Episode 3

Published on:

5th May 2023

Ep. 3 - 3 ways you get sick or die

This episode is an overview of the basic 3 ways you get sick or die.

I cover the main areas for disease and ill health. The result is pain and suffering and even death.

We will go more in depth in future episodes but for now this is a good crash course!

I hit some details you can implement right away and also help you to think outside the box as far as your daily routines.

I hope this helps you in your journey and thank you so much for listening!

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Okay, welcome to episode three going to discuss. The three ways you get sick or die. Yeah. Basically there's only three. This is my opinion. This is just my overall understanding. From what I see from what I've learned. Nothing more than that. Very simple. I'm going to break this down into three simple categories. This is going to be very easy to understand. I hope.

That everybody, , kind of gets a basic overview. But this is good general idea of what you need to watch out for.

These. Are three things that can. Either. get you sick or kill you? And that's pretty simple. So. Let's just start off with.

The fact that this is just an overview. I could get really specific on this. We can really dive deep. We'll do that later right now. This is just to give you a basic understanding. Okay. These three. In some cases work together, but usually they can be separate, especially the way in which all hit.

And that is trauma. So trauma, obviously from a small blood clot. You know, that travels to your heart or your brain, something like that. It's something so small and yet it can kill you. So we don't think much of the little things we always think of the big things, the major things. Well, Something small, like a blood clot can kill you.

It can also make your legs severely. Uncomfortable. Or other areas. , but basically. It is. Uncomfortable to say the least and can be deadly. So we. We want to keep blood. Flowing. Smooth. Clean slippery. Being able to fold itself . In order to enter the capillaries to get to the very, very ends of the circulatory system.

And if you don't allow that to happen, or it gets sticky your, your nutrition, your supplements, your diet, whatever you want to, to look at. It's not on par. You can actually make your blood to not flow properly, and then it gets sticky and coagulates and then you have issues and then you can have small fibrin clots to major blood clots.

Associated with everything from vitamin mineral, deficiencies cholesterol, deficiencies and things like that. Water. Your hydration, two more major diseases. , cell death, when your blood dies. Too quickly and it can't clean itself up. It is become, it becomes very dirty blood. That can be very small and then you can go to something larger. Let's say.

You know, you were in a car accident or you severed an artery or something like that. So that's to go without saying severe accidents, trauma on the body that you can't recoup from quickly enough. Some things actually take a long time to die from, but. I just wanted to hit trauma because that's technically, in my opinion, one of the three things that'll kill you.

The second one is a slower. And is just as important because slow death, sometimes you don't even know what's happening and it can hurt. You can be you can be in a lot of pain and not know why. And yet. Nobody wants to address this. No, one's talking about it unless you're into the fringe.

Health space. Because. You don't think about it . And that's a central nervous system damage. So things like in the dirty environmental energy .

So, what does that look like? Well, Think about things like.

Your cell phone. We've heard. You know, all the studies and the people talking about how the cell phone is dangerous, because it causes all kinds of issues in your head, from the antenna, the power from the antenna. In your pocket to all the lower body issues, you know what I mean?

You don't even see it. You don't think about it, but these frequencies. That are around you. Will affect you. They absolutely will affect you. Real quick note, just to understand. So your central nervous system runs on electricity. I know everybody kind of knows this I don't think we ever really think about it. We don't spend time thinking about the fact that you're.

A. Mechanical. Machine. That needs chemicals and electricity to work. All three work together. You can have a vehicle. With fuel. And an engine. But if you don't have a way to ignite the fuel inside the engine, it does not run. Well, that's every single cell in your body and that's called a microcosm. And then you have the macrocosm, which is your whole body working together. So all the cells firing.

To create energy. And that energy. Runs your body. We have quite a bit of electricity produced by your body. It's incredible. You can get . Interference from the world around you. So the environmental energy can either work with you or against you. And if it works against you well,

You're not going to feel very well. And over time it will kill cells. Cells will die. You will get sick. And the more you Are exposed To the frequencies and waves of energy that you can't see it will eventually. Cause disease and potentially death. Dirty electricity in the air . Dirty electricity your cell phone, your wifi .

Bluetooth is another one that people don't think about. Bluetooth is still a frequency it's amazing how much it will penetrate. And how far it goes for such a simple little frequency, but we'll talk more about these types of frequencies in the future cell phone, wifi, Bluetooth. But a Bluetooth.

. It's not a natural frequency of these are all manmade. I mean, they're in the frequency spectrum of energy. I get that. We all know that, but they're at higher levels than you would normally see if you were, let's say out in the woods. Where there's no. Modern technology whatsoever. You wouldn't be experiencing these types of frequencies and electrical energy on a higher.

Spectrum. Or power. So all the cell frequencies from. One G two G 3g, 4g 5g. And now they're working on 6 G,

those are microwave energies, microwave frequencies. That. Penetrate. And your cells do not like those at all. Plants, animals, birds. You will not see birds nesting on G towers. They will, they do not like that. That's why you don't see animals sit and perch and Yeah, birds creating nests on the power lines on all the poles.

If you can at all stay away from or live away from those. Power lines and cell towers, the better you're going to be. It's just a fact. Nobody really looks for those areas and think to themselves. Yeah, I should buy this house. That's right underneath the cell phone tower. Same with large power lines. You can't get away from all.

