Episode 23

Published on:

11th Oct 2023

Ep. 23 - Does color really affect your health?

This episode is so much fun...shouldn't health be fun too?

Why should health be a drag...? Well, it doesn't have to be. Today we are talking about color.

Yes, you read that correctly. It is so much more influential in your life than you know...and it is fun!

Color impacts you. Not only your mood, but also your physical and spiritual health.

We explore the many ways you are affected by color and how to use color in your life!

This episode is super interesting if you love to learn about all the things you never thought of.

So sit back and enjoy, I promise this is "eye" opening.

My recommended color glasses: https://amzn.to/495A9OW

The best RED LIGHT THERAPY devices: https://catalyticcolor.com I make no money off these. But Leanne makes the best you can buy...


It's cyantifically proven...

Erik: [:

Not sure. What happened?

But I can't fix it.

I hope you enjoy this episode.

Welcome, friends. Today, we're going to have some fun. I know I'm going to have some fun because I love this topic. It's something we all deal with every single day and it just brightens your day. All the different versions of this topic. I love this. This is one of the most intriguing, yet benign things that you never think about.

e's lots of science, plus we [:

What the heck is that? It's also known as chromotherapy or many other names. Well, here's the kicker. You've been dealing with chromotherapy and color therapy your entire life and everything around you has as well and you didn't even know it. Isn't that amazing? You didn't even know that you were applying chromotherapy Color therapy to your life every day.

want you to know this. This [:

My purpose is to enlighten you to the things you've never thought about and you didn't know influence you in either positive or negative ways. Sometimes I bring you things that sound really weird. You can't possibly conceive all of them and neither can I. But they're all scientific. They can all be proven.

Don't take my word for it. Look it up. You'll see. Sometimes if it's something that I can't prove, I'll tell you that I can't prove it. Otherwise, I've either seen it, read about it, studied it, listened to experts who read, study, and learn about these things, or use them in their own practice. Tesla said, as we all know, and maybe you know, this is one of my favorite quotes of all time because I think Tesla is the greatest scientist we've ever had.

ts of the universe, think in [:

It is everything. It is energy. People have been studying color all the way back from the ancient Greeks. From there, everybody has studied color and used it to achieve all kinds of outcomes. Even Egyptians used color, chromotherapy or color therapy. They knew how to use these colors to their advantage.

those colors are. It's been [:

Mostly this century, actually. So it's nothing new and it's definitely not new age. If anything, it's actually old age. If you want to live in the now, like everyone always talks about, how do you know what's going on around you all the time if you don't understand it? There's so much more going on in a split second of our lives than any of us know.

We can't even comprehend everything that's going on all at the same time. It's amazing to think about your body this way. Your mind, your spirit. There are millions of colors in the visible light spectrum. Millions. You just see the basics. Right? Red.

w much information that your [:

The color coming into your eyes, how bright it is, how dark it is, how loud your environment is, how quiet it is, what's that in the background that I hear, did I actually hear that? Those of us who have ridiculous hearing know that that is a, that is torturous. I have that problem. You see, our eyes take in light and then that light stimulates your brain.

f. This is how you have this [:

Every single one of the senses that we have respond to vibrations and frequencies, just the way it is. This is the basics for. Everything you deal with every day, all day long, your entire life. Light is just one of those. And it is the most powerful of all of them. You, as a human body, vibrate at a frequency of 100 Hz.

We will have an episode, maybe even the next one, I'm thinking about being the next one, that get into this. This will really blow your mind. And it'll be a whole lot of fun too. I want you to have fun. I want you to enjoy you. As a person, as a human being on this planet and everything your body deals with and how really, really fun it is to learn about it.

ry. It's still fun. And then [:

It's a fact. Let's hit some of those. Well, let's say fruit, which is super colorful. And you think that it's healthy for you because it's so colorful and they eat the rainbow and everything's so colorful, you should eat it. But then we see something that's not colorful, and you think, Is that really good for me?

lives in the Amazon jungle. [:

That means they're probably going to eat the pomegranate, unless they think the pasta's bugs. Then maybe that might be a problem. But you see my point, beige food or brown food doesn't always appeal to most people. Color does. We associate certain browns as being cooked food, and we know that that's tasty.

ometers. Isn't that amazing? [:

You can't see anything before or after those numbers. So your perception is only a very small window. By the way, microwaves, the same waves that your microwave uses, Those are in nanometer waves to heat your food. So your microwave uses light to heat your food. That's pretty awesome! I mean, who would have thought that you could heat up your food with light?

e the EMF field with certain [:

For those of you who don't know, it affects the water molecules. Now, this is why when you have just normal light around you, you don't get cooked. Because the millimeter waves, because the microwaves, You don't experience the same way around you, like in your home or your car. But then when you get in sunlight, you can get burned over a matter of time.

