Episode 29

Published on:

8th Nov 2023

Ep. 29 - SEX!!!!!

The Relationship Between Sex and Health: A Deep Dive

I present a thought-provoking discussion on the relationship between sexual health and overall health. Arguing that sex is heavily linked with overall health, I delve into the deeper nuances of developing sexual health. I touch on topics such as sex and the brain, the connection between orgasm and the central nervous system, and the importance of creating a healing and pleasurable environment. I also suggest a practice referred to as the 'deer exercise', which can improve the health of sexual organs, increase sexual stamina, and stimulate all the body's organs. This discussion provides a new perspective on intentional sexuality and its benefits to physical health, mental health, and personal relationships.

00:00 Introduction to the Podcast

00:52 The Importance of Sex in Health

01:08 Breaking Down Preconceived Notions About Sex

01:55 The Role of Sex in Physical and Mental Health

02:14 The Connection Between Sex and Various Body Systems

03:18 The Importance of the Parasympathetic Nervous System in Sex

03:25 The Controversial Nature of the Topic

04:10 The Importance of the Sexual Organs in Health

05:09 The Role of Sex in Stimulating Different Organ Systems

03:14 The Role of Sex in Stimulating Different Glands

08:34 The Connection Between Sex and Spirituality

08:51 The Role of Sex in Increasing Health

10:21 The Role of Sex in Chinese Medicine

23:41 The Importance of the Environment in Sex

29:43 The Role of the Deer Exercise in Sex

35:21 The Importance of the Anal Muscles in Sex

41:25 Conclusion and Teaser for the Next Episode




Erik 1: You found the late night edition of the reality of health. All you guys and gals join me for an evening of introspection of the deeper nuances. Of how to develop your health. With your partner. Our topic tonight not only is informative, but also provocative. Let's talk about. Sex.

All right. Calm down. We're all adults here. Quick disclaimer. Going to get a little graphic, but we'll keep it. R-rated I know some might be disappointed by that, but this is a health podcast after all. Probably should listen to this one without children around. Not gonna hold back, but I'm

Going to be a little discerning about the words I choose.

I understand this topic is controversial, but. Let me tell you.

nk. That sex has anything to [:

Today's episode is going to be stimulating. Okay, stop it already. All right. So we all go in to sex with preconceived notions. Whatever you have settled to believe it is the way it is supposed to be. That's fine. Or you can open up your mind to so much more.

Then you have been led to believe. You see sex? Doesn't always have to be romantic. Although that's fun too. Sometimes concentrating on being romantic. You forget about yourself.

Trying to pleasure your partner.

Good sex.

e more of that you can do is [:

This is different. Remember your mind, body spirit. Today, we're going to talk about body with sex. Hopefully, we're not going to sit in junior high and giggling in the back of the room the whole time. But. I'm going to hopefully enlighten you and. Help you understand there's more to your health utilizing sex than you ever thought. Your health has a lot to do with sex. You can utilize sex to increase your health. Yes. This is a real thing. I know it seems. Like really, I get to have sex and increase my health at the same time.

Yes, you do.

age. Oh, we don't think that [:

Don't hurt yourself. Well, Guess what. You are about to learn some really cool stuff.

Now, first of all, it's not just about having an orgasm, although we all love that. It's about stimulating the central nervous system. Specifically. The parasympathetic nervous system.

Let me just break in right here and say, This topic. Is polarizing.

On one hand.

We get excited to talk about sex. And hear about. The things that I'm going to bring you.

But also it can be a little. Textbook. A little bit. Like we're at school.

Well, I'm trying to bring this to you in such a way that.

You are educated. And then you get to go have fun. You see.

actice. You see what I mean? [:

Erik 1: That's the prostate. Test these ovaries uterus vagina breasts, and yes, the anal.

For those of you that recognize that reference.

They are responsible for hormone secretions, sexual energy and the response to sex. And of course reproduction.

p of the other six organs to [:

These can be stimulated through sex. You ready? Here we go. First. Utilize those areas down there. Depending on male or female. Once you start. Stimulating those areas. Next. That will then stimulate the adrenal glands. The adrenal glands then support the kidneys. The bones. Bone marrow and spine. Where do you get this information from Erik? Well, this might be a little Chinese oriented and.

