Ep. 114 - Vitamin C- A New Perspective!
Rethinking Vitamin C: Enhancing Health Through the Terrain Theory
Welcome healthy friends! In today's episode, I dive deep into the role of vitamin C in the body, challenging the conventional perspective most of us have always believed. We'll explore how vitamin C helps to detoxify and cleanse the body, rather than just boosting the immune system. I also contrast the germ theory with the terrain theory, emphasizing how the body's natural systems clean up waste. Join me as we unravel the truth behind vitamin C, its sources, and its actual impact on our health. Whether it's from food or high-quality supplements, understanding the right kind of vitamin C can make a significant difference. Let's rethink vitamin C together!
00:00 Introduction and Overview
00:24 The Truth About Vitamin C
01:18 Food Sources vs. Supplements
02:04 Plant Anti-Nutrients and Absorption
06:51 Germ Theory vs. Terrain Theory
09:02 Vitamin C and Detoxification
18:24 The Best Vitamin C Supplements
20:15 Impact of Sugar on Vitamin C Absorption
22:44 Debunking Polyphenols: The Anti-Nutrient Debate
23:19 Hunter-Gatherer Diets and Scurvy: A Historical Perspective
23:58 Vitamin C Bioavailability: Meat vs. Plant Sources
29:22 The Role of Vitamin C in Collagen Production
31:29 The Importance of Grass-Fed Animals for Vitamin C
37:41 Vitamin C and Health: Addressing Common Illnesses
40:11 Rethinking Germ Theory: The Terrain is Everything
41:08 Final Thoughts and Listener Engagement
Welcome healthy friends. The reality of health. Today. We're talking about vitamin C and I think you might find this one a little bit interesting compared to what you've normally always heard about vitamin C, going to give you my take on what I think it actually does. It's different than what you've heard. Not in the sense of like, It doesn't work or you don't need it or anything like that.
I'm just going to give you a different perspective on what it does in the body. We're so concerned with our immune system. Do we even have one. Erik, of course we have one. What a stupid question you hear about it constantly. From everybody. Well, what if it's just. Called the immune system, but it's not actually an immune system. Well, I'm getting in the weeds.
Let's just get into it. So obviously vitamin C is pretty good for you. We all know that and you need it. You need. Good sources.
I'm not a big fan of pill form. Not a big fan of. Well, most of the stuff that you can buy in a grocery store or a pharmacy and that kind of thing. Even the health food stores.
Food form is better. And I'm going to tell you that. The food form that you think you're getting, you're not getting as much as you think. So, even though we read. How much is supposed to be in a food. It doesn't mean that there's that much available. And. I understand that. Vegetarians and vegans might not like this. Or even those of you who believe in whole foods, but. There are plant anti-nutrients and they do block the absorption of certain things.
Specially minerals. But they. Tell us that, oh, you know, Kiwi, which is supposedly for fruits and vegetables, the highest source of vitamin C. That might be true, but do you actually get all of it? I'm just questioning the narrative. I know that they've done studies to show that yes, of course you increase the vitamin C content in your body by eating Kiwi or some other things like broccoli and. Bananas and citrus we've always heard of, but are you actually getting all of that, that they claim is in that food? Because I'm thinking no. Um, You know, I've been studying this topic for more than 35 years.
That would be the health topic of especially nutrition. I'm not seeing a lot of evidence. That, what we're told is always. Exactly what we get. There's such a thing called synergy.
Every single I'll call it nutrient. Has other things that it needs to either be absorbed or utilized. So for example, When you consume. Vitamin C from an orange or citrus. That pith that you get that. You know, all that connective tissue that they use to hold all those little pockets of goodness together.
Those are bioflavonoids and those proteinous type fibrous structures help to. They help you absorb the vitamin C and then help utilize it.
So if you get a source of vitamin C that doesn't have a lot of bioflavonoids, then you don't really get as much. Vitamin C intake as you think the bioavailability. Have a lot of the nutrients that you read about and hear about. They require more than just you eat it, chew it, digest it. And it, all of a sudden magically appears in your blood.
It doesn't work that way. There's other things involved.
