Episode 113

Published on:

26th Aug 2024

Ep. 113 - Real Food vs. Not Real Food!

Real Food vs. Processed Food: Know the Difference

Welcome healthy friends to the reality of health! In this episode, we'll talk about what real food truly means and explore the stark difference between real and processed foods. From protein powders to prepackaged meals, I'll break down why certain common foods don't qualify as real and provide better, natural alternatives. You’ll learn valuable tips for incorporating natural, wholesome foods like beef jerky, tuna, smoked salmon, and bone broth into your diet, and even discover healthier options for your pets. Tune in to learn how to make better food choices and enhance your overall well-being.

00:00 Introduction to Real Food

00:42 Identifying Fake Foods

01:57 The Truth About Protein Powder

04:13 Healthy Portable Protein Options

08:52 The Reality of Protein Bars

11:45 The Dairy Dilemma

13:41 Exploring Ancient Grains

14:44 The Truth About Prepackaged Meals

16:25 Fast Food: A Reality Check

17:07 The Problem with Commercial Bread

18:13 Understanding Vegetable and Seed Oils

18:41 Healthy Alternatives for Cooking Oils

20:40 Real Food for Pets

22:21 Processed Ingredients in Baking

24:09 Making Your Own Salad Dressings

25:06 The Benefits of Fermented Pickles

26:35 Conclusion: Embracing Real Food


Welcome healthy friends to the reality of health. Thanks for joining me today. Today, we're going to talk about real food. What that really means. And I'm gonna show you. What's not real food. And then of course back it up with actually, what is real food? And as you can see on the screen right now, this is real food.

We have actual real things that exist. In nature by themselves. Well, I know, it sounds stupid that I got to go through this, but honestly, Many people don't eat these. They don't even know that they could buy these and make more delicious food than they can buy in the store. Pre-made. I'm going to go through. Foods that I think are not real food. Going to go quickly and then I'm going to back each one of those up with a real option.

So for example, I think that.

Convenience foods are.

Number one contributor to your physical feeling every day, your energy levels. You're ill health, so to speak. But I think it's just a general wellbeing when you don't eat real quality food, you just don't feel good. You know how people say, eat some pizza, then you want to go lay down and go to sleep. Tired. You feel full forever.

But my point is, is. Some food is just filler. So if it's not real, it's not nutritious. If it's not. A harmonious. Entity unto itself. With many thousands of nutrients and compounds and chemicals and whatever else is in there. That's real. The laundry list of ingredients and fake food. That's not real. Somebody made that.

All right.

First one we're going to talk about is protein powder. This is not real food. This is a processed food. I know you've been told that it's healthy. It is not healthy. I will say you could use that in a pinch, but this is not something you need to sustain yourself. There are much better options. But understand they had to process that.

And then they added usually fake flavors. Added some kind of terrible sweetener. When you could have just had real food.

What started this thought process for this episode was protein powder. I thought, wait a minute. I know so many people and I've used this. For ever. But wait a minute. That's processed. I know it sounds stupid. I just figured that out, but it hit me like, well, you think it's a natural thing?

Well, it kinda is. But it's been taken out of its original form. And now you have a single thing, like an ingredient. It doesn't have everything else supporting it. Therefore it's more singular chemical by itself. And can be a little bit too powerful because there's nothing around it. to round out. The effects in your body to, to support, like if you got vitamin C out of oranges, Is it better than the vitamin C while you eat the orange and you get everything else in the orange. It is much better to get the vitamin C out of the orange than to pull it out of the orange and use it by itself. It will still have an effect by itself, but it is not as good.

It also can have side effects. This can have side effects. This protein powder. Not good in my opinion, get don't need it.

I guess there's some circumstances. If you have a hard time swallowing. You were injured or have an issue? Well, I'm going to show you there's other options, but if you had to do this just for some variety or whatever, go for it. Now, as you can see, I have a lot of tabs up here, so I'm going to go faster now, but

I just want to get this general concept out here.

Beef jerky. Absolutely fantastic. And you can take it on the, go with you. It is portable. And it lasts forever. You can make your own. It's not that hard to do it. Matter of fact, very easy. And then if you make your own, you get to be in charge of the type of meat you use. And whatever. Uh, seasonings or marinades or anything else? And the type of sugar or the amount of sugar. Great option.