Chinese medicine. But lately we have proven that all of these things interconnect. It's not just meridians and chi and all this other kind of stuff. This is real science. We know this. Matter of fact in medicine. Nowadays in allopathic medicine, we have.

ure. You can get done at the [:

Anesthetics to go into surgery. Well, they can use. Acupuncture to block. The feeling to the area you're going to get surgery on.

There are doctors that practice this, so they know it's real. This is what happens. We know the adrenals. We'll support the kidneys, bones, bone marrow, and spine. After that it moves up into the pancreas. That maintains control over the, your whole digestive system, not just blood sugar and your body temperature. And then after that, the energy works up into the thymus gland, which governs your heart and your circulatory system and your immune system.

hat's energy in. Utilization.[:


Molecules out. That's governed by your thyroid. By the way we will get into thyroid. Coming up in the next few weeks, probably. And your growth you want to grow. That's both in the gym when you want to make new muscle or as a child.

You need to support the thyroid gland. Thyroid also is responsible for the respiratory system. Isn't that amazing. Who would've thought. Well, they knew this. Next goes up into your pituitary gland, who, who that governs memory. Wisdom intelligence and thought. We think the pituitary gland.

We've heard so much about the pituitary gland. When, yeah. That's because it does all of these things and more. But guess what? There's one bigger. That's

is energy from sex. Mind you [:

It rules intuition. And consciousness. Yes. I just brought God into a sex conversation. Because. After all who made it?

The more you stimulate these organs during sex. The more health you can achieve.

Don't believe me. Well, I'll explain a bit more and a little bit.

o you want to use it to your [:

For those of you that already know this well, it's just going to be old hat, but for the rest of you, Oh, yeah. This is going to rock your world. And let me say.

There's a two-fold. Purpose for this episode. And it's probably going to go into two, because this is really big topic, but it's not only about your health, but is it not about fun too? Are you not connecting with your partner? How cool is that? So this is going to be really deep. This is why I want it to be really informative.

m giving this information to [:

Stress reduction. Connection with your partner connection with the spiritual realm, whatever it is for you.

If you want to know all the goods, bear with me. I'm going to inform you of how we know about all of this.

All right. So in Chinese medicine,

They had to take care of emperors. You see? So picture an emperor of China. I mean like super long ago. Okay. They probably still utilize this today. Just don't talk much about it because we're so modern. Everything's so up to date and modern. And why would you want to use anything from antiquity? Oh yeah.

Maybe because they knew things better than we know them today.

ou had to produce heirs. You [:

Sorry. An emperor would have intercourse with as many as. Two to 300. Concubines a session. Now he didn't go and have sex with. Two to 300 at one time. He might spend one minute with this person and five minutes for this person. But he cultivated himself. So that he didn't have an orgasm. Well, then how could a guy do that? Most guys can't last more than a certain amount of time.

vated himself not to have an [:

What happened by doing this for. 7 8, 9, 10 hours. He stimulated his organs. He kept himself healthy. You see, because back then people didn't lift weights and go run marathons. And do this kind of thing.

Didn't have time for that. When you weren't ruling your kingdom, you just went and had sex. Apparently. So, when did you sleep? I don't know. This is the way it was. Taoists priests. Used to build the power of an emperor through sex. Long sessions.

ny different women, he could [:

So he had Dallas priests helping him. Who studied. Contemplated. Wrote down deciphered witnessed inscribed, everything they could figure out regarding sex.


Petting. Kissing. Touching.


And actual intercourse.

If you were a woman of royalty. Then you need to produce heirs.

So you have to be healthy as well. You have to live long. Then you had to pleasure the emperor when he had to actually have sex with you and not all these concubines.

Hopefully you were prettier than them otherwise. Well, you might get leftovers. You know what I mean?

Then, if you were the concubine. You would have to provide promoting pleasure to him.

ke sure that he got from you [:

So now on to us.

