Episode 105

Published on:

29th Jul 2024

Ep. 105 - Real Food

Old vs. Modern Recipes: What Are We Eating?

Welcome to another episode of The Reality of Health Podcast! Today, we explore classic recipes from the past and compare them to modern versions. From donuts and cookies to cakes and popular fast food items, we look at how ingredient lists have evolved and discuss the potential health impacts of these changes. Join me as I break down the simplicity of old-school recipes versus the complexity and added chemicals in today's food. Let's rediscover the joy of homemade cooking and make healthier choices together!

00:00 Introduction to the Podcast

00:44 Exploring Old-Fashioned Donut Recipes

01:29 Modern Donuts: A Chemical Comparison

04:00 Classic Toll House Cookies vs. Modern Ingredients

06:22 The Truth About Oreo Cookies

07:32 Homemade Cakes vs. Store-Bought Cakes

10:23 Analyzing Chipotle's Burrito Bowl Ingredients

11:04 The Problem with Seed Oils in Fast Food

12:01 Hidden Dangers in French Fries

13:45 In-N-Out's Secret Ingredients

16:18 The Truth About Tortillas

18:09 McDonald's French Fries Breakdown

19:46 What's Really in Chick-fil-A's Chicken Sandwich

22:17 The Call for Simpler Recipes

23:22 Conclusion and Final Thoughts


Welcome healthy friends. To another episode of you guessed it. The reality of health podcast. You know, the other day I was thinking. I remember seeing so many recipes because I like to cook. From the olden days, let's call it. You know, Something your grandma used to have maybe even have her cookbooks. So I got to thinking. I wonder what those foods look like now.

This is just a fun episode to kind of show you the differences of what we used to make and what we have now. As you can see in the screen. A lot of donuts, which are awesome. Looking. So let's get into what donuts used to be like.

Here we have donuts checkout from Edna. Great old name. Isn't it. Two eggs, one cup sugar. One, whatever. Oh, sweet milk. Four and a half probably cups of flour. Three and a half teaspoons of baking powder. Butter size of an egg. And one teaspoon of extract could be almond vanilla, who knows. They had all kinds of stuff back then. But see how many ingredients we have.

Yeah. Very few. Contrast that with. What we have now. Here we have the D plus D. You know, you know who that is. Here's just the basic cinnamon donut. Okay. It starts with enriched wheat flour. First of all, if you don't strip it of its enrichment, you won't have to put it back. I'm just saying. Okay, so you can see here, we've got some B vitamins and stuff. Water. Palm oil. There is controversy on whether that's good or not probably super refined, not a good quality of Palm oil. Sugar.

Okay. We got that one. Cake donut mix. More. Wheat flour enriched. Same thing, B vitamins. Then we have non-fat dry milk. I didn't see that in the other recipe. Egg yolk. Good. Leavening got to have some kind of baking soda type stuff. Sugar.

Okay. We've got sugar again. Soy flour. Did you know it had soy flour and soybean oil in the doughnut. Y we don't need that. That's terrible for you, wheat starch. That's gluten For all those of you who are gluten sensitive. Salt and then contains less than 2%. Now I'll guarantee you there's more than 2%, but They're claiming sodium steroids. Did I say that right? I Lactylate. Enzymes konjac flour. That's fine. Carrageenan not so good. That'll mess up your gut locus bean gums. That'll. Really mess up your gut cellulose gum, same thing. Wheat germ. Yeah, they do that for more oil. Natural and artificial flavor.

So natural can also be artificial. And these are dubious terms right here. Soy lecithin. That's fine. Beta carotene for color. Now we go back to the actual ingredients for the donut, not the mix. Soybean oil, one of the worst that you can consume. Cinnamon. Sugar. Dextrose, which is. Sugar. Corn starch cinnamon. And Palm oil. That's a lot more ingredients.

Then Edna's, I would say. And I'll bet these tastes better too. And if you've ever had any of these modern donuts, Compared to making your own. They taste. Like a lot of chemicals.

All right. Moving on.

So this is toll house cookies, original recipe. You know, those toll house cookies, chocolate chip cookies. You see everywhere. The original famous from the new England in. So they started with cream. Butter. Brown sugar. More sugar. Eggs. That's baking soda. Hot water. flour. Salt. And nuts or. Chocolate chips. Vanilla. That's it. Very simple, super clean.

They were probably delicious. Let's contrast that with what we have now. This is from grocery nutrition.org, because it's really hard to find. What's in these cookies. So your, a lot of these companies, they hide this. They don't want you to see what's in this stuff. So you got to dig. All right. So we have their morsels, obviously it's the chocolate.