Dirty energy and electricity. That's in the air that you can't see frequencies, et cetera. But you can at least minimize it.

So the dirty energy from everything. Basically opposes the electrical fields in your body. Okay. So there's good frequencies that your body runs off of. We all seen things from the studies of, if you play. Classical music, Bach, Beethoven, this kind of stuff to your baby in the womb. Study shows.

They're just better off . You try and play some heavy metal music to them. They are not going to come out natural. So.

Just everything around. You can be like that. So anytime you can clean up the frequencies around you, the better opposing frequencies are just not good for cells. It is said 4 30, 2. Is a frequency that's responsive for the human body. Well, Okay, that's a good one, but there are many of those. You can look this up. There's a lot of them minutes. Very interesting. There's a lot of studies actually showing what electrical fields.

Opposing electrical fields will do to plants, animals, mice, et cetera. And it is not good. When you applied the. Good frequencies. Electrical fields that harmonize with life. Natural life. Nature. If that's what you want to call it. You'll see that those will thrive everything from lining up magnets in the ground to help electrical flow in the soil. Will grow Food better.

You can actually use magnets on your body you can use . Magnets to pull things out of the body. You have to be very careful with magnetic energy. You can, you can really hurt yourself or you can actually help yourself. So that's a big one. But the basic idea is you know, electrical frequencies are either good or bad. Some of them are benign, but most are either good or bad. You either work with them or you work against them. And if you're working against them, you're going to know eventually.

Over time, sometimes you'll know right away, you, you literally can feel it. And there's a lot of people who are very, very sensitive to those types of electrical fields.

Next you have you know, the, the fact that you're not grounding because there's so many electrical ions that you're absorbing on a regular basis.

From in your car work cell phone wifi, your home. It's just everywhere around you. There's so much dirty energy and so many ions. And you never really see a lot of people getting into nature or grounding or earthing . And the things it's, it's pretty rare. Now, most of everybody wear shoes. Nobody's really you know, walking outside in their yard and taking their shoes off and walking through the grass.

These kinds of things. Which is what you're supposed to be doing. Your should be connected to the earth. The earth will ground you. It will pull these ions, these excessive negative ions out of your body and put them into the earth. It's how electrical current work. That's how circuits work. And just this basic idea of helping your body yourself.

Keep from getting too many electrical ions that are dirty. They're negative. And getting rid of them will increase your health. There are lots of ways to do this. This is not a voodoo. This is actual real science. This is provable. You learned it when you were in school. Some people learned it as early as elementary school.

But some of my favorite classes were learning about electrical energy So let's go energy is, is absolutely amazing. And your whole central nervous system functions off of it without it. You are in big trouble. So you either have electrical energy that works for you and repair cells and gives you energy and makes you wake up because it's telling you that you need that energy to get up. So it's, it's.

Firing on the cells inside the mitochondria telling you to get up electricity is, is the way to wake up. , When your body wants to wind down, electrical flow. Slows down and you can start relaxing. You are very, very sensitive to electrical energy and frequencies around you. Wavelengths ions.

All this stuff. We'll talk more about this in the future, because this is something people rarely think about because you can't see it. But without electricity You die. That's the way your body works. If you don't believe me, go put your finger in a light socket. You'll see real quickly. You're going to meet the Lord. , electricity is absolutely the reason. The number one reason that central nervous system is damaged and you die.

So that leads us into a number three. So cell death. From toxins. Yes. Your cells will die from too many toxins. And the, let me tell you, there are more toxins. Then you can possibly imagine there are millions of toxins in the, in the environment. And I mean, by environment, in this case is everything that you come in contact your around. So, you know, water air and, and what you are touching . So you can't get away from them. So what you can.

Actually. Lower your exposure to a lot of these and at least take control of the amount that you have in your life. , first one this is a little controversial. Most people don't realize this. This is, this is a known in the carnivore community or Botany . Things like this, but plant toxins. Also known as anti-nutrients in the plants. They, they can have a detrimental effect either right away or over time. So right away. Well, ask anybody, who's allergic to certain things in plants and it causes anaphylactic shock and they die. Are you allergic to the vitamin C that's in the broccoli? Probably not. There are plant toxins. Let me just list off a few. These are, these are most of the main ones, but there's even more. This is just the naturally occurring. This is not the man-made toxins. These are the ones that.

You can't get away from, so if you're going to eat. Spinach, kale, broccoli, cauliflower. Celery, it doesn't matter. Every single. Plant has plant toxins. It's a fact there they are there some less than others, but every one of them has one or more of these. And to some degree, a small amount or to a larger degree, a lot.

Polyphenols. Oh, but Erik, you know, poly phenol. Awesome. We've heard so much about the polyphenols from all the blueberries and the, and the greens and the different colors, you know, make sure your plate has lots of color on it. All this kind of stuff. Well, that's a. That's not always true. Polyphenols can be toxic as well. And some people are very sensitive to those and if they build up, they can actually cause a lot of problems.

Flavonoids. Flavonoids are kind of bizarre, but we'll get into those in the future. Gluten. You know, y'all have heard of gluten. I know y'all have heard of the gluten that's. That one is very, very popular.

. It is The big, bad. You know, monster under your bed for all foods now. Well, we've learned a lot about it and gluten is actually pretty bad. And the foods that we have nowadays are loaded with gluten and a more toxic form. So if you go back to when these grains were.

