Episode 88

Published on:

30th May 2024

Ep. 88 - Toxins You Don’t Think About...Part: 2

Unseen Toxins in Everyday Items: Feminine Products, Band-Aids, and More | Reality of Health Podcast Part 2

In this episode of the Reality of Health Podcast, I dive into part two of the 'Toxins You Don't Think About' series. Discover the hidden dangers in everyday items such as feminine hygiene products, band-aids, cardboard, contact lenses, sunscreens, alcohol, mattresses, receipts, microwave popcorn, and even pasta and cereals. Learn about the chemicals involved, their potential health risks, and how to avoid them for a healthier lifestyle. Tune in to find out how you can make simple changes to reduce exposure to these harmful toxins.

00:00 Introduction and Recap

00:50 The Hidden Dangers of Feminine Products

04:01 Surprising Toxins in Everyday Items

05:20 The Truth About Produce and Textiles

08:24 Unexpected Toxins in Common Products

12:26 The Shocking Reality of Food Packaging

13:27 Conclusion and Final Thoughts


Welcome healthy friends to the reality of health podcast.

Today, we're doing part two. Of the episode toxins you don't think about.

Toxins are the reason you get sick. That's the number one reason. So it makes sense to look for those in your life.

I did a part one. Many people said, why even just leave my house. Well, here's part two. Which will probably make you feel the same way. I'm kidding. That's good to know, in your life where they are so that you can avoid them. Believe me, you make changes. Everything gets better.

Not only in your life. But you're not buying the garbage and using the garbage the world provides. And then making the world. Worse for it.

All right, let's start this right off with the one that I just don't want to talk about, but yet it is probably. Could be the most important. And that is. Feminine products. Oh, yeah. We're going there. See the issue is. In order to make those products, they have to go through a lot of processes.

And then they end up with

volatile organic compounds, parabens, environmental phenols, fragrance chemicals, dioxins and dioxin like compounds. You see the vaginal canal and the area has defenses to the outside world. It has its own ecosystem or maybe you might want to even call it the microbiome.

Here's a direct quote. From.

A study done. By testing.

Feminine hygiene products.

One of the doctors. Said this. Quote, most of the vagina is covered with multiple layers of dead and dying cells. That do a lot to protect it against infection. But this is where near the thick leathery surface of our skin says Dr. Cone.

The vaginal epithelium. Is highly water permeable. In a way, our skin is not.

That was said very well.

You see the vagina can uptake chemicals 10 times better than you can just through oral medications. And things that you might take.

So here's the problem. The products you might use. They create super small tears in the lining. That then lets in chemicals and all kinds of stuff. The fibers that they use are a type of rayon and cotton blend. The rayon is toxic to tissues. And may have heard of toxic shock syndrome a while ago. This is where it came from. Yeah, well, that was from fibers used in tampons back in the day,

but they wouldn't use those today. Would they? Oh, yes, they do. They use the rayon. Rayon comes from bamboo. But Erik bamboo is good. No, it's not.

So when they synthesize this rayon and other fibers, And those meetup with staphylococcus aureus. Well, you get a recipe for toxins produced from that staph. What could go wrong? I told you large companies don't care about you. You must use all cotton products at minimum and better would be organic. But if you remember my thyroid episode, then you wouldn't need these products at all. And by the way, The average woman uses 11,000 tampons in a lifetime. That is a lot of dioxin, which is one of the most dangerous chemicals ever created.

Yeah. Sorry. I had to do that.

Well, it's one of those topics. I probably should have a full episode. If you want it. Let me know.

Let's move on. How about band-aids? Oh boy. It doesn't seem like much, guess what. PFAS.

P F A S also known as forever chemicals. Some brands don't have them, but actually most do. About 65% of them do. You can find natural bandages they've been found with chemicals as well, so you gotta be a little bit careful, but. You can do some testing.

So here you go. You have a wound. Now you're adding chemicals and plastic to the wound. Does that sound like the best course of action? But Erik. I don't want infections. Well, if you learn the terrain theory, you won't actually have to worry about it.

Or maybe you could just make your own. You can use things like organic linen.

Some fastening tape or an ACE bandage or something to wrap it in. You can also search for non bamboo rayon bandages.

Because rayon and bamboo use a lot of chemicals.

You see rayon. From bamboo. It takes a lot of chemicals to make it. Erik. It says organic bamboo right on the label. Yeah.

Yeah, it was grown organically. But not processed organically. You see.

Couldn't possibly be any chemicals that you wouldn't think of and toxins on your fruit and vegetables.

Guess what they do.

You may have heard the controversial substance called Apeel A P E E L, also known as Edipeel and Organipeel. Ooh, isn't that interesting?

Try and sneak that one by us. Using the word, organic and peel.

You can't clean it off. It's a synthesized product.

I would say, stay away from it.

But you do have to be careful because it's even on organic produce. Hence Organipeel. They don't just mist the produce There's chemicals in that mist to preserve the fruits and vegetables.

That means you got to wash your stuff. Baking soda. It's pretty much the easiest and best way to go. Guess what ladies? Bras. Oh, yeah. Toxins and the textiles for clothing. PFAS and BPA. You see, when you sweat or has any kind of perspiration at all? Those chemicals leach into the tissue, through the skin. That's not good. Bras are very toxic. Do I have any kind of

solution for you. No, I don't, I don't know what to tell you.

