Episode 22

Published on:

4th Oct 2023

Ep. 22 - Illegal food! and also a rant...

This episode I get fired up! But first I tell you about how the world sees our food we consume here in the US.

We think our government is concerned with what we buy with our hard earned money. Well they don't...if they cared they would have stricter standards on the foods that most US citizens consume.

I list and delve into the brand names, exposing them with the reasons why they are unhealthy and why the other countries ban them.

Hopefully in an informative way...but then I have to rant a bit. If you know me, you know I have to bring you the reality of the food supply in America. Now...this isn't exhaustive but at least will get you thinking about what you're eating.

I hope you enjoy this episode and I hope you learned the reality of health!




Erik: Welcome friends to another episode that is going to be a little bit disturbing. It's going to be informational too. So don't worry. I'm not going to freak you out too much.

This one's gonna hit home probably for a lot of you. I'm going to say things that are going to be very controversial. But they're true.

I'm going to go through this kind of quickly going to list a bunch of. Names and companies and things to watch out for in your daily life.

Couple of stories. Some issues to think about things, to worry about things, to not worry about.

t you can eat and consume in [:

Because they're criminal. Bad food. . Go to your room.

You see there's foods that our FDA will allow you to eat. But other countries, health services will not allow people to eat. B because of good reasons or bad reasons. Well, let's explore it.

So let's start with the number one reason why our food. Here many foods. This is not all food. This is just some of the foods you've heard of.

That are banned.

Not all food is banned, but these things I'm going to go through are.

The number one reason is antibiotics. FDA actually claims that 80% of antibiotics are used in agriculture.

cs. I know you've heard this [:

You have bacteria in and on you, the animals have as well. So if they have symptoms, And then those veterinarians want to give those animals. Medicines to get rid of. That bacteria that might cause diarrhea or rashes or itching or any of these other kinds of things, they'll put that. Into their body or into their food.

Those antibiotics. Create resistant. Bacteria. And then when we're.

Exposed to those foods. We then take on that antibiotic. So essentially. You're medicating yourself with antibiotics. Almost every single day. If you're consuming foods with antibiotics in them.

These bacteria. That we're talking about that are becoming resistant this is medical profession, literature.

These bacteria kill over 20,000 people a year.

million [:

They put on weight faster with the use of antibiotics. Hmm. That's interesting. Isn't it? If they gain weight from antibiotics. Do we also gain weight from antibiotics. I'm asking. Is that why it's really hard to lose weight.

Well, let's explore it. If antibiotics destroy the good bacteria, as well as the bad bacteria in your body.

ponsible? For you not losing [:

They helped keep the bad bacteria in check. Then you eat a lot of sugar and carbohydrates. You're going to gain weight.

Factory farm chicken for example are growing so fast. The organs and bones can't keep up. Yeah. They have large breasts and thighs and legs.

Um, Moving on for meat. But the rest of their body is small. So they can only take a few steps or just sit around because they can't move well.

ates. Why. Why can't we have [:

Chicken used to be. Much more costly back in like 1900 to like 1940 range. Chicken now is super cheap. Because they can grow them fast and everybody's eating it. It's the number one meat in America. Obviously. We'll get into that too.

So commercially raised non-organic chicken is a huge source of estrogen.

You're not eating just a chicken. You're eating the female chicken. How do you make female chickens grow? Well, apparently antibiotics are showing that they're growing faster and the other one is estrogen. Can anybody who's on estrogen or.

ome people a little more, but:

And what do you [00:06:00] do?

So, how does this apply to eggs then? If it doesn't say organic and pasture raised. Don't eat it. Just skip those eggs all together. If you can't get him. Then don't buy the cheap crap.

Cheap. Eggs. Non organic pasture-raised eggs are not healthy. If it's all you can afford, if that's all you can get still better. Than so many other foods we're going to talk about still better. But if you're really striving for that healthy response in your body,

that healthy.

Day-to-day good sleep.

nt dense than if it's a poor [:

So the cleaner, the egg. The better quality food. It is.

Because of world war one and world war two. They were. Prioritizing the beef and the pork to the soldiers. Because they were considered. Check this out. They considered it better meet.