Okay. Natural flavors. That's fake guarantee you, most of the natural flavors are not real. Wait flower. Okay. Sugar. Got it. Margarine. Why do you need margin? Look at what it's made out of Palm oil, soybean oil. Diglycerides you don't need all that. Look at all this natural and artificial flavors. I'm way. You don't need that. We, we already saw that like, You can use just.

butter and cream. Right. Okay. Would you rather have butter and cream? Or whatever this is margarine. Nasty. Bleached wheat flour. Here we go again, more shortening. Molasses. That's fine. Corn syrup, more sugar. 2% of less. I guarantee it's more than 2%. Eggs water, natural flavors again. I'm sorry. Why do you have to put natural flavors in?

You should have sugar. Chocolate. You know, Basic regular vanilla flavoring salt. Baking soda. It's so simple. Why do they have to make it like this? Oh, I know why. We all know why. Got to be shelf stable, Erik. I know this is the point. This stuff hurts. You. You don't need this, just make your own. It's super easy. All right, let's go to the worlds. Arguably most popular. Cookie. Right from Oreos website.

Sugar. Unbleached enriched flour.

Bunch of B-vitamins and then we have Palm. And or canola oil. I guarantee you it's probably canola oil because that's cheaper and it's horrible. And they know it.

Coco. More high fructose corn syrups. That's more sugar. Leavening will we have to have some kind of baking powder salt. Which, okay. It's not sea salt, but they're not going to do that. Soy lethicin. That just makes it like, not so dry. Chocolate. Well, what kind is that? We have no idea what that means right there. And then artificial flavor. Why do you need artificial flavor?

When all you have is salt, chocolate, and wheat.

We all know why. Because these are cheap and it's all about profits. Just wanted to show you that there's not as many ingredients in Oreo cookies, as you think. But that stuff in the center. That all comes from this right here. That right there. That's the worst part of that cookie? All right, let's move on to the next one. So back in the day, we used to make cakes.

Right. Well, here we go. Old-school cake recipes. A foundation layer, cake, sugar, butter, eggs, flour baking powder, milk, vanilla.

Uh, white cake. Same thing.

Angel cake. Other than egg whites, pretty much. Same thing. All right. So that's simple, very easy ingredients you can go buy them. You can make them yourself. You can make, I mean, these, these cakes, you can make yourself, you don't have to buy anything, but then comes a long. Probably the most famous cake going right now. Has been going like this for probably 20 years. We all know it. We all love it. But do you know, what's in it? I bring you. Costco's cake. Okay.

I noticed the triple chocolate, but bear with me. All right. It starts with. Cake mix. We've got sugar, flour, cocoa, vegetable oil. Modified cornstarch. I don't need that in there. I didn't see that in the last. Couple of recipes. Dry skin milk. Fine. Salt wheat, gluten. Oh. Another irritant to the bowels. Oh, and your entire body. Yeah. Propylene glycol. yeah. Can you say antifreeze? In your car. Among a million other reasons they use it. Just saying. Baking soda, sodium aluminum phosphate.

That's just a baking powder. That's got aluminum in it. So we always say to buy aluminum free baking powder.

More diglycerides. Those are terrible for your gut soil lessons. Fine. Here we go with xantham gum again. So it's another gut. Irritant cellulose gum, another gut irritant. Liquid albumin and yolk that's liquid eggs. Why can't they just say liquid eggs? Why does it have to say. The protein of the white and then the yolk. Water chocolate, of course, more sugar.

And then we've got the icing and that's more sugar, same thing with shortening.

Just poly bates and potassium. Sorbate it's an artificial flavor. What artificial flavor? Why do we need that? You already have chocolate chocolate in sugar is tasty. Goodness. Why do you need to add artificial flavor? Hmm. And they got those pearls and all this other kind of stuff that's in here and it makes up this, you know, Cake thing. Anyway. Just wanted to throw that out there that as tasty as Costco's cake is, it's also just as terrible for your health. I kinda sorta would rather have. One of these, I'm not, I'm not gonna lie. Are these probably tastes a lot there. Okay.

Guess what? The number one food. Consumed right now in AmErika. I'll give you a second. One, it would be Chipotle. Burrito bowl. Not the burrito. Believe it or not. It's the burrito bowl. So I figured let's go look and see what's in their food compared to, let's say you made it at home or you were actually in an authentic. You know, Mexican village with an authentic Mexican restaurant. I'm telling you they wouldn't use this stuff. It's not that bad.