You're going to have to find organic clean.

Well-made bras.

Which brings me into underwear. Well, that's the same as bras. You see it, you're putting chemicals into super sensitive areas of your body. That's never a good idea.

Could it affect things like testicular cancer or breast cancer. Well, that's interesting isn't it?

Something to pursue maybe.

And like this episode is titled toxins. You never think about how about cardboard? Come on Erik. Cardboard. Oh, yeah. Dioxin is the worst one it has. It also has forever chemicals, PFAS. Talked about those a lot. And also has Diisobutyl Phtalates .

I know, I said I wouldn't use long words and chemical names, but there's that one.

All of those that I just mentioned interfere with your endocrine system. Among many other areas I might add.

So you think. Cardboard. Oh, Yeah. How about. From all your Amazon boxes. All the way to your pizza boxes.

Just one more reason you shouldn't pizza. You see there's ink and all kinds of chemicals used to make the pizza box.

And if any of these boxes are recycled, it's even worse for you.

Many chemicals in order to make


Plus I've known people, we can't even touch cardboard. Without getting skin rashes.

For all you contact lens wearers. Well guess what products you use... oh yeah. They contain stuff too.

The one to worry about though. Is soft contact lenses.

They're made of plastic, which is forever chemical known as PFAS. And then there's a bunch of other chemicals in there too.

Those can cause and could be your situation, redness of the eyes, pain, itching, tiering, sensitivity to light, decreased or blurred vision, discharg from the eyes, inability to wear their contact lenses.

Then, of course the cleaning products are not natural at all. But don't worry you can purchase or make your own, that are natural. They work very well I might add.

The other one you might not think about is sunscreen. But guess what? I just did an episode last week on that. Sunscreen can cause some serious skin cancer issues. You've actually been lied to your whole life.

Those of you who like to partake of a libation? 📍 📍 📍 Yeah. Alcohol. Many additives from sugar. To flavor, enhancers to tons of different types of synthetic chemicals. Got to make sure whatever you like to drink is all natural.

I hope you like to sleep. I know I do. Problem is that all these wonderful foam mattresses, and also the mattress pads are made out of plastic. That foam is just plastic with a whole lot of air bubbles in it.

Loaded with PFAS.

And so while you're sleeping, you're just breathing it in, especially when it's Degassing. When it's new. Although a degasses pretty much his entire life.

See if you're perspiring at night. At all. Then you're absorbing not only the soap. And the chemicals you use to clean the sheets, but also the constant degassing of the mattress.

When you're perspiring. Your skin is open. It absorbs just as much as it releases. So, yeah, your mattress is toxic.

I knew you may have heard of this one, but a lot of people haven't, so I'm going to go ahead and throw that out there, but when you get a receipt, You know, from wherever, that white paper is loaded with BPA. Which is an endocrine disruptor. So if you want babies or you want to be able to have sex and all the other stuff that comes along with that, stop touching those things.

Here's one that might throw you for a loop. For those of you who will not, or cannot give up things like popcorn. not only is the corn, totally unhealthy for you. But when you microwave it, It's even worse. Okay, so let's just break this down really quickly. First of all in order to make the bag, they have to use Flourine or you may have heard of is fluoride. Oh, yeah.

That's a cancer causer. Hormone disruptor birth weights are all over the place. organ problems. Also that bag is laden with chemicals from the inks. To the paper. And then you microwaved it. 📍 So here you take corn, which is probably GMO. With a completely chemical created butter flavor. And then you put it in the microwave. Is that a recipe for anything you should put in your mouth? At all. Whatsoever.

📍 I'll leave it right there.

Now this one's really going to cook your noodle. And this is the last one.

Pasta 📍 rice and any cereal. Did you know, That they will coat it with mineral oil. Oh, yeah. Mineral oil. Why?. What's the point. Well, gotta remember you're buying a packaged food. They have to do anything they can to preserve it. Mineral oil can coat all the little kernels and flakes and everything and keep it, from degrading. So what would that mineral oil do? First of all, is that mineral oil, natural remember used to hear about it came from whales. Well, it's not from whales it's from petroleum.

So that petroleum. Affects your liver. In such a way that it actually kills it. It actually destroys your heart valves. And, affects your lymph nodes. Which regulate, your lymphatic flow, which is your waste.

You see... we are dealing with toxins on a regular basis. You can get rid of these toxins in your life it's not that hard, you just have to make changes. Stop eating microwave popcorn. Figure out a way to pick the proper alcohol you want to consume. Stop using sunscreen.

All the way to learn how to buy a bra.

Make your own band-aids.

And, definitely figure out what you can do for all natural, feminine hygiene products. 📍 All right. Thanks for listening. I really appreciate you guys. If you want to subscribe and all the other kind of stuff, because you really like what you're hearing. Please do so. Otherwise.

I'm out.

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The Reality of Health
Health is a holistic concept impacted by lifestyle, habits, sleep, exercise, water, food, air, and toxins.
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Erik Muzzy

I have been educating clients since 1992 on health and nutrition, studied numerous different areas of natural healing and wellness. Utilizing nutrition, diet, exercise, mind, body and spirit for ultimate health or just feeling better.