Episode 82

Published on:

9th May 2024

Ep. 82 - The Truth About Antibiotics...

My Take on Antibiotics, Antivirals, and Illness

In this episode of the 'Reality of Health' podcast, I challenge the conventional medical beliefs surrounding the effectiveness and necessity of antibiotics and antivirals, proposing a perspective that viruses and bacteria don't cause illnesses in the way we've been led to believe. I reinforce the 'terrain theory', advocating the idea that our bodies naturally create bacteria, yeast, and mold to combat illness, while criticizing the side effects and underlying principles of antibiotics and antivirals. My skepticism extends to the existence of viruses, the potential harms of electromagnetic fields (EMFs), and the common misinterpretation of fevers as indicators of sickness. I advocate for a natural healing approach, emphasizing the importance of detoxification, a healthy lifestyle, and a critical view of the pharmaceutical industry, urging listeners to question mainstream medical practices and reconsider the nature of diseases.

00:00 Introduction to Health Misconceptions

00:54 Debunking Antibiotics and Antivirals

01:40 Exploring the Terrain Theory

06:48 The Truth About Fevers and How to Handle Them

13:40 Embracing a Healthy Lifestyle for Natural Healing


Welcome friends to the reality of health podcast.

Normally when you get sick.

You think. Oh, I need an antibiotic. Or even an antiviral.

Are you positive about that? Do you know what they are?

Do they even work?

Well, we're going to talk about it today. I spoke about the terrain theory recently. Basically just states that your body knows how to create bacteria and mold and yeast. In order to clean up. Uh, sickened situation.

It's very simple and it's provable. What's not provable is viruses and bacteria are out to get you. Especially viruses don't exist.

I just did a recent episode on that topic. If you care to listen.

So let's just get into this right now. Antivirals and antibiotics have side effects. You may have heard of ivermectin. Has like. 30 side-effects. I know because I counted them.

And that's just one antiviral. And it was given a Nobel prize.

Antibiotics have so many side effects.

And, you know, what. They're all the type that indicate the body is trying to clean itself. From the antibiotic. We'll get into it.

So if viruses have never been proven, then why do you need. an antiviral. Why would the medical establishment. Give you such a thing. And since they've never proven that bacteria cause illness. Then why would you take an antibiotic?

If you're new to this subject. You should look into the terrain theory. It'll explain what I just meant.

You know, everybody worries about additives in their food or supplements or water,

but they never ask what kind of additives are in their pharmaceutical drugs they take. Isn't that interesting.

That's because you want relief and you don't care what's in it. I know that feeling been there myself. So when you take things like antibiotics and antivirals, You now miss the reason that you're actually sick.

The word antibiotic breaks down into two words, as we all know, anti and biotic. Which means against life. Isn't it funny how pharmaceutical companies name their stuff in such a way that is antithetical to their own mission.

The word pharmaceutical comes from the Greek word pharmakia. Which means witchcraft sorcery and poisoning. Yay. πŸ“

And for another nail in the theory, antibiotics actually can act as anti-inflammatories. But wouldn't that be a good thing, Eric? Yeah they'll make you feel better, but at what cost.

Main three reasons you get sick is poisoning malnutrition. And EMF or electrical poisoning, whatever you want to call it.

You've cleaned up the cleanup crew. Rather than letting the cleanup crew clean up the problem. And again, like last Monday, I just use cleanup four times.

But I will say if you have a very, very major cleanup issue. Then maybe an antibiotic or antiviral is good in a short term.

You just need to know you stopped the healing response. Now you can at least get your life back together and start detoxing or looking for the reason of why you got sick in the first place. You were not invaded by an unproven unseen invader. You were either poisoned, malnourished or had some kind of toxic EMF that disrupts all the electrical flow in your body. Don't believe me.

That you can disrupt electrical flow, then go stand next to a high voltage electrical panel.