I'm not hating on Chipotle. I'm just going to bring this to you quick. Okay. We can see the ingredients in the chicken. But look at this, you got sunflower oil. Which we all know, seed oils, vegetable oils are horrible. So as much as Chipotle is trying to do good, they keep using. Like the worst oils you can use. So here it is in the chicken. Steak. Rice bran oil, not good. carnitas does sunflower oil not good. Their beef rice, bran oil, not good. Sofritas. Okay, you got rice bran rice, bran oil.

All right. Not good.

Now. Quickly on there. Follow me. On their tortilla.

Canola oil. So of all the oils to put in your body canola is. Up there with probably the worst it's banned in many, many countries comes from rape seeds.

Now it's grown in Canada, hence the canola oil, but also we in the health community call it cancer oil. Can I think you get that. All right. So then I was thinking, okay, what is the next. Top three foods. People eat. Well, French fries is in there. Oh, I still can't get into Wendy's.

This is crazy. All right. Let's figure a different way. Potatoes. Vegetable oil now look. Canola soybean cotton seeds, sunflower corn. Those are the worst oils to put in your body. 100%. Horrible. You are begging for ill health. Dextrose that is sugar.

Sodium acid pyro, phosphate. To maintain natural color. What's the color of a potato that you need to add something to stop that. Cooked in vegetable oil. Okay. So you added oils to the potatoes. And then you cooked it in soybean oil. In vegetable oil containing canola corn and cotton seed.

And hydrogenated soybean oil. Then we have an anti foaming agent. This is dimethicone another version of dimethicone, which we use. Okay, right.

As a stool softener.

Yes. So if you're having troubles down there, Just go get some Wendy's fries. You'll be all right.

Seasoned with sea salt. So you put all this other stuff in here. All of these. Bad oils. And sugar. And chemicals. And then you use sea salt. What's the point. Just use any salt at that.

Okay. You see it, it gets me lit up. Doesn't it. All right.

Everybody knows in and out. this is from food, babe. She's amazing. If you haven't seen her or. Looked up what she talks about. She's she's fantastic. Well, guess what? In and out. Keeps their ingredients secret. You will not know what's in there. We do know a few things. She points this out. Of course the beef's not going to be very good. Growth hormones, probably in the beef. French fries.

We know we're going to be cooked with probably cottonseed oil. One of the worst thing that you could put in your body. Sandwich buns. They're going to be fully hydrogenated using soybean oil, sugar beets. You know, Roundup going to be in there. fructose is going to be in there. Because that's going to be in the sauces and it's going to be. Like in everything that they have, they got to probably putting MSG of some sort. Oh, and by the way, let's go back here real quick.

Maybe I can get nutritional info. Let's see. Oh, yeah, we do. Okay. So ground beef, salt. Fine. It's not going to be good beef, but we're somewhat okay. Look at how much is in the bun. Now, this is just a single, by the way. We could go through all these, but I think you get the point. There is a lot. There are. Sugar and enzymes and maltodextrin, which I've told you guys before is the worst sugar you can consume.

Modified food starches.

more. Preservatives more S more oils like sunflower oil and vegetable oil. They actually add vegetable protein to the bun. We dextrose. What is wheat dextrose? I mean it's sugar from wheat, but there's not a lot of. Sugar and wheat. Wheat flour. Wheat gluten. Oh, so we have another antagonistic. Substance chemical to put in your body to, you know,

Uh, affect everything from inflammation to gut problems. We maltodextrin. Again, and then we get in of course, real cheese, AmErikan cheese slice. Nah, it is not. And those are terrible for you. You can see everything that's in the Mayo and the tomatoes and the lettuce. Nothing. Just let us. And onion just on you. Okay.

I just wanted to jump back in there and tell you what's in a burger and that's just a regular burger. We're not talking about, uh, you know, bacon and barbecue stuff and whatever. That's just a regular one tortillas got to pull this out because. This is a very glaring one that you can, you can see everywhere. So you go to. Taco bell, you go to. Chipotle or any place and you get the. The tortilla. Well, Here's trader Joe's. White corn water in line. That's it. And making those guys for 20 years.

That is how you're supposed to make a tortilla. Now it's easier to make it with corn than wheat with three ingredients, but here's what a soft taco looks like from. Mission brand that you see all the, all the time. enriched, bleached wheat flour. Of course the same stuff they put into everything. Water and vegetable shortening. With soybean oil, hydrogenated, soybean oils, and Palm oils. Then of course. Contains 2% or less salt, sugar got to have the. The leavening agent. Got monoglycerides enzymes wheat starch.

