Episode 2

Published on:

4th May 2023

Ep. 2 - What it takes to be healthy

The Reality Of Health episode is to help you realize what it takes to achieve good health or to help you get better...

This is the reality of what it takes. This is the purpose of this podcast, to help dispel all the information you have heard and been sold and to bring you the reality of it all.

One source that you can go to in order to understand what it takes to be healthy!

To listen to the podcast, you can find us on the following platforms: (some episodes are listed oldest to newest)


The reality of health


Erik (2): Welcome to episode two of The Reality of Health.

al takes fortitude. Webster's:

mind or soul? which enables a person to encounter danger with coolness and courage. Or to bear pain or adversity without murmuring. Depression or despondency. The reality of long-term health starts with fortitude. But there are roadblocks first. And foremost. It is daunting. Let's not beat [00:01:00] around the Bush.

It's a big step. There's a lot to think about. I'm going to cover all of these. So don't worry. This is the reality of long-term health.

I'm going to give you. Quite a few. Uh, things to think about things that.

Well, if you're new to making such a long commitment like this and you need the results, well, things can get tough. So let's get into it here. Daunting. Boy, is it daunting? Everything to think about. What should I do? What's it gonna cost? What are the side effects? Do I have the time.

All these things, whether you're building a house, whether you're trying to.

have to do? And all in all, [:

Second one.

Long-term commitment.

In health. It is a long-term commitment. Nothing happens quickly. When I do mean. Almost nothing. Now, there are certain things when you're working with your health, that can happen pretty quick. Things that you'll notice right away. Certain herbs, certain foods can give you energy or make you feel better or relieve pain or something like that.

hose are pretty. Few and far [:

I don't remember where I learned it. But I do remember either was my, one of my mentors or it was in one of the books I read. Back in late eighties, early nineties. It said that. For any. Health.

Treatment. You can generally. I apply three months. Worth of effort. For every one year you had the existing condition.

have a new body every seven [:

Bones. They say six months to two years.

Well, if you have something that's hard to heal quickly, that's going to take a while.

So what about things that are easy to heal? Well, there's a lots of areas in your body that repair quickly. Hours. Even days, mostly weeks though. So you're not going to see generally speaking. Anything's going to happen very, very quickly. That just doesn't that just doesn't happen. Let's be honest.

This is not. Advil. Or Tylenol. Or some other poison for the body that works pretty much instantly.

So your long-term commitment can be.

Very costly. I will tell you that right now. If you think about how many months it takes to repair your condition?

e to do to change your diet. [:

Not everything is expensive in the health community. Just by changing your diet. Sometimes it can be cheaper. I bet you're buying a lot of things, needing things you don't need to be eating. And they are actually quite expensive.

The other cost is time.

It takes time. You can't rush it. So you want to exercise to get results? Well, First time, exercise. You don't lose 50 pounds. It takes time. So it's going to cost you time and money.

It's also going to cost you. Pain.

What I mean by pain is. Sometimes your body aches. Sometimes you get headaches. Sometimes you get nauseous.

re starting to exercise, you [:

So there are costs. That most people don't think about. Once we are starting to realize those costs of time and let's say pain or discomfort. Many people. Start to lose that commitment. It's too daunting. That's when fortitude has to kick in. Fortitude. Is something that you need to learn.

If you've never looked up the word for what it means. Then look it up.

Read it, no, it put it on your bathroom mirror. Put it on your. Playlist for music where it talks about fortitude and don't give up and all that good stuff. By the way, lots of Bible verses talk about this. Actual topic.

So cost. That's one of those ones that people have to ask themselves, are you willing to pay.

The cost.


Why am I not seeing anything by now? Well, you got to understand. You may not feel things in your body. But things are happening. Just like, you may feel just fine eating. Junk food and processed food. But let's just say you have. A few Doritos. And you think back doesn't make me feel bad.

Well, you only feel bad when it's affecting you in a way. In order to feel bad. But your body knows. The side effects from eating those. Chips.

