Episode 104

Published on:

25th Jul 2024

Ep. 104 - Truth About Aluminum

Is Aluminum Really Harmful? Debunking Myths on The Reality of Health Podcast

In this episode of the Reality of Health Podcast, we dive deep into the common fears and misconceptions surrounding aluminum. From its presence in everyday products like deodorant and cookware to its mentioned toxicity and supposed link to Alzheimer's, we unravel the truth through scientific studies and expert opinions. Discover why aluminum might not be as harmful as you think and learn how your body's natural processes tackle unwanted substances, including those introduced through injections. Follow along as we explore the mechanisms of bioremediation, the role of Metallophiles, and the impact of various substances used in injections. Let's understand the real deal about aluminum and ensure we separate the myths from the facts.

00:00 Introduction to Aluminum Concerns

01:30 Addressing Aluminum Toxicity Fears

04:45 Aluminum in Vaccines and Its Effects

07:08 Bioremediation and Heavy Metals

12:16 Common Additives in Vaccines

17:09 Conclusion and Final Thoughts


Welcome healthy friends to the reality of health podcast. Today, we're talking about something that. Everybody's heard about, we're all worried about it. Talked about it a million times. Aluminum. You've got your pants. You got your deodorant. Aluminum foil. Is it really that bad? Let's find out. I don't think it's as bad as everyone says it is. So we're going to explore this. So here's some pretty cool things about aluminum. It is. The third, most common substance on the planet. Now. See that third, most. Next to oxygen and Silicon. Silicon a sand. Did you know, your body? Is made out of water in sand, mostly. Well, it's actually Silicon, it's not sand, but the element is Silicon. Really super cool stuff.

One of these days, we will talk about silica. You need to know about it. If you want to be healthy. It's lightweight. Keeps food fresh. It's easy to form. And it reflects energy as in light and heat. Pretty cool. It's low maintenance and it's infinitely recyclable. You sound like an aluminum salesman. Well, I'm just trying to let you know that it does some really good things.

Okay. So let's look at why everyone freaks out about aluminum. We're told man, you and you cook with this stuff or whatever, you're going to get aluminum toxicity. And that's going to cause Alzheimer's and dementia and all these other things. And if you can't see, because you're on audio, that's fine.

I'll describe it. Gastrointestinal absorption of aluminum is low. Generally in the range of 0.1 to 0.4% in humans. That's really low. By the way that's from the CDC, whether you believe him or not. Sometimes it's just basic. Chemistry and science stuff.

How about on the skin use in your deodorant? Well, let's look at it. This study adds to the experience of using a state-of-the-art analytical technique, optimized, accelerated mass spectroscopy using the rare radio isotope. A one. The data obtained, provide evidence for very low systemic absorption of aluminum. Following topical application and a quantitative estimate of whatever that is of aluminum from antidote. From antiperspirants for use in a risk assessment. In other words.

Very low absorption.

Like. Really low dermal is about 0.01. That's lower than 0.1. If you take it internally. So we're not getting as much as we think. This study was done with a. People and using deodorants and you can go read it if you want. It's totally boring.

There is. No. Biological system. Or organism. That uses aluminum for any biological enzymatic processes. At all.

Even though they do for other metals. Check this out. Aluminum. And this is a springer.com. It's a science website. Aluminum is neither required by biological systems, nor is it known to participate in any essential biological processes. I'll get into why this is important. Hang in there. While today all living organisms contain some aluminum.

There is no scientific evidence that any organism uses aluminum for any biological purpose. Okay.

The body doesn't have a specific mechanism. To get rid of it. Because it can absorb it. And it doesn't need it.

We're worried about getting aluminum. And in reality. Your body's like, you're worried about basically not much of anything because I can't really absorb it all that much. And then when I get it, I really don't know what to do with it. So Erik, what's the point of this episode? Oh, I'm glad you asked. Let's get into this.

So, if you want to inject it in your body, Well, here's some info that you might want to notice.