That's another close one to gluten. Calcium carbonate, uh, antioxidants to keep things from actually going bad on the shelf. Cellulose gum, Guar gum. Those are gut. Just antagonists I'm telling you the gums are, if you want your stability down there. You do the gums dough, conditioners. Why. Y you don't need it.

So. You think, oh, I'll just get some. Tacos. From taco truck or someplace else, and you get the wheat version. Tortilla. It's probably this. More than likely. Corn might be just three ingredients. We not happening. So because French fries are so huge. Uh, I just wanted to look at. What McDonald's. Puts in theirs. We all know. Um, datas. Again, with the vegetable oil, they use those because they're cheap. And they can reuse them over and over and over again. But the more you use it, the worse it becomes for your health. Okay. Canola corn soybean. Hydrogenated soybean oil and then they have to add natural beef flavor. Made from wheat. And milk derivatives. Why can't you just use beef flavor?

Why can't, why do you have to make it out a wheat? Oh, that's because it's cheaper, but you already buy beef to make your burgers.

There could be some way there to incorporate that.

Dextrose, which is sugar. And of course we have another pyro phosphate, and then salt. And then notice they had to put the asterisk. Natural beef flavor contains hydrolyzed wheat and hydrolyzed milk. as starting, starting ingredients. Uh, that's MSG.

It's basically MSG for all intents and purposes. So because of these. Really popular products. And I know I'm harping on a little bit of fast food here, but. Bear with me. These are important. People are eating these all the time and then if you're in a rush and you go, ah, screw it. I'll just, I'll just get some French fries thinking.

They're not that bad. They're that bad. It seems to be that. Let us is that. Well, So then. Because chicken sandwiches, one of the top five consumed. Foods in America. I decided, well, let's go to Chick-fil-A. And see what's in theirs. Well, we've got chicken. Which I hope that would have been the case. And then they got to bread it with all the enriched flour stuff. Refined peanut oil again, terrible.

With more stool softener. Then they add sugar. Salt. MSG. Pasteurized nonfat dry milk. Not so bad. Of course you have to have leavening cause it's a. It's the coding. You know, the breading, then we get into the bun, which is more of the same that I've been harping on for now. What is it? 10 minutes or something. All the same stuff, but more water, more sugar, more yeast, more soybean oil, more wheat, gluten. Cultured wheat flour. Probably not good either. Vinegar.

Okay. And then more preservatives. And this one got me organic acids. What.

What is that? You just say organic acids, like what kind of acids? There's inorganic and organic probably. And many other types probably. W you don't tell us what it is.

And then there's this one date? Em. Datum. D a T M looked it up. A lot of people use it. Uh, known to cause some cancers and some other things like adrenal dysfunction in. Studies. More lecithin from the soy, which is fine. More wheat flour. Look at that more wheat starch. You starting to see a trend. Wheat. On any food is becoming the only ingredient in almost everything now.

Butter flavored. Oil. Which is soybean oil. Palm kernel oil. Soy lecithin. Natural flavor, which is fake a hundred percent guaranteed. And of course we have pickles, probably the most natural thing in here, but oh no, they got to add a sorbate.

And then they have natural flavor in something. In the whole. Sandwich. Um, Not sure what that would be. Oh, That would be MSG. It's just another name.

They'll all sneak those in there. They all do it.

So I know this is just. What it is. I'm bringing out some things that I see that. You know, I was thinking about it. I'm thinking. You know what happened to. Good old recipes. You know, like Edna's, that is so simple. It's not that expensive to make. And half that stuff's already in the fast food version. Why can't you just make these, I would love to taste these.

I might even partake in something like this, cause I know what's more real. She didn't say. Bleached enriched. flour. Let's just flour. Well anyway. Maybe think about the ingredients and some of these foods that you're buying. Maybe try and make some of these on your own so that you don't just completely toxify yourself. Through these. Commercialized. Foods that are. By the way in the top. However many foods we consume. In America and the world, but mostly in America, those bad for you really bad. 📍 All right. Thank you for listening. Really appreciate everybody. Take care of yourselves.

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The Reality of Health
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Erik Muzzy

I have been educating clients since 1992 on health and nutrition, studied numerous different areas of natural healing and wellness. Utilizing nutrition, diet, exercise, mind, body and spirit for ultimate health or just feeling better.