The chemicals that are in there, the gluten.

s gluten, even though it's a [:

The chemicals, the toxins, the flavorings, all the unnecessary. Ingredients that are toxic. That make it taste good. Your body. Knows that those are not good for it. They react cells react. They don't like it. But you don't feel it because it's cellular. Most things that you feel are not cellular.

They're the nervous system.

You don't feel a cell getting cut by a knife. You feel it when it cuts a nerve?

You have cells dying. And replicating themselves every billionth of a second. You have a trillion new cells. You don't feel those cells dying? But you're killing them. When you put things in your body. That slow your results. Even though you don't think they are, they are.

So it can take a while. And you can get discouraged.

It's taking too long. I [:

So when you're not feeling anything and it's taking a while. You start to feel like, well, why am I doing this?

The other one. About the taking too long for results. Is when you're not feeling good. And. That discomfort is taking too long to go away. Let's just say you had.

Digestive issues. And they should have cleared themselves up in a week or so changing your diet now it's three weeks and now you're starting to second guess. Well, it might take three months for you. We don't know how toxic you are. You don't know what the condition of your microbiome is. Your cellular health, especially your mitochondria determines.

How fast you


What's taking too long to feel better. I feel like crap. I've got headaches, I've got nausea. I've got whatever it's going to take a while you cannot force that kind of thing you created. Uh, negative. Health state in your body. You're trying to flip it to a positive health state.

And now you're complaining that it's taking too long.

This is where fortitude kicks in. Fortitude is. The attribute you need to have in just about any large project in your life. It's really easy to do small things. It's very difficult to do large things.

rm health, let's say you . I [:

You're pretty much not going to feel anything

but other times,

You'll take a lot of vitamin C, vitamin C is very cleansing to the body.

So you might get some side effects. This.

Health condition that you have. Takes time to heal it. It comes at a cost it's very daunting. The side effects kick in. Now that's one more thing that kills your fortitude because you're thinking.

I don't feel well. Those side effects are your body either. Getting rid of toxins. Healing.


iring. Your making progress. [:

If you started a health journey. And you had zero side effects at all. I would question whether or not it's either the right health journey. Or whether or not you're doing it correctly. let's be real. You're going to have side effects. Let's flip that for a second. Let's say that you were always healthy your whole life and you decided to sit down and drink.

ou have a negative state for.:

One way or another. I believe you can go slow. This is where having a health coach thinking about the process. Understanding your reality of long-term health. You gotta have that fortitude. Take it [00:13:00] slow. There's no, hurry. This is where your long commitment comes in. You have to understand that. Three months for every year.

That's a long time.


You're too busy. It's too much effort. I don't have time to deal with this. You don't understand Eric. I have these commitments and these commitments. Okay. That's fine. Let's do what you can do. Let's start with the little things. There's a lot of things you can do that will not take any time to change.

You're going to eat. So you're going to make meals. You're going to go to the grocery store and buy food. Or you're growing your food, whatever. It's the same amount of time to cook. So make your choices better.

r life. Because you've added [:

You're not too busy. There are things we can do. We'll start slow.

Health coaches. This is where health coaches come in. When you check in with people like that. They can help you get to your goals. By creating schedules, looking at your life, knowing where. Where you should, and shouldn't spend your time, money effort, these kinds of things.


Too hard to do. It just takes too much effort. Really.

I find that one hard to believe.

ecause you want those things.[:

So do you really want long-term health?

Yeah. Do you ask yourself? Is it really going to be too hard? It's going to take too much effort. Here's when we go back to daunting.

It's too daunting. It's going to take too much effort. It's too hard.

How bad do you want it? If you have the fortitude. Believe me, it won't be too hard and it won't be too much effort. Again, you're looking at massive changes. We don't need to make massive changes . We can make small changes. We can work with your lifestyle.

ear goals . Kinds of things. [:

With no effort at all. That can have profound. Implications. At the. 30 day. Quarterly. Six months yearly five-year goals, those add up all those days and all those meals they add up. And you didn't do anything different.

