Episode 31

Published on:

15th Nov 2023

Ep. 31 - Sex!!!! part 2...

Reality of Health Podcast: Benefits of the Deer Exercise for the best sex of your life!

In this episode of the Reality of Health podcast, I discuss the benefits of an exercise method called the deer exercise, targeting everyone but with a particular emphasis on women. The exercise, when appropriately done, offers numerous health benefits including the reduction of menstrual pains and hormonal imbalances. I assert that the deer exercise keeps one youthful-looking, stimulates natural estrogen production, and promotes the health of the sexual organs for both men and women. I significantly note that for men, it can lead to having multi-orgasms while for women, it can result in a whole body orgasm. I explain the technique of the deer exercise, detailing ways to adapt it based on a person's comfort level, and link it to reflexology points hence promoting overall body health, and preventing potential diseases. This episode is teased to focus on weight loss secrets.



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00:01 Introduction to the Podcast

00:23 The Importance of Fun in Health Discussions

00:49 Introduction to the Topic: Sex

01:19 Benefits of Sex for Women

02:00 The Deer Exercise and its Benefits

03:21 Historical Records of the Deer Exercise

04:06 The Role of Estrogen in Women's Health

05:19 The Impact of the Deer Exercise on Menstruation

08:21 The Technique of the Deer Exercise

18:09 The Importance of Concentration in the Deer Exercise

19:02 The Benefits of the Deer Exercise for Perpetual Health

20:13 The Impact of the Deer Exercise on Breast Size

20:47 Understanding the Importance of Breast Tissue Health

21:08 The Benefits of Vagina and Anus Muscle Contractions

21:52 The Deer Exercise: A Guide for Beginners

23:11 The Power of Breathing During Exercise

23:49 Unlocking the Potential of Multiple Orgasms

25:55 The Impact of the Deer Exercise on Your Sex Life

27:11 The Magic of Breast Orgasms

28:03 Exploring the Phenomenon of Whole Body Orgasms

23:37 The Art of Achieving Multiple Orgasms for Men

34:48 Understanding Reflexology Points in Sexual Organs

38:33 The Power of Sex: A Pleasurable Path to Health

39:53 The Deer Exercise: A Tool for Future Health

40:44 Closing Remarks and Teaser for the Next Episode


Sex part 2

: [:

Welcome back listeners to the late night edition of the reality of health podcast. Tonight we conclude. Last week's episode with part two.

Of sex.

Okay. That's enough. Again, why. Do you really have to make it so dramatic, Erik? Well, yeah, we're having fun here. Right? Health is what it is. It's got a boring. You don't want to always. Listen to. Information about. Cellular structures and EMF fields. And. Vitamins and diet and all that kind of stuff.

Got a fun sometimes. Right. Well, Let's continue that fun tonight because. , what better topic is there?

his topic. We deal with this [:

maybe this will entice you to get back under those sheets. No, what I'm saying? Wink, wake.

Part two. Is more geared towards women.

In the beginning. And then we will talk about the benefits as a couple. So strap in.

I don't mean what you're thinking right now.

I mean. Buckle up. No, I didn't mean that either. When I'm trying to say is. We're about to get going here. So you're going to want to.

Pay attention.

And follow with what I'm trying to tell you.

You see, it's really hard for me to describe. Everything I'm about to tell you about. So I need you to use your mind's eye. Okay.

. Without further ado, let's [:

Lesson. The pain of a period. Oh, yeah.

It helps. To lower emotional ups and downs. Water retention. Hormone situations, cramps and your flow. It also tonifies the vagina. . Increases its flexibility. Size and texture.

Especially helpful if you've had children. Imagine what you can do for your partner. If you tone Ify. Your, um, area.

on. That's key. Natural is a [:

Because of all the hormonal aspects. It can actually help keep you more youthful looking.

Pre or post menopausal.

If you remember in the last episode, talked about.


emperors and the concubines. And of course the royalty children.

They wrote down everything, those taoist priests. They took very clear notes. There are. Tons of historical records in China and by the way, in India and other places, Showing the use of the deer exercise.