I absolutely guarantee you, you will get sick. That's why there are warning stickers on those boxes that say, do not stand closer than three feet for any length of time. Why would OSHA say that? Because people have gotten cancers. And all kinds of other health issues by being too close for too long.

And then if you're a malnourished. Tissues break down. And then the cleanup crew has to come show up to clean up the mess. If you're poisoned from anything in your food, your water, something, you touched something you breathed in. Whatever. Your body has to clean that up. Just like an oil spill in the ocean.

The cleanup crew is the bacteria. It's the yeast. It's the mold. Created in your body from your somatids. I have an episode on that.

To repair you and heal you and bring you back to health. If you're going to kill those bacteria, then you're going to need to find your root cause and fix it. πŸ“

Let's put this into perspective. Real scientists do real science. They start fresh with only a basic understanding of base. Knowledge.

They're not tainted with someone else's theories or ideas or propaganda. They start with very, very basic science that has actually been proven, not just theoretical stuff. Then they do very, very basic. Science themselves. They see the situation, Then they observe the situation.

Then they draw conclusions from what they see. Then they decide to test those conclusions. To try and prove the conclusion wrong. You don't try and prove your position. You try to disprove your theory or position. Once you have disproven everything you can. Then what is left is the truth. You could even say that's Occam's razor. This is the basis of science. Anything other than that is wrong. Unfortunately, this is not how science is done any longer. They come up with a theory test it and when it doesn't show what they want. And they just come up with another offshoot of their theory. Kind of like adding an ingredient to a recipe to make it better. Eventually. You don't have the original recipe any longer and your cake tastes like Mac and cheese. Not so sure if that's not a bad thing.

What about fevers when we are sick?

Certainly that proves we have caught something.

You might hear a little sarcasm in my voice because yeah, I believe this most of my life.

And I realize. I was wrong.

Now I'm going to say right here in now, whatever you want to believe about fevers.

I will say. They're terrible. They do not feel good whatsoever.

If your fever is so bad that you were approaching the, I don't know, 105 to 106 Area. Then I say, do something about that. It's called

hyperpyrexia. It's rare. That is emergency medicine at its finest. And I am all for emergency medicine.

So what is a fever? Modern medicine says your body temp is over a hundred degrees. And a quick side note, your body does fluctuate its temperature all day, just so you know.

It's normal to have a fever when you need it.

They also say that the fever helps to inhibit the growth of the infection.

But guess what? Many bacteria can grow from more heat. Uh, pretty much disprove that. They say they are caused by viruses or bacteria infection.

They say that the infection is your body triggering the immune system to fight an invader.

Of course they've never proved viruses exist, or that bacteria makes you sick. Then they want to give you antibiotics and antivirals. You ever notice how they say you've got a virus, but then they give you an antibiotic. Why would you give an antibacterial drug? When someone has a virus infection. Aren't they different?

Then they say the fever helps the white blood cells get to the location πŸ“ faster. That's total nonsense. You have white blood cells all over your body at all times. You can also induce more white blood cells taking things like pharmaceutical drugs. You ever heard of prednisone?

What if your body heats up in order to let your tissues release toxins in order to flush them out through your lymphatic system, your urine. Your feces, your skin. Even breathing. Picture this. Jello. When you heat it. It melts. And then. It's got to get out.

And you're going to see that in many ways, from mucus to diarrhea.

Your body is a water crystalline structure. And proteins hold everything together. And also fats. Just like jello.

So, how do you get stuff out of the tissues when your tissues resembled jello? You heat it up. πŸ“ Then it releases the fluids, the toxins and substances that are not supposed to be in there. And no, none of that stuff is contagious. It's toxic, but not contagious.

It's never shown to make anyone sick from the bacteria present in the excrement. πŸ“

The poisonous remnants from bacteria and yeast and mold. They don't make anyone feel good. If it triggers you to have an inflammatory response. Do you remember my histamine episode? If you haven't heard it, then it could explain maybe why you have the symptoms you have. For me, I'm very sensitive. Histamine from another person can trigger me. To have a reaction. That doesn't make me feel good.