Okay. I think you get my point. It's good. You need it. But. There was ways that we can skirt around that and make it better. But I do want you to know. That let's say Kiwi. Has vitamin C, but it also has many other things in the Kiwi that help you utilize the vitamin C, but then there's other things in the Kiwi that block as much utilization. As you think you're getting. So it's this well, Do I get as much as I think I'm getting, because I can't test it. And then if you eat a lot of Kiwi, well, then you get a lot of sugar. You see where I'm going with this? They've done studies where they take things like zinc. And they get the zinc from oysters, for example. And then they'll the test for how much zinc is in the blood.
And it's really high. But then they'll give somebody. I think it's spinach. And then they test them again. And they only absorbed like 10% of what they did without the spinach.
Wait a minute. What. Why would the spinach block the absorption? Uh, vitamin C or excuse me, of zinc. Well, that would be because there's, anti-nutrients in there that block absorptions of things like minerals and in this case, zinc. Same thing can happen with your vitamins. Alright, I think I've killed that one enough to move on.
So here we have.
It's a. For those of you listening audio, it's just a comparison between Louis Pasteur and Antoine Beauchamp.
Lou pester is on the left. Anton Beauchamp is on the right. Uh, if you don't know, Pasteur is the father of germ theory, which he's not, but. Let's just say he is because most people believe that. And then Beauchamp is one of the fathers of the terrain theory. What's the difference? Well, Pasteur believed the germs cause everything. And then Beauchamp in his camp, believe that. It's just terrain.
Very similar to the compost pile you might have in your backyard.
So if you read the screen here, I think is very interesting that Louie Pastuer said the microbe is nothing. The terrain is everything. Those were his last words. So everybody who believes in. Germ theory. Don't know that. Before Pasteur died. He said, Nope. I was wrong.
Guess what you don't make money from? That would be the terrain theory. You can sell all kinds of drugs. You can make drugs, you can put people into fear. If you'd make them believe that there are.
Things out there that are gonna get ya. Yeah, I can't see them. They're so small. They're gonna get ya. You're always in fear. That you can't touch another person. Well, I've went over those things before. I have to just think it's interesting. And in the germ theory, they want to give you. Drugs and vaccines and things like that.
And in the terrain theory, we want to make your water clean. We want to make your body clean. We're trying to help your body fix itself because we believe that your body will fix itself. Now. Before we move on. Erik, what does this have to do with vitamin C? Well, this is the perspective I want to give you. Maybe. Vitamin C does not stimulate the immune system.
What do you mean? Well, if the terrain theory is true and there are no germs, then do you have an immune system?
I would say that you have a terrain system. And in that terrain. You need to help the terrain clean itself up. This is why. In the terrain theory. There's no such thing as an immune system, There's just bacteria and. Yeast and molds that actually your body allows to use these to clean up. Poisons and dead and dying tissue and so forth.
Talked about that many times.
I'm going to say, vitamin C is there to help you clean up. The waste products that bacteria and. Molds and yeast create. Think about like that.
Vitamin C in and of itself. Doesn't do anything. It's just a quote, chemical or molecule. If you want to believe such a thing. But what could it do? Well, it could impart charge because everything is electrical, literally everything and all physicists will tell you everything has a charge. So it's the charge that does something. And at that charge that vitamin C has that specific to vitamin C because it, everything does have a specific frequency. That frequency. I believe binds to and helps your body detox. The. Waste products. Of said bacteria, yeast and molds. If you do any research on vitamin C, you're going to see all about how it detoxifies the body. Tons of studies done on this.
We'll get into a little bit of it. So if vitamin C is helping your body rid the waste, it looks like you're getting better from being sick.
You see where I'm going with this? I like this concept a lot because vitamin C we think. Is this. Super fantastic. Immune boosting vitamin when really it's just another. Uh, broom or mop. Or sponge just helps the body get rid of waste materials and you have lots and lots of waste materials. And when you are cleansing, Like spring and fall when the weather changes or these kinds of things, or you get a lot of poisons and your body says, well, I can't take this anymore.
I got to clean itself out. Clean myself out. What does it do? These. And I'm gonna get into them. These yeast mold and bacteria will eat up these toxins and they have to, you know, defecate and urinate. And when they do that, well, you're not going to feel so good. And that creates things like histamines and. pH differences and all kinds of stuff that makes you feel ill. So vitamin C comes along and helps you detoxify.
Okay. I think I killed that one again. I know it's a long explanation, but the whole point of this episode is.
I don't think we're looking at vitamin C correctly. We're using germ theory and applying vitamin C to it when really vitamin C should be applied to the terrain theory. It's just another way to clean yourself out of the waste materials and yes. It works.