Okay. First of all, fda.gov, gotta explain these things. So people say, oh, you don't have any sources. Here's your source aluminum adjuvant. That is what they add to injections to make them more effective. Uh, containing vaccines, have a demonstrated safety profile of over many decades of use and have only uncommonly been associated with severe local reactions. Of note, the most common source of exposure to aluminum is from eating food. Or drinking water. Wait a minute. What did they just say?

The FDA said. The FDA said. Exposure to aluminum is from eating food or drinking water. But they just said. Your body doesn't need aluminum. They also said that it's very low systemic absorption. And then they also said gastrointestinal absorption of Lumina is low generally in the 0.1% in humans.

You see. You see how they do this circular reasoning. This is why you got to look at this stuff more closely.

So when they do this, by adding these things, they create a reaction. Mechanisms of aluminum adjuvants. Another scientific, you know, what database aluminum adjuvants, primarily enhance antibody production and have little effect on the cell mediated arm of the immune response. Recent studies have begun to shed light on the complex mechanisms that appear to underlie the immunostimulatory effect of aluminum adjuvants.

Essentially your body created antibodies. Why. Well, we've gone over this a few times. It's to clean up the body.

When you add this to an injection, then it stimulates the production of all antibodies to get rid of it. And I'm going to go into what those are, actually, these agile ones.

So you set your body up for bio remediation. This is your terrain. This is not the germ theory. Let's look into it. So now you have these.

Metallo files. And there, what is that? Bio-remediation applications. So you're saying that. AmErikan society for microbiology actually is showing you that bacteria and other things eat up. Aluminum and heavy metals and all this stuff that we put in the injections. To stimulate our response and your body to create antibodies. Yep.

That's what we're saying. When in reality. Your body's saying, well, you put those things in these injections. Therefore I need to clean those things up. You didn't stimulate anything. All you did was stimulate your body's terrain to clean up the adjuvants that are in the injections. We're going to get deeper. It's not going to be a long episode, but you'll see what I mean.

Since the body doesn't know how to use aluminum and all these other things, or to get rid of it.

This is where your bio-remediation kicks in your terrain.

Let's see what they're talking about. A Metallophile and their bioremediation. We'll go past, I mean, think about it by remediation of heavy metals. There you go.

Bacteria. Bacterial metal tolerance mechanisms have been studied intensively since the seventies. So bacteria eat up. All kinds of metal.

Decontaminate heavy metal containing waste water. Interesting.

Some have been utilized in the bioremediation of heavy metals.

One example is roto bactor. And if you can pronounce that. Cool. I can't. For lead sulfide and lead sulfate. it gets rid of led. We're moving on. Fungus. They can also.

Remove heavy metals from the terrain and aquatic environments. This is a specific looking one's called brown rot, fungus. Sounds terrible. Doesn't it? But that can remediate chromium. Now chromium is good in very small amounts outside of that. You don't want that. Point is, they use it in a lot of electric plating and leather, tanning and textiles, which are the most. Toxic substances on the planet is textile industry. But they use this to clean up all kinds of things. Then they get into Archaea. Thrives in extreme environments.

That's crazy. The multiple Metalla Felix species have been, have been identified in this tax on, for example. MethodsNow bacterium. Brian auntie a copper resistant mutha antigen. excretes copper binding proteins to reduce the negative effects of the highly toxic metal on itself and coinhabitants of its ecosystem. It's like remediating, it helps to reduce it and transfer it and change it.

So it's not toxic anymore.

It's crazy. They use that in local water sources.

Do you think that those happen inside of us? They do. I'm telling you this all happens inside of us. Then you get into probiotics. Uh, humans can be exposed to toxic levels of heavy metals through food, water products in the environment.

probiotics could be used as a strategy for human metal detoxification. They eat that stuff up. You're putting it in. Your injection. And then your body tries to fix those metals that are in the injection. And you say, see, we got this great response. That our antibodies in order. To increase your immune system and now you won't be. Affected by whatever thing that we're injecting you in order to overcome.