Originally growing in the, on the planet. They didn't have the gluten content they have now, and it was nowhere near as bad as it is a matter of fact. If you just can't get rid of your gluten and you have to have your flour and all that kind of stuff. You know, you, you just absolutely refuse to give up wheat.

For whatever reason then. You want to always stick with. The Einkorn style of wheat. and has a least amount of gluten. Very tolerable for most people who might be sensitive to gluten. It it's pretty good. It doesn't quite have the same, you know, gluten is one of the things that makes your bread.

Really stick together and spongy and airy. And you just get that texture that you can't get with just like rice flour. But you could still get it in Einkorn and make some more basics, pasta, things like that. It's much better for you though. It's still carbohydrates. It is still a better.

Phytic acid is a big one and we are absolutely going to talk about these plant toxins later. Phytic acid. Specifically. Is no joke. I'm a personal big fan of minerals in your diet. I think minerals are probably the most important thing you need. As a human that's my personal opinion.

We will definitely talk about. Minerals. Upcoming here very shortly. The beginning of the podcasts that we're doing, because without minerals simply you die there, there's no other way around it. You have to have minerals. You know, if you want to believe in evolution, well, you still came from the ground. And if you're a Christian or other religions that believe in you were made by God.

Well, it basically, they all say you came from the dust of the earth. Minerals make up dirt. So technically you're dirt one way or another. And if you don't get dirt you die and you're become part of the dirt again. Minerals are extremely important and phytic acid is its enemy. It's kryptonite.

Alright, next is lectins and lectins are really powerful and we are going to really dive deep into lectins and lectins have been in the news recently in the last. You know, five to seven, eight years. Quite a bit because they are deadly. They caused so many problems and yet people never think about things like this, but.

Lectins. Let's just say right off the bat. It's one of the reasons that beans are bad for you. Yep. You heard me say it. Beans are bad for you. If you want to be a vegetarian vegan, if you just like beans, go for it. I'm not telling you can't do it. I'm just telling you

the content of lectins in beans. Is enough to scare you. Yes. I'm sorry for all the peanut butter lovers. We'll get into lectins. Those are terrible and oxalates.

do you like kidney stones. Do you like gout? Do you like arthritis? Well, keep eating all the food full of oxalates. it's also, when you cleanse oxalates out.

Let me tell you it's not a good time you're going to feel it.

Tannins. We all think God tannins are great and it gives us that real bite with wine. You know, you can use it to tan hides. You can do all kinds of things with tannins. Like they're just plant pigments basically. And, and well guess what.

They have some serious problems

the next is glucosinalates

There are enough to be a problem. Well, We'll hit those more in the future

too. Now Saponins. Oh boy. Saponins are no joke. They hurt me. specifically. I know when I eat them. And those are horrible gastro upset. Like you can't possibly imagine. And it makes soap. So there you go. Maybe. That's why when you eat soap, you don't feel so good in the gut.

So you're essentially eating the, the precursor to soap. Look what they make. Most Bars of soap Out of it. It's S olanine I mean, yep. Sounds cool. Solanine. Sounds like something you need like, wow. That stuff's amazing. That's what probably everybody should have. Well, Nope. And you're going to learn why.

Trypsin inhibitors. Okay, well, if you know anything about human biology, Well tripsin inhibitors are not good either.

last is a Isoflavones also known as a plant estrogens. If you have estrogen issues or worried about estrogen issues or you're sensitive to estrogen in foods, well, you better watch out for this one. We're going to hit on soy.

I'm gonna. Absolutely destroy. Soy in Soy is absolutely destructive to the human body. And you should not be eating it. And it's in so many foods and prepared foods. There are full websites that have been put out by New Zealand. For 25, 30 years that prove to people how bad soy is for you.

I am not talking about fermented soy, like soy sauce or tamari or any of the Japanese foods that are, or Chinese foods that are actually ferment that I'm talking about just straight out, soy, soy, protein, isolate, et cetera. Plant toxins. See, this is why I say cell death from toxins is, is huge. This it's the most.

It's it's the biggest, it affects every part of your life. Because that's your food. Right there. Well, let's get into the next one.

Environmental toxins. Well it's, this is crazy. So environmental toxins are actually in your food as well. How about. Roundup. Glyphosate. How about. Everything that you are putting on your garden.

To grow food and you're going to grow food in your garden. Knowing that you're going to do it organic. You're like, I'm going to make this good and healthy. I'm going to do everything I can. I'm going to buy the best soil and, and, and all this. And yet, then you buy food at the grocery store. That's not organic. And because you say it's too expensive.

And you don't even realize there's thousands of chemicals on that food. Another reason be careful with your vegetables, so you want to be a vegan or vegetarian. You want to consume that many vegetables, or if you're keto, you want to consume vegetation like that.

Have you thought about. Not doing. Organic food. You're concentrating those chemicals , it's all you're eating. You have to be very, very careful that one, right there trips up most people, which is why a lot of people feel terrible when they go into diets like that.

Toxins in your food are, are really bad right now. They are a problem and nobody's addressing it. They don't want to talk about it. They just want to look right past it. I understand food's expensive, especially when somebody grew it for you. I get it. But you can limit there's the dirty dozen where.

