Episode 116

Published on:

5th Sep 2024

Ep. 116 - Know Your Water

The Truth About Tap Water and How to Purify It

In this episode of The Reality of Health, I dive deep into the importance of clean water and the detrimental effects of drinking contaminated tap water. I'll share alarming findings from a report by the Environmental Working Group, showing how tap water contains hazardous contaminants. Plus, you'll learn various methods to filter and purify your own water at home, from reverse osmosis systems to trace minerals and even DIY terracotta pot filters. Stay tuned to discover how to control what you consume and improve your health through better water choices!

00:00 Introduction to Water Health

00:51 The Importance of Water Quality

01:47 Bottled Water vs. Tap Water

03:05 Contaminants in Tap Water

07:35 PFAS and Other Harmful Chemicals

18:09 Purifying Your Water at Home

19:56 Choosing the Right Water Filtration System

20:03 Aqua TRU: My Personal Choice

22:43 Zero Water: An Affordable Alternative

23:53 Portable Water Filtration Solutions

25:56 DIY Terracotta Pot Water Filter

27:49 Adding Essential Minerals to Your Water

28:59 The Benefits of Structured Seawater

32:51 Enhancing Water with Analemma Wand

35:37 Sun-Charged Water: A Simple Method

36:28 Final Thoughts on Water Filtration and Mineralization


Welcome healthy friends to another episode of the reality of health. I'm so glad. You are here. That's one of my favorite subjects and I get to actually talk about it. And maybe you actually want to listen. Well, I said last episode, that we're going to talk about filtering water and cleaning your water and. How to do it or how you should consume your water. I'm going to have fun.

I hope you do too.

So much fun to talk about this topic. Maybe you might learn some cool stuff. I don't know.

There are so many things I can say. I'm just going to try and keep it. Somewhat condensed. This could be a very long episode.

Those of you who have followed me know that. Water's pretty serious in my quest for health and what I think you should also worry about. So much so that I believe it's the basis for your health, because you are a water structure being.

If you know anything about structured water. Or any of the other philosophies following such water? Theories. You'll know that. If you're made up of all this water, they always say. What kind of water and how do you put it in you?

We're going to explore that a little bit. I love this topic. I hope you do too. It's the foundation of life next to air.

Water before food air before water.

Well, we all think that this is clean water. Here. We have a picture of a whole lot of bottled water, and I will tell you that all of these not very good, this one of all these being Penta is the best. This stuff is made so quickly and consumed so quickly that there's no plastic in the bottle. The rest of these made so far ahead of time. Tons of leached plastics and.

PFAS P F A S. You may have heard of. But they're not good waters to begin with. Some of them tastes terrible. But I don't want you to think that this is good water. But this is a huge. Disclaimer. These. Most of these. In most cases are better than tap water. Tap water. We're going to get into it. But most of these are not that bad.

They're just expensive. And you got to carry them into the house or get them delivered or it's just heavy. And. The bottles. Aren't very good. For the most part. There's a whole lot of problems.

So what if I could simplify your life and then you have control of what you're consuming because ultimately health comes down to. Your control. Of what you put into your body.

Yeah. That's basically. A really good way to say that.

I live in Royal Oak, Michigan. This is a quality report of where I live from. Um, what the heck is that called again? I forgot. Anyway, EWG. And they're a environmental working group. Yes, that's it.

They conducted a report and 12 contaminants. That they detected were above. Even the worst standards in the industry. But we had a total of 19 contaminants. This is crazy. Watch this. And by the way, real quick. Uh, legal limits for contaminants in tap water have not been updated in almost 20 years. Do you think anything's changed in the last 20 years? Yes. It has.

So look at these. And for the people live in my area. This is true for almost all of them because our water source. Is. You know, it takes up a whole county in bigger areas than that. So look at your stuff. You can go here. And put in your zip code and see what's going on. Now. These are only a small portion.

There's other ways to find out. The total amount. Of chemicals and contaminants. And sediments. And pharmaceutical drugs and hormones. And.

It just goes on and on. In the water.

But this is just a quick example. All right. So we have 75 times the amount of that and twenty three times the amount of that 37 times of chloroform. So you're telling me we have 37 times the amount of allowable. chloroform. In my tap water. Wait a minute. I thought chloroform. We used to use. To put people asleep. So that we can do surgery. Or knock them out for whatever. Why is it on our water?

You see. See where I'm going with this.

And we can go on and on, but notice these two right here. Haloacidic acids. Number five and number nine. You know what those are. Those are chlorine. Why do you need.