And what it could do. For you. Health wise and. Also youthfulness. There were very famous women, also throughout history that were known for their beauty. For thousands of years, they recorded this.

They use the deer exercise for their health.

Their beauty and their [:

The end result was they looked more youthful all the time.

How do they do that? Well,

By using a deer exercise . And sex to your advantage. You produce your own estrogen naturally, which has a lot of benefits. The body knows what amount of estrogen it needs at any given time. If you take estrogen, you're just forcing it into the body rather than the body deciding how much it actually wants or needs. So man made estrogen like medications, they cause all kinds of problems.

Like weight gain. Emotional problems and issues, cancer, et cetera, because you're not supposed to be getting that form that they're giving you. Plus the amount. If you don't produce estrogen.

No matter what.

erloading you with estrogen. [:

Why taking estrogen is not good for you, no matter what area of your life you're in, unless you absolutely have to.

If you're young, you can actually get rid of your period using the deer exercise very safely. It takes some time, but eventually it goes away. Once that's gone. Then you get other benefits. That emerge.

Now. Here's how this works. Unless you have a fertilized egg. There's no reason for the lining. In your uterus to become thick with blood vessels. From an implantation. Have a fertilized egg. If there's no fertilization of the egg. Then the body doesn't need to create a thick lining. Therefore, no more loss of blood.

The blood was the tiny blood vessels.

That would have [:

The blood you're experiencing, isn't just straight blood out of your venous system. It's just blood vessels that made up a thin lining of your uterus. It was expecting to have an egg. That was ready to make a baby. Well,

If you're not pregnant. No reason to have it.

Some women will think this is not natural because what's natural. If every woman had a situation forever, that was unnatural. And then you found out you didn't need to have that. You're going to feel it's not natural. When actuality.

Having that problem all those years was what was unnatural.

That's strange because once you go into menopause, Pregnancy or nursing your period stops anyway, and you're fine. So there's that.

ur energy and your nutrients.[:

So then why don't you have a period? With blood while nursing. Because milk. Is the same as blood minus the red blood cells. So the body has to make milk. So it prioritizes that over the vaginal lining. By stopping your menstration, you trigger your body's inner intelligence or instinct. To redirect the blood to nourish and strengthen your sexual organs. The result is your entire body gets reenergized. If you want to get pregnant, just stop the deer exercise.

deer exercise. This is only [:

I'm going to link in the description, two videos that kind of helped show you. This dear exercise now they're not perfect, but they're close. I don't know who taught these ladies. But they're a little bit off, but for the most part, you'll get it.

All right. So for you ladies, female deer exercise is as follows. First of all. You need to pay attention. To the feeling of like fire or. Energy, something like that in the sexual glands. While you're doing this. And how it rises up your torso into your breasts and then into your head. Don't try and visualize it.

that's super. Esoteric, but [:

Knock yourself out. It's it's awesome. The more you do it. It's like exercise, the more you do it, you strengthen yourself.

I know these last two episodes. Are a little bit like being in seventh and eighth grade, but again, we're continuing with the verbiage. So. I'm sorry, but. I got to use these words. First.

You need to sit Indian style.

Take one of your heels. Of your foot. I needed a press, the opening of your vagina.


It should be like a steady from pressure against the opening. And the clitoris.

like a baseball or something [:

Your leg and that area, or your foot in that area, something like that. You want connection against the vaginal opening? Yeah, it is important to do this. This is majorly important. Now. It has with men, you can have a situation. As well. Might have a. Pleasant situation due to the stimulation of the area. And a release. Of well, you know, sexual energy.

Which makes the infamous. You know what.

All right.

Back to the technique.

Just saying.

Now rub your hands together. Vigorously. To create a lot of heat. And then put your hands on your breasts. Obviously you should be naked.

hands, enter into your skin. [:

If you stopped your period, you don't have to go all the way up to 360 times.