You just stay away from those kinds of things. I hate to break your whole. Perception on, you know, vegetables and fruits and everything. And you look at those, they look like they're healthy, but strawberries are one of the dirtiest foods you can eat. They're absolutely loaded with toxins. They are.


If you're going to do any berries I think absolute wild blueberries, wild blackberries, those kinds of things. Are the best wild strawberries are tiny. They're super tiny. They're not that sweet. They don't taste very good. Watch this, and this is one that people don't want to listen.

I don't want Hear it. Just want to avoid it, not think about it, but your household. You're going to clean the bathroom. You're cleaning everything in your house and you're using toxic chemicals. But Eric, I use bleach. Yep. Toxic chemical. No need to use bleach. There's other things you can use to kill.

Bacteria or viruses, these kinds of things, if you're worried about that. But even if you just limit, okay, so you want to use toilet bowl cleaner. That you think kills everything? Well, at least it's in the toilet, but you're put into the water, which goes in the sewage system. Which then gets cleaned and goes back into someone's household.

You can clean your entire house with very few things that are not toxic. Talk to your grandma. She'll tell you that, but bleach is not necessarily a great one. Most of your cleaners, especially your super powerful, super strong. Our stuff's amazing. Well, yeah, cause it's got things in there that you shouldn't be around.

They even show you in the commercial, the people wearing gloves. So, if you have to wear gloves, you probably shouldn't be using it in your home. Essential oils. Making up essential oil type cleaners and you're in your house or those kinds of things. Fruit acids and stuff. There's, they're fantastic. And they don't harm you.

So cleaning products. You're using things from paint on your walls, your spraying things in the air. You're running candles . If you're not buying bees, wax or pure soy. Or any of the other type Palm oil style. Candles natural candles and they have to say 100% natural. You're basically just putting wax paraffin, which is an oil byproduct into your lungs.

In your child's lungs, where do you think that goes? Once it goes into your lungs? It doesn't come out. Very well, it takes a long time. And can build up and it can cause respiratory issues, big time. So, you need to be careful with candles . I know they're wonderful . I run candles all the time, but every one of the candles in my home

his natural, fully natural. If you. Shut yourself up in a room and ran the candle. You would have no issues at all. So your household, you need to look for everything. You know, you could, you could literally take a trash bag, go through every area of your house and just look at the labels and throw everything away. And you'd be almost left with nothing. That's how much.

It's a problem in most houses.

Your building where you work. And you may exercise the, in the building, you are sizes. Same problem. So these buildings are absolutely. Terrible. The amount of toxins in buildings are extraordinary and they're usually all closed up. They're always either AC or heat.

There's the worst of paints and the cleaning people are using the cheapest, most powerful products they can use to make their job easier. And you're talking office after office room, after room floor after floor. Or you're in a, in a manufacturing and you have all the environmental toxins from everything that those machines are running and.

It's just, it's so toxic that you, you were never meant to be in a building that is constructed like that. And by the way, a little side note for the central nervous system with electricity and dirty energy, lighting. Lighting's a big one. So if you're running. Led or fluorescent.

That's dirty wavelengths of light. Those are not natural. You cannot tell me that those are the equivalent of the sun. The original light bulb was designed to mimic the sun. So you kept your circadian rhythms. So at night, when you turn the light on inside, you weren't disrupted and getting blue light and green and.

Purple and stuff in bad wavelengths you were at as close to the sun as possible. So your environmental lighting is dirty, but it's also kind of a toxin to some degree. It changes your brain. It makes your brain release certain chemicals and not really certain chemicals and it can stress you out. That's why you don't feel good at work. Nobody's saying, you know, I feel really good at my desk with all this fake light all around me. That doesn't happen.

You need to get outside for lunch, go for a walk. Look at the sun. Not directly you close your eyes. Look at the sun for about a minute. If there's just enough light come through, that'll help you. Then you open your eyes and look around and that amount of light can be absolutely awesome for your day. If you're studying.

I'm going to, I'm going to talk about this one in the future. If you're studying for school or just anything, and you want to remember more, you need to be, outside walking. Oxygen circulation. Light natural light is absolutely phenomenal for the brain, your entire brain, your chemicals in your brain, everything functions off of frequencies, bands of light.

All the different colors. So if you are inside All day long, getting pummeled by one color. You're going to have the aspects of that color manifest in your life. It's a fact. If you don't believe me, go to a hospital, go to an insane asylum , go to a prison. What color are the walls? What color is everything? It's all like that on purpose. They know.

They absolutely know. . Lighting is a big deal. The other one. For your environment. Toxin overload. And you and most people. I think that. Well, if I just drink a lot of fluids. If I just drink a lot of water, well, you know, Coffee's got water in it. So I'm getting water. No, those are all solutes.

Water is a huge one for environmental toxins. You're, you're not drinking clean water. I am a proponent of not using. I know I'm going to cause a huge rock as are so many people the debate is it needs to be distilled. No, it must be spring water. Well, guess what? I'm on the side of distilled and there's a reason why.

You cannot guarantee any source of water is clean. I can get cleaner water by distilling it. Then you can get out of the ground anywhere on the planet. There's no place on the planet. That's not toxic right now. They find it everywhere. . Just that alone can be helpful, but you should drink water for water. If you're trying to get minerals out of spring water, you're just better ways to get them

and most of those minerals, you can't absorb it anyway. There are two large. The best way to get minerals, believe it or not

Is meat..

