Episode 85

Published on:

20th May 2024

Ep. 85 - Fasting And Detoxification: A Different Perspective

Rethinking Detox and Fasting: My Gentle Approach

Welcome to the Reality of Health podcast! In this episode, I delve into a fresh perspective on fasting and detoxification. I challenge conventional views and offer a less invasive approach, emphasizing the importance of gradual cleansing and the body's natural ability to detoxify. I provide tips such as using bone broth, charcoal, and clarified butter during a cleanse, and highlight the importance of relaxation and clean living. Tune in to learn why detoxification doesn't have to be harsh and how you can support your body gently and effectively.

00:00 Introduction to Fasting and Detoxification

00:23 Challenging Traditional Views on Detox

02:42 Practical Tips for a Safer Detox Experience

05:03 A New Perspective on Cells and Detoxification

09:43 Daily Practices for Natural Detoxification

11:06 Concluding Thoughts on Gentle, Long-term Detox

11:56 Gratitude and Final Remarks


Welcome everyone to the reality of health podcast. Today, we're talking, fasting and detoxification. I've held off making this episode for a very long time.

I know it's a popular subject, but I wanted to make sure that I gave it to you in a way that maybe you've never heard of or thought about.

All right, let's go.

It's important to know right off the bat. I don't believe the old paradigm of fasting and detoxing, like you've always heard about.

This is going to be a different concept for you. I think.

Just my opinion regarding this subject. And of course this is not medical advice. It's for educational purposes only.

So here's my warning.

If you don't want to feel terrible and even possibly get yourself into real trouble from cleansing, then just don't do it or seek a Naturopath for help.

Because it can hurt.

That's why I prefer long-term less invasive protocols. When you cleanse from any program, you can do it slowly with minimal discomfort or none at all, or you can possibly become ill. When the body releases toxins, they travel throughout the tissues. So you'll just cleanse a toxin from one tissue and just deposit it into another one. That is what most people do and don't even realize it.

Then you might say. But Erik, I feel so much better. Such and such area of my body. Yeah. Those symptoms went away. Surely did. Only to show up with different symptoms in a different area of the body later on.

Quick disclaimer.

This episode is about general wellness, not serious health conditions.

This is my belief. About detoxing. There are so many opinions and protocols out there. It's insane.

Cultures to doctors, to Naturopaths and herbalists and everybody in between.

Including your friend. Who's not qualified to talk about it. I might add.

I'm more about encouraging the body rather than forcing the body to detox.

Unless, of course you like torture. πŸ“

I prefer the easy route for people.

Unless you have serious poisoning. That's a whole different thing.

And this episode is not about all the different ways to detox or fast. It's about a different way of thinking about detoxification. Do you really need to do it? Is it what you've always been told? How does it actually work?

So let's give you a few tips to start off with. Okay. Don't go back to doing what you were doing before you're a detox because basically you're going to put yourself right back into why you needed to do the detoxification in the first place.

Don't consume fruits or vegetables during a fast or detox. Unless you are obviously doing a protocol using fruits and vegetables Duh. I don't believe in any plant type protocols for detoxing. They have far too many chemical compounds. Not only does your body have to metabolize them, but there's also the pesky anti-nutrients and chemicals that are toxic to the body.

You can consume organic, only bone broth. It's nourishing to the body, but won't inhibit the detoxification process. You could even just do a bone broth detox for two to three days.

If you have to add something to your water, then add a small amount of organic lemon. Just enough to taste it.

Can also take a small amount of charcoal. Couple times a day. That'll help in the digestive system. So if you have a little or no digestive upset, it can help curb some of those.

Unpleasantries. πŸ“

Quick massages will help. But don't do like deep tissue or two hour long massages. You can also build your microbiome before you start your


One of the best things you can do during a fast or cleansing is consume clarified butter, also known as Ghee.

Add it to your bone broth or just drink it. Higher fat during a detox protocol. Has shown to increase the fat soluble toxin metabolism.

And if you're experiencing digestive upset, then add some fiber powder. If you have constipation, then add a natural laxative.

Last one I will mention is make sure you get minerals during any detox or a fast. You see, they support the liver. Super important. A liquid mineral supplement is what I prefer you use like sea plasma water or trace minerals research company makes a product that's just liquid minerals.

So here's the general concept of why you're fasting and your detoxifying. The theory is that you force your body into a state of autophagy.

Which is the body replacing old dying cells with new ones.

My concept, however, is different. I don't believe cells exist.

And all the type of cells you've been always shown.

I believe they are structures of water that have proteins and fats and. They make up tissues.

No, one's actually proven that we have actual cells. It looks like a spheroid shape under a light microscope, but that's about it. Then Dr. Gilbert Lincoln comes around and removed what you know of as a cell membrane and nothing happened.