Okay, I'm sorry. What do you mean by better meet? Are you saying that. Beef and pork is better than chicken and Turkey. That's interesting. Isn't it? Well, I'd say. Yeah. They are.

Japanese. Up until world war II.

were forced to live on other [:

Into their diet.

Beef around the whole world is consumed except India. In Pakistan. I think Pakistan doesn't matter.

Beef has priced. Buffalo is so prized that in America it's illegal to even do anything to them other than just let them graze on grass.

Just leave them alone, let them do what they do. They make perfectly good meat. Really awesome meat. And you don't have to do anything. Just let them eat the grass. And then slaughter and there you go. Awesome food.

So why is meat as beef, which is a ruminant animal or pork? Which is properly raised. Why is it better than chicken and Turkey? Cause foul is not as good as grass eating. Or.

t. You can throw scraps from [:

We started eating more chicken because. It was less important for the soldier. So man, there you go. The chicken boom happened for the rest of us. 'cause, you know, we're not as important as the soldiers are in war. So we.

cken and other forms of meat [:

So forever.

Up until:

Many chicken farmers. Used. Wow. I can't believe I have to say this word. I don't want to use this word, but Pfizer.

Pfizer made a.

Antibiotic type killer of pathogens called Roxas sewn, R O X a S O N E. It kills parasites. Guess what? It also then increase the production of meat, not just because animals didn't die, but it has other effects in the body. So the animal would grow more meat. The by-product.

tting tons of arsenic. Up to [:

When they found this out, they banned it. Like long ago, but. In our infinite wisdom in America, it was fine until 2011.

Who do you think may have used this product? While becoming the largest chicken producer in America. Could it be Tyson foods. Tyson's terrible.

ff you're gonna have to hold [:

Other than Nestle though. There's another one. That's really bad. That's Monsanto. Oops. He owns most of the seeds. Of course, they're GMO. And you can't grow those without using their pesticide, which is glyphosate. So you ended up with GMO food. And then Nestle takes all of that food that. Monsanto makes as ingredients and puts them together to make food you consume in packages.

Erik: Nestle decided that they were going to take advantage of. Small villages in Pakistan.

They took their clean drinking water. That the whole villages would use. I mean, actual, real clean drinking water. They stole it. Packaged it in bottles and sold it as Nestle's pure life. Water. Yeah, the stuff you see in our stores, they did the same to them. They did this to them.

But guess what?

pay for the water. They then [:

And then the bottles that Nestle used were not certified to meet health standards, they're full of plastics and stuff. Yeah, that's Nestle. Oh, it gets better.

Nestle also.

Created a baby formula. For people in India and other countries.

They would give this. Baby formula free to people. But the cans were just big enough. That they ran out quickly and would have to come back to Nestle to get more samples eventually. Over a longer period of time. They weren't using breast milk. It was easier just to make this. Baby formula for the baby. Guess what it did to the babies. I'll leave that one up to your imagination. It's horrific.

es. They hurt. Of course not [:

Wow. There's so much to say there.

Here's a quick one for you. Avocados.

So avocados are unique because. There are a commodity aren't they. Americans love their avocados now. Who doesn't love an awesome guacamole. I mean, seriously. I don't even eat plants anymore, but. It's one of the few things I miss is a really awesome. guacamole by the way, quick tip guacamole. If you're into this and you still eat it. Ad. Or make Jeevan better to make your own ranch dressing seasoning. Add it to your guacamole. Boom. That's a winner.

e a big business. They're so [:

They make more money off of avocados than they do even marijuana. That's crazy. So then. The farmers got together and created avocado militia. I'm serious. I'm not even kidding. They've created their own militia to protect themselves from the cartels that came in and stole all their avocados and then sold it to American companies to feed everybody in California for their toast. Really I'm not even kidding.

l entity involved. It's just [:

Kraft is another one of those companies. That's just. Absolutely evil. You can go to Kraft's website, see all of the companies they own and all the foods that you consume on a regular basis that you probably shouldn't be.

But Nestle definitely takes it for. As far as food goes, the worst food company on the planet. And I'm going to hammer it. So I'm sorry. Bear with me, if you want to fast forward, you can. But I think this is really important.

