep saying foodstuffs. Because that's what it is. It's a conglomeration. Have a whole bunch of feed that they put together to hopefully. Feed the animal something good. Grains and beans and roughage of all kinds and synthetic vitamins and weird minerals that they pull out of the ground that. The animal can't digest.

It's just a plethora of just foods stuff. Course. Monsanto claims that their product is safe. How can they say that? Cause they're the ones that do the tests. πŸ“

Do you see. Pharmaceutical companies. And in this case, it'd be Bayer. Are made to conduct the testing. Of any other drugs or products, then they give that information to the FDA to be evaluated.

So you do your own testing on the product you made in order to make money. Yes. You heard that? Correct? Of course companies are going to say, there's nothing wrong with their products. Then when they do they cherry pick the data. Over and over again, in order to get approval, they lie. Constantly. They keep. The information from you. Glyphosate destroys the little fibers hairs. On all the root systems of the plant that you're trying to grow. It states that at all only kills the weeds, but as they keep spraying in each year, It gets concentrated in the soils and then starts killing the root system of the plant.

They're trying to grow. Then, of course the concentrations increase in that food. That we will eventually eat. Second thing that .

Glyophosphate does, is it kills the good bacteria in your microbiome? Ho-ho yeah. That then leads the growth of bad bacteria. I talk about microbiome all the time because. Without a good microbiome. It is almost impossible to have good health.

They also applied for a patent. For glyphosate to become an antibiotic. Because of course in their research, it shows that it kills bacteria.

They even claimed on their website many years ago. To be the right choice for farmers to produce more sustainable food and healthier food. πŸ“ They also said that their product Roundup was biodegradable. πŸ“ Once it was proven that that was not true. They had to remove that off their labels. You think.

So Marie Monique. Robin. Is the most outspoken and well-known activist against Monsanto. She has three films. That destroy their narrative, that anything that they make is okay for the planet. She's got books as well. She is the world expert on this topic. And she says the use of Roundup is the greatest food and health issue of all time. It is the most serious food and health Scam-demic the world has ever seen. πŸ“ You poisoned the soil. And it poisons the water. Then it poisoned the air. Where are humans supposed to go then? Everybody talks, climate change, talk ecological situations. And yet nobody is talking about this. Large scale crop farming is one of the worst ecological intentional disasters man has ever embarked upon. And by the way, that's me saying that.

store. It travels on average:

If everybody's seriously worried about climate.

The push would be to purchase local and organic. Right. Sustainable regenerative , agriculture. Run by smaller farms, not big agricultural companies. Uh, controlled by a bunch of these chemical companies. Yes, that's, who's running them. Since, when do chemicals have anything to do with food? You really want to save the planet, stop buying food and packages in the grocery store. Buy local. And organic learn how to cook by whole foods.

Not pre-made. There are tons of sources online for you to get meat and produce locally and organic. If you have to shop in a grocery store, look for the organic section. And better yet. If they have an organic section that says locally grown. Then that's the best.

Then you're supporting farmers and families and local businesses by purchasing that food. That means Local tax money to keep your community in good standing. Keep the money local. By the way. That means you're buying seasonally. It is absolutely so much healthier to eat food that was grown local during this time of the year. Plus. It's local, which keeps the molds and pollens and yeasts. That grow in your area that you are used to, instead of making you allergic to all sorts of food. As an example. If you're eating strawberries grown from California, but you don't live in California. You wonder why you're allergic to strawberries. One of the reasons could be. You are not. Adjusted to the yeast or the pollen or the mold from California. I've known people.

Who were just that. Move to America. Super allergic to everything. I grew up mostly California, Michigan. Then when I lived in Massachusetts. Wow. I was allergic to everything. Moved out of there came back to Michigan. Totally fine. C. It does matter your environment.

You may have heard this concept. Is it is. Also associated with things like honey. Honeybees collect the pollen. Your body has adjusted to that pollen where you live. If you're getting. Pollen from areas where you're not used to. Then that's what makes the honey allergic to you?

This is a known thing throughout all the world. When people visit places, they get allergic reactions of all kinds. They're not used to that. Environment.

There are many organizations that have done studies on their own. To find out what chemicals in the food supply. And what they can do. To humans. Of course you and I will never hear about any of those because they're completely hidden.

They're buried. So that nobody sees them. The chemical companies. Have massive power.

Of course. Massive companies. Tell you what they want you to believe. They sell you. They have marketing firms and PR firms that are experts. in proving their point. That this is healthy. This is fine for you. There's nothing here. Look over here.