The next would be, believe it or not. Tuna, even in a can. You can get the other packages if you want. But wild planet. Is the most. Easily available, many grocery stores and health food stores. You can get it online. But you want wild caught. You also want sustainable. Line caught all that other stuff. You don't need it in olive oil, like I'm showing here, I'm just simply stating that this is portable, easy to take with you.

And if you've never had good tuna out of a can, that's in water, it actually tastes pretty good. And if you just keep some, I don't know, salt and pepper, some seasoning or something with you. You have a quick snack. If you do one of these and a few other things, well, then you have a meal. But this is a great option for being on the go.

And what do you do? And if you're out and about, you can always jump into a grocery store. And get something like this. By the way. These are protein sources. If you haven't noticed. Bacon. You can make it yourself. You can buy it pre cooked. You can get it pre cooked from the grocery store. So if you're out and about. Or you can actually make jerky out of it on your own, but great option. You don't even have to refrigerate it when it's with you all day. Throw it in a bag of some kind or something, whatever you can do to take it with you, but this is very convenient, super tasty. We all know. Uh, and very good, especially if you can make it high quality pastured pork, or by pastured pork and go that direction, but a much better source of protein than protein powder. The other one that you can do out in the road, or just any time is smoked salmon. Erik.

I don't like smoked salmon. Isn't that raw fish. Well, technically it's not, it's been smoked nothing to worry about. Good brands. You can find it in most places. Super easy. Grab some cream cheese while you're in there. And now you have cream cheese. And, uh, uh, salmon. You could throw a little spices on and keep a little spice thing in your car. Not that hard to do. Um, it's a pinch food.

You know, this is something when you're out and about. If you're at home, you can make this, you could just cook salmon. You could bring this to work with you, but the amount of protein and good quality fats and your salmon is so much better than a protein powder. But Erik, it doesn't taste like chocolate. Or strawberry or whatever flavor else I like, I know. We get used to those flavors because we eat so much processed food. That everything has to be cocoa and vanilla and coffee flavored and all this kind of stuff. This is delicious and always, always, always by Alaskan. Wild caught salmon.

That's the best. Period. Don't get farm-raised ever, it'll say on the package of it's wild caught.

the other. Food form. Everyone likes to do in protein is collagen. This is not food. I know it looks like food. And I know it can give you. A result. But you can achieve the same thing in other ways and spend a whole lot less money. And. Aye. I mean, this has its benefits, but it's. It's costly. And some of these are not good, actually. There. They're just not good.

I don't want to get into it. We could do a collagen episode in the future, but you don't need to buy this a better. Is a better thing to do is, is bone broth. You can make your own. If you have an Instapot pressure cooker, it's super simple can make your own. It takes three, four hours or all day you can buy it.

Pre-made. But bone broth has a much better collagen content, protein content. And it's so much better for you. There are so many more chemical compounds, things that are in this that are healthy for you. There's one thing in the collagen powder. First of all, it's processed. Right. Got a process that. And it's missing. Everything else around it. That is not real food.

This is real food. What about protein bars? Erik? I thought those were good. I mean, those are food, right? Well of these three, which do you think is actually real food? You guessed it, the one on the left. I wouldn't eat that because it's nuts and seeds and I don't think nuts and seeds are good for you.

And you can see all the sugar coating, but the point is it's still more real than either of these other two. I know that it looks like a Snickers bar. But these are protein bars. And those are processed. In every way. That does not occur in nature at all whatsoever. The ingredients are terrible. They're all processed.

Almost zero protein bars on the planet are actually quality. But it says it's grass fed protein. Yeah. But then it has natural flavors which are synthetic, but then it has this and then it has that. And then it's got fake vitamins in it and there's a whole mess of things they put in there to make a food. That's not food. Now if you want it to get something like the one on the left. You want to make sure the ingredient list is things that, you know, when they see pecans or. Strawberries or. You know, dates or anything that you recognize is so much better than these, but. Remember. The best quality of the protein is not going to be in a bar with nuts and seeds and everything else.