All right. And to back up my point. I do have two episodes talking about. All these kinds of things. If you're interested. Uh, episode 66, no such thing. It's all lies. And I do cover. If you see here, I know it's small writing for those looking at it, but, uh, I talk about all these kinds of things with germs and vaccines and viruses and stuff like that. I also did episode 73 about the Jedi Midiclorians known as somatids. And that's Pleo morphism. Which leads me to. This graphic that I have shown you many times.
This is how a Somatid. Which is an entity that lives in you. And it's everywhere. I mean almost everywhere in the planet. They never die. And they're totally immortal. You have these in you. And your body allows these somatids to turn into whatever form they need to, to clean up waste material in your body. So their first form they can turn into is a type of bacteria specific to that poison or decaying tissue or situation. Then it can turn into a yeast and then it can turn into a mold. All three of those clean you up that is known as the terrain theory.
I'm going to read this for everybody. Uh, so they can. Grasp what I'm trying to say. This is really, this is really cool stuff here.
They're comparing microcytosis to dark energy. But in reality, this is just a really good explanation of these things. Microzyma are never formed or born and never decay or die.
And by the way, this is from, uh, a journal. An international journal. I have. Physics, et cetera.
They only associate and disassociate coordinate and Decoordinate come together and pull asunder. They are immortal as far as we know, that was said by Seun Ayoade did I say that right? Well, enlightenment leads to benightedness science entails nescience attributed to Felipe Bordeaux. If I were asked to describe, define microzyma, which is cellular dust, I would say a, they are living things that do not fit into any category. Other living things are divided into. B. They never exceed 500 nanometers in size. They are never destroyed or created. D they associate in disassociate coordinate and, uncoordinate. E they produce chemicals via reactions
they carry out. F they are found in all living things and even in non-living things. By the same reasoning, anything with all or certain of the above characteristics could predate the microzymas. If not according to the microzimian theory of origin. Which is also known as cellular dust hypothesis, such a thing, living or non-living would have to have been created by the microzyma at some point in time. Meaning. It started as microzyma and ends there. You know, they find that when they take mummies from Egypt and other places, real mummies now, If you take some of the dust or the material that mummy is and put it in water and add some sugar, it grows this incredible array. Of yeast, mold and bacteria. Hmm. So essentially. Those microzyma somatids came to life in the water and sugar, they never died because you can't kill them. They're immortal, like they just said. And then when they're done doing their job, they go right back into their original somatid form. Fascinating.
Isn't that think about that and they're in you and they make you up. There your Jedi midichlorians
So the vitamin C that you get from your food is how you can help. Cleanse your body of the toxins, the. Um, waste product that the somatids Yeast mold and bacteria have created when that concentration gets high, you need to get that out. And one of the ways you can get that out is with vitamin C. This is why vitamin C helps you feel better.
You're cleaning out the waste product. Get rid of the waste. Of course, you're going to feel better. This is why vitamin C's important.
And if you're going to buy vitamin C, I know it sounds weird, Erik. I'll just eat citrus. Well, yeah, you can. Whether you're going to eat a lot of citrus and you're getting a lot of sugar. This is the best vitamin C that you can get now, any of the liposomal vitamin C's, that means it is a vitamin C structure that is now coated. Lyposomal is a fat.
So they coat something with a fat. Really super small. Highly absorbable. The max absorption you can get. This is almost 90% absorption. This is Dr. Cowen's lyposomal vitamin C sourced properly created properly, and the highest. Vitamin C utilization that you can get. Essentially, you'd be eating. A tremendous amount of food to get the same thing you can get in just one pump of the stuff.
It's also bottled a certain way to protect it. This stuff is incredible. Anyway.
If you want to purchase vitamin C and you need power when you need it. This is a great way to go. Probably the best way you can go see other lyposomal are okay.
But they're sourced from bad vitamin C. Chinese. Uh, low quality. Uh, low standards. Even the sunflower oil can be low quality. This is all top top-notch. And by the way, for those of you looking at this and saying that's a 250 milliliter bottle for 120 bucks. Yeah, but that's four months worth. If you take it every day. So that's $30 a bottle. How many of you spent $30 on one thing that you utilize for an entire month? Oh, you know what?
I'm talking about. A lot of different things.
Do you want to know how you stop the utilization of vitamin C in your body? That would be by more carbs and sugar. Erik you constantly talking about this? Well, I do, because.