I'm going to list everything Nestle's involved in. And then you can make your decision whether or not you can .

e. That's for sure. They have:

That they're [00:17:00] owned by Nestle.

And when I say Nestle is evil, I can't stress it enough. Lawsuits galore. Countries that have sued them. They are evil. And by the way, most everything you own.

Everything you buy. There's about 10 companies that make everything in Nestle as one of the 10. All right. Strap in your ready here. It goes. Here's the main ones on just going to go quick, not going to spend a lot of time.


Yeah. You know that food that you feed your babies when they're teething and you want to get them started on solid food. Well guess what? Never ever give babies. Cheerio's. First of all they're tasteless. Why would you want to eat Cheerios without milk? Wow. Coffee mate. Hydrogenated fat sugar.

That'll blow your mind. Does [:

Do I need to see anything more Essentia. It's not even that. Great. Anyway. All kinds of dog food, cat food brands. They have a whole ton of them. So a company that's making cat food, dog food is also making food for you. That's interesting. This one hurts a lot. For being in the natural health industry, if you know who garden of life is, they make a bunch of natural supplements. They're now owned by Nestle. So I will never, ever. Purchase anything from that company ever again? Gerber. Yes, Gerber is. Absolutely terrible food for your child. Never, ever give babies anything that's created by Gerber. Even if it says it's natural or organic or any of that kind of stuff. Don't even support Nestle, but I guarantee the product isn't as good as you might think. Haagen Dazs ice cream [00:19:00] really seriously. Hot pockets. Well, All you gamers. I just ruined your world the night. If you care about eating healthy. They probably don't but there you go. Hot pockets. Terrible.

Kit Kat.

I'm not a big fan of those, but there it is. Lean cuisine gross. Lean cuisine is terrible. There's nothing lean about it.

Nespresso and Nescafe.

Pure life water. That's their brand. That's their main Nestle brand is nothing pure about it. Perrier. Oh. San Pellegrino. Oh, you see this. Shredded wheat. Who knew. This one hurts a lot.

For those of you that love Starbucks coffee. Which if you remember, in my past episode, Starbucks really isn't even coffee.

Erik: Starbucks coffee at [:

Stauffer's wait a minute. Starbucks at home. Hmm. Starbucks and Nestle. Interesting. Stauffer's toll house cookies.

s interesting. Golden Graham [:


up it's going

Erik: to be a golden grahams day!

Part of the complete breakfast. That's enough of that.

Erik: Really loved that stuff. When I was a child now I feel terrible for eating it.

This one's going to blow your mind. Fragrances as in perfume and cologne. They own. Ralph Lauren. Yves Saint Laurent. Armani and diesel.

Cologne and perfume. Uh, huh. See, the world is weirder than, you know,

And the one that hurts the most.

pany. I have. Experience and [:

Vital. Collagen. You know, the little tub of collagen. That's called vital. Brand. Yeah. They own that too.

Moving on.

Here's the branded foods. That are actually illegal in countries, but our legal here. Are you ready?

I'm going to go through these a little bit quickly, but also describe some of them fruit loops. I think that's pretty obvious. Don't you? Do fruit loops look at all like fruit or resemble or taste like fruit. And fruit is not in a loop. So there's that. But you can just, no.

Nothing in nature is colored like that. So it's basically just. Carbs. And sugar. And food dyes.

That's not food.

How about this one? Mountain Dew.


Basically. Bromine

it's used as flame-retardant. In everything from clothing to. Things in your home and things in commercial.

Buildings and such.

Obviously firemen have it on their suits and that kind of thing. So why is it. In your beverage. And did mountain Dew have it when they first started? I doubt it. I doubt it.

r one that is band punk. And [:

Now here's the thing.

When it's banned in China. You know, That that's not good for you.