No more than maybe a hundred.


see those videos I'm talking about, and you can see the direction that I'm talking about. later I'll go into. More description on how to do this massage method. It's not.

All that difficult, but.

The direction does matter.

between them to meet at the [:

The videos. I posted or are not actually fully massaging the breast issue. You need to move the whole breast. They're just using fingertips and a little bit of their hand. Your palms should be what moves the tissue like a cupping. Pressing against the center of the breast. If you do this to light, then you are basically just caressing and you're not massaging. You are trying to stimulate the connective tissue. In the breast more than touching it. It is a very mechanical exercise, not sensual one.

ff, you want to make things. [:

That's in lymphatic system around. You want to have contact full contact?

In the videos, they show like this thing with their fist by putting your thumb in and. Clenching it. Don't worry about that. That's. That's not a big deal.

after all that's the entire [:

I'll get into that in a minute.

Now. For the second stage.

This one you can do sitting or lying down. Whatever.

scles. You're trying to like [:

The videos. Say. Just the vaginal muscles. That you use to contract to stop P. Well, That's not the actual method. The actual method is vaginal muscles, perenium and anus. So you want to. Concentrate on the anal muscles. The vaginal muscles. Which are all connected to the perenium muscles.

Do this as many times as you want. The first few times you do it. It's a little difficult. Not gonna lie. You're going to notice. A little tough. You haven't used those muscles very much.


You'll know. Another tip for you. If you're going to do one hand to do the circles of the breast. You can take your other hand and stimulate the opening of your vagina. If you can't use your heel. Or if you want to get your partner involved. Then he can rub your breasts while you rubbed your opening. I said opening, not just the clitoris sort [00:17:00] of like. Picture. The entire area, not a single point. You want to stimulate all area? Down there. Not one specific point.

This is not a time to.

Try and have an orgasm. This is a time to stimulate as much. Nerve endings as possible. I hope that makes sense.

This stage two can be adapted to a. Whatever your situation is. So if you have a hard time, Sitting because you have arthritis or a bad knee or a bad back or something, you can, you can have your partner help. Now when you're massaging the breasts, you need to avoid. Just touching the nipple specifically. Your palms should be over the nipple area. Because the nipples are so sensitive. You don't want to overstimulate those.

That's not the point of this. You're trying to just move the whole breast.

If you do it [:

Lastly. Always concentrate on what you're doing. Don't. Concentrate on your finances or dinner or anything else? Just.

Be in the moment.

If you do this properly. You'll have a pleasant feeling. From the base of your anal area. All the way up through your spinal column to the top of your head. This is because of a buildup. Of sexual energy. And the way it moves up. The glandular system all the way to the pineal gland at the top of your head.

ntire body. To preserve. The [:

Isn't this why you're listening. Perpetual health.

Now. This is why the direction of rubbing your breast is important.

Now. If you remember, I told you at the end of last episode, there would be huge benefits. Will a, here you go.

By doing the first. Phase. I told you about. How it's called dispersion. It prevents lumps and cancers. And.

Any kind of breast issues.

That are negative.

When you do the dispersion method. Which is more down.

persion and stimulating. The [:

When you go the other way.

Which is.

Down the outside. Of your armpits underneath, towards the inside. Up. Between the breasts cross the top. And continue.

This is stimulating and will actually help increase your breast size and tonify them.

top of that. You've got all [:

It's not just for physical appearance, but just for general health.

All right. Okay. So now moving on by doing the contractions of the vagina muscles and the anus you are now able to lock that area down. So to speak by clenching.

This is good. It's tonifying to all the muscles down in that area. And we'll also allow you to not have things like. Incontinence and cancer and all that kind of stuff in all of those areas down there, all the things that we go, oh, no, I don't want that. Well, what are you doing to correct it?

You can exercise that area just as much as you can exercise your muscles. And the rest of your body.

And by the way, It's a lot more fun.

Am I right.

