Episode 117

Published on:

9th Sep 2024

Ep. 117 - Quit Harming Your Breasts

The Reality of Breast Health: Myths, Misdiagnoses, and Natural Tips

In this episode, I delve into the realities of breast health, offering insights on uncommon causes of breast-related issues and practical advice on how to avoid them. I address misconceptions about breast cancer, the potential harm of frequent mammograms, and the importance of lymphatic drainage and structured water. I also discuss the impact of wearing bras on breast health, provide natural detoxification methods, and highlight the role of toxins in synthetic fabrics. Note: This is not medical advice, but my personal opinion based on years of teaching about health.

00:00 Introduction to Health Realities

00:22 Understanding Breast Cancer Misconceptions

02:46 The Role of Mammograms and Misdiagnosis

07:27 Importance of Structured Water in Tissues

10:54 Lymphatic System and Breast Health

14:08 Examining Bra Marks and Stagnation

14:53 Lymphatic Drainage Techniques

15:23 Benefits of Rebounding for Lymphatic Flow

16:19 Localized Breast Lymph Detox

18:53 Understanding Toxins in Bras

23:43 Health Benefits of Not Wearing a Bra

27:12 Concluding Thoughts on Personal Health


Welcome everyone. So the reality of health. Today, we're going to talk about something that I have always wanted. To share with all you ladies. And I guess this also. Is helpful for the men to understand because well, men have breast cancer too.

And I mean, as a human, everybody has all these different types of cancers, but. I'm not really going to get too much today into what is cancer.

I'm going to show you kind of some insights on to why it happens. If that's a better. I think that'll be a better way. We'll get into cancer later. That's a big topic and there's a lot of sensitivities around that. Today. I just want to give you some helpful advice on how to avoid those kinds of things. And maybe in a perspective you haven't really thought about.

First off.

Let me just say, uh, this is not medical advice. This is purely my opinion. I'm not here to diagnose or tell you what you should do with your health. I have spent. Most of my life, teaching people about their health. I'm not here to diagnose or treat you. Also. Uh, visually for those that are watching on video, I'm not going to show any nudity. Uh, the most you're going to see is the representations like drawings and computer generation and things like this. All right, let's go.

So first off, let's get a little bit of anatomy out of the way, because this is really important.

It. Is going to be helpful as we talk about. The subject further. First. I'm going to point out right away. See, all that beige, all that beige right there is fat. All this. In the middle here, the pinkish looks like fish sacks and or something like that. That's mostly the topic of what we're going to talk about is right there. All those white things you see around there.

Those are ligaments that hold everything together. And of course you have your. Rib cage in your pectoral muscle. And then you get into the body. Here's your lungs.

But I want to point out here is.

There's a lot of misconceptions on what causes breast cancer. Genetics and all kinds of nonsense. I'm going to show you some pretty basic regular stuff that people deal with every day. Things you don't normally think about.

All right. So the first thing they want you to do all the time is go get one of these. A mammogram.

I think this is. Only helpful. If you can find something wrong yourself or something, you don't know. You don't understand. Maybe you're like, okay. I, I don't like the way this feels, otherwise this is the last resort using this, all the time, like once a year. Is detrimental to any tissue in the body. Tissues.are R. Extremely complex in how their overall system works. And when you disrupt that homeostasis, that balance of the tissue from if you want to call it cells up to. Water. They're sensitive. And when you disrupt this, you get weird outcomes. This is sending. Radiation.

You see, we've got. I should actually showed this last, you know, last episode, but as you go further to the right and you get higher frequency radiation, Notice x-rays. Which is what they're using in the mammogram machine. Or your dental? Or any other thing you want to take a picture of on the inside of the body?

Look how close it is to the radioactive waste. This is a very basic drawing. This whole chart kind of is very basic. You get really in-depth and I would love to, but. I don't think anybody really cares. I think you just want a simplified. So this is. In this spectrum, not good for you. And.

It's if you know anything about radioactive waste, you don't want to be around that.

So I'm giving you the perspective. Of. If you want to put your private parts into something like this. And smash it. And then shoot electricity through EMFs in the form of x-rays through that. That's your choice, but.

We're going to get into some stuff. This is really detrimental. And I would never do this to myself. Ever. Whether I was a man who was having issues or a woman that's never going to happen.

So here's a top five MIS diagnosed cancers. This is the second reason why I don't believe in mammograms. Notice. The, on the low end. Let's call it on this chart. 8%. Up to let's call it twenty six, twenty 7%. Of a misdiagnosed breast cancer. Notice how they misdiagnosed prostate. Melanoma. Breast lung. And colorectal. I don't believe you need a rectal exam either.

You don't need that thing shoved up there. There's ways to know if you have issues and you don't have to do that.

But my point of this graphic and by the way, yes, this is a legit graphic.

