Episode 34

Published on:

27th Nov 2023

Ep. 34 - Are you where you want to be? Or are you complacent...

Are you tired of feeling stuck in life?

Are you ready to tackle the root cause of your struggles? This episode reveals why you're not where you want to be and empowers you to make positive changes. Get inspired today and rewrite your story!



Erik 1: Welcome everyone to Monday minutes.

Erik 1: This one's going to hurt. I'm sorry, I got to bring it. This is one of the reasons why you are not where you want to be. Are you ready for my diatribe? Well, strap in here we go. Complacency.

It is the root of why you are, where you are. It is the mire. The bog, the quick sand. Of what is drowning you from fulfilling anything healthy or good in your life?

Complacency is like an anchor. That will drag you slowly to the depth of despair.

To the utter most depths [:

Complacency will kill your fortitude.

Complacency. Is that feeling you feel when, you know, You need to get up and do something positive for your life. But yet. You feel like you just want to stay right where you are.

Complacency is the feeling.

It's okay to be where I'm at. Even though I don't want to be here.

Complacency is the lack of desire to make our lives better.

Complacency. Is the tiredness I feel from not taking care of . My body. My soul. My spirit.

Complacency is where you are right now.

You feel like you can control the pain?

the point? I'm just getting [:

Is that how you feel? Is this what you're going through. If this is how you feel.

Erik 1: And you don't want to be there anymore. How are you going to dig deep? What is it gonna take? Is it pain or discomfort? Or lack of mobility or stiffness when you can't even pick something up off the floor, get out of bed. Or the inability to defecate maybe, or the inability to stand up. Uh, or the inability to perform your job. Or the inability to enjoy life or the inability to have sex or the inability to do anything at all whatsoever that you enjoy.

accomplish? Better finances.[:

They say when the rich die, they are asked what they would have done differently. They usually say something to this effect. They would pay to not be in pain or die from a disease. They couldn't spend their way out of. They would have put there. Family first. They would have taken steps earlier in life to be healthier. That they wish they did better things with their money. That they would. Have fixed their regrets. That they would forgive those that have hurt them.

Hmm. Sounds familiar. All the things that we all go through. Right now. They have the money to change all kinds of areas in their lives.

ge everything that you don't [:

So now what. Well, it starts with having a plan. How about you start with one thing. That you can change right now.

That will build momentum. Once you start actually moving your body, you can keep it going. Like. Get off the couch and then go do something healthy, whatever that is. Don't sit back down. You keep going now. Once you're moving, you can do something else. Repeat the process.

It's amazing that once you get that momentum, you can keep it going.

The hardest part is to get off that couch. It's like a train. The hardest part is getting that thing. Moving. Once it's moving. They can keep that thing moving. You are the same way.

Do what you can to start. Then add something.

oesn't matter. If you aren't [:

Just. Sit back. And think about what you did today.

The impact it's had on you. How good you feel? You've accomplished things that you wanted to do. You've accomplished things that you've always wanted to achieve. Now you can go to sleep. That gratitude will help you sleep better. Then.

They will become part of your life. You no longer have to try and get off the couch. Why? Because you feel better.

is why. When you feel better?[:

Just have one more piece of pizza.

I'll have one more scoop of ice cream. I'll stay up another hour. During the workweek. I'll hit that snooze. One more time. And on and on and on.

Because we feel better doing it. Guess what? There's two ways to feel better. Feeling better because you're accomplishing more. You're healthier. Your energy levels are higher. Or enjoying the short term things that will pull you down into that bog. Into that mire. Those are anchors.

life. Including your health. [:

Erik 1: Thank you for listening today. Now. Go do something healthy. Even if it's just little

take care of yourselves.

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About the Podcast

The Reality of Health
Health is a holistic concept impacted by lifestyle, habits, sleep, exercise, water, food, air, and toxins.
This is not your average health podcast. It is cutting edge info.
"I never know who to believe"
I hear this all the time...
Well, I will help you navigate all the info you are constantly sold to believe.
The reality is not what you were sold...
New episodes every Monday and Thursday @ 5am!
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About your host

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Erik Muzzy

I have been educating clients since 1992 on health and nutrition, studied numerous different areas of natural healing and wellness. Utilizing nutrition, diet, exercise, mind, body and spirit for ultimate health or just feeling better.