So if.

An emperor. Could go that long. Obviously he didn't develop this right away. I mean, it took him a while. But why are we so quick? What's the hurry. Why can't we just satisfy each other. Long as you can. There's no rush. The longer the event. The better for your health. Because there's health benefits. So take your time. What's the hurry.

You understand Erik? It's really awesome. If you knew my wife, if you knew how my husband. That has nothing to do with it. Your desire to be uncontrolled. Means. It's done. Quick and there's no health benefits. Why not extend that pleasure and get healthy.

mmune system. Better hormone [:

And. There's also a higher state of your experience as a human.

That one is kind of weird and. If you keep listening, I will teach you. I'll teach you how. But a higher state. What that means is. Probably where you're living right now in your life. Is dull.

Pleasure is in. Your five senses.

And I'll guarantee you. All those senses are short-lived.

Think about it. Taste. Once the food is consumed. It's over. So when you eat something that's sugar, it's done.

bably done in a few minutes. [:

If you have a schedule, you see your body loves schedules. It's got a rhythm. It's called the homeostasis. Which we're going to have an episode in the future.

outside of that hurts. Well, [:

You don't want to sit on the couch and waste time eating sugar and Doritos. You see. Well with sex, when you get into a pattern. Of this hormonal rush and there are thousands of hormones and hormones. They don't even know that occurred during sex before and after, by the way. And not only before and after. And during. But they can go for days on end because hormones are extremely powerful.

They're the most powerful things in your body. To give you an example, a woman only makes. A quarter teaspoon of estrogen, her whole life. So how much.

ld. During regular scheduled [:

Your body loves scheduling.

It has a rhythm that's called the homeostasis.

Now your. Sexual organs. Have energy meridians. I know you've heard this concept before. Like I just spoke about. But there is such a thing as like reflexology. Areas you were body associated with other areas of your body. Like your feet or your hands. Why does it feel so good when people rub your hands or your feet?

d as your hand or your foot? [:

That's because there are more reflexology points on your hands and feet. Then on your knees.

Well, maybe if you're on your knees, there are some other points.

That are affecting her body, but I. I digress.

Anyone who knows? Anatomy will tell you your whole body is connected. Well, your sexual organs are connected to other organs. In other areas of your body, just like your feet and your hands, or even your eyes. So to bring this home. Let's. Let's not start giggling here cause we're going right back to seventh grade. But. There's areas of the penis that correspond with organs. N. It's the same thing with the vagina. So the depth, an angle.

ore what the organs do. Like [:

The more you activate these organs, the more these organs are quote, exercised. So to speak. Just like anything else. You exercise your muscles. How do you do that? That would be. That the central nervous system. Sex works the organs through the nervous system.

You have nerves running throughout your body?

They connect. Everything.

You can stimulate your big toe. In order to stimulate your heart. You can lift weights with your biceps. To stimulate that muscle. You can.

Meditate. And lower your heart rhythm. It's all connected.

cratching his belly and then [:

What's so funny. Well, That's the same thing. You can turn someone on. By rubbing their feet. And they get sexually excited. Because you're rubbing areas that correspond to those areas. And once the blood starts going, Once that central nervous system gets stimulated through the brain. And it connects to those areas and guess what happens?

Oh yeah.

Erik 1: To summarize.

t are associated with organs [:

The base of the penis is different than the tip. The opening of the vagina is different than all the way inside and from. Those different areas. We'll actually correspond in the body. Almost like God knew what he was doing. Yeah, so I just brought God into it again.

Because sex is a parasympathetic activity. It reduces stress, even though you are actively giving or receiving it's part of his plan, or if you don't believe in God, it's just the way your body works.

When you are connected to another person, your EMF fields are intertwined.

Member. Many episodes ago, I talked about how Masturbation was actually. Not good for the human, because the EMF fields. Are not intertwined. This is why.

Because you must be on the same resonance.

So when you're [:

Doesn't always have to be about healing, but isn't after sex healing in its own way.

So, this is where your mind, body, and spirit need to be in check. All right.