If there. Up to 25, 26, 27%, misdiagnosed. Then what do you have? Maybe it's nothing at all. We have lumps and bumps in our body every day, all the time they come and go. Especially in sensitive tissues that, you know, you don't have a bone structure around a breast. So it's soft. You can feel all kinds of things in there. You ever feel in your armpit when you have a swollen lymph node? You can feel it like. I had one the other day for like three days, it was sore as heck. You can feel those can't feel inside your rib cage to see if there's something on your heart. But you can't on soft issue.

So then we freak out because it's really easy. To notice something.

So the first reason I think that. We're getting issues in the tissue. Is. By having not only. Electricity shot through it. On a regular basis. I might add,. But also through not enough movement. So, not only are you maybe not exercising as much as you should, or maybe you are exercising. But your. Your breast or your mammary gland?

I don't care if you're a guy or girl here. Can't move very much and you need flow in the body. And flow comes from structured water. And I'm going to get into this a little bit. This is very, very important. All your tissues have this on the surfaces.

Quickly. Here is easy water. Okay. First of all, left side, that is a tissue or let's see, inside your nerve or your heart anywhere. You've got negatively charged water up against that. That's called a exclusion zone or structured water. And then you have your bulk water on the outside. So CF positive, negative. Those can actually conduct electricity. You have positive and negative, you create a circuit. When you disrupt this in the tissues of your body. You're going to have things you're going to have issues.

Dead and dying tissue is the number one way.

You get a tumor. Body collects it. And then it can send. Your bacteria. Your yeast, your mold, your white blood cells. To go and eat it up. Which happens. Every day in your body, all over the place. And you'd never even know it. And soft tissue. You're going to see it more because you can feel it. And sometimes it's sore and you go, oh, there's something wrong there. We don't want to disrupt this.

This is what structured water looks like.

See the hexagons here and they all interconnect. All right. This is what regular water looks like. They're all over the place. Just. Bulk liquid. This is structured when you structure it. Here's kind of, this is the best photo I could get and blow it up. And have you still be able to see it? Okay here we have the hexagons. And then. All in these. Layers. So here's your material.

The material would be inside of your vein, for example. Then you have these layers. Of structured water. See this how they're layering their latticed. So, if you were to look straight onto this. You would just see this, if you look at it towards the, uh, sideways. You would see all the layers, like the way this is depicting that when you disrupt this, you get ill health. In lots of different ways your lymphatic drainage cannot work.

Like it's normally used to. Your blood circulation doesn't work like it used to. And when you break that down, Your circulation goes down. So your blood pressure has to go up in order to move it. See how it's all intertwined.

Here's an actual photo inside the tissue. Okay. Here's that easy? I just showed you.

Let's go back. Real quick. Here's this right here. That's the negative. And that would be Ray here. I see that. Here's your layers. I know it's tough to see, but remember water's clear. So it's hard to get photos of this stuff. So you're really just picking up sediment in here and minerals that are naturally occurring in your body. And here's your bulk water just wanted you to kind of see it's pretty cool looking, but that happens inside your body.

Disrupt this. You have issues and they misdiagnosis as, oh, it's a lump and therefore it's a real problem. And now you have cancer. You don't have cancer most of the time.

So, what do we do? This is the other thing we do. We'll wear a device in this case, it's a bra. For support. Or any number of reasons? And actuality, it's probably worn way too much. As pretty as it might be. Not necessarily this one, but any of them. They are very much unnecessary 24 hours a day on all the time of your life. It's not good.

So quickly. How the lymphatic system. Of the breast tissue, the mammary area. See these little circles. Those are your nodes. Those are a collection and, and spots where, uh, your blood circulation, your lymphatic meet. Help clear and, and transfer fluids and all kinds of fun stuff. But I want you to see how this, all this tissue leads back to the main areas of. Let's see how this one goes straight down into the body. These all come underneath and go into your arms. Your lymphatic system is connected everywhere.

This one's coming up, going into your neck.

If you don't have enough movement. Like the massage or walking or running, or just moving around where the tissue gets the flop around and whatever you don't get enough lymphatic movement. So think about a bra, it's just holding it there and there's, you might get a little bit of this where it's barely moving, but you're not getting enough movement. So therefore you get stagnation.

So not only do you get stagnation of the water and the water breaks down. But you also have lymphatic drainage that can't drain. So then you say, well, I have this feeling right in here and it seems like a lump, it's probably just a stagnated lymph vessel. It's not that big a deal. A little bit of massage. Maybe some heat on there.

I'm gonna show you other ways to get rid of it.

But I want you to see this is the easiest. Photo I could get to. The most clear, I should say that you can see how this works. All of this drains. You got to get all of this stuff out. And it has to go out into the main channels. And if you can't do that, It's going to stagnate and it's going to cause lumps. So then they say, oh, you got cancer.

