Episode 37

Published on:

6th Dec 2023

Ep. 37 - LDL cholesterol is your battle warrior!

The Battle Benefits of LDL Cholesterol!

In this episode I focus on debunking the harmful perception of LDL cholesterol, which has long been considered as 'bad cholesterol'. I emphasize that cholesterol, especially LDL, is not the villain it is made out to be; instead, it is vital for our bodies and is used to fight infections, repair the body, and form brain tissue as well all tissues. I strongly criticize the approach of allopathic medicine for cholesterol management and challenge all of you to dig deeper into the topic. I provides various resources, study references, and a different perspective of the cholesterol debate.

00:50 Introduction and Overview

01:05 Debunking the Fear of Cholesterol

01:53 Understanding LDL Cholesterol

02:32 Disclaimer: This is Purely Educational

03:15 Challenging the Concept of 'Bad' Cholesterol

04:51 Questioning the Medical Industry's Approach to Cholesterol

05:38 Understanding Lipoproteins

07:30 The Role of Cholesterol in the Body

07:48 The Importance of Cholesterol in the Body

08:44 Challenging the Perception of LDL as 'Bad'

11:27 The Impact of Diet on Cholesterol and Health

13:43 The Role of LDL in Fighting Infections

17:10 Understanding Triglycerides

19:29 The Risks of a Vegan Diet

21:00 The Impact of Certain Foods on Cholesterol Levels

21:40 Understanding Cholesterol and Its Role in the Body

22:05 The Liver's Role in Cholesterol Production

22:32 Cholesterol and Its Impact on Health

23:34 Misconceptions About LDL Cholesterol

25:10 The Role of Insulin in Cholesterol Regulation

29:04 The Importance of LDL Cholesterol in the Body

30:16 The Consequences of LDL Cholesterol Deficiency

33:35 The Benefits of LDL Cholesterol

37:04 Challenging the Negative Perception of LDL Cholesterol

38:37 Conclusion: Embracing the Importance of LDL Cholesterol






LDL cholesterol is your battle warrior!


Erik 1: Y you should not be afraid of cholesterol, especially LDL cholesterol.

You've been told your whole life. I avoid it. It's the devil. You do not want it. If you have it, you're going to die. Of heart disease. Well, yeah, may have been a little dramatic, but isn't that how they tell you?

Isn't that what they're saying? They're the ones that are making it such a big deal. They're the ones that are pushing it so hard and trying to create so much fear. That you will not have butter. Or a burger or a steak or eggs or anything else that might have cholesterol in it.

This episode is not about clusteral as a whole.

We're going to talk about specifically LDL cholesterol. The so-called bad. One



Erik 1: The one that's the evil one. You got to watch out for this one, this one's gonna hurt you. If you don't do everything in your power. To get rid of this, you're gonna die. A horrible death of heart disease.

All right. So it was a little overdramatic, but that's exactly what the.

The literature is saying. Your doctor's seeing. Everybody's saying.

decision on how you want to [:

Whether or not, you think it's bad or good? I'm not here to tell you otherwise, I'm just going to give you my perspective and what I believe. Based on what I've learned. After that. You're on your own.

There is no such thing. As bad cholesterol. In and of itself. I don't believe cholesterol is bad at all. Whatsoever. Even triglycerides are not bad. Those are fuel. For you. High triglycerides. Just mean.

But you have a lot of sugar. In your body. In and of itself, it's just a fuel source.

all the stuff in your body, [:

Once they've been used the byproducts. Your body precisely. Knows how to metabolize. Everything.

I won't reference Nina Tiecholz. But she's an author that writes a book called the big fat lie. Oh, boy, you want to talk about our controversial book? She crushes it. But then. There are so many people that don't like what she had to say. I mean, a lot of people, she has documented the truth behind fat and cholesterol based on the medical literature. History studies, you name it.

She brings it. And that book is very offensive to people who don't like this topic.

Who don't like this subject because they're making money from it. Oh, yeah, She's. Uh, powerhouse.

