Episode 33

Published on:

22nd Nov 2023

Ep. 33 - Visceral Fat is LITERALLY KILLING you from the inside! Like in the Alien movies...

The Impact of Visceral Fat on Your Health

Visceral fat, a topic often overlooked, is fat stored within the abdominal cavity around important internal organs such as the liver, pancreas, and intestines. Excess visceral fat can interfere with body functions, contribute to inflammation, disrupt blood flow, and negatively impact posture and immune function among other health issues. Dr. Sean O'Mara, an expert in the field, shared insights on how visceral fat can be diagnosed and reduced. I also share lifestyle changes such as reducing stress, performing high-intensity exercises, getting rid of processed foods and alcohol, and improving sleep can help to reduce visceral fat and improve overall health.

00:10 Introduction to the Unspoken Topic

00:38 The Importance of Understanding Body Fat

01:24 Introducing Visceral Fat

01:47 The Expertise of Dr. Sean O'Mara

02:03 The Impact of Visceral Fat on Perception and Health

02:32 The Remarkable Achievements of Dr. Sean O'Mara

03:55 The Power of Visual Representation

05:22 The Sugar Content in Everyday Foods

09:40 Understanding Visceral Fat and Its Effects

10:11 The Negative Impact of Visceral Fat

16:39 The Misconception of Appearance and Visceral Fat

24:32 The Benefits of Reducing Visceral Fat

33:00 The Impact of Visceral Fat on Your Appearance and Health

34:00 The Connection Between Visceral Fat and Fertility

34:30 How to Identify Reduction in Visceral Fat

36:49 The Role of Sunlight in Visceral Fat Reduction

37:48 The Connection Between Visceral Fat and Sexual Health

41:19 The Importance of Lifestyle Changes in Reducing Visceral Fat

45:57 The Role of Exercise in Reducing Visceral Fat

50:48 The Impact of Diet on Visceral Fat

55:07 The Importance of Sleep in Reducing Visceral Fat

01:01:55 The Long-Term Benefits of Reducing Visceral Fat


Visceral Fat


Erik 1: Welcome friends.

I think you might enjoy this episode because we're going to talk about something that. You never, ever hear about. No one. Ever talks about this subject. Including doctors.

Or any healthcare providers or any.


Or health coaches.

Or functional doctors or or anyone like that? Matter of fact.

We've always been told that.

Body fat is just body fat. Well, we've always known that there's white. And brown amylase tissue and they both have different.

Affects in the body.

grasp this concept, You will [:

Erik 1: This is going to be a foundational episode. If you remember. The first.

20 episodes or so.

I gave you foundational concepts. Well, this is another one. So without further ado, let's just get right into it. Are you ready? Because I'm going to blow your mind.

Today, we're talking about visceral. Fat.

I know what you're saying. You're saying, what the heck did you just say visceral fat? I never even heard of that. Guess what you will. We're going to talk about it. So I'll just put this preface out right now. The information I'm giving you. Is going to be 90%

Thousands of people on this [:

So. Dr. Sean. O'Mara. Not only is he a doctor? He's also a lawyer. He was once a police officer and he still a reservist for the military. And guess what? He's 61 years old.

I'm sorry. What exactly have you and I done with our lives.

still. Uh, reservist for the [:

The amount of fortitude, it takes. To achieve these goals is incredible.

So just when you think.

I'm stuck where I'm at. I'm never going to get better. Nothing's ever going to change.

People like this. Prove to you, you can change your life. For the better, and by the way, he didn't get healthy. Until about 12 years ago.

Think about that one.

So here's this guy that has figured out how to change your life. Only 12 years ago. And he has accomplished all of this.

If you have a goal or an interest that you want to really, really learn about, I say, do it. I don't hold back. Go for it. all right. Let's get into the information.


of the things that makes us [:

Perceive the world around us and the number one way. That really, I think gets to us more than pain or pleasure. Is visual.

You see, I can tell you all about something like in this podcast or this episode. But if you visually see something, it will freak you out. I could describe all day long.

A crazy situation. You'll go. Wow. That was, that was crazy. But if you see it. You could. You could have nightmares from it, maybe.

Like they say, seeing is believing. What about this? If you read a book, you might say, wow, that was a great book.