If you know what I'm trying to say.

If, you know what I'm trying to say, when I keep saying, you know what I'm trying to say and all these episodes that's because. Algorithms, no certain words. So you have to be careful what you say.

Interesting that all of these are remediated through. Bacteria and fungus and a bunch of other things.

It overdrives you so to speak. Those antibodies have to remediate the situation.

So let's go to the next situation. We have what's in vaccines.


to make the vaccine more effective. Stabilizers sugar and gelatin. Well, we all know what those are. Yes. When you put sugar straight into the body, your body. I will then respond and trying to fix that area that you put a sugar in. You're not supposed to have straight sugar into a tissue. It's supposed to go through digestively.

What do we have here?

Aluminum salts in drinking water, infant formula. And health products, ant acids, buffered, aspirin, and antiperspirants, I wouldn't consider those health problems. Uh, products, but. We don't have to worry about those. This is what I'm trying to tell you antiperspirants are not absorbed. Like you think they are. And when you ingest them, it's a very, very small amount.

Aluminum is not as bad as you thought it was, especially in things that you've been told are terrible for you. Cooking and aluminum pans. You're not absorbing it. Yeah, you're get a little bit, it's not enough to worry about. It's very small amount and yes, this is a health channel and yes, I have studied this for. Decades. And I'm telling you, it's not as bad as you think it is. Is it a good pan to use?

No, they actually aren't very good at all. They don't heat your food very, very well. It cooks terribly, super cheap.

It's not even funny. Use. All right. What else we have formaldehyde. Naturally in the human body. Fruit and household furnishings. That's because our bodies are very closely related to everything in nature, but you don't want a lot of formaldehyde. We all know it. Formaldehyde does. It's not good. Why are they putting it in injections? You shouldn't have that in there. Now we're going to get into. Why adjuvants are. Unique. Okay. See this egg protein. When you try and stimulate your body through antibodies or the terrain. If you want to call it. The germ theory.

Fine. Doesn't matter. You put an egg protein. As a injection. Then. Your body sees that as the enemy. Eggs are now the enemy.

the way, didn't happen before:

They started that in:

Could be why so many children are. Allergic to peanuts. They use it more and more. They only had what. A couple. V injections when they were young in the sixties. Now they have over 80. Could be. Why are so many people allergic to eggs? Then we have things like antibiotics. Yup. They put antibiotics in those to keep the bacteria. In the. Injection from going bad. So maybe that's a why you're allergic to penicillin. Or any of these other ones you see you've created the situation. By injecting and Then your body says, whoa, I don't want that. It now. Recognizes and goes after that.

Of course, we all know Thimerosal

don't even have time to get into this, but we'll let that one go.

But you can see. All of this is craziness. When in reality, all your body's trying to do. Is create this. This is real life. This is healing.

This is a compost photo for those in the audio.

You can start with those egg shells in those carrot, peels and all this other stuff. And eventually you're going to end up with this black and brown looking soil stuff.

That's exactly what you want. Your body does the same thing. Do not interrupt this process.

Injections. Interrupt. So many processes in the body. And then your body has to remediate those. By. Turning on the terrain system. To do this. Right on your screen right now. I hope that was helpful. I don't know what else to say other than. You have to be careful what you're putting in your body. Aluminum isn't as bad as you thought it was. And when you do get aluminum in your body or any of these other things that they put in the injections, your body turns on your terrain. And cleans up the mess. We assume that is called an infection. It is not, you want that. Without the terrain. You're in real trouble. Thank you for listening.

I appreciate every one of you.

If you have ideas or thoughts of what you. want to see. Let me know. Give me topics what's important to you. Take care of yourselves.

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The Reality of Health
Health is a holistic concept impacted by lifestyle, habits, sleep, exercise, water, food, air, and toxins.
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Erik Muzzy

I have been educating clients since 1992 on health and nutrition, studied numerous different areas of natural healing and wellness. Utilizing nutrition, diet, exercise, mind, body and spirit for ultimate health or just feeling better.