The number one selling drug in the world is statins.

ol management is the largest [:

And why haven't they had any real success in? Why does all the medication say that it will not stop you from having a heart attack or giving you heart disease?

So I'm just going to leave that. We're right there for now. And we're going to move on.

You've learned about cholesterol. Well, Let's get.

More specific.

Lipoproteins. Labor proteins are protein carriers of cholesterol.

There are three different types of LDL. That's one type of lipoprotein. You want fluffy? And then there's mid fluff and then small and or dense. The small inner dense are the ones that are not so great for you.

u get from blood work is not [:

It is the liper protein quantity. LDL is not cholesterol. So we have lipoproteins. And then we have cholesterol. Cholesterol is inside of lipoproteins.

The biological and physiological use of cholesterol, especially LDL is an absolutely massive topic. So when this episode, I'm just going to cover broad ranging aspects. So that's not too long. I've said that many times, because in these beginning episodes of this podcast, I'm just trying to give you the basics right off the bat later, we can get into super duper details if that's what you want. I don't think most people care. To go super detailed. I think most people just want to know the basic. Concept and then how to fix it.

So this concept as a whole is actually very, very simple. The biology is what is a massive.

no need to get into all the [:

it's totally boring for most everybody. The outcome is what is actually the most interesting.

I'm going to have fun talking about this. I hope you do too. And I hope you're going to learn something that you've never, ever even thought about and no one has ever told you yet. The literature is there, the studies are there. It's going to blow your mind. Let's go.

All right. So 25% of your brain is actually made out of cholesterol. That's interesting. So if your brain has been at a cholesterol and they want to lower your cholesterol, then what does that do to your brain? Again?

Also your brain actually makes cholesterol. Did you know that. You need cholesterol for so many different things. You need it to make vitamin D.

stion, you need it to absorb [:

I can't stress that enough. Cholesterol makes up all the cell membranes of every cell in your body.

And without it. How do you think you're going to have good health? Oh,

Would you. Want the outside of your walls of your house that you live in to deteriorate? Would you want them to withstand all the elements out there? Just saying.

But Eric. Are you saying that all the doctors and everybody in the medical profession that's telling me to lower, my LDL is wrong.

ich is called the reality of [:

And I'm going to put a link in the description for the largest. Cholesterol study ever done. It's called total cholesterol. And all cause mortality by sex N age. A prospective cohort study among 12. Point eight. Million adults. Oh, is that what you call a really, really large study? Is that what you would say would be so large that it would be irrefutable. Hm. I'm just saying.

Even though.

And I mean any and every way [:

I have a question.

Why is it. There are so many doctors leaving the standard medicine. They're going into functional medicine and alternative type medicine. And are basically starting a new practice and giving up all the allopathic medicine they've been doing most of their career. This is happening all around the world. there are many more scientific studies being done on real medicine. Instead of just pharmaceutical drugs. That are funded by the pharmaceutical company themselves, by the way. These doctors.

And researchers all around the world that are studying alternative methods

or publishing this stuff, but you will never hear about it. Even though.

It's all on pub med.

ar medicine. Because they're [:

All right. It's time to get geeky. High glucose or? Sure. As a whole. Lowers your autophagy in your body. That's the ability to replicate cells and build new cells.

Sugar. In carbs inhibit your ability to replicate cells. Build new tissue recover and do the daily recycling of all your cells. High sugar and carbohydrates literally hold you back from being in awesome health.

Actually makes you age faster.

Instead of slowing aging, it takes away the mechanism of slowing you down from aging.

ny trials done showing this. [:

You're going to see the result and it will blow your mind. All right.

Let's think about it for a second. If you go on a low carb, no carb, carnivores, diet, whatever, all the markers get. Totally awesome. Except the one that they don't like, which is. LDL. Me be that LDL is supposed to be high. If all the other ones get really good. Why is the LDL going up? Bad. And it's the only one they don't like. I think you're supposed to have high LDL.

Follow me here. Carbs and sugar will increase infections in your body.

The organisms.