China doesn't ban bread. From America, unless it's really bad. I mean, they have no standards for anything in their atmosphere, in their water supply and all that kind of stuff, but, oh my God. Bread from America. Oh no. That right there. Can't have it banned illegal. It's so terrible for your health. We can't have it, but we can pollute the world. So, okay.

it's brominated wheat flour. [:

Okay. Leah think really? Chez itz. You just go. Yeah, they come in multiple flavors. You look at it and go, they're delicious. Yeah. Well, they're also so unhealthy because they're caused cancer. And countries and. Health agencies of these countries? No, it. So they say no. But America. It's okay.

American pork is also banned. ,

Too many additives into the animal. They add these things to increase the weight. And the country's abandoned. So if you're buying. Pork. For your home. Which is awesome. I don't have a problem with people eating pork. You don't need it every meal, but I mean, you can have it as part of your food. It's it's a fine meat. But you really should be consuming pasture raised. As much as you can. It's not that hard to find. Matter of fact.

If you go to some of your.


Otherwise you can order online. I order. My meat online from somebody that I trust.

It's fantastic. And I know exactly what I'm getting every time. He always comes perfectly intact. Totally frozen. Excellent.

posed to be eating. Titanium [:

Titanium dioxide is also one of the main ingredients in sunscreen. Would you eat sunscreen? I don't think so.

Erik: Apparently many countries don't want our dairy. Can you blame them? Because we had so many hormones. So the hormone. Controversy in the early nineties. .

nce and said, wait a minute. [:

They even ban American chicken. Did you know that. Did you know, That so many countries will not accept our chicken. Because. Chicken is factory farmed mostly.

o they use tons of chlorine. [:

They do the same thing with us packaged beef. They say, no. American beef? No, we don't want it. It's terrible. You do a bunch of weird things. We don't want.

And then coffee mate. Is weird. Right. It's got sugar, corn syrup. Hydrogenated fats. It's about one of the most. Unnatural things that you could possibly consume. I mean, just. Do heavy cream or half and half. Or butter even. Why do you have to use. Coffee mate, in your coffee. It's disgusting.

Middle Eastern countries have banned it.

this stuff is nasty. No, we [:

Go figure. That countries would ban Twinkies. I mean, what's wrong with Twinkies. I can think of many things wrong with Twinkies. Twinkies or basically coffee mate in a solid form. If you really think about it, if you bought vanilla. Coffee mate, and tasted that. And then you ate like a bited Twinkie. It's pretty much the same thing, right? I mean. Am I stretching? I don't think so.

Twinkies have. Current syrup, sugar. Tons of trans fats, all the hydrogenated oils. Brominated wheat flour.

'll love this. And we're all [:

2% of you listening might say. Nope, never did it. My parents never gave it to me. Well, guess what? Most of us, if you're an American. Most of us grew up with this. You might even still do it to this day because. It's comfort food. Are you ready?

Boxed. Macaroni and cheese. Oh, yeah. That stuff. Did you know, that countries ban it. Because it's nowhere near a natural food because of the cheese we put in it. Isn't. Geez. And of course the pastas made with brominated wheat flour. So basically you have. Uh, chemical mess, trying to replicate some form of macaroni and cheese. Horrible.

Kellogg's products are also banned. Pretty much all their cereals.

Please don't feed. Your child cereal. Especially ones that are colored. Especially ones that try and replicate something in nature.

But [:

Let me say it like this. Boys wouldn't, uh, take care of themselves. Because he was a vegan. Or vegetarian can't remember which one? He said that. Boys take care of themselves. And one way to lower, that would be to not consume meat. So if he made a grain cereal for breakfast, instead of eating animal foods, That the boys wouldn't. Um,

Well, you know what I mean?

really food? Does that look [:

That's just grape nuts. If you remember that cereal. You're just chewing and you're chilling and you're nonstop. Chewing. And then you're like, man, if I just had something sweeter in here to make this more enjoyable, why am I chewing these little tiny rocks? Forever.[00:35:00] And then they added John Denver

Erik: to make you think that well in Colorado, when you're in the mountains, you have.

Grape nuts that this is healthy and you're attached to nature, and this is how it should be. The meanwhile, char ching cha ching. Kellogg's and post and all these brands Nestle. They all make so much money off of you on this kind of stuff. And they did me too. No longer. I'm smart enough now. Never do those things any longer. Of course I haven't done it for, I don't even know countless years, but. Fact is. They got ya. They got you. Good. All the marketing and ads and campaign. Moving on.


h, can we say it's terrible. [:

If you remember when you were a child.