You put it into a movie, you might say that wasn't as good. Because it was really hard to make that book. Into a visual format, but what if the movie is better than the book? Because it was visceral.

r. To visual representations [:

People know sugar's bad for them, but they still consume it.

What happens if they actually get to see the amount of sugar that they're consuming,

Would that change?

Their decision on if they should consume that or not. I think it would. So let's give you a few of them. Shall we? An average, apple has five teaspoons of sugar. Now if you know how to cook and you know what a real teaspoon is. You'll know what five teaspoons is.

You might think. Oh, five teaspoons in an apple. That's not so bad. Okay. I can a Pepsi. Is 40 grams.

Erik 1: It's almost three times the amount of sugar in a can of Pepsi as it isn't an average apple. So, let me break this down a little bit further and quantify it for you. Are you ready?

ig a tablet of Tylenol is? I [:

So give you an idea of how much sugar. Is actually in Pepsi. You would have 80 tablets of Tylenol. In your hand. 80.

Would you consume? 80 of anything. Ever in your entire life.

But I'm just saying. That's the equivalent. How about this one? A glazed doughnut from Dunkin donuts. Has 13 grams of sugar. Actually has less than an apple.

Isn't that crazy. But we think. A donut has more sugar than an apple. Guess what? It doesn't. And I'm willing to tell you the apple actually is more harmful than the donut. As far as the sugar goes, not everything else, but as far as the sugar goes, regular sucrose from sugar

. We will talk about that in [:

But I'm just trying to give you a quantification. Of how much sugar is in one glaze donut. 13 grams.

So we have 15 grams in an apple. We've got 40 grams in Pepsi. We have 13 grams in a. Glazed donut. Now we come to the one that is the ubiquitous. I'm sorry, how much is in that?


How much.

Sugar is in a Grande's size star bucks, pumpkin spice latte. Oh, yeah. That. Super tasty beverage. That is the number one seller this time a year. Are you ready? I'm sure. You've probably heard this. It's probably on all the social media, but if you haven't. It's 49 grams. Yes. 49 grams. That's the equivalent.

Of more than three apples.

You could have.


It's more than a can of Pepsi.

And we think, oh, Nothing wrong with that. It's a treat. I don't do this all the time. Oh, a lot of people do it almost every day on the way to work, because well, they stopped by Starbucks or any other coffee place and get some super sweet. Dessert beverage

That they don't know.

Is killing them literally.

Well, Erik, you got really.

Dark there didn't you? Well, I kind of had to, because people don't quantify what they're actually putting in their body. How much is in that candy bar. How much is in that. Pasta. Dish, you just had, how much is in.

That bagel. How much sugar and carbohydrates do you consume on a daily basis? I guarantee you it's more than, you know, And if you were to .

freak yourself out and say, [:

You took.

The equivalent in sugar of whatever food you're eating. And put that in a pile on the table, in front of you or better yet on the plate in front of you, you would not eat that sugar. You might have a little bit and go, ah, man. I've had enough. I mean, a teaspoon that's enough yet because there's other flavors going on.

We just keep consuming and consuming. How about things like popcorn. You just eat a whole thing of that. You go, oh, it's fluffy. There's not much there. Oh, really? Look at the numbers. I dare you to look it up.

All right. So let's get into visceral fat and freak you out because that's part of what I love to do here is to freak you out, to get you to.

o get better. I want to feel [:

So here it is. visceral fat. First things needed to understand. I'm going to get into the negatives first and then we'll get into the positives. Of getting rid of it and then how to get rid of it, this kind of stuff. So. It interferes with all. Of the health processes of your body. For example. It actually makes you look older. It'll make you feel older. Because. It's super. Super. Inflammatory.

It interferes with all of your health practices.

Anything that you're actually doing to improve your health. We'll be inadvertently sabotage because of visceral fat.

It is so inflammatory. That it interrupts all the good things you're trying to do. So think about it. You have this visceral fat in your body.

That is interrupting all the positive things you're trying to do. And so you're wondering I'm doing all these great things.

How come I'm not making any [:

This could be your reason. And it is for most people actually.

Visceral fat. Secretes all kinds of inflammatory agents. You may have heard the word cytokines. That's just one of them. There's a lot of different ones that. It produces.