395 times. What the environmental working group's allowable amount to be in our water. Why is that there? Hm. Let's think about that one for a second. Because there's stuff in our water. Then, if you don't kill it with chlorine. That's what that is. It's going to make you feel really, really bad. It's bad enough that all these other ones are in there. But almost 400 times. What they considered to be the base minimum of what you should be getting. In your, which you shouldn't get any at all. But that's. Okay. And notice this one. Trihalomethanes at 177 times. What they believe is acceptable for a human to consume.

What is your. Report look like, cause this is crazy. And I just want to say. This is only. twelve. This is not all of the contaminants. There are reports dating back to the eighties of over 30,000 known contaminants. In tap water. I'm going to show you. I know this is crazy. I'm going to show you how. They don't want to say all that. So websites actually hold back telling you what's actually in there. We'll get into it. This is nuts.

I had to pull this one up for you. So this is the United States. Geological society. Tap water study detects PFAS forever chemicals across the U S. I'm going to read this to you. At least 45% of the nation's tap water is estimated to have one or more types of the chemicals known as. Per and polyfluorinated alkyl substances or P F A S. According to a new study. By the us geological survey. There are more than 12,000 types of

did you hear that?

Not all of which can be detected with current tests. Oh boy. The U S G S study tested for the presence of 32 types. 30 32. There are more than 12,000. And you're seeing that. At least 45% of the nation's tap water. Has too many of these. And then you say. That we only test for 32. Well, why are you testing for 32 and not all 12,000? Oh, because there's so many, you can't actually test for them.

So who has the real information? I don't know, this is just a minor amount of tested info. From the United States government.

I am so frustrated about this.

You're showering in this every day. You're brushing your teeth in it. Some of you are drinking it. You're bathing in it, like in a bath.

You wash your hands in it.

. They were first used in the:

However, all have a carbon flourine bond. Yeah, that's fluorine. Isn't fluoride. Which is very strong and therefore they do not degrade easily. Which means they stay ROund for a very long time. The widespread use of PFAS and their persistence in the environment means that PFAS from past and current uses have resulted in increasing levels of contamination of the air, water, and soil. Accumulation of certain PFAS has also been shown through blood tests to occur in humans and animals. Okay. Oh, let me just finish with, well, the science surrounding potential health effects of bioaccumulation is developing. Of course it's developing. Since the forties. That's your way of saying yeah, it's happening, but we just don't know as much as we would like to know, because we don't really want to know what's happening because if we knew it was happening, we could hold companies and governments and entities responsible for poisoning us.

So if you don't know a PFAS, is there you go.

Here's a map. It's a quick map. I mean, they even said it, this is not, this is a sampling. This isn't even what it really looks like.

You might be in here.

Notice the east coast really bad.

L a really bad.

Colorado in an area really bad. This is where I live right here.

Chicago bad. Et cetera, you can see this, but known as Hawaii. None. Detected in Hawaii. Huh. That's interesting. So, no. PFAS Detected in Hawaii, but yet we found it in Alaska.

None in. Mississippi. None in New Mexico.

Nevada. Look at all the states that none detected. With a quick sampling. Find that very interesting. Where you go with this Erik. I don't know. I just think that's really interesting. It's like. The most country areas don't seem to have a problem.

ronmental health news. Since:

320. Toxic substances have been found. Those harmful chemicals are linked to cancer, adverse birth and reproduction outcomes, impaired brain development. And a revolving door of other deleterious health impacts.

Is it possible? That tap water. Could be making you sick.

That's the emoji. I just did. Remember that emoji where the guy is thinking. Yeah. I think you get my drift. Oh, but it gets better. 56 new chemicals added.

They keep adding more chemicals every year. It's insane. And then I saw this.

Currently. The EPA regulates more than 90 contaminants in drinking water. Oh, 90. A fraction of the agency's inventory of more than 85,000 chemicals that fall under the toxic substances control act.

📍 Did you just hear what I said?

s to its regulated list since:

You need to let that sink in.


If water is so important and everybody knows it.

And if you believe the government cares about your water.

I just showed you. They don't.

That is so disconcerting.

All right. I got to move on. Getting upset.

Well, Erik.

85,000 chemicals. Uh, huh. And they only test for 90. Yeah. Here are some of them. This is a very, this is the best. Hear me out. This is the best list I could find after. I don't know how long it took me to search. A list of chemicals in tap water. This is from Minnesota. The state. Website of chemicals in the drinking water.