That's their tactic.

Almost all the studies. At these companies. They produce. These chemical toxins. They're all short term. Like three months.

And by the way, that's the norm three months. Organizations that test chemicals in the food supply. We'll do like. two year studies

the difference between these two studies. Is in only three months, you don't see many changes at all. But when you do two years, you find major changes in the rats. Or other animals that they test on, for example, cancer tumors. Those take much longer than three months to show up. So when you see the side effects, On drugs and chemicals. Many times. Those are only short term. Not long-term results. Long-term side effects can be greater. With a higher percentage effecting people. Let's say that that drug states very rare side effects could include depression. Digestive complaints. Like diarrhea. Skin rashes, migraines. In reality. It'd be all of those plus many more. In half the people who consume them, not rarely consume them.

If they went longer, they would see more side effects.

These drug and chemical companies have protections from lobbyists. And unions. And organizations that supposedly represent the companies that buy these chemicals and drugs.

For example. Uh, farmers union. We'll act like it's protecting the farmers when in reality. The people on the board also work for the chemical companies. For the agriculture industry. So they will never know. The real data. They will never tell them what the repercussions from the use of anything. Like glyphosate. That's what you call the Fox guarding the hen house. πŸ“ πŸ“ And of course. Then you have the governments. They have regulatory agencies that are made up of representatives of the chemical companies. So just when you think. The government's going to protect you.

You have another Fox guarding another henhouse. It's all a corrupt system. Doesn't care about you whatsoever. The same system has protected itself from people using food companies and fast food companies

for disease or health issues.

These are also the ones that wrote the protections into the pharmaceutical companies that you can't Sue them. Because the drug. Either hurt. Or killed you.

go. But it has sped up around:

The farmers that raise animals know that the glyphosate treated feed. Food stuffs. Lowers fertility. In their animals. Then. When they change feed free of, glyphosate, which is very difficult to find. And it's super expensive. Their fertility doubles. At minimum.

Want to know why meat costs so much. There you go.

Humans and animals. Share the same enzyme pathways for fertility. And when you disrupt those enzymes through glyphosate, Or Roundup. Everything becomes in fertile.

So then what do you make of that? It's almost as if the companies are making products, knowing they're going to harm us and our food supply so that they tell us that we are conspiracy theorists for believing that the organizations that tested. And proved.

They're doing this to us. Are buried. Or told to shut your mouth. If, you know what I mean? πŸ“

Why would they want to do that? It's almost as if they don't want us fertile. And eating food.

You'll must eat the bugs.

Let's talk about soil.

Without soil, nothing grows, which means there's no animals either. Which means there's no food. Either plants or animals. For us to eat. And then we die. Soil is. The start of all our food. Soil has its own microbiome. This, isn't it funny how there is a biome. That you can't see.

In and on your body. In and on your animals. Like your cats and dogs.

In your home. In your yard. And your garden. And your soil. It's on the plants. It's on the trees. It's literally everywhere and yet we can't see it. That is. Awesome and fascinating all at the same time. πŸ“

Glyphosate breaks down that microbiome.

Of your soil. Then the bad elements of the soil start to increase. Like poisonous molds. Bad bacteria. Insects that you don't want in the soil. And then of course you don't have worms. No soil microbiome and no worms equals no food. That's just the way it is. I know worms are weird and creepy and ugly and all of that. But without them. There would be literally no life on this planet. Not going to get into why worms. Keep us alive. But they do.

So do all of the winged creatures like bees.

The point of glyphosate. Originally was the kill weeds. But now super weeds. Are starting to develop all around the world.

Y. Because. πŸ“ Super weeds are not killed by any known herbicide, which is a huge problem.

First of all, they have more seeds. The normal weeds do. And that's a big problem because they can proliferate. Fast and a lot of them.

And about:

They would be able to harvest and put it in the silos.

So you didn't store wet grain. Can you imagine all the molds that that would create plus. It would destroy the equipment.

So it's used for more than just trying to grow their special seeds. It's actually. Used. To protect the farmers equipment.

Wheat is also sprayed. Coincidentally. That's about the same time that gluten allergies started.

Just saying. So think about that. The highest concentrations. Are not when it was first sprayed months, months earlier. It's a couple of weeks before harvest. And now you have much greater concentrations of glyphosate and other toxic chemicals in the Roundup, fresh grain. Glyphosate was developed to clean the inside of metal containers and pipes. Wow.