Angstrom minerals are the key.

They are small enough to bypass all of the tiny little spaces and the enzymes carry it in all these little tiny angstrom size minerals. Plus they're eating the plants, the plants have they extract angstrom. The size minerals. They're just absorbing those angstrom sized minerals right in. This is key.

. If you really want the minerals out of your water. Well, Buy angstrom minerals that are already made that way and added to your water. Now you've got clean water plus angstrom minerals, which are more absorbable by the way. Really good minerals that are that small in angstrom size. When you add it to water.

Boy, you want to taste something terrible? It's some serious flavor. I'm telling you you'll think spring water tastes like candy next to real angstrom minerals. Cause those minerals are so small. They enter through the taste buds and they excite those taste buds. Like you can't imagine.

I just never been a big fan of Springwater. Now Springwater has energy. And that's really nice. It has a certain energy frequency, which is fantastic, and it has uses. Basically soaking nuts and seeds and other foods in there, and it will change the enzyme value and excite the enzymes and affect the food or the items that have been put in a spring water. That's great. But still those foods have lots of guess what.

Plant toxins. All right, let's go on and we'll talk more about water in the future because water is essential for health, right? You have oxygen, water and food. We'll talk a lot about water in the future. It's one of my passions is water and if you're 70% water, some people say more, a little less, but you're 70% water.

And if you think water is not seriously important, it is secondary for importance next to oxygen. It is way more important than your diet. So we're going to go, we're going to talk a lot about that in the future.

Your food.

Your food is.

Wow. What a huge topic, right? You have so many toxins in your food. It's not even funny. From the plant toxins. Two. What the animals ate.

What's sprayed on everything that the animals eat, or you're just pulling off the vine or you're getting in the store. So w if you think that if you are in control and you go to a grocery store and it looks beautiful that you're buying straight food, natural food, you're not. You are buying toxin, Layton food.

It's a fact. Organic is certified, but it's still has toxins. It's got plant toxins that are inside it, but it's also got toxins on top of it. They just haven't been fully tested. Things fall out. Of the air.

We're going to get into that in a second. All right. So food has a lot of toxins. You have to be careful about your food choices.

Next is body care. This, I know quite a bit about.

If you're in the natural health world at all. . You will absolutely deal with people and their skin. It's a fact.

I kind of happened to. I guess I would say I have a soft spot for that. I had acne when I was in high school and nothing worked of course the drugs they put me on didn't help either, later after I got out of a toxic environment, I graduated high school and then after that was in a cleaner environment, and then I started studying nutrition consuming as much as I possibly could . I was learning everything I could. About how to heal my face. And Just, you know, it was, it was exciting to me to, to see how the human body worked and how it reacted with things like vitamin C and zinc and all this kind of great stuff. Well,

After that from working with clients and people just in general. And learning. The chemicals that are in your body care and what works, what doesn't it's just, I find it fascinating about your skin we look at it and we just, we see it for what it is, and we don't realize.

Yeah, they called an organ, but it's so much more than that. And I think skin is one of those. An actual podcast topic, maybe even multiple ones because. It's just amazing what it can do in the cold and the heat and oh, wow. It's just incredible. And that'll be a lot of fun to talk about that and learn about that. I make a joke all the time about this, but it's true.

People are marketed so much, right? They, they get marketed from every angle of their life. Every single thing you cannot wake up and, and go to bed without being marketed a thousand times a day. They tell you, you need a tow cream. Nail cream, foot cream, heel cream.

Then you need like leg cream, body lotion. Elbow cream, hand lotion. Then you need face lotion and eye cream and, and ear lobe, you know, CRI just crazy. And then you, then you have. Here's a funny one that people don't think about. You have cream for your hair

I think about that. It's called conditioner. If you use conditioner as a hand cream hand lotion, it works just fine. If you use most. . I'm not talking the commercial stuff. I'm talking the natural now. Use natural. Companies that make you as a natural products made by company to make natural conditioner hair conditioner.

Okay. It's the same as lotion. You can put that on your hair and rinse it right out. And you're still going to be like, yeah, I feel like I just put conditioner on my hair. They're all the same. Look at the ingredients. Now, when you use commercial, it's just loaded with. You know, glycerin as Maine and then they'll use petroleum distillates of all different types with that's that's oil. That's the same crap you're putting in your engine in your car. And you're putting that on your hair in multiple different variations of that molecule.

Not good. So, I know it looks fine. Smells good at the salon and you just like. This and smell that well, it's absolutely the same thing as lotion. We use all different types of body care. That is soap. Cleansers face cleanser, so many different types of products, and yet. 90% of them are all the same things. Some are diluted.

To make it, not as strong or it's pH balanced it's it's got this cellular structure in. And now the new one is. Well, if you watched Oprah. Several years ago with Sandra Bullock. You'll know what I'm talking about. Body care is loaded with chemicals and guess what? Your skin is a sponge. You're absorbing all of that.

All of it. Every bit of it. That's the whole point of putting lotion on is to absorb it. Now you don't wanna absorb sunscreen. Right. So they make that. So it doesn't go in which blocks vitamin D production, et cetera. And we'll talk about sunscreen in the future. Cause it's horrible for you. All right, so body care, we'll move on.