Up till. Last week. You may have used. Stovetop stuffing.

Stove top stuffing. Right in the box, easy to do. I thought it was a little bit. Celery forward, but. Still top stuffing, easy to make. Lots of holidays. Easier to do the box than it is to make it homemade. Homemade is a thousand times better. But we're lazy as humans.

g is actually banned in many [:

We always hear how GMO foods, there's nothing wrong with them. Or just fine. .

That's just a conspiracy theory, Erik GMO just fine, nothing wrong with that. Oh, yeah. If that's true, then how come the European union has banned all GMO foods.

Even fruits, like apples.

Because not only are they GMO, but they contain DPA.

carcinogenic. It's used to keep fruit. From turning brown. Really. How about. Don't put so many apples. In the grocery store to make them last a long time. How about put. Some apples out there. Keep the rest of the cooler. And then just rotate them more often so that they don't turn brown. Or how about donate fruit at all? Because it's just candy. There's that I did say that.

e most foods that contain. A.[:

It's in just about everything that's packaged. But especially in our beloved potato chips, Doritos.

Any chip in a bag. Cookies, all this kind of stuff. And. I hate even saying it. Because, you know, even though I'm a health guy, you know, There's times in my life that I really did like regular foods that were unhealthy.

And one of them. That was a personal favorite word Cheetos. Yeah, Chez itz Cheetos. Come on, man. Who doesn't love those? Guess what. BHA B H T. It's dangerous enough that countries have banned it.

Governments do a whole bunch of stuff for themselves and never for us. So when a country steps up and says, you shouldn't eat this, this is really, really bad. You should probably listen.

e foods and then most of the [:

One that I find super funny is actually special. K cereal.

It's. Think about it.

It's specially banned. That cereal is a specially banned. In many countries.

im that special K is kind of [:

One that is. Shall we say. Disgusting. And. I will never consume it Alessa. It's the last thing that I can have. Is farmed fish. Especially salmon. These countries? No. That farm salmon is horrendous. First of all farm salmon is not red. They have to artificially dye the food that they eat. Red in order to make the flesh look red. So you're eating gray. Salmon. But when you get. Wild caught. Salmon. It's bright red that comes from the food that they eat. See how this works.

rominated wheat flour. To the[:

Don't even look up. Chicken nugget. Photos. Online. That that'll freak you out a little bit. A little bit more on cereals, but like frosted flakes, lucky charms. Ivory anything that's colored. For cereals is banned. But I mean, frosted flakes. Because those are cornflakes with sugar on them. Which we just talked about lucky charms. There's nothing lucky about, and there's nothing Irish about him. Ireland bans. Lucky charms.

What's the irony.

And then there's.

interesting to think about. [:

The sugar content. Of course it's banned in a lot of places because it's terrible. And the one that is a little bit American that you might think that's really, that one is banned. Jello. Oh, yeah. Band Y. But because jellos clear. Real Jell-O would be clear. Okay.

jello. How has it read? The [:

There's you don't go. Oh, look at that. A strawberry milk cow. Nestle's. Strawberry milk that comes from the strawberry cow. And then, wow. I can make Jell-O from. The cartilage from that animal and look, . It tastes like strawberry as well. Nope, that doesn't happen. That's just, that's not right. Okay.

There's no such thing as a strawberry cow. So, how do you get strawberry gelatin? When the gelatin comes from the cow? You don't so it's artificial. Countries say no.

d in many countries because. [:

Drumstick ice cream, you know that little. Cone that you get in the freezer. It's got the little vental ice cream in it and got the chocolate coating on it. A little bit of nuts on it. Yeah, the drumstick. That's Nestle. Band. All of Nestle's ice cream is banned almost everywhere because it's horrible. And first of all, Nestle's ice cream, all the brands they have other than Haagen-Dazs is terrible. It all tastes fake.

versions of pop tarts. That. [:

Going to Germany and Austria and south America and all these places that have things like sausages and. And meet inside of intestines. You know, they're not banned. Why do they ban American sausages and links? Oh, that was because we do a lot of terrible things to them.