All GMO crops are glyphosate resistant and dependent. Which means. Roundup will not kill the plant. You're trying to grow. Only everything else that's in the field. And now they're seeing the super weeds. It can't kill those.

So then what do they have to develop to kill a super weed?

If this stuff is that bad. Could you imagine. What this stuff coming is going to be like,

So since these.

Crops rely on. Roundup in order to kill the weeds.

In order to harvest.

The crop.

Think about what that means. That means that all GMO grown crops, which has many. Have.

Major side effects.

I'll get into those, but let me first give you an idea. Of the foods that you know of. That contain high levels. Of glyphosate, Roundup. You ready? I'm going to go fast. Granola. By Quaker. The brand kind back to nature and nature's valley. Instant oats by giant. That's a grocery store company. If you don't know. Quaker. Market pantry.

Yup. Whole foods. Whole oats by Quaker and even Bob's red mill, which. That one hurts because that's a original health food store product. Nature's path. Oh yeah. Another one that was.

A natural food store product. And whole oats from whole foods. Cereal. By Kashi. Kellogg's including lucky charms and Cheerios. Snack bars by Quaker kind nature valley. Kellogg's. Orange juice. Bye Tropicana. Minute maid, signature farms, Kirkland. Yeah, for all you Costco lovers. Kirkland. Crackers. Those include.

Cheez-its. Ritz crackers. Triscuits goldfish. And just about every other cracker. Cookies. Annie's which was originally a natural health store product. Kashi. Again, another health store product and of course, Nabisco. Well, come on. Nabisco they own, Oreos. That's about the worst food on the planet. Chips. Bye guess what?

Stacy's lays Doritos and Fritos. Those are just a few of the products. You ready?

It's also been found in miscellaneous products like. Okay. I know this is going to get ya. So hang in there. Ready? Ben and Jerry's ice cream. Yup. How about this one? Non organic cotton products like tampons and clothing.

Even drinking water.

Sorry. You buy the bottle of water. Because you think it's healthier. Unless it's clean. And filtered. It's got glyphosate in it.

75% of air and rain samples. And found with glyphosate.


Glyphosate Roundup in human urine.

That basically says we all have it in our body, regardless of what you do.

So, yes. Cheerios. And all of their forms. Have the highest. Parts per billion content. Of glyphosate at 833. That is the highest. Content of glyphosate in all the foods in the grocery store. πŸ“

The second is nature valley. Granola bars. Granola cups.

They're baked. Oh, bites.

Their fruit and nut chewy trail mix granola bars. There are protein, granola bars.

Even their biscuits.

Generally speaking. If it's made from a grain.

And it's in the grocery store. It's going to have high levels. Of glyphosate.

Don't worry. I'm going to get to.

Even more, that's going to make you upset.

So, since these foods are grown using Monsanto seeds and their Roundup. Essentially they're owned by Monsanto. And then the farmers are not allowed to capture their own seeds.

They can only get seeds from Monsanto.

Largest production is corn. More than 90% of corn is GMO. More than 90%. That's incredible.

Now, check this out. Roundup has an ability. To reflect light. So they can fly a plane over the crops and see who's spraying Roundup. On their corn or if the crop is a captured seeds crop. Or not, and who is not using their poison and seeds. They have a list of farms That use it in farms that don't.

So if it drifts into your farm, because you don't use their GMO seed.

Then they can Sue you. Oh, yes. You see how evil. This is, and I'm not even done yet. I haven't even got to the worst part yet.

e direct correlations between:

Well, You destroy the microbiome. And it destroys your gut health. Destroy the microbiome. You destroy mental health.

I spoke about this in my microbiome episode. Your gut is your second brain full of neurological tissue. Communicates through your nervous system. To your brain. Your microbiome and anything in the gut communicates with your brain. Chemicals in your food.

Or that are created by the microbiome sends signals through your central nervous system to your brain to tell your body what to do. All creatures have this.

Good microbiome. Lowers your stress. Makes you feel good? Gets rid of all kinds of mental disorders, even just regular daily things like depression or anxiety, even stress.


Can be tested in all foods or beverages. And yes, they find it.

Cow's milk tested around our country. To show him thousands of times, greater quantity per billion. Then what's allowed in even Europe.

Then we tested. Human mother's milk. And found very high levels.

So, what does that mean? Well means your baby's feeding off of your milk. And as a brand new baby, that glyphosate is inhibiting the quality being built of the human structure. In other words, you're setting your baby up for real bad situations later in life. Can imagine. All the things wrong with your baby. Then your child. And then you're an adult could have started just.

