Episode 7

Published on:

21st Jun 2023

Ep. 7 - Physical appearance and health

In this podcast episode I challenge the commonly held belief that looks determine health. I emphasize that appearances can be deceiving, and just because someone looks healthy doesn't mean they actually are. I draw parallels between assumptions regrading health based on physical appearance. I highlight the importance of identifying what health means for each individual and discuss the hidden health issues that people may have, such as diabetes or heart disease, which are not easily noticeable. I also explore the physical and mental challenges faced by athletes, emphasizing that they too have health issues and may not necessarily live longer or be healthier. Ultimately, I encourage listeners to redefine their understanding of health and prioritize actions that truly promote well-being, rather than relying solely on external appearances.


Looks aren't everything...


Erik: Welcome to episode seven.

Today. We are going to explore. A more mental issue.

This one is extremely. Provocative. In the health culture. What I mean by that is.

Most things. That humans associate. With health is. Do you look good?

Yeah. I'm going to go there. This one is personal. As well as. I'm not sure how to say this, but. When people say things that.

y the issues that are backed [:

Not just science, but. Real truth. Right. So this podcast is called the reality. Of health. This one is one of those realities.

Oh, he looks good. He must be healthy. She looks thin. She must be healthy. They look. Like what most people assume to be. Healthy.

That that is the most.

Uninformed opinion. One can have.

I'm going to give you a short. Description of a non-health situation that applies. The same way, because. Sometimes.

You have to see things differently to understand. Reality. So here it goes.

So most people think that they look at somebody driving a really nice car. assume they have a money.

ey. boat. It doesn't matter. [:

Well, looks can be deceiving.

If you've never read.

The millionaire.

next door book. Well, you should.

It's a big eye-opener. Most millionaires in most people who have a lot of money, don't flaunt their money. Because when you do. People recognize that and want to take advantage of you. Also.

You don't want to be.

Robbed or. You know, whatever. But it's better to protect what you have by not letting everybody know you have it . That's the first rule of anything. You know, Flaunt cache. Walking through a poor neighborhood, you're going to get jumped.

It doesn't make a lot of sense.

ause you assume that the guy [:

Well, we can apply the same principle.

To health. Just because somebody looks like they're healthy does not mean they're healthy. So you must. Identify what health is for you? What do you find healthy? Is it.

Battling with, if you said. If I just had. The ability to eat whatever I want. And I don't have to worry about my blood sugar. I'm tired of taking insulin. Well. Then you would wish that you didn't have diabetes. Well, you can't tell when somebody has diabetes or not.

Or you said, I wish my heart was healthier. You can't tell when someone's heart is. Unhealthy. I mean, unless you know what you're looking for, but it's very difficult.

hy or not. Oh, that's right. [:

idea of what health looks like. If they look like an athlete. They must be healthy.

If they look like they work out. If they look like they take care of their diet or whatever. it doesn't always work that way. And most of the time isn't.

Do you know how many times people. Say I don't understand why that person just, he just died. I don't get it.

Then you find out. They had heart disease. There were 25 years old.

But when you looked at them, you said, oh, he's young. He. Seemed healthy. He worked out all the time. He took care of himself, just boom died. Oh, okay. So maybe there's something more going on. How about with.

e heart disease. Or diabetes.[:

That was called circular reasoning. If you don't know what that means. Basically.

Age doesn't matter for health.

let's say.

You look at somebody and you think. They look fantastic. What you don't know. they can't process sugar. .

Did you know that.

You are given.

And I do mean given. A certain amount. Of ability to make insulin from your pancreas.

So, if you run out of that insulin, you're done. Those beta cells in your pancreas. Have a lifespan.

Let's say. You were born. With 30 years.

That's it. You have type two. At 30.

that. Or maybe you did, but [:

But it's. It's believed and I can't prove this. This is one of those ones I can't prove, but I've heard this. From mentors and other people. That.

You only produce so much insulin in your life. You are guaranteed that you will get a certain amount. We don't know what that Mount is per person. So if you. Go ahead and decide, and I'm just going to do whatever I want. Okay. That might be 27 years. It could be 57. It could be 12. It could be. 96 years.

are you willing to risk it? Or did you want to basically do whatever you can to not run out?

Well, that'd be a [:

That is a big statement. I will back it up. Until then. I just put that on the back shelf. Don't come after me in the comments. Just hold up a little bit. We will go over that. And then you can just blast me all you want, because I'm going to bring the evidence and then you can decide.

If it's worth blasting me. Once I bring you the evidence. So let's just hold off on that right now, but let me just state, I believe. You do not need carbohydrates. You do not need sugar. We know the liver manufacturer sugar that you need when you need it. So right there, you don't need it, but. We'll go into this in future.


You don't need to [:

So how about athletes? They have issues as well. They don't live longer than anybody else. They have just as many problems as the rest of us. Matter of fact, they hurt themselves quite often, as we all know. Yes, they have medicine. Ways of healing cuz they've got lots of money that you and I don't have, but at least we know they're not completely immune to problems, sicknesses. They still get the colds and flus and all that kind of thing. So does it mean that if they're this fantastic athlete that they never get sick? No. They get sick. They break bones, they tear muscles. They hurt themselves all the time.

're, they're just, they just [:

They got all the money, they got fame, all this kind of stuff. Yet, a lot of them are very unhappy.

So let's look at just some everyday people doing any kind of athletics that they can, just to have fun, keep healthy, hobby, whatever. Think about this. Marathon runners versus a sprinter. I ask you, which one do you wanna look like? Have you ever seen a muscle bound marathon runner? Nothing wrong with marathon runners.