Check this one. Hungry Jack's brand instant mashed potatoes.

Really. Mashed potatoes are banned. Instant. They're just dehydrated right there. Instant. Oh, yeah. There's a chemical in there. That's carcinogenic. A hundred percent. It's one of the preservatives. Country said, uh, no. It causes cancer.

lot of these. Band. The main [:

Let's discuss the dyes.

And you should know this. If you care about health whatsoever.

It's one of those areas where people say, oh, you're just reaching. Dies they're in everything. It's not a big deal. Oh, yeah. Well guess what a lot of research on that stuff. And if you think the companies that make the dyes don't know of all the side effects. Let me tell you they have lawyers. People Sue companies all the time for.

Dangerous substances and being.

Hurt by these foods.

The number one die.

And I'll hit just quickly before we get into the dies. It's not just dies. There's all kinds of chemicals in the food. There's tons of hormones. There's drugs. I don't mean. Recreational drugs.

this food quote food, right. [:

Yolo number five. Pickles. Right. You would think. Pickles. Really pickles. Yes. They add. Not everybody, many of them add yellow to it. Because pickles that look. Kind of faded, not great. Like the natural brands. They don't look all that appetizing, but then you pick up the Heinz pickles and that. Cucumbers, got a little bit of yellow attached to it and you're like, whoa, that looks totally normal to me. When an [00:48:00] actuality is not normal. But you perceive it as, oh, that looks like. What I'm supposed to have.

don't care. What color it is.[:

Why do you need yellow in your toothpaste? Or your mouthwash. Or your deodorant or anything that they put? Yes. They put it in all those things, by the way. Y you need it in any of that stuff. You don't. Why is it in medicine? So that when you look at that liquid or whatever, that tablet and you go, oh, I don't want to take that. Oh, look, it's yellow or it's colored in such a way that you say that doesn't look that bad. You take it.

They don't care about you.

And here's what happens when you get that stuff in your body?

Yellow. Actually affects gut bacteria.

And then it makes a compound called.

Sulfanillic acid. Which. There are researchers propose may be carcinogenic.

They know what it does. It's [:

Hives. Asthma. Allergic reactions. Irritability. Restlessness. And sleep disturbances.

It's immunosuppressive to human white blood cells and causes DNA damage. Really. So.

a menopausal drug. It causes [:

So here you are. 50 years old. All right, got to go on Premarin. And then you love your lemon lime Gatorade, and you're like, wow. That's weird. Started. To get asthma recently. Oh, when did you start? Drinking Gatorade. Wow. You know, About a year ago when I started working out a lot, cause I was getting older. I want to lose weight.

Because I went on Premarin and I gained 25 pounds. So I started working on a lot and I was told, no, you should have Gatorade to replenish. And now I have asthma. Sounds like you shouldn't have gone on Premarin and definitely not had Gatorade. Right.

Side note. I'm recording this episode. Today, which is.

National podcast day. Isn't that funny.

My mom just texted me and said it's national podcast day. And I said, that's crazy. Cause I'm. Actually recording an episode right now.

All right back to it.

And then we have red number 40. The infamous red dye, number 40.

Many of the same [:

It doesn't make any sense.

Read 40 is no joke.

It causes all kinds of problems. Hyperactivity. That's ADHD by the way. And add. Behavioral changes like irritability and depression.

atery eyes. Skin irritation, [:

I don't know what else to say.

You know, you try and. Take something because you don't feel well. And it's got red 40 in it. You sit down to watch a movie on a Friday night. You just want to have some little comfort food. And you're like what? I can't have my. Swiss rolls. Cause it's got red 40 in it. Yeah, sorry. It's got red 40 in it. And you wonder why your eyes start watering when you're eating it. Or you got a migraine headache because you started eating it. It was the Uh, other stuff.

Let me just say right now. If you can't tell. That this hits home for me. And I'm a little bit on a rant.