These inflammatory agents. I interfere with all the good processes of your body.

Like it interferes with building muscle. Or trying to lose weight.

You may see it as things like. When you look at somebody, you know, Maybe even some of you don't know and.

They're sort of got like a puffy face. Something of that. Sort.

Then you see them later after they've. Gone on a health program and you go, wow, you look so good.

ch will show in your face of [:

Then it interferes with. Things like your posture or.

Wait, Erik, did you. Did you just say posture interferes with my posture? Yes, I did. Why does it interfere with your posture? It's inflammatory.

It takes your entire body.

And interferes with all the good things like posture. So you're trying to sit up straight. You're trying to stand at your desk. You're trying to do all these things to make yourself. A good structure. Skeletal system, you work out, you do these things so that you, you feel good and live long and this visceral fat. Is pulling.

You inward like [:

Because it interferes with all your exercise. It's basically.

Blocking all your good things you're trying to do.

It even inhibits things like hair growth. Why because it lowers blood flow. And without blood flow, you don't get nutrients and oxygen. To the extremities. Like the top of your head. Or in some cases, As with most men as they get older, they lose the hair on the legs below their knees.

Why is that it's blood flow. And that can actually be reversed by getting rid of visceral fat. One of the ways that you can see. What's going on in your body and we're going to have. An episode in the future about this. Cause I think this is super cool. But. The whites of your eyes, they're called the sclera. In the sclera of your eyes, you can see your health.

determine how good a health [:

It's just not really bright, clear, white. Bright clear white without using eyedrops. Is a really good indication of someone's health internally. Because the inflammation caused by visceral .

Fat. Actually. Creates congestion in the whole body inflammation. Is like congestion. It inflames things. It puts pressure on things. It slows things down. It would be like traffic when you're trying to get to work. You're the blood, but it can't get to the.

on, because there's all this [:

Inflammation is the same thing.

Just think of it as congestion will in sclerology. They talk about congestion more than they do inflammation. Because to them.

they see stagnation and.


Related to blood flow or circulation.

I digress.

So visceral fat will accumulate in all kinds of areas of your body. The worst place that it will accumulate is around your heart. That's really, really bad.

Remember, it's inflammatory. So you're surrounding your heart with inflammatory compounds. Secreted from that visceral fat. What about if it's around your pancreas? Or your liver.

It's putting. Not only physical pressure.

ere's this physical pressure [:

And then to top that all off.

It all. So. Ends up. In your muscle. When it's in your muscle, you would know that as marbling. Like that totally awesome. Ribeye steak. Or any other.

Or maybe even a Wagyu steak. You see.

That's actually happening inside your body.

Visceral fat in your muscle is not a good thing. It interrupts your muscle from burning fat.

And keeping new young.

Now here's the thing.

It does not matter how you look.

r body. They usually do. One [:

So they'll do a cross section of your thighs. And if your thighs look like. Uh, ribeye. That's not good if they look like filet mignon, that's really good. That's like super, super good.

This is the best measurement for visceral fat. Now you can get a baseline. From your.

Weight scale that has the other measurements associated with her, those biometric measurements. Now those are not accurate. Those are only used as. Trending type. Numbers. So for example, They will usually . Show visceral fat. It might say 20%. I guarantee you you're not 20%. You could be plus or minus. A lot. But what it will show you is.


You can't expect a scale under a hundred dollars to give you an accurate representation of your visceral fat.

That's not going to happen. But we don't care. It doesn't matter what the number is. You just want to say, oh, here I started. And now here, Iris, where I am. That's what you want.

or I have a big belly or I'm [:

Or. Ah, I think I'm doing just fine on. Not really worried. Uh, I don't look great, but I don't look bad. I'm just. You know, So somewhere in the middle. I guess what it does not matter. At all. What you look like?

If you don't believe me, you can go to episode four. I talk about body types and how to master yours. We discuss this it's awesome information.

And then in episode seven, I talk about kind of the same thing only in more. Depth. About your physical appearance and your actual health, it doesn't matter. How you look. It really doesn't.