You will get burned from those microwaves. The combination of microwaves plus infrared is how you get burned. There's a lot more to that, but that's where the source comes from. You have melanin in your skin that can block you from getting burned. But I think you understand what I'm trying to say.

color and heat or excitement [:

That's it. Remember, I spoke, there's only two ways that you have light enter your body, your eyes and your skin. Your skin is in contact with colors all the time and that can affect you. Even blind people are affected through color therapy. That's incredible.

s an effect on you and we're [:

This is right up my alley This is why I'm such a geek with information and I want you to have fun with me Hold on, I'm going to get physiological for a minute, then I'll bring it home for you, okay? Bear with me. There are two types of photoreceptors that reside in the retina.

There's cones and rods. I know you've heard of this, this is biology 101. The cones are responsible for daytime vision, while the rods respond under dark condition. The cones come in three varieties. Long, middle, and short wavelength. Think about that. We talked about frequencies and vibrations. So there's your wavelength.

color. Rods have a spectral, [:

That pigment is amazing. The outer segment of a rod has discrete disks. Those are saturated with something called rhodopsin. Rhodopsin molecules, almost like melanin for your skin, only this is rhodopsin, while the outer segment of a cone contains similar photosensitive molecules in like a series of folds.

So the outer segment absorbs [:

So think of taking a banana, and you cut the little slices for each bite, put those back together. Yes, that's how it looks like, these layers. That's it in a nutshell, or a banana peel. Well, anyway,

one of the weird things about color is that you can associate some time in your life that was good or bad with color.

ething like that. Who always [:

It's almost like someone who says, my favorite color is blue and they drive a blue car and they wear blue and there's blue all over their house. They want that comfort, that positivity that comes with blue. But if blue came from the parent who abused them, they want nothing to do with blue. Absolutely nothing.

s, well, in biology, there's [:

Let's say you're hanging out with somebody, you know, and they have a southern accent and next thing You know, you have a southern accent. It's very similar to that. So brainwave Entrainment is any practice that aims to cause brainwave frequencies to follow Into step with a periodic stimulus.

hat you just naturally start [:

They believe in something or the lifestyle that you're in, , whatever that lifestyle is, you can come up with lots of them. I'm sure without me saying them things that people like things, they don't like people's opinions. When you're around these people that have likes and dislikes and opinions, , you can and train to them.

and warm and comforting. And [:

Landscape. You paid somebody to do your landscaping. Why do they use certain color flowers and certain bushes and everything? Creates a mood. Automobiles. Manufacturers always use certain colors. Why do they always have certain paint colors and not others? Because some colors look absolutely terrible on a vehicle and they know it.

hat color they should use in [:

Let me tell you, they do. Tons of money goes into that. Lots of research. They're not going to sell clothes that cost thousands of dollars and people say, Uh, you know, that color of lavender is just not the color I like. They're going to pick what most people pick and then put that out. Plus, everything you see in just general stores, those colors are picked specifically.

They know what men want. They want these certain colors. Men aren't going to wear lavender, or they're not going to wear yellow. They're not going to wear pink. They're not going to wear some of these colors because the associations that I just spoke about with those politicians do this, Oh, do they do this as well as, you know, CEOs and people of, quote, importance.

They always pick [:

It's wild how people think and Politicians especially know how to run this gamut blue has its certain power. We're gonna speak about red has its certain power We're gonna speak about why is the American flag red white and blue? Uh huh. We'll get into it Hospitals use it prisons use it. Why would you want to sit in a hospital with bright colors?

want to get out of the bed. [:

Commercial interior decorating. So you don't normally think about this one, but you walk into a building, you don't realize that. Marble that they have on the floor, the color of the walls, all these things that you see in the hallways and stuff. When you're in an elevator, there's a reason for all these muted tones.

like you're not in a totally [:

And then you go into certain areas and then all of a sudden you walk into the atrium and the atrium's flowers and trees and light. And you go, ah, I'm not in a building. You see how this works? They know what they're doing. So my mom used to work in a government facility. She said that they did research on what to do for the hallways, and they found that the color orange in their research was the best color to do the stairways and the hallways.

attributes because they knew [:

Restaurants usually use red and yellow to stimulate your appetite. Isn't that interesting? And they don't really do blue because it decreases your appetite. So the next time you go to a restaurant, just look around. What color is it? Do they use white tablecloths? Why do they use white tablecloths, but then the plate is red?