That's not your best protein sources. Anyway, I just want to bring this one up because. Protein bars are absolutely not. Real food.

Guess what? Israel food. And portable. You guessed it soft boiled eggs. Don't do the hard boiled eggs. That's nasty. Soft-boiled eggs are a beautiful food. You can take them with you. All day, you can take as many as you want, add this to the tuna that you had, or some beef jerky for lunch or a snack. And. Man.

That's really good. You can add spices and seasonings to it. You can do so many things with this on the road. And it's healthy, of course, pastured organic eggs.

The other one is pork rinds. And I brought up this brand four or 5, 0 5, because in my opinion, it's the best. You want to do the light blue? This is just sea salt. The rest of them has seasonings. And I'm sure the seas are okay. But. Honestly, if you just go with the sea salt, they taste just fine. Also, you can then get, let's say you're out and about, and you want something to eat and you can, you're working or you're trying to figure out what to get for lunch.

You can grab a bag of these if they have your store has these, of course. And then grab, hopefully they've got some cream cheese or sour cream. That's I know it's not going to be raw, most likely. But at least that's a better food. Then. Fast food. And I think you get my drift there.

If you're going to have dairy, this is not real food. This is all pasteurized. They've ruined the protein. They've ruined the fats. They've killed the vitamins. They've destroyed the minerals. This whole thing that you see looks pretty. But all of that. Is not actually helpful. There's some redeeming qualities to it. Better than probably no dairy, but people who are sensitive to dairy, this is not going to feel good in your body. It doesn't do a lot for you.

Waste of time. Waste of money. So the way to do it. Or let me just go through this really fast. So here's what happens with your nutrients. Pasteurization destroys everything. It damages destroys kills. They, they say they're going after the bacteria. When in reality, they're just destroying it. So it stays fresher on the shelf longer.

That's it? Raw milk. Everything's active. Everything's healthy. It's all good for you. So go with the raw milk.

What do you put milk on? Well, that'd be cereal, which is not a real food. And I have these photos up because that way. I don't get in trouble because you see all the brands, right. How is this one right here, which is a fast food company that put out a cereal. Which represents their dessert. How was that a food? That's not a food. Some of these don't even look like food like that doesn't occur in nature. Those. Colors and shapes and everything else. This is desert crunchy. Dessert is what this is. You might as well just eat ice cream.

It's the same thing. And it's well, in some cases it's tastes better. Although we all know that. Cinnamon toast crunch has pretty good. Well anyway. Well, what can you do? Well, I I told you, uh, two episodes go about Bluebird, grain farms, the best grains that you can get. They're all ancient. They're organic certified everything.

They are fantastic. And if I was going to eat grains, this is where I would get them from. But notice. This would be, uh, I believe this is Farro. And. So instead of doing oatmeal or any of those other things you would do for breakfast cereals? This is the kind of thing you would do. And then you, of course, you can put things on it.

Like you see dried fruits and nuts and things like that. You could add dairy products to it. You could sweeten it with a natural sweetener. But this, in this ancient grain and organic. Technically has very little. Uh, negative Bennet negative. Issues. It's mostly beneficial. Yeah, I'll get it out. Don't worry. Anyway, they've got recipes on there.

There's tons of recipes for stuff like this, but this is good. Okay. Moving on.

This is not food. Prepackaged meals. In the grocery store. If it comes in a package, you shouldn't eat it at all. And. I don't consider anything in here to be healthy. This is. Nowhere. In the world, would you find one of these hanging from a tree or running across to pasture and then you killed it and ate it.

That doesn't happen in nature. Donate this. It's not real food.

But if you need. Convenient foods that are pre-made. There are many. Online, you can order. Uh, organic natural foods, real foods, as you see ever, you can, you can recognize the ingredients in all of these plates. Uh, but guess what? There are companies that do this local around you, and then you can tell them not just based on their menu. You could tell them, Hey. I have special dietary requirements. Can you make me these 10 meals on a regular basis.