You could be skinny, super overweight or somewhere in the middle. And either have lots.

visceral fat or almost none.[:

Well, if you want to know what the actual. Level of your health is based on visceral fat then? Yes, but I think 500 bucks to learn exactly where you're at visually. Which is the whole reason I started the episode out with. Telling you about humans are visual. Is because once you see what your inner abdomen looks like, you're going to want to change. According to Dr.

y actually get to see what a [:

Is life changing. So let's go back to what I'm saying. You think because you're skinny, you must have low visceral fat. Well, guess what he's found? It's the opposite. Usually people who think that they have no visceral fat because they look at themselves and say, well, I'm skinny. In his experience when he's done the MRIs, they're full of visceral fat, it doesn't matter what you look like.

And then he's also done. MRIs with people who have a lot of subcutaneous fat. Now subcutaneous is what's on the outside. So if you pinch your gut, That's your subcutaneous. When you look at most scans, a lot of people don't have as much. Outside type of fat, the subcutaneous. That you might think you look at them and go, wow.

at huge beer belly. Well, an [:

Right? Kind of like where they get bacon from.

Or the fat cap on meat. Like a ribeye or something. That fat that's on the outside. That's subcutaneous. The fat that's inside the . Muscular structure. That's visceral.

So just because someone looks overweight doesn't mean they actually have visceral fat, according to Dr. Sean. He's seen this. It has nothing to do with how you look on the outside. It has everything to do with what's going on. On the inside. I find that fascinating.

I've always been a proponent.

My last [:

You can find people of all different shapes and sizes with all different levels of health. It doesn't matter. Visual doesn't mean. All that much. No, of course I'm talking in the sense of how modern people perceive. The body. Because back in the day. Or in different cultures around the world. The heavier you are. It's actually more attractive, says you can afford food. Or you're fertile. Or you can bear children or any number of things. And skinny people. They look at them as malnourished and sickly. So it depends on where you're at. The visual references for how healthy someone is I think are more things like. What he talks about in the face. For example, your [00:24:00] inflammatory. Uh, condition in your body from visceral fat makes your face look puffy. And then when you lower your visceral fat, your face. Shape changes.

So does your skull, he says, so does your posture. Because the inflammatory response makes you look older than you really are. So when you reverse that you actually look younger, like more youthful.

Skin and face and head shape. And posture.

Overall body composition.

Alright. So what are the, uh, benefits to getting rid of it

so according to Dr. Sean. He states that most of the chronic illnesses we have.

From metabolic syndrome.

ncur. It's an absolute fact. [:

You see where I'm going with this?

This could be. One of the main reasons why you are unable to become healthy. You know, the last episode.


have Monday minutes, I talked about how you need to flip that switch. Why are you not getting healthy because you haven't flipped a switch. Maybe you're not healthy because you have flipped the switch. But you don't know how to get healthy. You have tried things, but nothing's working. You've listened to all different types of people tell you what you should do.

ogram. Will that didn't work?[:

And that is the visceral fat connection.

So, what are the benefits of getting rid of it? I mean. If I didn't scare you enough of why you. Don't want it. How about I lift you up with reasons to get rid of it. The first one. Is. Lowering inflammation. Inflammation is a killer. If you can lower inflammation, everything gets better. Now there's one caveat to that and I will throw this in.

tabilize. So even though the [:

It's kind of like when you sprain your ankle and it swells up the inflammation is there for a reason it's trying to solidify that area to stabilize it. Get rid of the stabilization right away on your ankle. And it would hurt worse actually. Yes, it's uncomfortable with the inflammation. That's there. But that's better than not having that stability.

Inflammation can be. Everywhere in your body. It's literally in every single tissue. Affecting you in every single positive.

Process. It's shutting things down. On purpose. It's trying to shut down so many areas in order to stabilize your entire body. So in this case, visceral fat.

Of what you need a little [:

Because you need balance, you need homeostasis. And in order to respond to issues, you might need. That visceral fat to kick up some cytokines to cause a little bit of inflammation, because you might need that to slow down. Uh, reaction your body or pain or something. Now.

You don't want more than a tiny little bit.

Because the. Outcome would be such a high amount of inflammation.

e kinds of things. All right.[:

So now we have the tree. Inflammation is the worst part. And how does that trickle down? Oh, here's how it starts. First of all, your overall health from vascularity. So when you think about vascularity, think about it like this. You've got arteries. Pushing blood to the extremities and your veins.

Bring it back. Okay.