Let's say you can't do the deer exercise. Sitting and you're going to do it laying down. Well,

going to want to be on your [:

And then your left arm is put underneath your head to prop up your head unless you have a really good pillow. Point is, is you don't want your neck to be stretched out either. Higher low. Then your right arm. Bent in front of you, left-hand on the mattress or the floor right in front of your face.

they're saying it's just the [:

No, it's actually the anal muscles.

But you will achieve more by incorporating both. Don't forget. To breathe. You know, you always hear that massage. Exercise. Well breathing during all of the deer exercise or sex or anything else is just as helpful. You really do need to breathe. Oxygen is very important for anything you do. Plus breathing works on your parasympathetic nervous system, which is awesome. Now. Remember when I said there were benefits that would blow your mind. Ladies.

Well, Here's one.

time achieving orgasms. This [:

Just by clenching holding and releasing. It is known that women are able to achieve orgasm without touching themselves.


Oh, no, not that again.

Erik 1: can't guarantee it's going to work for you, But it works for lots of women.

Think about it. The concubines. Weren't always happy about being used. And they could use this technique to pleasure themselves quite easily during intercourse.

Let's face it. Not every emperor was totally hot. You know what I'm saying?

I knew a lady. Once.

Who I taught this technique. I told me. She's never had an orgasm while being married to her husband.

That's terrible.

So she used this [:

She said. That all she had to do was think about having an orgasm and then just do a couple of contractions. And then she would have one. Why is this. Why would this happen? Because.

She developed the energy in her sexual organs and the blood flow in that area. From doing this. That she could easily just have a release. You can have the same thing. This is not. That difficult. It's going to take some time to build it up. She had fortitude. She used this technique a lot. She got to the point. She could think orgasm do a couple of contractions.

Boom. She was there.

ffect sex with your partner? [:

That's the whole point of this. Alright. Well, Now that you're able to build sexual energy. You can last longer. Because you're more in control. Then you can extend how long you have sex. Therefore building. Your health.

e. One orgasm. Are you ready?[:

And then. Not only that. You can have breast orgasms. Oh, yeah, that's a thing that's reported using the deer exercise. Because your breasts become more.

Sensitive. Doesn't take much. So during foreplay, you could have a breast orgasm before you even have intercourse.

If you can do that. Then you can utilize breast massage for a long time to stimulate sexual organs. And then have a breast orgasm. As a male. I have no idea what that is. But I'm just telling you what women say.

Before you have intercourse.


Yep. That happens as well. Men don't have whole body orgasms because we have basically one region that gets stimulated. And you could count the brain is the second one. Women have. Three. And then they have the brain associated with that. So they have more things going on and can experience an orgasm that is. Way more intense.

And more overall.

Ladies. Have you ever had. A whole body. Orgasm.

ver had a breast? Orgasm. If [:

Yeah, it's going to take a little bit of time to cultivate this. It's not going to happen overnight.

But if you and your partner. Decide. This is one of the things we can do. To achieve really good health. And have an amazing sex life. Is this not worth trying?

If you achieve full body orgasms.

What. Is happening in the body.

To make that happen. You're talking about. So much electrical and EMF conduction. Between. Areas cells. Sympathetic parasympathetic the brain. organs to achieve that. It's amazing. And.

I can't even imagine having an orgasm everywhere from my toes to my scalp. Down to your fingertips, really?

Do you think it's worth it? To do this.


All right. So men.

You will have to control.

Your perennial muscles so much.

, Making you multi-orgasmic. [:

And I can tell you. It's well worth it. If you think the one orgasm was good. Try having multiples.

But most men are lazy. They won't try and do this. I say that's to your detriment. Why would you not? It's like having more horsepower. More money. More cars. More everything. More guns.

Why would you want just one.

All right. I digress on that matter.

So this makes both of you healthier.

You produce.

ow, they say sex is the best [:

Knocking out a sex session.

Now you don't always have to go hours on end. It's not like that. But it gives you the ability to manage how much you want to get out of each session.

Men. Ejaculating is not healthy for your body.

You lose the majority of your zinc in each. emmision. Among other things.

It's better to reabsorb it. Then release it. And I'm going to tell you how. At first trying to stop. It is going to be very difficult until you get good at this.