I'm going to scroll through this, but notice. A few of these I'll stop and show you acetaminophen. Oh, yeah. Tylenol is in your water. If you think there's more than Tylenol? You're right. Acrylamides that's plastic. Look at all of this arsenic bacteria, which some of those now I will say, I will say some of these in this list are not bad for you. But 90 plus percent are bad for you. Some of these are actually good for you. Like nano silver. But anyway, You get the drift of what I'm trying to say.

These are really bad.

You've seen a lot of these boron is not bad for you. ButBisphenol A oh yeah.

Cadmium, one of the worst things you can get in your body. There's chloroform again. And Codein. Oh, well, if you want to feel better, you've got Codein. And Tylenol. So therefore drink lots of tap water, and your headache will go away.

And then they say coppers bad. Come on, colloidal silver, come on. But anyway, you see my point DEET. There's a lot of things in here, but notice. There's so much. And of course. You know, it's funny. There's fluoride in this list, but when you look up contaminants in drinking water or tap water, they never talk about fluoride. None of them list at all. Look at formaldehyde. Glyphosate.

Oh, thank you.

heres the, the chlorine type products. And it goes on and on. And on. Look at all of that. That is a small portion. There's so many more. Let's move on.

So now you say, all right, Erik, I see. I see what you're saying. So, what do you do? How do you. How do you get clean water? How do you make your own clean water? What do you do? I'm just going to give you an example of ways you can purify your water. Not all of these are the best ways, but look how many there are. Boiling and. Solar disinfection.

And you can add chlorine. I don't want to drink chlorine. Filter straws and chemical treatments and disinfection and iodine. I'm going to get into. The good ones. All right.

So if you're going to do it at your house, You can buy systems. They're called RO or reverse osmosis. This is how a reverse osmosis works.

Water goes in. Here. Goes through a membrane. Comes out purified this membrane. Is super small. See it here. There's these little holes in the membrane. Bacteria or anything larger than 0.0 0 0 5 nanometers.

I think that's nanometers.

It won't let that pass through. So it's. Literally. Filtering out larger debris and most things are large because they're. Chemicals or substances that have a larger shape.

And it lets the purified water come through and then an RO machine will put it through things like carbon filtration and UV and maybe other things. Point is. This is a very, very good way, affordable way. And. It's. You could have something in your home. You can buy RO filtered water. But again, you're going to spend money. But this is I think the best way to clean water. That is the most cost-effective. And I use the system myself, by the way.

This is the one that I use. It's made by Aqua TRU. It's the countertop now. First, I just have to say quickly.

I'm single. And I don't need tons and tons of water. This works. So perfect for my lifestyle. You may need more. You might need to buy a whole house, RO filter system. You need to make sure that whatever system you're buying, they can prove to you how it's filtered. That's really important. What does it filter?

Give me an analysis of how effective that RO system is. If you can get. 98%. Really good. I think you're doing well.

Either way. This is a super fantastic thing. I love this. It works really good. It is a proven product. Great reviews. The analysis is always right on. And I think for 360 bucks. You can't go wrong. Yeah, you're going to replace the filters. However long it is while you're consuming and how much water you're consuming, but there are affordable. Works really good. I'm not a big fan of adding the alkaline mineral boost filter to it because I want to add my own minerals.

They are not adding the minerals that I would like, we're going to get into that. But essentially this is a very good system and look at it. You have a borosilicate. Uh, carafe. What'd you do is you fill this with water from the tap. Yeah, you put it in the back of the machine. It filters the water. When it's done, it's left with wastewater back here, you pour that out.

You feel it again, pretty simple.

But I like the fact that it's not a plastic. carafe you want this? This is important because if you're not going to do the bottled water thing, what does that. You see, why is that bad? PFAS. Plastic, you don't want that. You're better off. With something like this and where you have control of how the water is stored. See how big it is.

It's not that bad. This is awesome. I love this thing. I am so happy that I purchased it. Fantastic. But this is my preferred way. And then I'll get into what you can do once the water is clean.

The next way you could do it. Is if you want, don't want to spend 360 bucks or more, if you want the biggest system. Is. Zero water. See this. Culigan makes it, this is a you legit product. I'm telling you right now, this thing works. Their filtration system is amazing. So, if you just want that pitcher on top of the counter to not take up a lot of space or throw it in a refrigerator. This is the, what you want right here. Any of these. Fantastic works great.

And I used to use this and the water is super clean, tasting. Very, very good analysis. Probably the best you can get. There might be one or two others on the market. But all those Britta and all that other pure one is they're garbage. They do not work like this does. You can test this water for the TDS.