Sugar. And then carbohydrates, when they turn your sugar are poisons in the body, you can handle small amounts. That's fine. But when you get up higher, the sugar content is poisonous to the body. I told you before. You get sick from trauma. Poisoning and malnutrition. Sugar and carbohydrates create two of those.
They poison you and they cause malnutrition because they lower how you utilize everything else from your food.
But you see, I was told that I should eat all these things. They're healthy and I should use all this to get all these vitamins and. Antioxidants and things like this. Okay.
I hear you. Let me read you. From east scholarship.org. And this is a scientific paper.
As detailed. Let me really quickly just say. Vitamin C is similar. To insulin. So when you have sugar, go up, insulin goes up, you stop absorbing vitamin C, which could be mean you also. D stabilized vitamin C.
Just saying. All right, let's read this.
Metabolism of vitamin C, including absorption and its uptake by several cell types. Is inhibited by increasing glucose concentration. Western type diets resulting in carbohydrate over-consumption and high blood level of glucose may inhibit utilization of vitamin C also when taken as a supplement. Current dietary guidelines instead of animal sources, concentrate on plant sources of vitamin C thereby also increasing carbohydrate load and intake of polyphenols. Which both inhibit vitamin C utilization. Erik. What did you just say? You're telling me that vitamin C is inhibited when I eat. A standard diet. Oh, Like the current dietary guidelines had just said. Dietary guidelines. Which is nothing but sugar.
Go back to my episode, talking about the food pyramid.
But I was also told that polyphenols are great for you. From plants. And fruit and stuff. Well, not according to this science journal. They just said. It's not good. Polyphenols are a. So, if you don't know, polyphenols are an anti nutrient. In plants. And they block things. I just, like it said, okay. I'm getting off my soap box. By contrast studies of contemporary hunter gatherer societies, as well as documentations. Of the Arctic people from the 18th and 19th century indicate no signs of scurvy, despite subsisting on diets, pre dominated by animal foods of animal origin and using no vitamin supplements. So they. Ate nothing but animal sources. No grains, no fruit, no vegetables.
And yet. They had no scurvy. Huh. Isn't that interesting. It gets better.
Our own clinical experience with the paleolithic con uh, kenogenic diet also shows improving health parameters and long-term sustainability of meat, fat based diet. In the presence of vitamin C supplementation. It may be anticipated that self inventing vitamin C while on a Western type diet may not reproduce the biochemical and physiological complexity of the evolutionarily evolutionary. Adapted way to utilize vitamin C meaning. Yes.
You eat a Western type diet. Not good. You interrupt the whole thing.
Uh, even though the amount of dietary vitamin C consumed on an animal meat. Based meat. Fat-based diet. Maybe lower as compared to dietary intake from some fruits and vegetables, the former. May ensure a higher bioavailability of vitamin C huh huh.
This is where I always want to say things like I told you.
So we believe that the loss of vitamin C's synthesis was not deleterious in the ancestral environment. Humans are evolutionary adapted to. Rather a mismatch between our current diet and ancestral physiology may explain why deficient levels of vitamin C are associated with disease. Instead of supplementing vitamin C changing our nutrition as a whole and adopting a meat fat based diet. Even if it may sound a radical solution. Maybe a better choice to support vitamin C. Say it together. Homeostasis. Okay. That's usually a mic drop moment right there. What they're trying to tell you is.
Vitamin C you get from animal sources is just as good as anything else you get and actually could be better because you have an absence. Of carbs and sugar.
That was just awesome. I don't know what else to tell you. So this is also from, um, A study done. That's uh, NIH here. Quickly, just to bring this point. Home vitamin C is structurally similar to glucose and can replace it in many chemical reactions and thus is effective for prevention. Of non enzymedic glycosate. Glycosylation.
Of protein. In other words, vitamin C is structurally similar to glucose. And it inhibits how you utilize protein. Like collagen. Hm.
Vitamin C and meet. Approximately.
Uh, Grassfed beef 2.2 pounds gets you 2.5 six milligrams, all that such a small amount, Erik. It's in perfect vitamin C form. With meat and fat that you just heard about. And then grain fed beef 1.6 milligrams. So yes, grassfed has a higher content. And if we get into organs and seafood, you can get even more. Point is.
The vitamin C from an animal source. Like cows. Is a better and more powerful vitamin C than you're going to get from. Kiwi. Or citrus. Or any of those other things you need less of it. And I just read to you. It's more powerful.