Or the walls are red? Or the walls are yellow or orange? Anything that they put up there to stimulate your appetite. What color is the carpet? Is there a carpet? Everything is chosen to make you want to be hungry. Why would you want to make somebody hungry in a restaurant? Oh, that's right, because restaurants are there to make money.

how much you want to drink? [:

Now they're starting to add more wood and wood tones, which is really good because that's earthing. That makes you feel like you're in nature, that you're healing. Now, in hospitals, they will use blue light on a baby in order to break up the yellow part of melanin that causes jaundice. that babies sometimes get.

and they'll have blue light [:

Why? And where did this come from? Which is a greater story. I don't know, but we'll just continue. So, the blue light actually stimulates the liver to break up melanin. Yes, melanin does go through your liver. And it breaks it up and turns it into water molecules and gets rid of it. Isn't that really, really cool?

Take this yellow baby and put blue light above it while it's sleeping and just hanging out, as little clothing as possible. And... The baby's body just naturally to deliver just breaks it up and gets rid of it and they don't have Jaundice anymore. It's I find that amazing. I don't know about you, but that's pretty cool.

promote it because is there [:

Why are all battleships in the Navy fleet gray? Why are yachts white? Why does royalty wear purple? And why do stoplights use red and yellow and green? Why does Batman wear black? And Superman wears blue and red? Now here's the thing. Sometimes our preferences for colors is just you.

What I mean by you is [:

I just want to go hiking. I just want... green things or I love green for the last six months. It's just green is all about me. Yeah, maybe you need healing and then you can differentiate everything I just said with whatever color that's opposite or associated with what you need or don't need. If you're put off by a color, it's the same thing you see.

day, and here's one of them. [:

They've been using, like I said earlier, all kinds of therapies. They're aware of this kind of stuff. Now, if you're a Christian or not, doesn't matter. Because in the Bible, Revelation chapter four, verse two says this, just hear me out. And immediately I was in the spirit and behold, a throne was set in heaven and one sat on the throne.

nd upon the seats I saw four [:

Now, here's the thing. That description is John looking at God sitting on his throne, and he's seeing how amazing it is. And he brings out jasper and sardine, not sardines like the fish, sardine stone, and a rainbow about the throne, and then it had this emerald glow, and They had white raiments, which is clothing, and on their heads, gold.

s, and stuff like that. That [:

I guess it doesn't matter too much, but it's a really amazing visual when he says Jasper. And in the Bible, Jasper is all kinds of different colors, or it's super clear, like a diamond, like glass. And then sardine is red and then emerald is green, of course. And then there's the white. Of the rainments and the gold, but encompassing all around the throne is a rainbow.

en obviously he loves color. [:

Whatever it is. It could be paint on a car. Could be a flower. Could be anything. You just go, man, that's so beautiful. And then you feel better. Do you not? If the ancient Greeks used color, and all the way up until now, people used color and obviously before the Greeks, but they all associated color with feelings and, and anything that it could impart into a person's life.

that's pretty cool. And then [:

Reflected, so all the color spectrum is reflected back equally and that black absorbs everything including all frequencies equally. That's an interesting thought. White is associated with purity and cleanliness where black is kind of dirty. It's like shadows. Got that connotation of burnt and when you see something burnt you don't want to eat it.


And when you heal that area, it will actually show up as a bright, vibrant yellow. Why is that? They can actually photograph this. So if color and light don't mean anything, and it's all woo, then how come you can photograph that? Find that fascinating, don't you? If you had a problem, a real issue, health wise, and somebody An auric camera and took a photo and said, by the way, just want to let you know, I can see the arthritis in your body.

And you said, how? [:

That's incredible. How, how is that happening? Why is that happening? That's because a bad area has a vibrational frequency of between 0 and 15. So 15 is the Hertz frequency of sickness and close to death. Zero would be death. When you heal that area, you get back up to 100, like I said earlier.

just barely yellow to bright [:

Color can have a high or low vibrance, a high or low luminosity, and all of those can slightly enhance or change exactly how that color affects you. Think about it like this, a light red compared to a bright, bright red.