I'm sorry. I'm ranting.

ar of these kinds of things. [:

Because I knew they were bad back in 1989. And it hurts me to see you guys. Consume these things, you just want something that's tasty. You're not really thinking all that much about it. And then years later, You're hit with some pretty serious problems like cancer. Maybe. You've never had read 40 because you lived in a country. You couldn't have that. And you come to America. You eat something. Our later full-blown migraine. Dizziness. And you start. Vomiting. And you're like, really? What was that from? The food you had because it had a stupid die in it. Nobody cares about.

Sometimes I get on a rant and this is one of those. Because it's so important.

I can't not. Have a sense of.

Disdain. For the food industry.

So I apologize.

The reason I said that was because I learned today.

re trying to put vaccines in [:

Leafy greens, soybeans corn. In order to stop animals that consume that kind of stuff from having any kind of minor issue. Diarrhea. ,

Skinny rotations, these kinds of things.

And then also.

For us to get our vaccinations through meat and vegetation.

So to give animals.

Food that's laced with vaccines. In order to give it to them. And also give it to us. What could go wrong?

I mean, why not? They've tainted everything else in our life. Why not taint that?

I'm disturbed by this. And you should be too.

If you don't want a vaccine. Why do you need to have it in your food? If you don't want.

Side effects from pharmaceutical drugs. Why is it in our food? Shouldn't food. Just be food. And if I want a vaccine isle. Go and get the vaccine. Why are you putting in the food? Now you're destroying the animals. You're destroying the vegetation.

destroying the natural order [:

For profit.

And to vaccinate humans because people don't want them. They don't want them. Most people don't want vaccinations. They know what they are.

Just about all of the natural things that humans have tried to mess with. They've ruined, they've made them worse. What is natural that they have got their hands into that. It's now better. Would you say that you would rather live. On a farm. That science has gotten involved with. Restructured everything. To be not natural. Or would you rather be. On a continent where everything is 100% natural. No humans have messed with it. I know where I would want to be. But our food supply. Is now being tainted.

There are congressmen right now that are trying to stop it.

seeing. The pollen come from [:

It's just a huge topic. So we're going to move on.

They should just. Leave our food alone. And let us do the regenerative farming. Sustainable farms. Or you should grow your own food as much as possible. And by local, this kind of thing that you have control over.

You should be reading labels. Or just buy food with no label at all.

that. Is just their effort. [:

Alpha. tocopherol

sometimes it's D dash alpha or D L dash alpha, D L is the synthetic form. The rotation. Is counter-clockwise. So it's synthetic. Your body can't absorb it. I digress. Just because it's a chemical name doesn't mean it's bad for you. You need to know what your chemical names are. And when you're sitting there in the grocery store, that's what your phones for. . That's what your little internet search button does. What's this word? Oh, look at that. That's just a mineral. You're fine.

it's shipped. To the grocery [:

That's expensive by the way. So when people say I couldn't eat organic, it's too expensive. Well, what are you buying then? Junk food, processed food. Is it actually food? No, it isn't. So you just spent money on something that doesn't nourish you. At all. You would be better to eat less and buy real food.

Meat is the best.

Your body consumes all of it. Other foods just pass through you most of the time.

Meanwhile doing damage to your digestive system and all the tissues of your body, because it's not food. You're not buying real food. What is food? What are you buying? Funny how people say you shouldn't eat meat or animal products because they are bad for you.

Are also the ones eating total garbage non-food. By the way.

ill see that. There's almost [:

I said this in an earlier podcast, but 30% of what you deprecate is actually your microbiome die off. So all the critters that died off you just duplicated them. Well, when you're on a diet, that's mostly animal foods. Or pure animal foods.

Your dedication is almost nothing. How is that possible? If somebody sits down and eats. Massive quantities of animal foods. And has very, very small bowel movements. Where did it all go?

Oh, I can tell you where it all went into the human body. You sit down and eat a whole bunch of vegetables. How much are you going to defecate? We all know what that answer is a lot with a lot of gas. So, what are you absorbing?

So back to this concept. Of.

ouldn't eat foods like that. [:

If I see an animal or animal foods.

I see animals in animal foods as real food.

They see fast food, packaged foods, processed foods. Things in boxes and bags and containers with marketing on them to get you to buy them. They see that as food. They say I will get a disease by eating animal foods yet. They're eating the worst stuff you can put in your body.