Sending out good stuff, bringing back. Waste.

If you have a good blood flow. Then you should have really good.


Sending it to the tissues. And really good. Extraction, pulling it away from the tissues.

If that is interrupted because of inflammation, then you get symptoms. One of those symptoms because it's not a cause. Remember. It's a symptom.

s. One of those symptoms for [:

No circulation. That's not happening down there. And by the way, it's the same for women.

Maybe one of the reasons why there's not enough blood flow down there in order to increase pleasure. During those times of your life. Is because of lack of circulation.

So if there's lack of circulation, There's things like heart disease. Or a lack of energy. And I don't mean just energy. Like, oh, I feel really energetic. Like I had caffeine, I'm talking about energy. Like. I feel really good. Like I just had. Caffeine, but also cellular energy is restricted. Which then creates a lack of vitality and then you feel like. Oh, I just, I'm always tired.

circulation and blood flow. [:

And vitality.

And that makes you feel good. Which is why I'm bringing this episode to use, because I want you to feel good.

The other thing that it will impact is your immune function. You see. Inflammation. Affects your . Immunity.

Yeah. It stops the good guys from taking out the bad guys.

So if you want proper immune function, brain down, visceral fat. And your immune system will be more powerful. The other one that it affects is your mental cognition. If you want better cognition, get rid of the visceral fat that inflammation. Inhibits your mental cognition. So when you're thinking.

ssues. Guess what? Visceral. [:

You wouldn't actually think that, right. You would think, wait a minute, how does fat inside around my organs or in my muscle? Contribute to mental issues. Because your whole body is connected. Remember, we've talked about this many times. So let's lower the visceral fat. And mentally you will be more aware, smarter, better recollection. And everything else that comes with a sharper mind.

Just like you'll have better sleep. Getting rid of viceral fat makes you sleep better. And guess what? By sleeping better, you get rid of visceral fat, which we'll get into in a minute. But yes, this could be one of the reasons why you don't have good sleep. Your visceral. Fat is inhibiting the quality of your sleep. With inflammation. Your skin looks terrible. It's just the way it is.


terrible. I'll get. Plastic [:

More attractive as a whole.

And of course your joints hurt. When inflammation is up.

So, if you can lower your. Visceral fat, then your joints should start repairing themselves in getting better. Pretty quick, actually. And then if you eat right, you're getting nutrients that would rebuild those joints. It's never too late. To get healthy. I'm telling you. It just takes discipline.

e good hormones possibly do? [:

It's amazing how that actually works. Dr. Sean talks about this all the time. He says he's got a lot of people that couldn't get pregnant. Boom. I get rid of visceral fat. Pregnant.

Sperm are better. Eggs are better. Inflammatory conditions are down. Baby growing in the body is happy. Everything is happy.

All right. So how do you know that you are effectively? Getting rid of your visceral fat. Well, there is actually a way.

It's not perfect by any means. But it's at least a good way to look at it.

mental cognition is awesome. [:


To know if you have a visceral fat problem or if you've eradicated it or lowered it. You will see. Actual throbbing. The pulsing. Of your veins. So when you look at somebody. And their head is turned and you see their side of their neck, you know what I'm talking about, and you can see that.


Expanding and contracting and you're like, whoa, that's their heartbeat. Forcing blood. Look at that. That representation is what I'm talking about. And you can see that in. All kinds of areas in your body. People that have extremely low visceral fat, you can actually see that in their veins. They become more vascular.

Okay. [:

One way to know. To amplify. That. Almost throbbing. Pulsing. Of the veins or any other arteries in this kind of thing is after you get sunlight.

ight that actually increases [:

But it's just one of the ways. That you can do it. So if you go out in the sun, Get a lot of sunlight on your skin. And then look at your. Veins and arteries. Like your neck. And you see this well, then. You'll know you're doing really well with visceral fat.

For men using this kind of concept is. And I'm sorry, I'm getting a graphic here. Um, I apologize. If you have kids in the room, I want to pause it for a second.

For those of us who are adults. I can use the seventh and eighth grade language that I keep making fun of in the last two sex episodes. But.