When really you just have some lymphatic lumps. No big deal. Like you getting your armpit. Or the back of your knees, all kinds of places, you can feel them.

Oh, Erik. That's just, there's no way come on. They wouldn't, they wouldn't, it wouldn't be that easy. They wouldn't just automatically tell you.

Oh yeah, they, they do. Here's before and after of doing a lymphatic massage. So this is a, probably a woman.

All that heat. That's all stagnation. Of lymph. Okay. That's after. Almost none. Again, other side of her body. Almost none.

What does that line right there look like to you. To see that line. Hmm. How about this line right here? See that. It's on both sides. Hmm. It looks the same. Same with this one. I wonder. I wonder what that looks like with that. Maybe even if you can see it's faint. I know, but how about right there? See all this. Right there. Look at that direct line. Hmm. Could that be from a bra?

Uh, probably a sports bra in this circumstance. But yeah. Probably. So, what you did was you wore it. You have all the stagnation. And then after a massage. You moved it all out and look how more normal it should look.

Believe me if you want, but it's right there.

How do I get that drainage, Erik? Well, you got to drain the whole body too. You can't just drain areas in your chest. You have to drain your lower body. So you have main points, your main points are. In your neck here. And your clavicle area here. Under your arms. Your stomach area. I hadn't been here. The groin on either side. And then behind your knees, those are the main spots. And by doing something like. Uh, Smit a mini trampoline known as rebounding.

This is a fantastic way to get lymphatic moving. I use it myself every day. Many people do this. Matter of fact NASA said, it's the best exercise you can do. Period. I love it. These are from 40 bucks up to. Uh, 600 bucks, depending on what you want to spend.

I say, get a cheap one first. Then see what happens if you like it and you can use it and you really want a nice one. You can go up and buy something expensive. Regardless. This is the best way to move lymphatic flow. You want. Water and blood flow. You want lymphatic flow? The key to everything in your body is flow. And it starts with water.

Don't break up that structured water.

If you want to do something more localized. So let's say you're a woman and you have possible issues on a regular basis, or you wear a bra a lot. You know, They tell you, they teach you how to feel for lumps, but why not do that while you're also doing a detox? Uh, breast lymph detox, a massage that moves the lymph out in the right way. So you like you, you want to go a certain direction. Uh, everything just doesn't fly all over the place.

There's directions to stuff.

By doing this. Maybe the daily. But you don't have to go daily, just do it often. This. On a regular basis. Would pay. Massive. Dividends over the years. I mean, massive, not only. Would you. Get the lymph out. But toxins that build up would come out. Because you're moving physically moving them out. You are massaging the tissue in there. Including the ligaments and all the connective tissue.

So you're going to create better shape. You're going to have more sensitivity in the right ways.

You'll have. Probably zero circumstances of lumps because you're moving things. You're creating overall health in a very specific soft tissue that is known to have issues with too much or an abundance of estrogen or the bad forms of estrogen.

And if you're stagnant from lymph flow and you're stagnant from waterflow, or you're shooting electricity through that, and you're damaging tissues and you're ruining your structured water. This is one way to. Let's say mitigate that situation. Fantastic. And. If you have a partner. Have them do it. So you don't have to do it all time. You know, sometimes another person's touch. Can be even more beneficial, especially if their attitude is there.

Fantastic. And men, you could do this too.

This doesn't have to be just women. There's no, it's primarily the same thing.

This is another great way. To detoxify lumps and toxins and, and. Um, let's call it. Anything, that's not supposed to be there.

So there's two types of toxins you have in your body of water, soluble and fat soluble. And in the diagram again, I brought this up. the fat is where you get chemical toxin. Buildup. And then you're going to create tumors in there as well. So.

These beingcastor oilo packs, there are made by queen of Thrones.

The best you can get, period. And I'm not an affiliate.

Um, you can see they just go inside your bra. And they don't leak. They have a coating on the outside, the organic cotton. You could do castor oil packs. Right there. While you're sleeping or. Depending on what you're wearing all day. That will. Pull fat soluble toxins out of the tissue. And just because that they're circular, you could use them on other areas too.

It doesn't have to be only for that zone. But this is a great way. A very easy way. To detoxify toxins out of the fat tissues. And by the way, it's also going to pull water-soluble stuff out, just not as well as the lymphatic drainage lymphatic drainage is what you want for the water soluble toxins. But if you're quote cancer or your tumors are from toxicity. Then you got to clean it out and this is such a good way.

And then you mechanically do it. With, uh, Massage or. Or exercise or stop wearing your bra for a while. Et cetera, et cetera, anything to create flow and movement. You want the movement? It can't be stagnant.

if you know anything about my episode, I talk about toxins all the time. Well, that's because they're everywhere and you only get sick three different ways.

Trauma. Poisoning. And malnutrition.