Tap water. Is. Absolutely disgusting. There are more than 30,000 known contaminants in tap water. You should not be showering without a filter. You should not be drinking that water. You should filter the daylights out of it.

You shouldn't be cooking with it when you make pasta or whatever else. There's ways to use distilled water. You can make your own, you can have Berkey filters, you can have whatever it is you want to filter water. You need to not use tap water for anything. If you can avoid it. It's horrible. And then what do you do in your garden? You put the hose on it.

Which is the same thing. You see what I'm saying? I've got an organic garden. Do you. What's what kind of water is going on your garden? Maybe you should collect your water. Off your roof. Things like this. I know it's more difficult, but. What makes it organic. If you're spraying, tap water on it.

Do you know, Tap water has lots of creepy things in it that you would never take into your body if you saw those under a microscope, not only that.

You wouldn't take those into your body. If you knew what comes out of other people's bodies, that then goes into the tap water that you're consuming. Yes. It's that scary?

How about your vehicle?

You spend.

Five minutes to get to work. 50 minutes, anything in between? Are you running heat? Or AC the whole time. Well, You're stuck inside. Are you ready for this? A plastic box. Everything in your interior is toxic!

even your leathers. Have plasticizers in them, everything. In your car is D gassing until it gets to the point where it's so de gassed that it becomes very hard. So leather becomes hard. Surfaces become brittle. They've pretty much fully gassed. That takes years and years and years. So then you say, well, you don't understand. I always have like some kind of.

Air flow coming into the car. Oh, well then you have the exhaust coming from the car in front of you. That's pretty much either way, the only way to do it is to drive with your windows down. And I understand you don't want to get your hair all messed up. Okay. Or pollen in your car, which.

I hate that.

So your yard. Do you a. You spray your yard, you want green grass. So you want to get rid of mosquitoes. Everything that you spray in your yard is, is a chemical. And then you want to go sit around the pool around your deck, and it's just full of chemicals everywhere. So learn how to.

. Keep everything. Insect free or weed free naturally organically. It's not that hard people do it all over the world. There's tons of products. If you want to, pre-buy always learn how to do it yourself. You know, one of the main ones ask anybody who knows the trick of using dish soap. And water and you spray it on your stuff.

Bugs don't like it. There's so many essential oils that work it's insane. Tip for you. Here's a great tip. Citronella and neem, N E E M. Incense downwind, wherever you're sitting outside a, in a smaller area. We'll keep mosquitoes away.

In the evening. As long as that the inset smoke can kind of spread a little bit, but they don't like citronella. And neem combination. In a smoke form, the problem is you use the candles. It smells good. They don't work all that. Great. Any of the smoke? And it smells good to you. So put it up wind.

Around they are, they're larger sticks. You'll see them. There's lots of companies that make them. They're kind of large. They last quite a bit and keep those going, but you need the smoke. It's different than the regular candle.

All right, so watch this one. This, this will really make you happy.

You're close. How many of you were ranked organic hemp. Organic cotton. Wool. None of us, right? We're all wearing the latest, dry fit. Leggings polos. you can't Even Get organic. Non-chemical bamboo clothes. The textile industry is the most.

Toxin Laden. Industry on the planet. I mean, obviously there's a few that are really bad, like, you know, nuclear waste and I'm talking about just the, the regular day-to-day business. We're all worried about cars. Nobody talks about the fact that those jeans you really liked so much. The Mount of toxins to make those genes is absolutely insane. Nobody gives a crap.

So all the environmentalist out there, please take note. You need to move your, thought process to the things you don't really think about all the time. And the biggest one is you need to watch out for textiles. Textiles are the biggest problem on the planet. They take more water. Everything is chemical.

From the way they make the fabrics, all the dyes. How they, how they make it, everything about it is total toxin mess. And everybody's worried about a little bit of carbon dioxide that comes out of cars now. Your fight. Needs to be textiles. So what can you do at home? I don't like to get really involved in stuff like that, but that one is a big deal. And that's why I'm saying all you environmentalist's out there. Please go after.

Textile industry. We don't need all those chemicals in our clothing. When you have these polyester and plastic oil derived. Close. You guess what you're getting into your body? Yeah. Toxins. Guess what? One of the number one toxins that comes from that really awesome brand of whatever you're wearing.

Estrogen. And not the good form either. These are estradiols. These are synthetic extra dials and these extra dials will cause everything from cancer to endometriosis, to. Man, boobs, you name it. It Is a problem. It is such a problem and no one is talking about it. Guess what I will upcoming podcast. We are going to go over.

Clothing big time, because you don't realize everything's absorbed in your skin. What are you washing your clothes with? Guess what's in your Mo well, most of your commercial. Type laundry soaps. I just said it. There are chemical derived. Estrogens.

Yep. That brand that you're using probably actually. Is giving you estrogens and not in a good forum. Okay. Plus I learned long ago. No need to discuss how I learned this, but if you don't believe me, Call a company, but most companies that make laundry. Appliances will tell you that.

Most close. Contain. Actually two to three loads. Of soap. Inside them. So technically you could just, every other load. If you could somehow figure this out, but every other load. Just use vinegar. And that's it. No soap, and you're just fine. That's how much soap is being held in your clothing.