. When you have an erection. [:

So men with ed. Not only can you not get an erection, but there's absolutely no. Bouncing. The very opposite is no visceral fat total circulation. Uh, that erection is moving all over the place. If you know what I mean. Now women, how does that apply to you? Well,

ed. That area needs to be in [:

Visceral fat will impede that. Now I will say men will have more visceral fat than women.

It's just some reason that's just the way it is. But.

Visceral fat will lower blood. Pressure. Blood circulation, blood flow, everything there is with vascularity. And when you have low blood flow. In Chinese medicine, they say no blood flow.

You're going to have all kinds of health conditions. That's just the long and short of it.

The two things Chinese medicine go for blood flow to make yourself healthy. And clean out the digestive system because your sewer makes you sick. So. If you want to increase your health, you've got to get that circulation going. We'll have a heart disease episode in a, in a blood pressure and all that kind of stuff.

do that. And it's gonna blow [:

That as the visceral fat is going away, the body's changing.

hat I'm about to tell you on [:

Just no.

The body doesn't move as fast as we want it to. The only things that are fast are things that you can feel with your nervous system. Like caffeine. Everything else takes more time. This is the way it is. Okay. All right, so let's get into how to fix it because essentially that's why you're here.

And. I understand that.

Your lifestyle.

Is the most important thing when it comes to visceral fat.

You know, I know you've heard this. Concept this Latin phrase Temet Nosce Well, it's really true. You need to take care of your self. Your body. Your mind, your spirit. It's the only body. That you have. You're not going to get another one.

how you experience life. So [:

And if you don't feel good, you don't enjoy life, which isn't that the point. So we think that if we drink alcohol or eat whatever foods we want, we're enjoying these things. They're very temporary. They don't last. So in health. If you want to feel healthy. Feels good and experience the best of life. Short-term pleasures like sugar and alcohol and drugs. And eating any food you want and watching TV and never exercising or doing anything for your health will have its consequences. You have to consider. The long run. The long game. Now, if you don't care about the long game and you want to die at 42, doing whatever the heck you want, go for it.

as much of life as possible. [:

Short-term pleasure does not equal health. And I'm not saying you have to torture yourself in order to be healthy. That's not the way it is either.

But you do have to take. Precautions.

You don't need that donut. You don't need that ice cream. You don't need those things. If you're going to do those things, be very selective.

And even then when you're selective, if you eat that ice cream during a birthday party, .

Or you consume something or do something, you know, you shouldn't and you feel terrible afterwards. Was it really worth it?

These are the considerations to take in.

I mean, it's pretty basic sickness interferes with you feeling good.

for a little while and then [:

This episode will be there for you to go back to, to listen. Anytime you want it's there. So you can get the motivation anytime you need.

First reason.

And the reason why I say start with one there's no hurry. It was because sometimes. These things have consequences. Which I've talked about in other episodes.

If you change something.

Sometimes your body changes. And those changes might not be awesome. They might feel. Terrible. Other times it's immediate and you feel, wow. I feel so good. Well,

That's part of changing your body.

Consequences could be things like.

, it says, oh, I can finally [:

And it tries to push it out. And then you feel that you see what I'm saying?

So it can hurt. It doesn't feel good. Then.

You can have things like. Well, I lost all this weight and now I have to buy new clothes. Yeah. Uh, close can cost a lot of money.

There are consequences to changing yourself. But those are good. Those refresh you and help you create a new human being.

The first one. Is to get rid of stress. I had a stress. Episode recently, I would say refer to that on how to get rid of your stress. Absolutely fantastic thing to do. I mean, who wants to be stressed out? If you. Have high stress. You will deposit visceral fat. It's just the way the body works. Cortisol is not your friend. When it comes to. Visceral fat deposition.


High intensity. [:

That is the only way to get rid of visceral fat. You can do all kinds of exercise you want. But if you don't stimulate your body in a high state,

On a regular basis. Not going to happen. In other words. If you do something like jogging.

Jogging. We'll produce. Absolutely no good health effects whatsoever.

I will tell you. Jogging is terrible for your body. It's terrible for your health. The only one benefit that it will give you.

Is a hormonal high when you break the wall.

If you don't know what that is. Don't worry about it. Those of you who are runners, know what I'm talking about?

ning. Just because they look [:

They look lean. But on the inside. They are not, they are full of visceral fat.