That's the total dissolved solids. And you will find that this is better than anything else that you can buy. That's a fact. And by the way, I don't, I don't have an affiliate links for any of these people. This is just me telling you what I've seen over all my years of doing this stuff.

If you want something portable. You can get these filtering water bottles. So it doesn't matter where you're at and you can fill it with tap water at a. I don't care. Gas station. And then it filters the water for you. So you're not worrying about buying filtered water in. You know, You're walking into a. Uh, convenience store or whatever you're like, which is the best water here. And it's already in plastic. You go, Hey, do you have a faucet? Like get right there and you just fill it up.

And. Make your own water. Erik. This one you're talking about, this is GRAYL, it's $85. It's a filter and a water bottle. It's fantastic. I own this one. I own it in this color, but these are absolutely incredible. And the way that they work is insanely good. This is how it's done. You put the water in it. You press this through. And then it doesn't matter where you get your water from. And then.

Look at this. So the water gets pressed through it. It filters it. All of the junk is gone. You press it, it takes eight seconds to clean your water and you're done.

Then, if you wanted to add minerals after that, you just open your lid and add some minerals. This you can use literally anywhere. It doesn't even matter. You out in the. Wilderness or at your house? These are great.

It's a little bit looking like it's a survival product because technically it is.

But these literally clean. They cleaned so well.

You. You have clean water anywhere you want it. With a quality product. That. Is easy to use. It flows properly. I could go on and on. It's. It's awesome. All right. Let's got to move on. Okay. So. Let's say the, 📍 you know, hits the fan. There's one way that you can, uh, filter your water. That is amazing. I'm going to say a few things.

This YouTube. Right here, tiny house and off grid resources did a, uh, video on this where you use. And this is not just him. A lot of people do this. Uh, a terracotta pot. You know what those are, right. Is that. Orangy read type of. Plant pot. Well, that's a clay. And water passes through it so he can watch this video, but essentially you have a container. And then you put one of those in it. And you can make your own, it doesn't matter what it looks like.

You fill this with water. And it filters through. So you get to a point where. Uh, he pours the water in and then, uh, anyway. You can, you, you can watch the video. Water seeps through it and it basically cleans out everything. You just need to make sure that if you can get a terracotta pot, that is not really bad clay, like. You know, really, really bad.

Maybe even ask pottery places near you. If they'll make you one with really good quality clay. But the fact that that is a survival. That is a.

Really a serious. You know, hits the fan type of way to, to clean your water. Uh, love this. This is amazing and it's super cheap. But it works. That is genius. And by the way, cultures all around the world do this, especially in poor cultures. They can filter their water using terracotta clay.

It works.

All right. So now you're saying I got clean water, but Erik, I want like all the minerals that I'm missing from the spring. Well, here's one source that you can get that from. This is known as trace minerals research company. Amazing. Their product comes from Utah. It's. Uh, uh, underneath the salt lake, they get all their minerals.

From there. You can go to you, go to trace minerals research. I'm sorry. Trace minerals.com now. And get something like third trace mineral drops or they're 40,000 volts. They've proven that you can put, uh, uh, power and ground wire and light a light bulb using their product. That's how much energy it, uh, imparts to you.

Great stuff. You pick theirs. Five or six products they have, you can pick any of them and add those to your water. And of course, because they have different amounts of sodium potassium and magnesium chloride and stuff. You can pick whichever one that you want. For what you need for your health conditions or, you know, your sport or anything. But my favorite is, and what I use every single day.

I've spoken to this before is Dr. Cowans marine plasma seawater. Uh, it's made by Ibeza. I'm sure that's I Formentera.

But this is. This is insanely good. He he's made it even better. Price is good. Sometimes runs out because lots of people use this. So let me show you what this is.

Ibiza is a structured sea water. That's been structured and cold filtered by the ocean and plankton. This is Uh, structured a sea water. with molecular coherence. Improves. Your mineral absorption. Your hydration. it's done by the ocean.

And let me show you why this is amazing. Ready. So, this is really cool. See these plankton. So they take in these areas of the ocean that have lots of minerals. They're like, Zones within the water that just happened to have a lot of minerals. It's not everywhere is the same. You think it would be. These plankton take in. These minerals consume them.

And then. You know what? And. They end up creating a more rich and more. Available and absorbable form of minerals. So then you've got a situation. They, they see this and then the plankton come in and create this. Okay. So there are plankton blooms. What they ended up doing. Is creating a homeostatic blueprint. Watch this. These are. Minerals. Okay.