A pastel pink compared to a bright pink. I think you get the point. One's really stimulating and you go, Wow, that's really bright red. That's really bright pink. And then there's just regular red and regular pink. And then there's dull red and dull pink. Those can have an effect on you as well. In photography, color's everything.

and white photo by changing [:

The only light that the sensor can't pick up is black. And that's why it's called a shadow. Because shadow is the absence of light. You see how that works? So, vibrance and luminosity and the brightness of the color and the depth of the color matters as far as how that color will affect you or your mood or your perception of whatever it is.

ors? Why does McDonald's use [:

When you see that, it stimulates part of your brain and you say, I want that. If you pour coke in a glass, it's just brown. It's not red. So why is the label red? Oh, you see where I'm going with this now. You are being sold through light to buy stuff. Yes, absolutely. Just like the, the light at the intersection.

Red, yellow, green. Red is stop. Yellow is wait, slow down. And green is go. I used to know this person who used to say, Green means go. Where'd he get that from? Yeah, probably something like that. My point is just, generally speaking, companies will manipulate you by using color to make you buy something.

It's a fact. If [:

It's a fact. They use this. And color is a major contributor to this. Because it connotates to you through association, either something good, something valuable, something worthwhile, something to spend your money on, something that makes you feel good, something that turns you off, turns you on. All through what?

Mohab Ibrahim Medical Center [:

That's a lot. So if you just wore green clothes alone, you would help yourself. Okay. Or lay in green, or sleep in green, or anything you could with green around you. We have many chemicals and molecules in our body to help control pain. One of these chemicals that control pain in the body is called Enkephalins.

Green greatly increases Enkephalins. Look them up. There are many other people that do this, but you can look them up and see if I'm telling you the truth. Lots of different neurochemicals to lower pain. And he figured out one of the main ones was enkephalins. Now quickly, into the colors. We're not gonna spend too much time here cause it's so extensive, I don't have the time in this episode.

But I will hit [:

Physical, mental, spiritual. Now, RGB is how you see light. Red, green, blue. But the main three for your health is red, yellow, blue. Physical, red, mental, yellow, spiritual, blue. Got it? Moving on. Alright, we're going to crank through these, so, uh, Bear with me. You can always go back and read the transcript or just slow it down to a slow speed and bear with my voice.

g and it increases appetite. [:

There's always a positive and negative to these colors. So red, power, energy, got it. Orange, orange is uh, orange is often associated with joy and optimism. . What is orange? Oh, that's the blend of red and yellow. That's interesting. Orange actually evokes enthusiasm and excitement while also giving you creativity and vitality.

, your stomach, your kidney. [:

next is yellow, which is typically considered to be a bright and cheerful color, right? The sun and light associated with yellow can alleviate actually mood, increase your focus and a sense of peace. It's considered to be the color of wisdom, knowledge, and intelligence.

ver, your pancreas, and then [:

It's kind of yellowish color, if you know what I mean. Now orange and yellow are used in fast food restaurants, of course, because of the digestive correlation. They know this. Classrooms use it for intellect. Remember, I said elevates mood, increases focus, sense of peace.

Bronchitis remember how we talked about sulfur in the last episode sulfur rules the center of your body and Where does bronchitis show up?

see, sulfur is yellow and it [:

Bronchitis Asthma and coughs.

On to green. Green, which is one of my favorites, but green is generally known for its restorative powers.

Can calm you and energize you at the same time. It's like this balance of, I feel good, but I'm grounded. You're not jittery and that kind of thing. You just feel great. Because nature inspires shades of green. That can enhance productivity and concentration and, by the way, creativity.

So if you want to be more creative, then you should be surrounded by green. By the way, what color do you think I'm sitting in right now recording this episode? That would be green. It's also been associated with healing and balance to the nervous system. If you want to heal, green's the way to go. That's funny.

Green, [:

Think of it as rejuvenative, so you don't want to make those things grow, but it will also regenerate. The sympathetic nervous system. So it helps to repair your sympathetic nervous system, which is your autonomic nervous system that I talk incessantly about. And by the way, I have another episode coming up about that and stress.

f you know why it kills you, [:

So green also normalizes blood pressure. Oh, that's interesting. It gets rid of ulcers. Neuralgia, if you don't know what neuralgia is, feel lucky because that's terrible. Influenza, we all know that's the common cold. Exhaustion and fatigue. Who doesn't want more energy and to not feel so tampered down? It also controls your temper.