So walking. Walking's better. It's not fantastic for your health. It's not like, well, if I walk, I'm going to be this superhuman. It doesn't work like that. Walking is very, very good. It does. Wonderful, great things for you. So I'm going to say walking is really good. The next one is rebounding. If you don't know what rebounding is, look it up.

Totally awesome. Super inexpensive. You don't need a gym. You can buy a cheap rebounder. You can buy a super expensive rebounder, but rebounding is totally amazing for your health. I will tell you.

rything I know. I will never [:

But the best exercise that you can do. To get rid of visceral fat is sprinting. That's the number one.

I've talked about this before. But sprinting. Is absolutely incredible for the body. I will get into a weight loss exercise episode coming up and. I would say, not too distant future. And we're going to get deep into this because everybody wants to know how to lose weight. When really you need to lose is fat. Then you want quality muscle?

s, which are the opposite of [:

Essentially in sprinting, you're creating. You're building. Fast Twitch muscle. Which is by far the most important. So when you want to stand up or. Pick something up off the ground. You want to do life? As a whole.

All those things you say, oh, I got to get out of bed. Uh, or, uh, I'm sitting at work in the chair and you get up or, or I got to pick something light up off the floor. I mean all these things. Those are all fast Twitch muscle. And those are the things that get you through life.

Running. Builds. Slow Twitch muscle, which is. The least. Healthy muscle tissue to have. Matter of fact, there's something called sarcopenia. Just means you have a loss of muscle mass.

n fat. You are wasting away. [:

I've had.

People I've worked with over these years who had. Cellulite and they would run and run and run and do all this endurance exercise and they don't understand why their. Cellulite wouldn't go away. And they would never listen to me when I told them your cellulite has nothing to do with the amount of exercise. That you do. At all whatsoever.

It's visceral fat. It's water levels in your body. It's collagen. It's your overall health. That creates that.


ol. Dr. Shawn says that just [:

Like I was saying earlier.

That ecto. Meso an endomorph body types do matter when it comes to. How you look and how much body fat and muscle percentage you have.

But one thing that everyone can do is get rid of processed foods and alcohol. And he says, these are the number one things that you can do. So.

Does that mean you can do.

Unprocessed foods. Well, Yeah. You can. Is it going to slow your journey? Sure. Is it going to interrupt things? Sure. Do you still get to have a sweet potato? Sure.

Basically, if you're going to consume carbohydrates. At all whatsoever. Because let's face it. Processed foods are pretty much nothing but processed foods.

You want to do [:

So I picked potato because. It's pretty much americas favorite food.

Along with grains. To make flour in order to make bread. Well, bread is processed. So we're only talking about unprocessed.

If you get rid of unprocessed, but don't get rid of. Things like potatoes. Or low sugar, fruit. Yeah, you're gonna lower visceral fat. You will. As a whole. Are you gonna get rid of all of it? No.

Do you still have other health conditions because you're consuming those foods? Yes.

But just getting rid of visceral fat for what visceral fat does. Negatively in your life.

Getting rid of the processed foods and alcohol is the first step.

Why does it have such an impact? Is it the quality of carbs? What is it about those? Processed foods. Well, it's how it affects the microbiome.

Through sugar metabolism. [:

And by the way,

Since the microbiome is so heavily studied. Now we know a lot more than we ever did before. And this is all provable stuff. They can see it in not only humans, but in animals. It's it's everywhere.

When you consume carbohydrates yeast. will proliferate in the body. And then all the microbes that want to live off of sugar will amplify. And then they will tell you to eat more carbs. So I say, if you're going to do.

o don't have fiber. Fiber is [:

Small and large intestine. We'll have another episode in the future on that, but. Trust me when I tell you fiber is not a good thing. You've been told that your whole life, you should have all this fiber. Well guess what. You don't.

I'll give you a little teaser. If you're in a traffic jam, you're not going to make a traffic jam. Move faster by adding more cars. You make a traffic jam. Less by getting rid of cars, not by adding them.

f you want an episode in the [:

Comment or email me and we'll do an episode.

If you care about it. The next way to get rid of. Visceral fat is through proper sleep. Yeah. Sleep. Actually improves visceral fat.

If you remember in the sleep episode, which is episode 12.

I talked about how.

You actually burn fat while you're sleeping. You don't technically.