Okay. This is why they had scurvy. The way you don't hear about. Whenever you hear about this thing with vitamin C is a as the cure for scurvy. Well, it is. And it's funny how they ju I just read to you. They don't have scurvy when you're on a meat fat-based diet. Where are you going to get a meat fat based diet?
That would be carnivore. What were they eating on these ships that caused them to not have enough vitamin C.
Um, Nothing. They were eating foods that had vitamin C the problem was they're eating foods that also had a lot of carbohydrates. Matter of fact, that's all they had. Oatmeal and grains. That's all that would last on the ship. Fruits and vegetables died. Quick, meat went bad, fast. They didn't have refrigeration and ice to hold that stuff. All they had was carbs. You know, Bread. And grains and gruel and oatmeal. And all that stuff. They probably ran out of sugar to make it taste good.
But if you put sugar in there, you'd get scurvy faster. You see the problem? Once they got limes. Hence the limeys idea. They got enough vitamin C to start turning that corner. Which would make them live long enough in order for them to get some meat and some other foods.
So what is scurvy?
I'm not going to get deep into the weeds of scurvy.
But essentially. It's just a breakdown of collagen. So they lost their teeth and they had issues with bone and everything else that has connective tissue. So here you see. Connective tissue. This is obviously muscle. See that sheet right there. That is fascia and fascia is connective tissue and holds you together and keeps you strong and healthy. See this. Area down here. This connective tissue that's in parallel arrangement. See how that is. Designed that way.
Isn't that awesome. Well, that happens when you have proper amounts of vitamin C. In order to create collagen. In the body. You need vitamin C. So not only. Does it pull waste? But it also has the energetic quality. To stimulate your body to create. Collagen. In the right form. Pretty cool stuff, but that's right there
why scurvy was a problem and by the way, for people who don't. W I should say for people who consume a lot of sugar and carbohydrates, why it kills you. Over time. Is it breaks down collagen. Because you can't make it anymore. You're too busy using vitamin C to clean up waste because you're ill and you are in ill health.
And. Because of the high carbohydrate content, you can absorb the vitamin C because the insulin is too high.
You can see it's this spiral you get into and. And I'm not telling you, you have to be a carnivore or when I'm just simply stating is the more the meat foods. You know, animal foods you can consume. You don't end up with such high insulin levels and then you feel better and you get better. We need to move on.
I'm just getting long. You know what the best source of vitamin C is that would be grass. And grass like, um, We grass and barley, especially.
And Prairie lands like this. And so we raise cattle to eat the grass because that's what they do. And then they make. The best vitamin C no. I want you to see this now. This is the perspective that you got to see. All that grass. They feed on that. They then. ferment that in their body. Which is a long process. So high vitamin C content in the grass. And per two PI 2.2 pounds of grass fed beef.
You get 2.56 milligrams. You think that it would be really high? Well, They can make the amount that they make because of the way their digestive system is. But if we eat the grass. That's not what we make. We do not absorb all that. Vitamin C. We don't create it the same way they do that has to be fermented.
So now what you in their body. So now what you have is a very. Concentrated very powerful. Two and a half milligram. Amount of vitamin C. And because your insulin's low, it's extremely powerful. Best source. Guess what else also eats grass? No way, Erik. Pigs don't eat grass. Yeah, they do. They forge on everything. They literally eat. Almost everything.
And if you leave them out, Don't give them food. They find all the food they need. Mushrooms and nuts and tubers. And grasses and vegetables and all kinds of things.
You don't need to feed them anything. These are pasture raised pigs. Their quality of meat is as high as beef. Some cases, certain nutrient profiles. They're better. So pastured pork, nothing wrong with that. And guess what? Vitamin C content. high. Just like the grass feeders.
Thought this might be interesting to show you.
We kind of talked about this several episodes ago, about how people were getting sick. Remember trauma. Poisoning and malnutrition.
Back in the day, this is a very old photo. I'm going to say this is probably late 18 hundreds. All the waste. Was everywhere. And you got sick from poisoning. From all the waste.
Well, if you remember that episode, I talked about how pigs were everywhere. Well, they actually captured a photo here of the pig. Eating? What, what do you think that is right there? I will. And to say that's probably some animals feces, like a horse or something else. So there were so many hogs. Eating up all this. What we consider a waste to help clean up everything. And no one shoot them away.