So poisoning is. Probably. The quickest way you get sick. I mean, obviously trauma, you broke your arm. But it takes a while for malnourishment to kick in. But it doesn't take long. To get a hit of mercury and then be in the hospital the next day.

I find this extremely important. I've had. Episodes on toxins in and around your environment and one on your clothing. Cause you're wearing clothes and all these materials.

So you have four or five, probably more types of toxins in categories.

Everything. I hate, I hate doing this. Why do you need a flame retardant? In clothes. I am. So. Um, I'm bringing this up. Let me just hit it like this, bring this up because. You are putting. These chemicals from the materials that the bras made out of, right on your skin. Then you're sweating. You're reabsorbing.

Those chemical toxins from that because you stopped sweating. You're constantly have. Chemical irritants on your skin, which you absorb.

And if you look at. Pretty much every bra made. They're almost all synthetic. Yes, you can buy cotton based. You can buy wool based. You can buy some of these newers. These newer types. And by the way, This is becoming a thing now, toxins in bras and there's companies coming out with toxin free bras. That would be a very smart thing to do. But everything from flame retardants to PFAS, lead, chromium, phthalates, bleach, aZO dyes, VOC is these are hormone disruptors, skin irritants. Carcinogens. This is not good. This is right on tissue.

Like. Your nipple. That's not a good thing. That's a very, very sensitive place with lots of nerve endings, right there. That's not good.

Here's a list. Synthetic ingredients in fabrics. Yeah, those are 32 of the ones they, they just listing here. There's more than this. But none of these. Are good for your skin. None of them. All caused side effects of your, on your skin and underneath your skin. They're all, mostly plastic based. Which plastic mimics estrogen and therefore you get estrogen situations. So, yes. The fibers that they make them out of matter.

So I just did a dumb search of benefits of not wearing a bra and. It came up with. No. 12 or whatever. I wanted to point out just a couple of these. Better circulation. That would do just about everything we're talking about in this episode, you want the flow without the flow, you get sick there. You'll have less pain. Improving your shape. When you're constantly holding it up. The connected tissue can't do their thing, which is to pull on it and hold them in place.

So you end up losing shape. If you don't know how to buy a bra properly. Because I guarantee you. Erik, you shouldn't say this because you don't know. I do know. I know about this subject.

Let me put a number on it. I'll bet you 50% of the women. Do not know how to buy a bra properly. And then when they do go and get a bra that's properly built for them and shaped for them. They all say the same thing. That's amazing. I feel so good. That bra can actually misshapen your whole upper body.

It can cause stress on everything underneath it. There's a lot going on there. You're basically putting a harness. And holding your, your whole upper body. And, and the larger your breasts are, you're going to have more of that. So if you don't. Have it. Properly fitted. You're going to, you're going to notice it.

You're going to have all kinds of problems. Lots of women. When they finally find this out, they're like, I didn't know that her specialty people that. Fit me properly. Yeah. And it's not Victoria's secret by the way.

Better breast skin health. Improved overall breast health. They don't sag. Helps you relax. This one's interesting. Your nipples get better. You know what that means actually. It actually means that. You're not irritating them all the time. And then they go from, can be pointing down to pointing straight out again. Because the connective tissue, the ligaments start doing their job, pulling up and holding up rather than sagging. And there's a bunch of other things you can, you can see here. I just wanted to. Throw this one out there that I don't think you should shoot electricity. Through one of the most sensitive areas of your body.

I certainly wouldn't do it too. You know,

Things that are exterior of my body. And.

If you don't get enough flow because. You're wearing a harness that holds the movement, then you're going to get stagnation. You're getting toxins from the materials. And overall. Those are just three things. I'm not even getting into your diet and toxins that way. Oh, maybe this is helpful. This is one of those topics that really bothers me. And. You hear so much about it and they're misdiagnosing it all the time and doing surgeries and. Biopsies. and. then after that, it makes it worse and it metastasizes because you messed around with it rather than empowering the body to fix itself, which it will. This is a. Circulation of flow situation. And. These are three basic things. Okay. Well, I think that's it for today. I hope you found this. somewhat enlightening. If you like these kinds of topics about more. You know, personal health. Let me know. It's the thing that nobody wants to talk about. You know, men don't want to talk about their personal issues.

Women don't want to talk about their personal issues, so they never get informed on 📍 what it could be or how they got it or how to fix it. Thank you for listening as usual. Appreciate all of you. Take care of yourselves. 📍

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About the Podcast

The Reality of Health
Health is a holistic concept impacted by lifestyle, habits, sleep, exercise, water, food, air, and toxins.
This is not your average health podcast. It is cutting edge info.
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About your host

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Erik Muzzy

I have been educating clients since 1992 on health and nutrition, studied numerous different areas of natural healing and wellness. Utilizing nutrition, diet, exercise, mind, body and spirit for ultimate health or just feeling better.