Burn fat while you're awake or exercising.

ur butt outside. Look at the [:

Tell your boss. You don't need a cigarette break. You need a sun break and just go outside for five minutes. Blue light. Do whatever you can to get rid of blue light after 4:00 PM. I'm telling you, it's a major thing

I wore very powerful blue light blocking glasses. Two months ago. And before noon. I was almost falling asleep. I couldn't believe how powerful this was. So blue light keeps you awake. And so limiting that after 4:00 PM, 5:00 PM, especially in the winter is going to be a huge improvement to your sleep. Use candles. I'm telling you. You know, back forever.

oesn't mean we're healthier. [:

Next thing you got to do is get rid of. All technology. Go as little tech as possible.

to sleep hot. Not possible. [:

Most people don't have enough of them. Those are the relaxing minerals. If you've never tried a sleep mask, it's a game changer. They have so many studies done with using a sleep mask and improving your sleep. You open your eyes while you're sleeping all the time. People have no idea that that actually happens. They have no idea.

If you don't believe me.

sleeping. If you use a sleep [:

And I will tell you.

I would love to find a linen. Sleep mask. Problem is. That I prefer these sleep masks with. The. Structure built into them so that your eyelashes.


have movement because you will. Blink your eyes while you're sleeping all the time. So if the sleep mask is pressing against your eyelids too much, You might find yourself. Not enjoying a sleep mask. Once I switched to the ones that.

nd not crush your eyelashes. [:

The next one you can do for proper sleep is sound.

You got to change the sound in your room. There's only two ways to do it. You either get rid of sound 100% as much as you possibly can. Or you have to create a sound that is consistent. The TV does not count. Uh, radio or music does not count. You want a consistent sound? No, a lot of people say, well, I use a fan to go to sleep and then without it, I can't go to sleep.

That's that consistent sound fans can be. A little bit weird because they're oscillating and you can get warbling. You can't necessarily pick it up, but your brain does. So sleep machines are the best way you can do it. They're cheap. They're 20 to 60 bucks online. . Awesome. I use one, I pick a frequency that I really like, which is white noise. And amazing.

Just [:

Generally speaking. The way around that. Drown out everything except for the one frequency that your brain just hears and goes into a meditative state. Hopefully that meditative state is a good meditative state and not a weird one. So that's why you got to pick that frequency and those machines will help you do that.

So we went through some ways to correct visceral fat.

Processed foods. Sleep.

High-intensity exercise. Stress reduction your lifestyle. These kinds of things.

people's health for chronic [:

If you think that you're thin and look good right now. Wait, do you get rid of visceral fat and you have a six pack?

If you're overweight and you get rid of visceral fat. You might not be able to get a six pack. Maybe that's not how your body's constructed because you're an endomorph. Body type. But you feel like Superman or superwoman?

Isn't that the goal. Isn't that what you want.

You don't have to have a six pack to be sexy. You don't have to have a six pack to look healthy.

Those of us in the know.

Those of us who understand health.

We know what sexy. We know it looks good.

And the best way to look good is to be vibrant. And have vitality that's infectious that is attractive.

Visceral fat is the [:

Causation. Of most of your health conditions. A hundred percent fact.

I've put out a bunch of episodes telling you about all the things that. Wreak havoc. And your health. They're all true. This is just one more thing. Guess what? Many of those things can be handled through visceral fat. Many of those things. That I told you about before. We'll allow you to not develop visceral fat. It's a full cycle.

They all work together.

Do what you can.

l start feeling so good that [:

You will love more.

You will want to engage in life more.

You will appreciate things in life more.

I promise you.

n. . Take care of yourselves.[:
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About the Podcast

The Reality of Health
Health is a holistic concept impacted by lifestyle, habits, sleep, exercise, water, food, air, and toxins.
This is not your average health podcast. It is cutting edge info.
"I never know who to believe"
I hear this all the time...
Well, I will help you navigate all the info you are constantly sold to believe.
The reality is not what you were sold...
New episodes every Monday and Thursday @ 5am!
You can reach me here for anything...


About your host

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Erik Muzzy

I have been educating clients since 1992 on health and nutrition, studied numerous different areas of natural healing and wellness. Utilizing nutrition, diet, exercise, mind, body and spirit for ultimate health or just feeling better.