Especially if you're in a thicker clothing, oh, cotton stuff like that, it's going to hold more, but essentially you have so residue in your clothes. I'm a big fan of using vinegar. White vinegar. Cheapest. Fine. Matter of fact, it's absolutely awesome for your your bath house, any of the towels. It it's. It's incredible.

It actually fluffs them up. You don't need fabric softener or anything like that. And I use it. It works. It's crazy. Good. Many people in the hot, really hot regions in third world countries just use white vinegar to wash their clothes.

It gets out the odors and the the oils in the clothes. It cleans them perfectly. It's cheap works. Great. And if it goes into the water supply, it doesn't hurt anybody. Lastly, the air in the environmental fallout. The air you breathe. Everywhere from inside your house, outside your house.

In your place of work. The air is. Technically full of toxins. And we do a really good job of filtering those out. A lot of the times those toxins will go into your body and you'll just pee them out, you know? It's not, it's not like every single toxin is deadly. It's just too many of them.

For too long anytime. At work, if you can get out and go outside. For just a little while. That's really beneficial. The air is Still full of toxins. There's fallout from everything from planes up there to. Just, you know, current bringing toxins and pollution from other countries, as well as our own.

So it's not perfect out there, but it's still better than indoors. Just getting outside for a few minutes can be actually very beneficial for you. It'll wake you up. Gets you move it a little bit, oxygen, that kind of thing. Also the oxygen inside of a dwelling. I can be lower than outside.

Studies on this where, the percentage of oxygen. Outside, depending on where you are on the planet can be anywhere from 19 to 22%. Inside a home can be usually 17 to 19%. If it's super locked up and you'd never get airflow, it can be as low as 17. If you have a furnace. In the places that have furnaces.

In your house is closed up because it's cold outside and it's never drawing any air from outdoors. Your oxygen's low. And that can give you that, that feeling of depression. Big time in the winter. Just cracking a window a little bit and an offer room. You don't really go into very much just to, to bring it a little bit as great. Some of these houses are sealed so well.

That you don't get any exchange of oxygen. The places that where you live temperate, where you can have the windows open is absolutely amazing. And that exchange of air can keep the oxygen the same as the outdoor. So your oxygen outside. The higher it is the better you feel. One of the reasons why when you go into the forest,

It's called forest bathing or go for a hike when you're out there, even though there might be pollens in the air and things like that, your oxygen is generally higher because. If you remember school the oxygen coming out of plants is higher. It's converting carbon oxide and creating Austin. So generally you can be in the 22 percentile.

That's absolutely amazing. And if oxygen higher in your environment, wasn't good. Then why are they now pumping oxygen into clubs and restaurants and things like that? Casinos. Malls. Cause it makes people feel good. It's awesome. And so the more oxygen you can get the better. Go outside.

Especially if you're learning, especially if you're studying for anything in school. Get your butt outside. And walk a little bit while you're studying. Get outside, quit reading indoors with a light's terrible. Ashton's terrible. The environment's terrible. Get outside. For the rest of us, if you want to feel better, I know it's cold out.

Super cold up, get outside. It will make you feel better. Specially if it's really cold outside and there's snow on the ground and the sun is out that light, reflecting off that snow is actually amazing for your brain. Go ask skiers. Why do they ski? Why do they love skiing? It's not just the skiing you say, but it's cold. It's so cold. They're like, yeah, but I love it. I love being out there. Why, why are there winter hikers? Because you can tell you can feel better and why not put yourself in that environment here and there.

Understand air and environmental fallout. As far as toxins go, our big deal. Think about them because you don't see them. Think of radon. Think of methane. Think of some of these that will kill you and you can't see it or smell it. Think about that in, in, in your toxins. Okay. I know this is going really long. Bear with me. These are, these few first episodes are laying the foundation for health. I can get into specific topics later, but these are your basis. So if you ever want to tell somebody.

Hey, listen to Eric's podcast number two or one or whatever. To help them see the overall picture. These are really important. All right. So the next one.

Mold. Mold is a big deal and you know, if you're indoors. And there's black bold from, destruction in the home or the, or the place of business. That's a big deal. And I'm telling you right now that it's probably one of the biggest indoor health issues. Lots of people have gone through it. It will kill you. It will kill you quickly for some people who are very, very allergic to any of the

Molds, the, the fungus. Family, but. Bold is a big deal. And you need to find out, even if you can request your company to do a quick mold inspection and the place you work. I don't think they would say no to that actually. They would want to know, and it helps with their insurance, et cetera. But your house should be checked. You should think about this. Once you have mold poisoning, you are in big trouble. That is a.

And long-term health situation . And I do know people that can help you. So if you have that right now You can contact me through email and I will hook you up with probably the best guy in the country that can do that for you. And he went through it himself, almost died. If you have mold poisoning, please contact me and we'll do a mold in the future as well.

Next one is Lyme disease. People don't think about how Lyme disease, how prevalent it is, but at the same person, I was just telling you about his actually found over 80. Different forms of lines. In the cells. Of your body. So cell death from toxins, plant toxins, environmental toxins, mold, and Lyme.

Lots of people don't even know they have Lyme disease. And it it's hard to find and unless they know how to test for it, it's hard to get out. Most people don't realize getting these how hard it is to get these out. And when you do it can come right back a year later, you have to go after it naturally, it's a whole process to get it out of your body.

The medical profession has a hard time with it. So you need to go natural.