Picture jello. And the outer surface of that jello. There is a surface. But not a membrane.

You see.

When they look at cells under a microscope. They see only a sphere and a nucleus and cytoplasm. That's the water and then they also see mitochondria. That's it? That's all there is. So protein and water mixed and held together in a unit. Nothing more.

There's essentially two types of cleansing. Short and longterm short is hours to a few days and long is any length of time longer than that.

In short-term protocols. I believe that when you fast or do a cleanse, you are releasing the water. And with it comes the toxins. When doing longer protocols, I believe that you now start to employ your microzymas known as Somatids.

I have an episode on those episode, 73.

They start to clean up the fat-soluble toxins.

During a longer detoxification.

The time when you are. Not feeling so good during this protocol is when the amount of detoxification hits that threshold of what you can feel. The blood and the lymphatic system concentrations are high. Tons of toxins that have been freed from your tissues and or the toxins from the Somatids that have fed on the toxins. Remember, they deprecate just like we do. πŸ“

You feel better after a good cleanse because you have less poison interrupting your daily functioning of your body.

Now we have two types of toxins. You have water and fat-soluble. Water soluble comes out quicker. Fat soluble takes a lot longer.

So, this is how I see it. You.

As a whole are a water vessel. Every day. You're going to want to replace the water. In your body with fresh water. Till the poison has been diluted out. That's just your daily functioning. Get up. Do your stuff throughout the day. Make sure you're getting clean water that replaces the old water. And when the old water leaves there goes toxins. Picture like a bucket. That is filled with water and you add a toxin into it. You wouldn't drink that you don't want that in your body. So, how do you get rid of that toxin? You can't separate it. But you can add water, like let's say continuously from a hose.

And eventually the toxin is just diluted out.

And for an added bonus of information, I will tell you to then impart the water with good EMF. Or charge or frequency or vibration. Yeah. Yeah. Erik, you always talk about those.

That's because it's the essence of your health.

You see, cause poisons break down your tissues and they destructure your water. Then the tissue start dying and you get sick. So, if you stop poisoning yourself, then you won't need to detox.

Or fast.

Unless you have a serious health condition. I don't believe in a dedicated, fast or cleansing process, just to do it because it seems like something you should do. Or your.

Friend told you, you should do it. Or somebody told you, you should just do it. Why?

If you conduct your life in a healthy way, your body will clean itself on its own.

Because if it didn't. You would be dead already. πŸ“

So if you're consuming toxins from many areas in your life, from the air to your clothes, to your food, To your skincare from your laundry to never getting outside, to never touching the earth. From too much stress, too much negative thinking, no love. Then you will need to do some form of detoxification and probably on a regular basis.

If you want to add a form of detoxification to yourself every day. And get into using red light therapy or a sauna of any kind or getting out in the sun, especially physically touching the earth. Drink clean water, eat clean food. Remove as many toxins in your life as you can. I have several episodes on toxins in your life.

And where you'll find them.

You can do different types of baths. You can induce sweating from exercise. You can utilize breathing techniques. One of the most gentle and most powerful ways that you can detox and is my personal favorite. Is with a castor oil pack placed over your liver while you sleep. Not only does it help your liver to remove toxins, but it also balances your central nervous system. People who do it. Say they love it. Children love it too.

If you're in a sympathetic state all the time. It's very difficult for your body to detox. So, if you shift into the parasympathetic side, your body has a much easier time detoxifying.

The pack does that because of the slight pressure on the touch nerve receptors. Similar to a weighted blanket or swaddling for a newborn. Puts you into a relaxed state. And therefore you can heal.

So the key to detoxification is encourage the body. To do it through relaxation and the sun or red light therapy or sauna or exercise or earth grounding with clean water, clean food, clean air, low EMF exposure from electronics and electrical things. And then you'll be good.

Not that long ago, healing clinics used to be in places out in nature where they would feed you. Clean food. Clean water. You get a lot of sun. Clean air, no electronics. And most people either completely healed or led a normal life. We pretty much do the opposite and that's why everybody is sick.

I encourage you to do it minimally over long-term so you don't feel terrible. And that way you let your body do all the work. Like it's supposed to.

Hey. I want to thank you for listening. Especially all of you who listened to the end. I hope you see maybe things a little differently. Cleansing doesn't have to hurt.

There is no reason to hurry it along.

πŸ“ All right. That's it for today. Take care of yourselves..

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The Reality of Health
Health is a holistic concept impacted by lifestyle, habits, sleep, exercise, water, food, air, and toxins.
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About your host

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Erik Muzzy

I have been educating clients since 1992 on health and nutrition, studied numerous different areas of natural healing and wellness. Utilizing nutrition, diet, exercise, mind, body and spirit for ultimate health or just feeling better.