From this one, chemical that is so destructive to our environment and our health.

Roundup and glyphosate.

Are neurotoxins.

They destroy.

The same way that every other insecticide does that you buy at the store. It's just so pervasive. They use so much of it. The concentrations are high.

So then it causes things like cancer. Especially non-Hodgkin's .


Increases your chances by 40%. That's insane.

Causes endocrine disruptions. Fertility. Reproductive.


You mess up your endocrine system. Aha. You mess up hormones. Mess up hormones. Yeah, your life's going to really, really suck.

Causes liver disease.

Destroys your kidneys. Of course, we talked about the microbiome disruption. It also increases the probability of just dying from all cause mortality. That's literally, it increases your chances of dying from any problem. You have whatsoever.

And of course, because it's a neurotoxin. Neurological and behavioral disorders.

One of those. Would be ALS. Or Ms. Those are neuro toxicity issues. Depression anxiety. Anemia.

And of course, because it's prevalent. In the ecosphere it's killing bees. It's destroying insects of all kinds like the Monarch butterflies.

It's wiping out so many species. It's insane.

More on that later.

Might be wondering what the heck do I do now? Yes, you can clean out glyphosate. You got to start changing your diet. Got to start doing some detoxing.

Problem is that damage could have already happened. It's your health conditions. Yeah, they might improve. Most likely going to be a non cellular damaged tissue issue. For example.

Recreate a good microbiome and your depression goes away or recreate your microbiome in your child's ADHD. Autism goes away. But the nerve damage. That you may have had that created something like diabetes. Because the glyphosate destroyed your pancreas when you were a baby. That's not going to come back.

You ready for the one, two punch. Well, here it goes. Glyphosate. Is only one ingredient in the chemical cocktail that Bayer makes called Roundup.

That's the stuff that you can buy at home Depot or any other hardware store. Major companies supply it agriculture industry. You use it around your house to kill weeds, just thinking, oh, I've seen this product before. No big deal.

Well, This mix of chemicals. It increases the toxicity of glyphosate. But also all of these chemicals are toxic that are in that product. And those are ending up on your food. Guess what. It's proprietary. So they don't list on the label. What's in the recipe. Oh, gee, I wonder why.

So, what I'm saying is glyphosate. Is only one. Uh, thousands of chemicals in our food supply. When you put all those together. They compound and become even more toxic. Th anything that's living. You can't just get it out of the environment. Now it's in there. It's everywhere. Glyphosate is now being found all around the earth. And now here's the death blow. It's even found in organic foods. Y. Well, Because of things like wind and groundwater. Yes.

It's everywhere. πŸ“

Some stats for you. In the US the agencies allow 0.5 milligrams per kilogram. In Europe. It's only point. Zero one milligrams per kilogram. Oh, yeah. We allow so much more toxins in our environment than other countries do. I don't understand it. I don't get why our government doesn't care. It's beyond me.

πŸ“ 90% of songbirds have disappeared from agricultural toxins.

Sorry about that.

Glyphosate. Is likely to injure or kill 93% of the plants and animals protected under the endangered species act. It's just incredible.

1,676 endangered species are likely to be harmed by glyphosate. 280 million pounds. Of glyphosate are used. Just in agriculture. And glyphosate is sprayed on you ready for this? 298 million acres of crop land each year.

There's no words.

But don't worry. It's fine. Because Bayer says, so. πŸ“

Kilz. All amphibians, it comes in contact with. And it goes on and on with the stats. I'm not going to bore you. Although, maybe the stats are what makes you really mad?

It all makes me mad.

Now I'm going to make you even more mad.

They have purchased hundreds of seed companies for the last many years. Not only do they get you to use their seed? Which means you have to keep buying it. Every year. But you have to use their herbicide in order to control the harvest. If you don't comply with their rules. Then they will destroy you. By taking your farm. Suing you to no end. And ruining your life as a farmer, don't believe me. Listen on I'm getting there.

Don't worry though.

All they want is to just control all the food on the planet. Right now, their plan is almost complete. Why would you want. To consume food from a company that destroys farms in people's lives that are trying to feed you. This is why the fight against organic food is so huge. This is why you hear there's no difference. Between organic food and it costs too much and all this other nonsense. Who is saying that. I'll give you a guess.

Their food is empty of nutritional value.