Who would have thought that there's a color that will control your temper? Isn't that amazing? Yeah, green. Who's really got a major temper when they're in the woods or surrounded by green or in a green field? It just doesn't happen. Unless you're on a golf course. And then there's that because for whatever reason you're feeling your temper, well, whatever.

ant because remember we just [:

It was like a pale green clothing. Now they're wearing all this wild stuff. That's not a good way to go for them. They should be using colors that are good for healing, not all kinds of weird stuff. All right, moving on to blue. Probably everybody's favorite color if you were to take a consensus. But blue is often seen as a soothing color and that might be why.

emplate life. You are in the [:

Blue is what makes you get inward and clean out the bad and create the good. Love that. By the way, my brother's favorite color is blue. Always has been. Side note. By the way, did you know that blue kills acne bacteria? I wish I had that. knowledge in high school because I had acne in high school. That would have helped me.

lor. Lots of research on it. [:

Lots of sleep clinics have proven blue makes you sleep. Now, what color blue, Eric? Well, whatever works with you, and I can't tell you what that is. Some say it's a very, very light blue, like a sky blue almost. And then the other one is cobalt blue, like a really bright blue. I'm kind of going in the middle, just saying.

We'll see what happens. I will talk about my bedding situation in an upcoming episode, which I think you might find super interesting. And why you should do it too, but it's also antiseptic and astringent and it can stop bleeding. Blue can stop bleeding. How do you use blue Eric to stop bleeding?

nd headaches and rheumatism, [:

You ever been to a place that has really super blue water like the ocean? Do you feel anxiety when you're in Aruba? Probably not. That's what I'm trying to say. Ocean water and blue in the water does not make you feel headaches and vomiting and high blood pressure. Learn! Well, wait a minute. Hold on. If you're in Aruba and you have those, that's probably alcohol.

little negative. Okay, it's [:

It frees it from fears and inhibitions. It's like opening up your brain to accept more goodness, literally. It helps you get rid of obsessions and psychosis. It's like the color that takes you out of your mood. You know, that mood where you're just like, I want to hurt people because I'm really irritated.

I don't want to talk to anybody. You're fearful, you don't want to do anything, you don't want to go anywhere. Well, guess what? Indigo is your color. You need it. blood purifier, which is interesting. A lot of these purify the blood. Why? Why would all of these have such an impact on your blood?

our blood constitution. It's [:

but also on an upper, it stimulates your pineal gland, which is the king of all your glands. It influences All your organs of sight and hearing and smell. And again, stops bleeding. It's crazy how much light has to do with your blood. The king of all colors, purple.

Which, it's traditionally associated with royalty and spirituality. We all kind of know this and I think you know why I'm saying that. This color, it taps into like intuition while helping To, let's say, deepen the spiritual connection that you have. So it's used in religion a lot. And, uh, it's also very, very healing.

g of all of them. Unless you [:

Even things like cerebrospinal meningitis. How is it possible that purple can help someone with meningitis? That's because light is more than just illumination. It has an effect on you and your body through your skin and your eyes, through your brain, through your nervous system, through all the chemicals that your brain makes by getting this light.

is, but it's so important to [:

Well, no, not necessarily. It's uh, white's considered like a color of clarity and purity, um, renewal. It can create a balance actually in the body and bring things like harmony to your emotions. But it's so balancing, it's so clarifying and so purifying. You don't get anything that you need for healing.

kind of thing and , they use [:

I mean think about that, 15 minutes they went from aggressive to calm. That's crazy. Some of the prisons actually painted the entire prison pink. Because they were so aggressive and there were lots of studies done in that. Actually, Dr. Alexander Shouse in 79 did that and he convinced a, uh, prison in, I think it was Washington or Oregon and they painted it pink and everything went calm.

ric, you've told us all this [:

Colored glasses are amazing. You can use individual colored glasses, because light comes through your eye, to do certain things. Mood, healing, stress, whatever. Learn about what each colored glasses color will do for you, which I kind of described earlier, but there's more information online you could learn about.