They just let them do it because they cleaned it all up. Yeah, they did poop themselves too, but you know, So my point is, is that that's pretty neat to see. Yes. Animals like scavengers, like that will clean up a mess. And. On earth. Yeah, that's one of the systems cleaning up. A mess. So when you're sick.
And you feel terrible. You need to think about it like this. Why am I going to take vitamin C to feel better? To stimulate my immune system. No. You are cleaning out waste material. Helping the body cleanup poisons.
Therefore, you're going to start feeling better, which is why when you take vitamin C, you're not instantly feeling better, right.
It takes a little bit. Because it there's a lot of waste material there. So when you have what is called an infection. Which doesn't exist. But anyway. All that waste material that the bacteria yeast or molds are consuming. Sorry, the. Well, it's also a waste your own waste, but. Let's say you got a poison. Um, Or your body's like, all right, I just have too much poison going on.
I need to clean this up. So. somatids kick in, cleans up all the nonsense. That's been there for six months and then boom, it's November and you get sick. That sick is the waste that they're trying to clean up. So yes, your. You're essentially cleaning up a really bad waste and creating one that. It's not going to feel good for a few days to a week. That's a big payoff because the massive, very powerful waste materials cause things, like cancer. And other things.
So I'd rather deal with. Being uncomfortable for 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 days. Then to have a really major situation. Like cancer. Which is just poisoning.
the other thing that kicks you into that is malnutrition. So if you don't have a good diet, then your body. Is going to die and as it's falling apart, those somatids have to kick in to clean it up. That terrain has to do what it's supposed to do when it does that again. It defecates, it creates waste products and you're going to feel it.
So think about. That it's a different way to think that there's no germ that's making you feel that way. It's your own body cleaning up the mess that you're feeling. And vitamin C is one of the ways that your body uses to pull that waste material out. Make you feel better? That's what you want. And then it doesn't come back.
I want to quickly go through. When you don't get enough vitamin C what happens? So I just said trauma. Poisoning. And malnutrition are generally the three causes for ill health. And these that I'm going to list off really quick are either poisoning or malnutrition. Endothelial dysfunction. And by the way, these are all associated with vitamin C intake.
All right. And this is from an Oregon state. Uh, university.
This is all. Proven. These are clinical studies. These are, this is just a whole bunch of vitamin C information brought together for. It's just condensed. It's really, really awesome. Read.
Hypertension. Cardiovascular disease. Stroke. Cancer like breast cancer, stomach cancer, colon cancer. non-Hodgkin's. Lymphoma other site specific cancer types type two diabetes, there's your your insulin situation? Adverse pregnancy outcomes. alzheimers cataracts gout. Mortality. Cardiovascular disease. Cerebral ischemia reperfusion injury, Vascular complications of diabetes, sepsis.
That is poisoning.
Oh, I just want to talk about that one so much. And then you get into where the food sources are, but all of those, I just listed off. When you read these, these are all things. That are either malnutrition.
So you don't have enough vitamin C from too many carbs and sugar. Therefore you die slowly and you have all these complications or you have poisons, and then you're somatids kick in and they clean up the mess and then their waste product makes you feel crappy. And you got to clean that up. So it. You can see. Um, the whole point of this episode, I'm trying to bring across, I know I've said this a few times. Vitamin C. Is. It's essential.
You need it. But I want you to see it. differently. It's more about a cleanser than it is about a stimulator. It's there to help pull the, the waste material out. Not stimulate white blood cells. White blood cells are just part of your terrain. They're just there to clean up mess. They don't kill anything. Killing stuff. Is the germ theory, which has never, ever been proven to be true, not once ever. And. You heard it? Right from the horse's mouth.
Louie Pasteurs said a microbe is nothing. The terrain is everything. Why do we keep believing in germs when the guy who supposedly proved it, which he didn't. Just said it's about the terrain. He was wrong. And yet our whole model is based on him. We all know why. It's money. You can't make money. If you can heal yourself. Other people want to make money off of dead and dying people. And that's the. that's just the. way it is. 📍 Sorry to end it on a somber note, but maybe helps you see things a little differently with vitamin C. I appreciate you listening as usual. If you have any ideas or. Things you want me to talk about? Just send them my way and it doesn't matter what it is. We can talk about whatever you want anything to do with health. Thank you for listening as usual, and I'll see you next time. Take care of yourselves. 📍