Well, how do you get these in check? Here's how you start to do this. I'm going to give you some stuff. First thing. Your environment.

What do you mean? Well, Needs to be quiet.

iliar. The smells need to be [:

The bed needs to be awesome. Set up properly. No TV at all. Whatsoever. That includes watching movies. You shouldn't be watching. This is about your healing. Not about.

Watching other people. And then things like candles. You want to create. This environment. In your bedroom, which shouldn't have a TV anyway. Of healing. And pleasure. So it needs to be quiet and soothing. Everything needs to be familiar. The smells are really important because it's. Part of the sensory experience, like with the sounds it's all sensory, you know, Because it's quiet.

need pillows underneath. The [:

But once you get used to this atmosphere, men. You will desire this. Remember. This is for healing. We're using this principle right now to heal. The body or make it. More healthy. If you're. Having sex because of fighting? Well, none of that really matters. You're just getting aggression out. If you're just having a quickie. Then some of these things don't apply either. This is for healing. Now. Your mental side of things have to be in order. So you could. All right.


Prayer. Prayer. Before. Sex can be. Extremely awesome. And set your mind up. And by the way, you don't have to be a Christian to pray. You can pray together to anything. Well, just not bad things.

that. I'm sorry. Do you need [:

You also need to have a plan. How long. Well, how long has the session going to be? What benefits do we want out of this? Because if you look into this, you will find out. What areas. Of the penis and the vagina. Correspond to areas of your body. So if you have issues with stress, when you want to work those adrenals. You'll know where and what attaches to where and what, and how to focus on those things. And then you want to know. Before you start. What to do afterwards.

As the start or the middle. [:

You know, how to plan for the next time. This should be a regular schedule in your life. This is not something that is. Oh, once a month or whatever. Now, if that's all you can do what you gotta do.

This should be a regular occurrence. Like a lot. Regular. Now.

How do you prepare for a better sex life?

to increase your health. How [:

The other is preparation. For physical with your partner plus taking care of your sexual organs. So think about it like this, the emperor would take care of his physical organs and then he went to have sex with concubines. You can take care of your sexual organs before. Having sex with your partner for.

An hour, two hours, three hours, four hours, whatever it is. Yes. That is possible.

The first way. Is to do, what's called a deer exercise. Now. Both men and women can do this. The deer exercise has many benefits. But.

alized that. Dear used to do [:

Good longevity. And a high sex drive and high reproduction. Well, that's what a. Emperor needed.

So, what can we get out of this? Well, we can do. A similar type of thing for ourselves.

So I'm going to hit this for men first and then we'll get into women.


This will help you in all areas of sex. This will also help you. In.

The health. Of your. Body for the rest of your life. Especially the ones that affect men the most.

Side note is.

This is a pleasurable experience on its own.

Once you're doing this on a regular basis, you won't want to stop. It becomes a part of your life.

And when you stopped doing it, you'll realize you do not feel well.

r exercise. You can actually [:

So the prostate.

And rectum and anus.

Yeah. If you didn't think the rectum and anus were just as important as

now's the time to start guys.[:

Also we'll lower your stress. It lowers it dramatically. It puts you into a state where you have.

Signaled your central nervous system in such a way that it's impossible to be stressed out and it lasts for a long time.

All right. That's just part of what it can do. There's so much more and maybe we'll have an episode in the future. About this kind of stuff. That's just basically. Here's how you do it.

You exercise has a few phases. The first phase is.

The best way to do this is to be naked. If you can't for whatever reason. It is what it is, but naked. In any position sitting up on the edge of the bed and a chair lying down on your back, whatever works for you. Whatever's the most comfortable. And puts you into a state of relaxation.

You then rub your hands together to make them warm.

You [:

So. 81 is the way to go. Then when you're done with that. You then reverse your hands. The opposite. And then the other hand we'll circle the other direction. So if the first time he did a clockwise. Then your other hand will do it. Counter-clockwise guess how many times. 81. The whole time you want to concentrate. On the feel. Of being warm in the moment.