, but what do you wanna look [:

Sprinters don't work out the same way that marathon runners do. So when you set yourself up to run two and a half hours, you're gonna deplete everything in your body. You're basically wasting away. And then you eat and you kind of put enough fuel back in there and then you waste away again. It's a wasting exercise.

If you love it, great, go for it. It's not healthy. It tears apart your body. I know what you're gonna say, but Eric, I'm fine. I don't have those issues. Awesome. Good for you. Most people don't have that. They have knee issues, ankle issues, feet, tendons. All kinds of hip issues, and most people don't know how to run properly.

they don't run long. They'll [:

They'll spend four hours getting off the blocks, but they don't run a lot. And when they do run, it's very powerful and fast. Lots of fast twitch muscle. Very, very strong. That creates that larger muscle strength in the tendons. They're not banging their joints , when you're going faster across the ground, you are not hitting the ground as hard as when you're running slow.

You gotta absorb all that when you're just, Cooking down that straightaway. You actually don't put as much pressure on your body. You are moving it faster, but that takes up some of that abuse over time. You can't do sprinting for your, for your whole life. You just can't do it. It's, you get to the point where you just don't have it moving that fast.

nts, that kind of thing. But [:

I mean, I hate running for five minutes. Like, but you know,

the longest living people don't even play sports. They farm, they do things like farming, They just do basic daily activities. Nothing outside the norm of just getting up and making sure you can eat and have a roof over your head, and they live very long, lives very good. Stress free.

hing every day, all day, and [:

They stay away from a lot of chemicals now. The factory farms that use a lot of chemicals, that's different. I'm talking about people around the world that live long basically are organic farmers. You know, they're doing a lot around the farm activities that don't need chemicals like fertilizing when natural fertilizers, these kinds of things, but they end up feeling better, living longer, enjoying their life.

It's a slower pace. It's almost like you might think, well, if they live longer in the city, people don't live very long. Well, maybe there's something to that, I don't know. Could be right. Do city people live very long? That's a good one. That's a good one to look up. Figure it out. I'd be willing to bet you it's not true.

, wow, they look great. And, [:

All of a sudden out of nowhere, you, you, you know, I don't feel so good. I got a headache, I got something. My gut doesn't feel right, something's weird, and you think, okay, I'll just take some aspirin and I'll take some Pepto or something like that. And then after a little while, it's not going away, it's getting worse, or it just doesn't go away.

kind of thing. All kinds of [:

Whatever age, it just all of a sudden you just get hit with something really bad. You hit your mark, your life and what you did. That's your weakest point right there. When you get that, when you hit that wall, that that's the wake up, right? That's the one. You say, uhoh, I probably should change my life and do something differently.

But think about that. That is the breaking point your body said. I can't hold out any longer. This is the weakest point of my body, and then something occurs in that area. It's usually pretty bad,

atever happened to to Larry? [:

I this kind of thing. It, it's gonna hit you. It's coming. And when you have that happen, it's not going to be a minor cold. It's gonna be something major, and then you really have to do something to fix yourself. You could be in a world of hurt. Remember earlier in podcasts I told you that it could take three months of healing for every year you had the problem.

ight be in serious problems. [:

That's, that's serious. These are normal situations people deal with all the time. This is not out of the norm. This happens every day, all day long. If it didn't happen, we wouldn't have surgical centers.

There's another one. About health that nobody thinks about. So you look at these people and you think, wow, they're rich, they're famous, they have all this, or they're just somebody you see in the grocery store or whatever, and, and you think, wow, that person looks really good. They must be really healthy.

You just, you're just thinking that because why would they have such clear skin and no body fat? And, you know, hair's perfect and, you know, there's, there's just that You can just tell they feel great, they look great. What you don't see. Is the mental side. Their mental health could be in absolute shambles.

g their mental problems. You [:

And this kind, I mean, mental problems are a big deal. Did you know that most mental conditions are diet related? Seriously, this is a very fast growing area of healing. you probably haven't heard it in all the, the news that you listen to or, or social media or whatever.

and only animal foods, your [:

First way to do that is getting rid of those carbs, getting 'em down as low as you can see what happens. There's so many people that can notice things actually in two to four days is totally normal. Some people it takes months or a year, but for the most part, most people, it's very, very fast. it's a growing area of healing.

A lot of doctors in clinics, they're starting to incorporate it. They're starting to say, wait a minute, may, might wanna think about, some of these things like gluten or, or, uh, chemicals in your food or, or sugar and how it affects you. Uh, these kinds of things. So it's working, it, it literally does work and.

lutely has an effect on your [:

Most of the time it is. This is what they're finding.

basically to sum up today, your health is, And everyone else. Health is more than meets the eye, right? We can't tell just by looking at somebody. Trust me, I've seen this my whole life. I've read stories of people who we all think, oh my gosh, they're just, and then boom, they dropped dead. They still can't figure out why.

uhhuh, right? Something got [:

Exercising incorrectly wrong. Foods mentally messed up. Who knows? There's no real way to know. My point of that is just you can never tell by looking at somebody if they're healthy or not. Even athletes, doesn't matter. Everybody deals with health problems. That's a fact. All right, so until next time.



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About the Podcast

The Reality of Health
Health is a holistic concept impacted by lifestyle, habits, sleep, exercise, water, food, air, and toxins.
This is not your average health podcast. It is cutting edge info.
"I never know who to believe"
I hear this all the time...
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The reality is not what you were sold...
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About your host

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Erik Muzzy

I have been educating clients since 1992 on health and nutrition, studied numerous different areas of natural healing and wellness. Utilizing nutrition, diet, exercise, mind, body and spirit for ultimate health or just feeling better.