It hurts your health in so many ways, and it hurts the health of the ecosphere. At the base level of all the things on this planet. Food water and air are the three pillars that hold up you and all life on this planet and Monsanto using their herbicide and seeds have ruined one of those pillars. The health repercussions have been proven in court so many times. That Monsanto has to pay out so much money over all these years. All those stories have been buried by the media.

And by the way, it's been in the hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars. Yet. You never hear about it. This is why you we're now hearing this. Maybe for the first time. Monsanto has been awarded the most evil company on the planet for many, many years. There are activists. And organizations all over the world that have been trying to change things, but you never hear about it. Because Monsanto and the chemical companies own the media. How do they own the media? They advertise. And they pay a whole lot of money. And they put out tons of adverts. Now I'm really going to make people upset and I'm going to try and hold myself back.

As I tell you this.

If you thought all of that was bad.

This is going to convince you.

That this company. Is.

The most evil company on the planet.

Monsanto. Owns the cotton industry in India. 100% of the cotton growers. All have to use Monsanto seed. And those seeds costs. Four times conventional seed costs.

prevalent problem that since:

You tell me. How they care so much about you? You tell me how they care so much about biodiversity and the planet.

All their talk on their marketing and their media of how they're helping the world and all this other nonsense. When all they're really doing is crushing. The little people and at the same time, making them sick from using their products.

I'm really, really trying to hold my cool right now. I am so sick of having to teach you all. About the reality of what you are being given behind the scenes. The only people that care about what they're feeding you are the local organic regenerative farmers. All the other companies producing food. Absolutely. Do not care about you or your health. It's all about the money. Isn't that always the case. It's evil. The root. Of evil is the love. Of money.

They have destroyed. India. They're destroying India. Every single day, as well as many other third world countries, it's disgusting.

Here's another case in point. Corn.

Comes from Mexico. That's where it originated. They have more varieties. Dating back all the way than any other country. They have farmers that are farming the same farms for thousands of years. It was believed that they had the purest corn in the world, which by the way, Grows without any chemicals at all.

A little more than 10 years ago, it was discovered that there was a trans genic GMO in this ancient corn. Varietals.


Corn growing.

It had come there. In one way or another. I'll let you guess how that possibly could have happened. If you live in Mexico, it is 40% cheaper to buy corn. That was brought from the United States. Then to buy the local corn. So for many people, they can't afford much. So they keep buying this cheaper corner from America. They're almost all of that is genetically modified. Again, Tell me how that's good for third world countries.

And then. There's south America. Magically somehow. Nobody really knows, but the next thing you realize is there's GMO soybean crops. Everywhere in south America. And in order to grow those GMO soybean crops, you have to have fertile land. That means you have to cut down. All the trees and all of the forest. That then destroys all the biodiversity. Of all the other food plants that had been native. To south America for ever.

Oh, and don't forget royalties from all those soybeans. Go back to who. Monsanto.

Tell me again, how climate change? Is caused by cars or cow farts. Or anything else That they want to take out of our lives.

When they full well know. What they're doing in the background. Oh, and don't forget. It's also destroying all the small farmers. Remember diversity in third world countries. And of course. There's always the poisoning of the people from all the chemicals. That have been sprayed.

As you can see this lights me up. This is the kind of stuff.

That makes me do this podcast. Because most of you have never learned this.

You've been sold to believe that these big companies have your best interest in mind . They don't. They don't care about you. Or the third world countries. Especially the third world countries. Because third world countries. I don't have money to buy food.

First-world countries do.

Paraguay. Which is probably second, only to Uruguay is the best country on the planet to live in.

It's now being destroyed. By Monsanto. Let's not forget that these farms in these areas are now being owned by corporations, not the people who live there. It's just an absolute nightmare. It's such a prominent problem. That around a hundred thousand people. Every year, leave the rural countryside to live in the slums of the big cities of Paraguay.


Because they're ruining their farms. They have no choice.

And all of that.

Is so that Monsanto. Can sell soybeans. Large ag. Can grow. And distribute soybeans.

In order to feed animals in Europe.

That's where they transport the soybeans. You're ruining. Farmers. Third world farmers. Their land. That they have farmed for thousands of years in order to feed pigs. Or any other animal in Europe? This garbage food. In the meantime, you're ruining these people and killing them and putting them in slums.

It's disgusting.

I digress. I'm going to call them down.

Guess what most animals need to eat. Everything on a pasture. They don't need soybeans or corn or rye or barley wheat. Or any other grain? Pigs are natural scavengers, just like chickens are, do you know that? They eat everything. From mushrooms to seeds and nuts and grasses and little small animals. But of course cattle eat grass.