Your [:

Concentrate in feel the warmth and be in the moment. This is intentional. There's no reason to use your imagination. Imagination works against you in this situation. You want to be just in the moment. You can feel the warmth. On your.

Pubis area below your navel. With your hand. And your sack and berries.

goal is to move on to phase [:

Two is the goal. So let's move on to that.

Now phase two, on the other hand. There's a little bit different. This time, we're going to change things up a little bit, and this is where the pleasure comes in. And. Uh, we'll get to that, but just bear with me. Now. After you've done those two things. Now. Just keeping your hands where they are. You're going to tighten the muscles around your anus. And draw them up in, in. I mean, like, You're feeling like you're going inward with your, you know, what. When done properly it'll feel as if like air is being drawn up into your rectum or like your entire anal area is being drawn up in and like upward, like, just picture that happening.

Tighten as hard as you can and hold as long as you're able to do so comfortably.

Then stop. Relax.[:

It'll get better. You're getting. It's going to get longer. And the point is do as long as you can. And then like several weeks later, you'll be able to, uh, hold it for quite a while. And you won't experience anything like straining or. T like, you're not going to be tired down there. You're going to feel powerful.

So do that as much as you can. Stop. Relax.

cup and the berries in your [:

Awesome. But you can do this anytime you want.

While you're doing this. You want to be cognizant? And concentrate. There's a certain feeling. You're going to feel like a tingling sensation. Almost like a electrical. You're going to feel it coming up. From your. Anus.

Really quickly, like fractions of a second. Just sure. Just shoots right up.

Don't force it with your mind. Just. Let it happen, just know what's happening.

This is good. This is what you want. This is what you're going for. Now.

energy shooting up. You may [:

And then when you're having sex. You know what to stimulate to fix that organ.

When you do this. It stimulates the process to secrete hormones like endorphins. Those are those create like a natural high. You could possibly end up having a small orgasm. You know, it doesn't mean anything's going to come out. It just means you might have this. This orgasm, because you've caused this electricity to shoot through your prostate. It's a good thing.

You want that? It's fine to do that. But.

Point is. You're trying to.[:

There are some side benefits to doing this. Not just the fact. You might have a small orgasm without any ejaculate, but.

It helps to.

Create health of your prostate. It makes it be able to be supple, so it can enlarge when it needs to and contract when it needs to. So you get rid of all of those problems, like weakness and Hardening and cancer and stuff.

And then. The nerves around.

Your pubic area and your penis. Those problems. Correct. And then you can stop things like impotence or Premature ejaculation.

rable sensations to not only [:

If by doing this, you start to get an erection. The hand that's cupping your sack and berries. You take that thumb, the very base press. Very hard. Quite sharply, press it down to stop the blood flow. And pause that sucker. Okay. Pretty simple. And just keep moving on. Don't worry about it. Just keep moving on and eventually you'll have control.

Once you have done this for a little while, you'll notice that you have a lot of power. Down there. The way to figure this out is not only during ejaculation. But while you're urinating, you can block the flow of urine using just your anal muscles. Now you have the perennial muscles. Those are between. Your sack and your anus. And then you have your anal muscles.

down there. That's good. You [:

That locking mechanism. Now the power you get from the animal muscles and then the power you're going to get from the perennial muscles are going to help you. Stop. And lock. Your ejaculation.

And that's the end of episode one. I'm going to leave you hanging or this case, maybe not hanging.

We'll get into.

The locking method. The women's deer exercise.

And a lot of other. Really cool things that you'll want to know about.

In the next episode.

Trust me ladies. You're definitely going to want to listen to the next episode.

You'll thank me later.

ning. Take care of yourself. [:
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About the Podcast

The Reality of Health
Health is a holistic concept impacted by lifestyle, habits, sleep, exercise, water, food, air, and toxins.
This is not your average health podcast. It is cutting edge info.
"I never know who to believe"
I hear this all the time...
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About your host

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Erik Muzzy

I have been educating clients since 1992 on health and nutrition, studied numerous different areas of natural healing and wellness. Utilizing nutrition, diet, exercise, mind, body and spirit for ultimate health or just feeling better.