Episode 96

Published on:

27th Jun 2024

Ep. 96 - Do Infectious Diseases Really Exist?

Do Infectious Diseases Really Exist?

In this episode of the Reality of Health podcast, I challenge the widely-accepted belief in infectious diseases. I discuss historical living conditions that led to poor health, arguing that pollution, overcrowding, and toxic environments—not invisible pathogens—were to blame. From the lack of proper plumbing to toxic industrial practices, I explore various historical factors that contributed to illness and debunk the infectious disease narrative. Join me as I dive into history and offer a new perspective on the true causes of disease. Contact me for consultations and stay tuned for more insightful episodes.

00:00 Introduction to the Reality of Health Podcast

00:05 Challenging the Concept of Infectious Diseases

01:19 Historical Context of Health and Disease

02:08 Living Conditions and Their Impact on Health

04:49 The Role of Food and Nutrition

09:26 Medical Practices and Their Consequences

11:11 Modern Perspectives on Health

12:51 Conclusion and Final Thoughts


Welcome friends. To the reality of health podcast.

Are you afraid of that invisible thing that could just take you out at any time?

So many people are.

I'm going to question that narrative right here right now.

and I'm going to say.

No such thing. As infectious diseases.

No one's ever proven them. Not even once. I know what you're gonna say, or your friends or your family is going to say, but Erik. They've proven, such and such. Have they.

You can site all you want. But until they can actually prove it.

That's a whole different thing.

I've talked about this in the past, we will talk about more of this in the future. But as it stands right now,

Until someone can show a controlled trial.

Of an infectious disease. Actually infecting one person to another. Then it's not true. But Erik.

People go meet with other people and then a bunch of people get sick from that. I'm not saying that doesn't happen. But is it from an infection? Is it a virus? Is it a bacteria?

Well, Let's explore this concept a little bit. Let's get into a little bit of history.

Erik. I hate history. So boring. Well, if you want to know the truth, sometimes history can reveal this to you. So let's get into it.

e healed ourselves before the:

Well, let's explore the various reasons. If you're a history buff, you'll enjoy this. If you're not a history buff, well, at least you learn something. I guess.

First. There was so much overcrowding because people moved into cities. You needed to live someplace somehow. So landlords would rent you a place that was usually not in very good condition. It was pretty much a moldy or a polluted area. So you're constantly breathing in mold and pollution and even poisons. They had so many lung issues back then, because. They were in places that were polluted. People in rural areas like farms and mountains. All those types of places, they didn't have these problems. And this is the distinguishing factor.

Out in nature. People didn't die. In close quarters with a bunch of humans. They did.

So basically people congregated, which created a lot of waste and pollution, and that's what caused their diseases and deaths.

, they had a lack of plumbing. Sometimes entire streets had to share only one toilet. Could you imagine the condition of that toilet? 📍 Ooh. So gross. I don't, I would find something else. Other than that toilet, I'm just saying. 📍 Flies and God knows what else.

But those flies can get into your home. These kinds of conditions would bring so much diarrhea. And actually, what is diarrhea? It's your body expelling poisons. Or dead and dying garbage. You have to expel it. You got to get it out.

Guess where that went and to this sewage systems. Which was all the waterways. They were open channels in the streets. And then it would lay stagnant. in cesspools pools. That can't be a good thing. Oh, and by the way, Pigs were rampant in these areas because they would clean up all of the waste.

And then of course, that would create toxic water supplies from everything from factories to animal slaughterhouses. Waste in the streets and the back alleys. And. Well, just about everywhere.

During the times of the black death, people who live close to pubs, though. Never had issues.

Because they would drink the pub alcohol.

Well, the bacteria and yeast and mold that fermented the grains or the hops would also change the water content to alcohol. And which we know alcohol. Helps counteract the waste product.

Of bacteria.

So it was actually a good thing to drink alcoholic beverages back then.

Food was generally contaminated. They couldn't refrigerate it. So it would go rotten Or it would decompose.

Then they would add things like formaldehyde to milk.

To keep it from souring. Do you actually think that's a good thing?

They had no real fresh fruits or vegetables or good quality meats.

Too many people vying for food. And they couldn't afford it.

Because of all of this, they lost a lot of mothers.

Doctors would be working with. All these chemicals and poisons from cadavers, then they would go help. Give birth. So one in three mothers died from poisoning of the chemicals from the cadaver. Wow. I mean just the sheer.

Thought of that.

