Episode 76

Published on:

17th Apr 2024

Ep. 76 - The First Step to a Healthy Life

Crafting a Personalized Health Plan

In this episode of 'Reality of Health', I share why I believe planning is the first critical step toward achieving our health goals. I take you through a series of reflective questions that I ask you about your current health status, goals, and motivations for wanting to improve your health. These reflections will help you create a personalized health plan. I dive into several essential areas for maintaining and enhancing health, including managing the sympathetic nervous system, improving sleep, reducing stress, ensuring consumption of clean water and healthy foods, wisely choosing supplements, and stabilizing movement through proper footwear and physical activities. This episode is all about equipping you with the knowledge and motivation needed to embark on your healthier lifestyle journey by following a sustainable health plan.

00:00 Welcome to Your Health Transformation Journey!

00:27 The Importance of Having a Health Plan

00:59 Key Questions for Your Health Plan

01:34 Creating Your Personal Health Roadmap

03:20 Prioritizing Your Health: From Posture to Sleep

04:15 Foundational Health Priorities: Nervous System to Diet

06:52 The Ultimate Sleep Guide for Better Health

07:52 Reducing Stress and Cleaning Your Environment

08:44 Hydration and Water Quality Essentials

09:29 Supplements: Necessity or Choice?

10:54 Movement and Posture: The Foundation of Physical Health

12:51 Crafting Your Health Plan: The Final Step

13:19 Closing Thoughts and Encouragement


 Welcome healthy friends. To the reality of health podcast.

Today's a very important episode for you.

This is the first thing you should do. When you decide it's time to get healthy.

You see, you can have all the knowledge in the world, but if you don't have an execution plan, Then you're destined to either fail or have mediocre results. If you're currently feeling ill health of any kind. Or you don't want to have ill health in the future. The now is the time to make a plan. Without a plan. You have no direction. If you don't have a plan, how do you know where you're going to end up? Figure out what you want to accomplish for your health. This is very important. Otherwise you are just. Flying by the seat of your pants, hoping you're going to be healthy in the future.

Here are a few questions you need to ask yourself.

You should write these down. Think about them, meditate on them. Come up with the answers to these questions so that you can make your own plan. All right, we're going to get right into this. Ready. What is the future state of your health supposed to be? What is your goal?

Why are you trying to be healthy? What does it take to be healthy? Where are you at right now? Where do you want to be? How healthy do you want to be?

So let's start from right now, right where you're at. Create a roadmap to where you want to be. This is what you ask yourself. Where are you right now? What are your struggles?

Go back. Listen to those, write them down. Think about them. That will then give you. Your end result, what you need, what you want.

Here's a great question. How do you want to start? Your life in health. Or how do you want to live your life? Healthy. And then how do you want to end your life? In health. Maybe we've got to die sometime. Do you want to be really in pain and feeling really terrible at the end? Or do you want to just kind of fade away?

You have three choices.

To take care of your health.


Make up the difference in the middle. Or do whatever you can add the end to not make it really terrible.

If you are any of these. You now have to decide what you need to do from this point forward. If you want a pain-free life, then it's up to you to do what's needed. It's not easy all the time, but it's worth it. Other times it is very easy and you feel better than when you were an ill health. Once you have the healthy habits in place, it's easier. Breaking those old habits. Is the hard part.

There's no hurry. Unless you are in an extreme condition, otherwise. Ease into any one of these I'm going to lay out for you. But first an example. Let's say you do not have very great posture or you sit all day. And what is going to happen when you are two or five or 10 years down the road? It'll be worse. Poor posture can wreak havoc on your whole body. From inability to breathe properly To spinal deconstruction. So not only. Do you not breathe properly in the future.

But you will be in pain as well. You can take steps now to either stop it.

Or reverse it. Like yoga Or chiropractic or stretching. Exercise anything. To strengthen your structure, correcting your structure can eliminate so many health conditions just by itself.

So I'm going to give you some priorities. These are your basics to good health now. In the middle and in your future, ready? Here we go priority. Number one. Stabilize your sympathetic nervous system. Oh, Erik, we knew you were going to bring that one up. Well, yeah, it's cause my favorite. 📍

How do you do that? Sleep. Is number one way. You have a hard time sleeping? Well,

Got to get rid of the light. At night. Use blue blockers take valerian starting earlier than you would try to go to sleep like nine o'clock so you can fall asleep about an hour after that. Valerian causes you to uptake and utilize GABA. A, chemical, your brain uses to rest and sleep.

Oh. And by the way, you'll have awesome dreams.

Do something physical every day. Meditate or pray regularly. Use proactive breathing methods throughout your day. There's many systems. You can look them up. I have a breathing episode, upcoming, it's going to be awesome. You need morning sunlight. It's one of the best things you can do for your overall health, especially right when the sun starts coming up. You need to be outside, look towards the sun. As much skin as you can expose. This will immediately set up all the hormones for your entire day. Guess what. Good hormones means good nervous system. Then you can do grounding. Take your shoes off.

Go outside. Touch the grass, the dirt, cement asphalt.

Grass I think is the most pleasurable. 📍 But you got to get outside and touch the ground.