And the next one.

Inside your own body. It's called metabolic waste. That is a C that is a toxin that kills your cells. If your metabolic waste, can't get out of yourselves. And get good fluids back in it's called cell osmosis. Your cell becomes toxic and it will die. It's kind of like taking your automobile and putting a plug in the exhaust pipe.

It will shut off very quickly because it can't get the exhaust out the waste product. Guess how you get waste product out? Well, we're going to go through that in the future in another podcast, but basically you need cell osmosis. Starts with fluid. You have to have clean water. Next is your cellular metabolism. So inside the cell has to be functioning properly.

And then you have to get it out. So this is why exercise works so good. But you need to have your lymphatic system working well. Your skin being in good shape. The digestive system, especially, and your kidneys. So you get metabolic waste. Your breath. Your, your, your whole body gets rid of it because you have trillions and trillions of cells creating trillions and trillions of metabolic waste.

It's got to come out and if you are unhealthy, that could be one of the reasons. And when you just put crap in, you create more about a Bolick waste. And so. Cells die. And then that's why people that have a very low, active life that don't take care of themselves. Usually end up with disease pretty early or die early.

Except for that one guy, you know, that guy you've seen him or met him, might be in your family, who just seems to. Smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol and eat. Fast food and he's 101. And what do you say? Well, there's not a lot. I can say he's one of those guys. Right. And the last one. There's more, there's a lot of toxins that cause cell death, but I'm just hitting the main ones here.

In the future, we can talk about a lot of different ones. This is just getting the basics.

Okay. And so the last one and the scariest one. Is parasites. I know. Parasites, no one wants to talk about it. I don't want to, I don't want to think about those things in my body. But guess what? We all have them.

I know this is the point where everyone wants to go. All right, I'm going to shut this off, listen to something else. This is the one you need to listen to more than anything else. Because you have no control over this one. The only control you have is to get rid of them. And they cost so many problems there.

They can tell you what to do. They can tell you what not to do. They are telling you. What to eat. What you should, and shouldn't do hormonally. So through hormones. They can. Make you do their bidding. Oh, Eric. That's ridiculous. Oh, yeah, you think so?

it's basic science. Insects that go crazy. Half parasites. There are insects that literally they. You could see it there. There's what they're supposed to do is go eat. You know, plants or whatever, and move on and procreate stuff. No, they don't do that. Uh, They like kill each other. They do crazy things and you open them up. They're full of parasites.

What about. You've seen or heard your whole life. You know, raccoon has parasites and it goes rabbit, a dog. Those parasites. Okay. Not viruses. They're parasites. Parasites release. Hormones and chemicals that tell you what to do. So they could be. Very detrimental as small as tiny little ones, hard to see to big, huge ones in your.


We won't get to. Descriptive Just yet. We'll we'll talk about that in the future, if you can handle it. But needless to say, nobody wants to talk about. Or think parasites, but they are. Amazing. And most of them, you don't even know they're in there. They don't really cause a big problem. They're just kind of feeding off you and that kind of thing. But there's others that will tell you what to do.

If you don't address them, then it will cause cell death. Slow. Cell death. I'm talking years and years, sometimes your whole life. You say, I don't understand. Since I was 10 years old, I've always had this arthritis. It doesn't matter what I do. I can take. These drugs, these medicines, these herbs, nothing works. Yeah. The parasites.

Think about it are living in your body. They can produce hormones. They can produce things like this, but they also eat. What happens when you eat? There's a. Byproduct that occurs. We all know what that is. Well, that's in your body too. That can go through your brain and your organs and your joints and your entire circulatory system, and it affects everything.

If you don't get those things in check, you can chase your condition for years, your whole life and never figure it out. And it's pretty much the last one that most of the medic profession looks for. So you need to look for those a little bit earlier and you can, it's not that hard. There's lots of ways to do that.

I can help you. If you think you have a parasitic infection. Let me know if you have a condition that. You literally just can't figure out what's going on. You've tried everything. You need to look at parasites. You can email me. I'll hook you up with some people I know. , I think these are all the three main. Areas that can kill you or make you sick. We're going to talk more in depth about a lot of these, and it'll be really fun. It'll be interesting. You'll learn a lot. I'm just trying to get you the basics. So you have a good understanding of where things start and so that , you can have a plan.

Where, where can you take out some of these things? You know, I mean, there are so many easy things you can do to lower this toxicity and make yourself feel better. All right. If you have things that you're having a hard time with you really can't figure out what to do.

Email me. I'll help you. I might not get super in depth, but I can get you at least a train of thought or a direction. A road to travel and at minimum, this is. Good. Basic understanding of why you're sick or how you die. All right, that's it for now?

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About the Podcast

The Reality of Health
Health is a holistic concept impacted by lifestyle, habits, sleep, exercise, water, food, air, and toxins.
This is not your average health podcast. It is cutting edge info.
"I never know who to believe"
I hear this all the time...
Well, I will help you navigate all the info you are constantly sold to believe.
The reality is not what you were sold...
New episodes every Monday and Thursday @ 5am!
You can reach me here for anything...


About your host

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Erik Muzzy

I have been educating clients since 1992 on health and nutrition, studied numerous different areas of natural healing and wellness. Utilizing nutrition, diet, exercise, mind, body and spirit for ultimate health or just feeling better.