They're going to be like, sure. They want to make sales. It's no different than just, you know, you got. You know, what 40, 50 ingredients most everything's made from, they can make you whatever you want. They just put out a menu because people are convenient. They want things easy while. I'll look at the board and go, yeah, I'll take that. But you can get really good quality made stuff with real quality ingredients that you know is a real food. Like onions or mushrooms or ground beef or. Shrimp. You know, all of it. Don't settle for that grocery store garbage.

And of course, fast food. Um, all of them.

There are certain things within here that might be okay. But generally speaking. Uh, fast food is not real food. They're mostly ingredients put together.

And if you look at the content. As the whole and how they grew it. What they had to do to process it, to get it to the store, how they make it in the store, how they heat it up. Everything it's not real food. It's actually pretty gross. And if you were to break down all the ingredients and see them laid out, you probably wouldn't eat it.

Bread. Commercial. Regular bread is not real food. This is highly processed.

You can't tell me that you crave. This over. That. Come on. Don't you. I mean. It doesn't take a genius to realize that that took care, effort and quality and everything else to make that probably a sourdough with all the nooks and crannies, but. All in all, if you take the time to make your own bread, which is not that hard. Or you buy it from somebody who can make it for you.

You're going to pay more, but you can say, I'll bring you the grains. If you don't want to buy them. But make me these loaves. And I will pay whatever it costs and then you can get whatever bread you want. And you get it from Bluebird farms and you can order any wheat and sprouted this and rise and all that kind of stuff and make quality bread. Man. The other one, that's not real. Is vegetable and seed oils. The amount of processing in order to put that into a bottle. Is incredible. One day.

I think I might do an episode on what it takes to process these foods. I'm going to show you the machines. How much it has to go through to get it to be. What you see here? And when you see that you won't want to eat it. He definitely wouldn't want to put it in your body. So what's the alternative to vegetable and seed oils. Well, if you have to go with. Something like that. Uh, chosen foods.

I've talked about this before. Avocado oil is a pretty good oil. If you want to do a plant oil. It's more affordable than high quality olive oil. But if you want olive oil, you gotta spend the money. I'm telling you if it's not expensive and has origin of growth and pressing and everything else on the label. I wouldn't trust it.

As far as avocado oil goes, technically this is the only brand that has 100% avocado oil. In there. Everybody else cuts it. Sometimes there is no avocado oil in their product when they say they have it. This is what you want. Even their Mayo tastes good. I use it sometimes even as a carnivore, I use it some. I mean, it's, it's really, really good. haven't made my car, my own carnivore. Mayo yet, and that's coming, but this is a good product.

And that's what you want to buy. but here's what you can use for not using vegetable and seed oils and for baking. Uh, Fat works is a great company. They've got pretty much everything. It's all pasture raised. Um, if you've never used real lard, Or leaf lard or duck fat. Tallow things like this, everything tastes better.

That's how McDonald's made their original fries is through with beef tallow.

But they have everything you think of from chicken fat, which I use. It's awesome. Totally healthy for you. Doesn't smell like animals. Anything like that, but this is how you, you make. Anything you need like biscuits or whatever, baking and cooking and stuff. These are the kinds of things you want to use.

There's lots of different forms. Pet food. Is not real. Everything you see in a store like this, a dog would never eat out in the wild, unless it was starving. They would kill something.

They are scavengers, but they would rather eat. An animal. We'll call it an animal. I mean, lots of things out in the wild that are dead. Living and whatever, but they don't open a bag and eat kibble. This is terrible for your dog.

They do want this, however, Yes. Uh, Dashawn would have fun with that bone. Wouldn't he? They need meat and cartilage and organs and skin and everything else that they want to eat off of an animal. This is what they crave. This is their natural food. Stop giving them regular pet food. If it's a cost thing. Trust me, you can spend less money and get the lowest cuts with almost no meat on there, but cartilage and tendons and marrow and. Dog will eat just fine.

And you can get scraps from butchers and scraps from the grocery store and anything you're cooking. That's you're cutting off fat and give it to your dog. I mean. You know, chicken gizzards and liver at the store, they're cheap. You can buy tons of that and feed them. And when they eat like good, like a dog or a cat is supposed to. They don't need to eat as much. Because they're scavengers, they eat and eat and eat cats.

Aren't scavengers they eat and then they're done. But they want. Dairy. They want animal foods, both of them. So treat your animal right.