If they're babies survived. They usually were malnourished from then on. And then they had to do hard labor during the industrial revolution.

these children were usually four or five years old and sweat shops and factories long hours. Terrible conditions. They used heavy machinery. They worked around furnaces. They could be crushed to death and they were, they had their limb severed. Some of them.

We're an even more dangerous industries like underground mining. And then we worry, well, my kids doing laundry. Is this child labor? No, it's not.

What a terrible childhood.

Well, did they actually really have a childhood? Then they were expose the mercury.

And if they weren't. Their parents were in the mines. And they were exposed to mercury. So then they expose their children to it. So everybody died of mercury poisoning and diseases associated with mercury.

Just kept going around, around.

And of course polluted air is never a good thing back then they had.

dung trash. Did you know, in:

And of course they had to invent infant formula. So that destroyed breastfeeding that dropped a 25%.

And that caused diarrhea and also typhoid fever, which is just another toxic disease. These formulas were so toxic. The body had diarrhea to flush out the toxic food.

That infant formula was made with toxic water. They didn't have. Yeah. Let's call it clean water back then.

You know, we didn't have trucks in cars. So you had to use horses and donkeys to transport everything.

So, of course they were everywhere.

Animals don't create disease. But they're dead and rotting. Well, yeah, they will. Plus they used to poop everywhere, which is waste. So you had a lot of pigs trying to clean up. All the well. You know, 📍

Not a lot of people had running water, so they didn't have things like soap. It was kind of expensive, so they may not have washed their hands or their clothes or utensils and plates. Sometimes they're a little bit dirty.

And that wasn't so good. So doesn't actually kill bacteria.

It's the chemical toxins. From the bacteria. In our environment.

But since they didn't have really the ability to really let's say clean everything. You would get these toxins.

Or in other words, Pollutants were around you all the time. And so everyone thought cleanliness was an issue.

When really it's not from what we thought it was. It's from the chemicals produced from. Bacteria. Eating up all the garbage. Toxins, et cetera, in and around our food. Utensils. Toilets. Anything you can think of.

Good food was hard to come by. So millions of families had malnutrition. They just couldn't get the food that they needed. They would get things like rickets.

Malnutrition caused all kinds of diseases. Not necessarily always death. They usually died of the medical interventions. Of those diseases.

They had such bad medicine back then.

You've heard of things like bloodletting and leeches. How about the fact that they used to inject people with arsenic brought to you by Merck?

They also gargled with it. That's kind of weird.

And of course they used to kill people in a hospitals trying to treat them. Uh, hospitals were breeding grounds of disease. Most of these hospitals had so many rats. That the rats would eat the patients. 📍 Are you kidding me?

I don't even have the words. To describe. How some.

People In the medical profession. Didn't think this was a problem.

It's beyond me.

📍 All these people. We're put through so much stress. It destroyed their mental attitude. Can you imagine living back then, like this. We have it so good nowadays. They were in fear of dying. He didn't have enough food. The pollution, the toxicity. You were never actually clean. Your job was monotonous and dangerous.

Probably also toxic.

Never know when you're going to get your next meal, what a horrible way to live. That's pretty tough to be able to have a good attitude every day and enjoy life when your life is like that.

Back then the medical profession could only account for 3.7% of decrease in deaths from infectious diseases. And remember. There's no such thing as an infection. It's just a poisoning.

go back even further into the:

And plant workers that made clean water or so to speak clean. They're the ones that are all the real heroes. And I will say no.

You did not have a disease because of a lack of a vaccine. You did not have a disease because of genetics. Stop blaming your parents and your family or bad luck.

So in future episodes, I will expose to you how many of the diseases that people have died from, or just. Environmental factors. That harm humans.

So do not fear invisible unproven viruses and so-called bad bacteria as the cause of your illness. It can be proven. That there are factors outside of an invisible microscopic organism out to get you. The world is waking up now and realizing they have been sold to believe something that doesn't exist. Because they can make a lot of money off of everybody. You may even say they can control all of health. 📍

Really appreciate every one of you. I am available for consult, if so needed. Just contact me

thank you for listening. Take care of yourselves.

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The Reality of Health
Health is a holistic concept impacted by lifestyle, habits, sleep, exercise, water, food, air, and toxins.
This is not your average health podcast. It is cutting edge info.
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About your host

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Erik Muzzy

I have been educating clients since 1992 on health and nutrition, studied numerous different areas of natural healing and wellness. Utilizing nutrition, diet, exercise, mind, body and spirit for ultimate health or just feeling better.