You need to stabilize your diet.

That means lower your carb. Go higher animal fat.

You have to do lower insulin foods. Otherwise you're going to get all wired from the sugar and the carbs. Then you can go low caffeine or even no caffeine. You need to eat well. That means high protein, high animal fat and low carbs. Let your body not get jacked up on carbs and sugar. Then you can learn your body on what you should eat. Are you better in the morning or not? Late night. It depends on what you eat. You have to figure that out for yourself. No sugar or carbs or caffeine after midday. You got to put a kibosh on that.

Priority number two.


I do have a sleep episode. Go ahead and listen, tell you pretty much everything you need to know. But here's some quick ones for you. Everyone should take valerian. That's a, that's a root, it's an herb. Before bed. It is amazing for your GABA. Uptake. Go to bed earlier. Invest in the best bedding you can afford. No carbs, no sugar after 4:00 PM. No light in your room. No electronics. No phone. Especially charging your phone next to your head.

I mean, that is just terrible.

If you're going to use a sound machine needs to be away from your head, typically across the room. There are so many more things you can do for sleep.

Most people never consider how to have good sleep. They just do the same thing. They always do. They just go to bed expecting a different result.

Priority number three. You have to lower your stress. If you want to be healthy, stress needs to go away.

I happened to have an episode on stress as well. The best way is to reduce all the junk in your life that you don't need. And I mean, you need to get serious about it. That means people that you don't need. They're gone. They drag you down they are negative. They don't lift you up. They're not positive. They're gone.

You have to have priorities.

If they don't line up. With what you want or need, they're gone to. You have to remove any barrier that makes you feel fear or Discontentment.

If it isn't in line with the health that you want or need, then remove it. Clean that junk out. Make your environment about healing, positivity and contentment.

Priority number four. Clean water. And I happened to have an episode on that as well. I know it sounds like I'm plugging all my episodes, but I went over these in the foundational series.

Has to be spring water only in glass bottles. Green mountain valley is my favorite. You can do distilled water. You can do structured water. You could even make your own structure water. You can vortex it. Look that up. It's super simple. Or you could even take. Glass jars, put your water in it, put it out in the sun. That'll stay structure for a couple of days inside your home. Priority number five.

Supplements. Well, You only need these, if you actually want to take them or you really do need to heal something.

I'm going to have an episode in the future about supplements. Do you really need them or not? You could go to a holistic practitioner. They'll they'll look at you and figure out what you need.

Maybe you don't need any depends on what they find. Everybody needs though. Animal foods. Oh, yeah, gotta eat those animal foods. Butter. Beef eggs. cheese.

Fresh raw milk products. Oh yeah. Clean water. Good salt, the best salt you can find everybody's taste on salt is different. Whatever you like. But if you want to take something. I'm more inclined to use herbs. Or homeopathic remedies.

Outside of herbs. I like collagen. Or even better than powdered collagen would be bone broth. Bone broth that you buy should always be frozen. And no additives. I like enzymes. Specially like essential oils, topically. But my overall favorite supplement to take every single day, which I do is ginger. It is literally good for everything. There's nothing that it doesn't help with. Priority number six, you have to stabilize your movement. Get rid of shoes that constrict your feet. Try wearing zero drop or barefoot style shoes. Better is no shoes as much as possible. You see shoes with heels, even sneakers. With the heel higher than the toes is bad for you. You are shortening your Achilles tendon and messing up your ankles, your knees and your hips. And that then affects your posture.

We will have a shoes and feet episode coming up in the future.

Need to start practicing, balancing.

Like a rebounder, that's that little mini trampoline that you can put in your house and use. Try standing on one leg. It's harder than it sounds for as long as you can. There's, you know, yoga type poses that you can do. Where you're standing on one leg, push the other leg back, put your arms out and try and balance and do that for as long as you can flip the legs, do it again. You can stretch. All the different stretching types every day, that will help with your fascia and make you stronger in all your movement. You can do things like the horse stance or any other static exercise. You can look up static exercise, basically, you're holding a posture. Or different types of holds that you can do.

It's harder than you think. you can look up online and see a bunch of these.

If you're in the gym or you at home. Grab some weights. And do squats. Fantastic for stabilizing your movement. These will make you strong. From your feet up. And when that structure is good, so many health conditions get better. There's tons of ways to increase your structure. See, you need to make your plan. You need to write it out. Put it on your mirror. Whatever it takes to make it your daily routine. You can't build something without plans.

Why would we have plans to build our health. Makes sense doesn't it. If you want success, you have to do 📍 this.

Got to make your plan.

Please subscribe and share and all that other stuff, you know how to do. Thank you for listening. Take care of yourselves.

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About the Podcast

The Reality of Health
Health is a holistic concept impacted by lifestyle, habits, sleep, exercise, water, food, air, and toxins.
This is not your average health podcast. It is cutting edge info.
"I never know who to believe"
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About your host

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Erik Muzzy

I have been educating clients since 1992 on health and nutrition, studied numerous different areas of natural healing and wellness. Utilizing nutrition, diet, exercise, mind, body and spirit for ultimate health or just feeling better.