Ingredients that you bake with are processed that flour there is processed and let us, unless it is ancient grains and sprouted and organic and everything else. This is not real food. That dairy is probably pasteurized. That means it's processed and it's not real food. Same with the vegetable oil.

We just went over that powdered sugar is definitely not natural. This sugar's probably organic non-organic and went through tons and tons of processing. Hence not real food. The egg is real food. The butter is real food, but Erik butter doesn't exist in nature. You have to make it from the dairy. Yes, you do. But it's a whole food.

Everything in there, it comes from the dairy. You don't have to do anything to it besides move it around and then it separates in. There you go.

All right. Sweeteners. When you're, when you want to bake. Don't want to use regular sugar, unless it is raw sugar, it's gotta be dark So you can cook with raw honey. That's real food. Raw organic, obviously on all these, um, maple syrup. Fantastic. You can use dates or date pastes. Molasses good organic quality molasses, and then coconut sugar is kind of the new one.

Everybody uses. Just make sure that they don't add molasses. Or caramel color to your sugars to make them look more natural. They do that. Oh, yeah. They do that.

And of course we have sauces and condiments and things like that. These are not real food. None of the ingredients in here are good or healthy for you. They're all processed. They're chemical Laden. This is not good. I don't do these. What can you do? Well, let's go to salad dressings beforehand. These are not real food, either.

Terrible, horrible for you. Don't do this. Make your own. It's really easy to make your own. It's really not that hard. And you can control what you're you're using. Like these dairy based. There's no dairy in these, these things. They use powdered buttermilk, which is of horrible quality. I could go on and on salad dressings are. Well, they tell you to eat salad, but then everybody uses low quality nasty salad dressing, which defeats the whole purpose of having a salad. Use your chosen avocado oil or good quality olive oil and a really good quality vinegar.

If you want or use all those, put it with some sour cream, add some spices. Boom. Now you got your own ranch dressing. But this is how you, this is not what you're supposed to use on your salad. You're supposed to make your own.

Which brings me to kind of a unique food. So these are pickles. And you would think that this is a natural food? Well, it kind of is, but I want to open your eyes to something here. Almost all the pickles you've ever had are just vinegar. And they'll put some mustard seeds in there and things. And that's it. Um, That's not fermented. It's actually stopping the fermentation process. There's almost no benefits to eating pickles. That you've normally had. Instead you want to make your own, which is not hard to do see the color of this liquid. That means that this has been fermented. There is a whole microbiome in here. For you. You never throw this juice away.

This is a. You're buying probiotics in the store. When really you could have just had pickle juice. It is teeming with lactobacillus acidophilus, like a lot. Now you get to control. The cucumbers you use, or if you want to make it with carrots. Or asparagus or. You know, peppers or anything you want, you need this color, so you shake it before you pull your veggies out.

But if it doesn't turn color like this. It's not fermented. And by the way, these tastes. 10 times better than these do. I mean. They're bright and fresh and they're just delicious. And. That's how you're supposed to do it. So there's no alternatives for fast food when I pulled that up, because let's face it. There's no restaurants out there that do fast food of quality yet. But I tried to give you some things that would open you up a little bit to. You know, non real food. There are real food options out there. You may have to make some of this stuff yourself. If you want to buy it, there are quality people out there. You got to get back to this. If you want to be healthy. You can't do. Fake food, protein bars, and protein powders and everything. That's processed. You got to get back to natural. I'm sorry. That's just the way it is. The world's getting worse with quality of food. You have to get better at buying and learning how to cook your own food. Hope you enjoyed this one.

There's about 10 million things I could say about this subject, but I'm trying to keep these shorter. 📍 Thank you for listening as usual. And if you have an idea, Let me know otherwise. See you next time. Take care of yourselves.

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The Reality of Health
Health is a holistic concept impacted by lifestyle, habits, sleep, exercise, water, food, air, and toxins.
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About your host

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Erik Muzzy

I have been educating clients since 1992 on health and nutrition, studied numerous different areas of natural healing and wellness. Utilizing nutrition, diet, exercise, mind, body and spirit for ultimate health or just feeling better.