As far as effort, it's the same amount of effort.

Don't think it's too hard to do, and it's going to take too much effort. Everything takes effort.

Just getting up out of bed. In the morning to do your day takes effort. Now you can make the choice. Of all those things you do in that day. To create your reality of long-term health.

. This is everybody's issue. [:

Everybody's lazy.

Oh, you don't understand Eric. I get up, I rock my day. Until I go to sleep. I guarantee you that if I looked at your life, I could find things you're lazy and you might get up every day. Rock all day long. And then I say, how are your finances? When was the last time you looked at your finances? \

Been a long time. Okay. What about cleaning your car, doing the maintenance on your car. When was the last time that you. Did anything that you were supposed to do as a steward in your life?

Laziness is everyone's number one, problem.

So they use, and I've done this. They use laziness.

. I can't handle it anymore. [:

because you're lazy. I've been there.

Everybody's been there. Conquer the laziness, whatever that takes. This is why. I say fortitude. If you can commit to fortitude. If you can commit. To a long term. Health result. You can count the cost, you know, the side effects. You know how to manage your time. You understand how long it takes for results to occur and for.

You know, the side effects go away.

tself. We're all going to be [:

Then you're right back at it. We all go through that. Everybody goes through that every single person goes through that. There's nobody that can. Perform 100% every single day, their entire life. It's impossible.

Remember fortitude. I said it a million times because I really want you to embrace that in all aspects of your life.

From health is very difficult to achieve. If you don't have that fortitude. There are many roadblocks. There are roadblocks in your mind. There's roadblocks. In the world. They're in your family. During your finances. They're everywhere.

alth. Is not taking your own [:

You have to decide, does that person really have my best interests in mind? Maybe I should just look this up real quick. Make sure you have good info. Don't listen to just any marketing or, or somebodies opinion or any of that kind of thing. And if you're listening to opinions, that's fine. Just get multiple opinions.

Hopefully not have all the same character.

So this is a general overview. This. Episode.

This reality of longterm health. Should help you. From now on, if you ever listened to anything, I have to say, we'll go back to this. Exact.


to know what you're getting [:

Number one reason people fail . Laziness.

Number two. Ask people. What does it take to do the carnivore diet? What does it take to do the keto diet? What does it take to work out? Five days a week for the next 20 years. What does it take? To battle. Cancer. Weight loss. Arthritis diabetes, talk to people who have it. How do they do it? How are they successful?

Learn from them.

Best advice I've ever heard.

For your.

rest is. So you want to be a [:

One of the reasons why most people. Go to school. And halfway through schooling, they changed their major because they realized this isn't what I thought it was. How do you know you want to be a doctor? Until you go talk to doctors.

How do you know you want to be a police officer?

re not going to like being a [:

Because that's all they do.

So my advice. Understand the reality of long-term health and what it takes to achieve that.

I'm here to help you. I'm going to give you for the rest of these episodes. Knowledge. Education.


Studies. Opinions from other people. Information that I've learned over. 35 years.

I hope it'll help you. I know it's helped me. I want to help you feel better. And help you achieve longterm health.

Until episode two. That's it for now.

ructive. I will not tolerate [:

If you want to read the transcript, it will be located on my website for each episode.

It is. The reality of health. Dot com.

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About the Podcast

The Reality of Health
Health is a holistic concept impacted by lifestyle, habits, sleep, exercise, water, food, air, and toxins.
This is not your average health podcast. It is cutting edge info.
"I never know who to believe"
I hear this all the time...
Well, I will help you navigate all the info you are constantly sold to believe.
The reality is not what you were sold...
New episodes every Monday and Thursday @ 5am!
You can reach me here for anything...


About your host

Profile picture for Erik Muzzy

Erik Muzzy

I have been educating clients since 1992 on health and nutrition, studied numerous different areas of natural healing and wellness. Utilizing nutrition, diet, exercise, mind, body and spirit for ultimate health or just feeling better.