All right. Check this out.

Your intestines absorb this mineral plasma through passive diffusion. Because the organic minerals. From the ocean. We're pre digested by plankton. So you don't have to digest them. You just absorbed them. Just like that. Like, that's amazing. Phenomenal.

There's all kinds of stuff here. Tell you about it, but essentially let's just quickly hit this. Hypertonic.

When you take this in your mouth, it's immediately absorbed. Put into water immediately absorbed right through your, your, uh, mouth. Or through your digestive system. I so tonic means.

That you're the concentration in, this is the same as blood. Which is really important for that homeostasis balance. I was just talking about. That's amazing. What else do you know? That is isotonic, which is the same as your blood plasma. That's amazing. So yes, you're just like the ocean. And then it's also hypotonic, which means that when you add it to things like juice or water or anything else. It actually. Mineralizes that beverage. That's. So you have three. Ways of amplifying minerals in your body.

That's the closest you can get to your blood.

Is there a better product? I don't know. I don't think there is right now, that means somebody might know of it. If you want to take it to the next level. Haha. I spoke about this. A few times. There's such a thing called an Analemma wand. And Alema has something to do with the sun. I think it's the. Figure eight that the sun makes in its cycle.

Anyway. Check this out. It's a wand.

And in this glass specific crystal glass is a very specific water. That takes a very, like, I think it's a year or two to make this liquid in here and it imparts. Energy. Into anything you put this into.

So if you want a structure water, And make it more bioavailable. This will do that for you. Yes, it's proven. Here's some reviews from doctors. I don't know if they're paid or not. I highly doubt it. Here's some list of the things that it can do for you, which is everything from cellular systems to. You know, your gut and your brain and things like that.

But. They've done actual research, real clinical trial research. Significantly increases cellular energy through ATP like 20% after two months. Proven to increase the coherent water in the body. If you know anything about coherent water, this is really fun to know about.

Improves the gut microbiome by 16%.

Out of 88 of the 88% of the participants. Yes. And my favorite look at this. analemma water visibly impacts the brain. So here's the, before using structured water with this wand. And here's what the brain looks like after.

I'm sorry.

Is that. Not. Is that not something that you find. Intriguing. By the way these were done on twins.

They actually put money towards case studies. Clinical trials.

This is amazing. And they've also shown that they had positive changes that measured 17 out of 19% participants. That changed their biological age by 12 years.

After just three months of using this. They've got other products too. I own it. I will use it. All the time, no matter what. This is an amazing thing and no, I'm not an affiliate. I have no, I'm not selling anything.

There's one last way that you can impart energy into your water and make it better. And anybody can do this. I don't care what water you use. This is a really, really good thing to do. You can put it in a glass jar has to be glass. Or just in a glass like this, maybe put a cover on it. So you don't get dust and.

God knows what in there, but put water in the sun. Sun imparts energy into water. And when you do it through glass, it's even better. This will charge your water. It also structures your water. It's a little slower than the Analemma takes in a glass like this would take like 20 seconds. This going to take 20 minutes. This is a really good thing to do to your water. After all. That's what happens in rivers, in such. Well, Maybe this helped you. Understand that you can filter your own water, have control over that. And then put whatever minerals you want back in there. If you want minerals in there. I showed you some affordable things. And. Also gave you some science behind that also showed you that.

Yeah. There's a lot of contaminants in your water. It's not good for you. I didn't even get into how bad most of the. Bottled waters are and whether or not they're. Clean water or just tap water. I don't need to do that. That's been done so many times. This is a really important thing. This is the basis of what you should do for your life. So I would say spend some time. Looking at the things I just pointed out here. Change the water you drink.

It's very, very important. You can feel the difference. They have clinical trials 📍 on good quality water and what happens to the human body. I don't know what else more I can say. For a small episode. I could make this thing three hours. As always thank you for listening. Really appreciate everybody. If you have a topic, let me know. Otherwise. Yeah, let's see in a few days, take care of yourselves.

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About the Podcast

The Reality of Health
Health is a holistic concept impacted by lifestyle, habits, sleep, exercise, water, food, air, and toxins.
This is not your average health podcast. It is cutting edge info.
"I never know who to believe"
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About your host

Profile picture for Erik Muzzy

Erik Muzzy

I have been educating clients since 1992 on health and nutrition, studied numerous different areas of natural healing and wellness. Utilizing nutrition, diet, exercise, mind, body and spirit for ultimate health or just feeling better.