These guys produce Biofilm. [:

So, if you don't feed the parasites, they die off.

This is what's so exciting about LDL.

It looks like in all the literature. All the clinical studies, all of it. That. High LDL.

Shows that you have an infection from a parasite.

Erik 1: Meat. And the cholesterol in it kill infections because they repair the body.

e and cholesterol can go up. [:

This is what this whole episode is about. Hi, LDL. Has studies and clinical trials proving. That your body utilizes LDL increases in order to kill infections. If you don't have an infection, you don't have high LDL cholesterol. Isn't that awesome.

So by improving your overall health, you improve your body's ability to kill off all of these parasites. Or at least minimize the effects of the toxins that they produce. We all have parasites. You can't get rid of them, but. Some parasites are actually good. Some are bad. You don't feel the good ones, but you do feel the bad ones. But the better your overall health, the less you'll have of the bad ones and the less you'll feel the toxins from the bad ones or the effects of those toxins.

Isn't that amazing. The research is showing.

That if you have [:


We'll get more into this. Stay with me.

If you've not listened to episode two, I encourage you to do so. If it is true. That everything has an equal and opposite reaction. Then that explains so many things about the body. For example. If you have a strain on one side of the body, it could be caused by something from the other side of the body.

Or if you detox, you feel like garbage. Or if you try and get rid of parasites, you will feel terrible. And it could make other things worse or you change your diet and then you feel bad for a little while until you start feeling better. Or you change one thing and then something else happens good or bad.

ing or detoxing. They can be [:

I will have future episodes on both of these topics and also how you should be doing those under supervision from a healthcare provider.

You should never do those on your own. For example. Let's say you want to detox the metals out of your tissues. Guess what parasites love males. So they start eating the metals. And then when they have to defecate. They're toxins. Increase. And then you feel really, really bad.

So you detox the metals, but you've also fed the parasites. So they proliferate become stronger and more of them. Once you get used to that feeling, you think? I feel great. When really you just changed one problem for another.

nto some extreme program. Of [:

So HDL. An LDL, they carry sugar. One of the things they carry is triglycerides. I know you've heard this term a million times. Triglycerides are super bad for you. Well, what's a triglyceride. It's actually just three glycerin molecules. What's glycerin. Sugar. So it's three. Sugar molecules.

Brought together as a unit.

When your triglycerides show high,

ve increased. Triglycerides. [:

Lipoproteins. Increased LPA.

Super bad stuff. And oxidized LDLs. And then on top of that, To just. Bring it home dysfunctional, HDL.

H D L is the gold standard. You want as much of it as possible.

So why is all this so important? Because infection is one of the most common causes of insulin resistance. It has severe. And long lasting consequences I might add. I will have.

sed by the fireman. Guilt by [:

Same with saturated fat. Oh, and by the way, Vegans are commonly associated with extremely low cholesterol readings of. Like one 110 to 120. I believe that's because vegans are in a constant state of Cecaxia. There are wasting away because they've inhibited. The body's natural growth and recycling process.

their hair, everything they [:

And then switch back to a.

Omnivore or some other diet. But Hey, if you want to be a vegan. No, that there's risks. And then you better know how to properly.

Perform that diet.

I used to be a vegan vegetarian. Eons ago. N it ruined my health and I knew what I was doing. Not as much as I do now, but I pretty much knew what I was doing. Once you deplete the reserve of good fat and cholesterol in your body, which takes a couple of years. That's when you hit the vegan wall. That wall is terrible. Probably the main reason is because without the cholesterol and the fat, you don't make sex hormones and your sex hormones are anabolic.

They are pretty much what. Make.

sue. Yeah, that means you're [:

So what about foods that supposedly lower your .

LDL or cholesterol as a whole. There's a lot of reasons for that. Probably the main one is it interferes with your body's ability to manufacture its own cholesterol, which is basically how it happens. The other reason is it could feed the system that inhibits the body from producing its own cholesterol. Just because of food.

igh. Everything from thyroid [:

Your liver. We'll make cholesterol. No matter if you eat it or not. Even vegans make it. The liver makes about one thousand milligrams a day. Doesn't matter if it's coming from your food. Or not. Your liver. We'll work to make it. If it gets it from its food, then the liver doesn't have to make it.