You have to consider. What you are eating, first of all, it's flavor. I want tasty. Goodness. And. When you eat Doritos, You know Doritos aren't natural. That is a synthetic flavor profile. Probably not good for you. When I eat. Uh, hamburger. I'm like, whoa, this tastes good. And I know it's real. Just saying.

But real food.

xes and containers. It's all [:

Decide whether or not you're going to buy hamburger. You just go, oh, there's a hamburger. I buy it. They don't have to disguise it. And put. Colorful labels on it. Not you're just like, yep. There's beef. I'm going to buy it. Oh, there's chicken breasts. I'll take it. Oh, look. Eggs. Jeez. It's so easy.

Then it, when it comes to things like. Fluids.

problems. You don't need the [:

But you take Tylenol and they say, yep. You could have liver issues, internal bleeding. What in the world? I

remember. Everything you put in and on your body becomes you.

You feed your cells and structures with what you eat and you use. So non-natural stuff doesn't make you healthy. It causes dis ease. That's where the word disease comes from. It's dis ease.

w about we rubbed some toxic [:

If you look at your deodorant label. You're moisturizing label your lip balm. Your shampoo, your soap. All of these things. Your food labels. You wouldn't give those to a baby. Why would you.

Consume or use those.

Boy, you can tell I'm worked up can't you.

But somehow. They're fine for you as an adult to use and consume. I'm just saying. I'm guilty of this too. I had done this throughout my life.

help you get to this point. [:

There are so many things you can do in your life that are healthy and get rid of all the garbage. You don't need all these products. All of these products are sold to you. All the food's down the Isles. Are sold to you. Those are labels. If you went down the aisle and you said, I need ketchup. And you saw. 30 brands of ketchup, and none of them had a label, you'd say, well, they all basically look the same. And then you go, I guess I'll take this one and you take it home. Yeah. Tastes like catch up. Well guess what that's, how life really is. [01:06:00] We are sold. Almost everything that we believe. It's been marketing. From the time you're born until the time your die. It's all marketing. They got you. Processed food. They gotcha. All this packaged foods, they gotcha. If you just go in and you buy meat, and if you want vegetables, you go buy the vegetables. If you want beans and things, you just go buy the beans who cares. What it says on there just go. Yup. It says organic I'm buying that. Dairy, same thing, yogurt. Well, yogurt, isn't really all that great in the stores, but. We may have an episode in the future on how to make really good yogurt. Clean water, a few things like this natural ingredients in your house. We've talked about that. You don't have to buy all these products in the store, the grocery store. And the stores are this big. Because of the marketing, you don't need 90% of it. A clean diet with clean body care. We'll make a clean [01:07:00] person inside and out. All right. Rant over. Thanks for hanging with me. That one got me heated. You can tell by the sound of my voice, I'm a little bit fired up. I told you it was going to be. A little weird because I'm going to name names and. Go through lists and stuff, but. If you care about your health. Did everything I just say matter to you. Did you think about those things in your life? Do you need unnatural makeup? Should you drink? Clean water. Do you really want. San Pellegrino water. Cause you heard it was totally awesome. Cause it was a spring water. Well, Now, you know, who owns it? All the way to pork. Chicken. Antibiotics, everything that you spend your hard earned money on. You can actually save money by learning how to buy natural things than buying all the consumer garbage with no real value.

So thank you [:

I know it was. Intense. I appreciate your time. Take care of yourself.

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About the Podcast

The Reality of Health
Health is a holistic concept impacted by lifestyle, habits, sleep, exercise, water, food, air, and toxins.
This is not your average health podcast. It is cutting edge info.
"I never know who to believe"
I hear this all the time...
Well, I will help you navigate all the info you are constantly sold to believe.
The reality is not what you were sold...
New episodes every Monday and Thursday @ 5am!
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About your host

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Erik Muzzy

I have been educating clients since 1992 on health and nutrition, studied numerous different areas of natural healing and wellness. Utilizing nutrition, diet, exercise, mind, body and spirit for ultimate health or just feeling better.