Then what happens? They poop. πŸ“

Which then feeds the soil, which then grows more insects in grass and little small animals and πŸ“ everything else that lives in a pasture pastures are the most fertile and best. Earth. It supports all life. That we need to eat.

It's sickening. What's happening to the world food supply. And Monsanto is the largest and most evil of all the companies.

You know, you look at these farms and it looks so pretty because they're lush uniform. There's no weeds. There's nothing out of place. It's very well kept.

Realize. It's all fake. It looks good. But it's the opposite. Of good. As most things are. The only reason the plants are even living is because the chemicals. The soil's dead. There's no animal life from insects and amphibians all the way up to birds and raccoons and squirrels and even deer.

The combines, kill everything in its path. So, what can you do? First thing you can do is stop buying their food.

The second thing you can do is sell off your stock. If you have any in biotech and big ag.

Start buying local food, especially organic. Ask the farmer. Do you use chemicals at all? If he says he does say thank you very much. I'm going to buy from somebody else who doesn't. Then he'll get the message. Grow your own food.

Then. You may have to do some detoxifying of your own body. It's a tough thing to do. You, you got to know what you're doing. But you go slow. And you can do some easy things first. You can even work with a natural path or a homeopathic physician or anybody else in the natural field. And then go slow.

That way you don't feel terrible doing it because let me tell you. Yeah, you're, you're gonna feel terrible if you do it too fast, go slow.

You need to drink distilled water.

You get your minerals from your food. Don't worry about it. Or you can drink. Mountain valley spring water. If you really do care about minerals.

Mountain valley comes in green glass. You can buy it online. Or find somebody local that sells it. Best spring water you can get. And by the way, It tastes the best.

You can do nothing but grass fed meat or organic pasture raised. Labeled. animal food sources. For example. Eggs should say organic and pasture raised. If it doesn't say those two things, then it's still going to get most likely contaminated sources in its food. Grassfed 100% is the only way to determine if it has Roundup or glyphosate, because they don't. Spray grass.

You can also search a list online of, you know, foods that contain the most amount of herbicides, insecticides and pesticides. Then don't eat those.

Unless they're organic. You won't. Fully 100% get rid of it. But you can't lower it almost to zero. Then tell others about this topic. Maybe even send them this episode, wink, wink.

If this is one of the things you do for your health, you will be further along than most people who don't know about this topic. This is one of the reasons to stop buying commercially raised food. Not just the amyloids that I told you about.

Even though it costs more. You don't need to eat as much. Most people eat way too much food.

Especially when the food's lacking nutrition, it's empty. And your body will make you eat even more. Nutritionally rich food satiates. You.

Notice how they love to genetically modify all the grains. All the grains that make up things like flour. They can make all kinds of carbohydrate, rich foods from.

They know it's because it's mostly junk food processed foods that contain these flours. Therefore they make even more money. They don't care about okra. Who the heck eats okra anyway. I'm kidding. Of course. There's no money. In okra.

So I'm telling you. Eat more animal foods and less plants. And I guarantee you, you will feel better.

I think we'll stop there for today.

My heart rate.

Is really high. I'm very upset about having to do this episode.

But I appreciate you listening. This is a huge topic. That no one's talking about because it is hidden . By who. That would be the powers that be.

This is important.

If this bothers you as much as it does me. I will put a link in the show notes. That.

Without exaggeration.

We'll educate you more.

Then I can do in this podcast in one hour.

You will see these peoples. Around the world.

Struggle to maintain. Any sense of dignity?

And this. Documentary was done.

More than a decade ago. So you can imagine how much worse. It is right now, then the info that I gave you. And that she gives you in this documentary.

I implore you to watch it. If you care at all about humanity.

And your food. That you will have from now on. You need to see it.

Thank you for listening. Take care of yourselves.

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About the Podcast

The Reality of Health
Health is a holistic concept impacted by lifestyle, habits, sleep, exercise, water, food, air, and toxins.
This is not your average health podcast. It is cutting edge info.
"I never know who to believe"
I hear this all the time...
Well, I will help you navigate all the info you are constantly sold to believe.
The reality is not what you were sold...
New episodes every Monday and Thursday @ 5am!
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About your host

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Erik Muzzy

I have been educating clients since 1992 on health and nutrition, studied numerous different areas of natural healing and wellness. Utilizing nutrition, diet, exercise, mind, body and spirit for ultimate health or just feeling better.