You can trigger other people.

But the main culprit of why people think in terms of contagious. Is mental. You literally can believe you're going to get sick because your kid or someone, you know, is sick. It is the most proven way.

To feel symptoms.

But it's usually not the same symptoms because you are just dealing with waste. Not the poison.

When everyone in the household gets sick around the same time. That could mean they all consume basically the same thing all at the same time, that was poisonous. Or they received substances like histamine. Or that they just simply believe they are going to get sick.

Good in a bin that fast food or whatever everyone ate or the lake they swam in or anything that they all come in contact with that wasn't healthy.

Of course not. It's never those things.

Okay. So, how do you handle a fever? First thing you do is fast. It's only a short term fast one, two days. Just enough to let the fever break. Sometimes things happen during this time, like bowel movements or other weird things, but there's toxins in your body. They've got to get out. And the body has ways to do that.

And they're just not going to be pleasant. structured water is what you should be using. And if you've been listening to me and all my episodes, you know, I talk about it all the time. If you haven't, then you can listen to the water episode. Or most of my episodes. At this point lately.

But you can also drink. Super clean water, add a little bit of fresh organic citrus, like lime or lemon. Only a little bit. Don't make it too sour. Only enough to flavor the water.

You just barely want to taste it.

You can also have organic bone broth. It doesn't matter which animal it is, chicken or beef, but it has to be organic and it has to be frozen. If you're not going to make it yourself at home. Organic bone broth helps structure water in the body. Then for a little extra flavor, you can add butter.

The best would be to add a little bit of butter. And a little bit of a ghee.

is the most powerful water structuring additive.

If someone has blood sugar issues, then I would only use kombucha.

During this. Short-term fast. You have to keep the sugar low. Only enough to not get too low. Too much sugar. Well, that'll feed the microbiome and we need the microbiome to help eat up toxins at this point, not go on a sugar feeding frenzy.

Not going to get in the weeds on this one.

So why not do a healthy lifestyle? So you don't have to go through all this.

Adults have a little bit harder time releasing these toxins and letting the fever do its job. You should wear light clothing when necessary to allow the skin to do its job. Sun exposure is always excellent during this time. And Hey. If you have a hard time going to the bathroom during this time. You may have to do an enema. πŸ“

I never actually thought I'd ever say that in any one of my episodes, but it's out now. πŸ“

Dr. Ulric Williams basically said that your body's been trying to get rid of toxins slowly in small chunks until it builds up to such a point that your body can't do that. So it's going to do it more forcefully. And you're going to feel it. Fevers inflammation, discharge any number of symptoms. Ever had a yeast infection in your urinary system. Had diarrhea. How about vomiting? By the way. If you're in the alternative community, if you have actually looked into whether or not viruses and bacteria caused disease. Then why would you listen to alternative people or doctors or practitioners that still follow the paradigm of little tiny things that you can't see? And they can't prove are out to cause disease.

Why would you listen to those people? They have great things to say on lots of different areas, but when it comes to the science of the disease, they are on the side of viruses and bacteria that caused disease. πŸ“ I'm just saying.

Maybe this helped you. You don't need anti anything. You need good water. Good food. Good thoughts. Love in your life, low stress, hobbies, dogs, cats, or anything that makes you happy. That doesn't harm you.

Take care of yourselves.

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The Reality of Health
Health is a holistic concept impacted by lifestyle, habits, sleep, exercise, water, food, air, and toxins.
This is not your average health podcast. It is cutting edge info.
"I never know who to believe"
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About your host

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Erik Muzzy

I have been educating clients since 1992 on health and nutrition, studied numerous different areas of natural healing and wellness. Utilizing nutrition, diet, exercise, mind, body and spirit for ultimate health or just feeling better.