Your muscles. Aren't very strong.

eaching down. And with three [:

Hold that until all contractions are finished. The other method is. She can do this to you. Don't worry. Don't worry. You'll get good at it. Both of you.

you don't have to press that [:

Think about that.

shut off.

That point.

As you're shutting that point off. You're clenching those muscles. Eventually you don't have to manually shut that point off any longer. You can just.

Use those perennial muscles and close that gate. No ejaculation.

You can do that as many times you want during a session.

Come on boys. Is that not awesome? That's called multi-orgasmic.

Now onto a reflexology points. Of the whole reason why. These two episodes exist. For your health.

about this before, but there [:

Erik 1: So what the penis. Uh, starting with the very tip and going down. Which, by the way, you can see these online. If you look up reflexology zones of the male sexual organ. Same with the female. But for just being in a podcast. Let me just list these off really fast. From the tip to the base.

So from the tip.

The pineal gland. Then a little bit below that. But. The pituitary. Then the adrenal. Then the thymus gland. Then the heart, and then either side of the penis. Is the lungs. Now. You start with the shaft. The top of the shaft is the spleen.

Stomach and pancreas.

Then the area below that is [:

Yes, that is the way it works. Next. Females.

From the opening. All the way up, starts with the kidneys. Just inside the opening. It's it's about an inch and a half. Or so. That area.

That's the liver. Then. For about another inch. It's the spleen. And then another inch after that. The pancreas. And then for another inch or so it's the heart and lungs.

I know [:

Five or six inches. Uh, Yes. That's because.

The vaginal canal. Is only averaging. Six inches. Same with the average man.

Isn't that interesting. So. The male organ. Has.

Areas. That correspond to organs based on tip to base. The female vaginal canal has organs based on. Opening. To depth.

They both correspond to organs and they both happen to be. Almost exactly the same size. Hmm. Isn't that interesting. Almost like it was designed that way.

and then utilizing how much [:

Using everything to your advantage. For health.

There's a lot of information online about reflexology zones during sexual positions.

The positions matter. I mean, there are so many different positions and you can look those up. I can't do that in a podcast.

For my diatribe. I will say our view of sex is so limited nowadays. It's amazing. Why do we only want to have sex for a few minutes? Or less than an hour. I mean, Seriously. Quickies are awesome sometimes, but isn't sex. One of the most pleasurable things in our lives. I mean. What really is more pleasurable. If you can come up with something, I would love to hear it.


There are a lot of things in life that are seriously pleasurable. Ice cream.

Um, A really good movie.

Uh, sunset.

Fall colors.

Babies cooing.

Uh, massage.

Uh, great shower. Come on. You know what I mean?

No, I don't mean like that. Just a good old shower when you need it.

A great moment. During a sporting event.


Am I right.

But. Sex is free. It's. Pleasurable. It's intense. It relieves stress. It boosts your munity. It builds your organs.

s you. From having to wear a [:

This is just a small amount of information relating to what cultivation of. Sexual energy can do for you. Above all else. It makes you. Powerful. It gives you power to overcome stresses in your life. And keeps you young. Now. I want you to go practice. And have sex you bucks and doughs. thank you for listening. If you want more info on this subject. Or you have any other crazy stuff you want to learn about? Let me know.

you some crazy information. [:

It's the secret to weight loss.

And feeling awesome. And getting rid of so many diseases and sicknesses. It's crazy.



It's so good. That.

No one knows about it.

Very few people know about it. Yet.

There's research.

There are studies.

And I will help you. try.

And make it work for you.

It could be.

My most important episode.

Until then.

Take care of yourselves.

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The Reality of Health
Health is a holistic concept impacted by lifestyle, habits, sleep, exercise, water, food, air, and toxins.
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About your host

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Erik Muzzy

I have been educating clients since 1992 on health and nutrition, studied numerous different areas of natural healing and wellness. Utilizing nutrition, diet, exercise, mind, body and spirit for ultimate health or just feeling better.