And then use that pair of glasses appropriately. You don't need to use them for a long period of time, just for a certain amount of time. You can go back to them. You can change up and use different colors whenever you want. You don't have to use one color only ever. You can kind of play with it a little bit.

uh, using different lighting [:

But if you want the newer stuff, then they should be able to change the color to suit the situation. And that can be very beneficial for your circadian rhythm and all that you can do with lights in your home, not just mood and your healing and that kind of thing.

own and heal you, so you can [:

For example, let's say you're not feeling well and you go to bed. What are you going to bed in? What color are your sheets? What color is your room? Are you wearing clothes to bed? What color are those clothes? Remember I talked about even blind people. They don't know what color that is and yet it affected them.

It will affect you. That is a vibrational frequency. One of the coolest new things you can do with technology is go to any of the video channels online so you could stream it through your television for example or your computer, something like that and light up your room Turn the rest of the lights off, turn on that television, and go to the video channel, and then turn on, let's say, green, for example.

r, sometimes they add things [:

That's fantastic. And some of these guys know what they're doing and they can be absolutely beautiful to look at. Sometimes they're not just straight color. There's other things going on. Point is, is that they have really good healing videos using color. Fantastic. I think that's wonderful. You can buy your own light devices.

This one has a caveat though. I will tell you. You buy a light device, you better know what you're doing. And the brighter... It is, meaning more luminosity, the more powerful it becomes. There are side effects, as I was mentioning earlier with some of these colors. They can be harmful as well. You got to be careful.

You [:

Maybe it's time to, uh, change up your bedroom, and your living room, and your kitchen. The long standing tradition has always been, like, a yellow kitchen was better. Well, yeah, that was a good one. Um, but your bedroom should be blue first, and whatever tone blue works for you, whatever you like, whatever, you know, works with your, you and your partner, or just through your brain.

ds to be white. Your bedroom [:

You can add accents to any room, by the way. You don't have to just paint. Walls and change furniture and stuff. Sometimes it's enough just to, to do a lot of accents. Change up the areas of the room that have the biggest improvement without spending the most amount of money.

, If you're into saunas that are red light, then that actually is color therapy. There's all kinds of sauna therapies and then you can add colored lights into those saunas. Absolutely fantastic. I wish I had access to one. One of the coolest new features that you can have nowadays with technology is lights in your shower.

ant in your shower from like [:

They make waterproof versions. You can actually put them right in your water. Those colored lights in the water, there's lots of research that shows water and color will create all kinds of healing situations. There's any number of ways to bring color in your life. Come up with them. Add them in. It's endless.

an to spend tons of money on [:

I'd rather have you. Adding these things simply in your life that are affordable. Light devices are great, but they're expensive and the good ones are expensive. Whereas, everything else that you can do around your life can be more affordable. I hope that makes sense. So then, what does that leave? How not to use it?

Well, don't add colors to your life when you're going through something like a, like an illness or a major stressful situation. Anything like that. Know what colors do for you, that way you don't hurt yourself. You can do that by keeping like a little chart in your purse or your wallet, or even open your phone and ask the all telling device.

want to wear red when you're [:

You should be able to think about how you feel during your day. What makes you upset with where you work? You go in feeling great, and then you feel like you know what while you're at work. And then you leave and you go home and you feel fine. Why is that? Maybe your environment at work is just terrible in the color.

eople, and your environment, [:

Because it's more than just nutrition and diet and exercise. I can tell you that right now. Those three are only three. There's many, many aspects to health. My favorite is to look at mind, body, spirit, because You have three parts to you, and if you just work on, you know, nutrition, food, and exercise, well, that's only the body.

, it's vibration. Why I keep [:

I don't mean to preach to you. I'm just trying to help you understand how awesome this really is. It comes down to the very, very basics. What's the basic? The basic is vibration, frequencies, and energy. Once you understand those three, then everything else becomes easy to understand.

f it. Whether it's a tomato, [:

I really appreciate your time. If you like what you've heard, and you want to share it with other people, I'd appreciate it. That'd be awesome. Otherwise, thanks for listening. Take care of yourself.

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About the Podcast

The Reality of Health
Health is a holistic concept impacted by lifestyle, habits, sleep, exercise, water, food, air, and toxins.
This is not your average health podcast. It is cutting edge info.
"I never know who to believe"
I hear this all the time...
Well, I will help you navigate all the info you are constantly sold to believe.
The reality is not what you were sold...
New episodes every Monday and Thursday @ 5am!
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About your host

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Erik Muzzy

I have been educating clients since 1992 on health and nutrition, studied numerous different areas of natural healing and wellness. Utilizing nutrition, diet, exercise, mind, body and spirit for ultimate health or just feeling better.