Regardless, it wants it at a certain level all the time based on what the body requires. Maybe you have an infection, maybe you worked out really hard. You need to recuperate. Maybe you need sex hormones for that fun time of the day. Maybe you need energy because you're about to work out. Maybe you are concentrating and reading and studying and learning.

Your brain is firing like crazy and needs the fuel. Your body wants cholesterol.

The liver [:

therefore taking the stress off the liver so we can do detoxification. And methylation and other things that it's supposed to do. The liver has more functions in the body than any other organ. It has so much to do that. The last thing it wants to do is also manufacturer cholesterol in order.

So that it can manufacture bile at the same time to digest your food.

You want to relieve the stress off the liver is the point. So why is it? You can have one person who has all the cholesterol high, including.

LDL. Inflammation markers. Sugar's up. Compared to another person who all the markers are down except LDL, and they consider them the same. Y.

her person is not. Why worry [:

When every other marker is good. You're telling me that there's only one marker. That can kill you and nothing else.


Good cholesterol. Does it matter at all? You're telling me that the only bad thing in your body is high LDL. That's just nonsense.

Well then why tests for all those other biomarkers? If all you care about is the LDL.

L down, you're going to die. [:

You know, in the world of.

Law enforcement. Detectives call that a clue.

Now. Let's touch on insulin. Insulin prevents the liver from recycling your VLDL cholesterol until what's called large fluffy LDLs. So, what does that mean? I spoke about this before, but. You have three. Different types of LDLs, the more fluffy, the better. We want fluffy. It's just like. Who doesn't want to hold on a big fluffy pillow. Or would you rather hold on to a rock? So the more fluffy your LDL, the better.

Then you don't have to worry about having liver diseases like. Fatty liver disease. Insulin deteriorates.

breaks it down. So they are [:

Just like the last visceral fat episode. Because they can't get into the liver because of all the fat buildup from high insulin. Insulin deteriorates the blood vessel walls. And then lipoproteins. That's the carriers of cholesterol can pass through into the heart area. How many people actually die. Of plaque in the heart. Like the vessels and arteries. Well, there's a doctor. Who is famous now.

And He is really changing how we all think about the heart. And I personally think he's a hero. Name is Dr. Cowan. He cites. And I put these in the notes down below. You can go to them.

He cites a lot. Of research in his book. But here's what he states. Currently.

Most of the [:

Did you hear that? So if you have that much blockage being 90%. the heart. The arteries have already done its own bypass. You don't need surgery. He goes on. Also. If tests showed that you had a major coronary artery with 90% blockage, thus. Leaving you with only 10% flow. Quote. Squeezing through the exit lane, unquote, how could you still possibly be [00:28:00] alive if you did not already have collateral blood vessels, those would be blood vessels that go around the one that's blocked. And are we really to believe that the decisive thing that will cause the eventual heart attack is when the stenosis, which is a blockage. He goes from 93. To 98%.

I love it. C. That is what. The main medical profession. The allopathic medical profession doesn't want to talk about. So if you have 93% or 98%, you're telling me that if I just go above 93, I'm going to die. This is ridiculous. We will go further with this in an episode, in the future, all about the heart and the cardiovascular system.

And it will change everything about what you believe and what you know. Trust me. It is.

Mindblowing. How much [:


What's weird is people get freaked out because when they go on low carb diets or no carb diets, then it raises the total cholesterol and the LDL. Why. Because inflammation is down and now your body can do all the things it wants to do, like fight infections, which is what this whole episode is really about. And repair and fuel. The body. Isn't that awesome.

You get rid of the sugar and the carbs and your LDL goes up and all the good markers of cholesterol go up from all the other different types. Why. To fight infections that you most likely have in your body.

on by increasing fat in your [:

If you're deficient in LDL. It will cause all kinds of things. So we're going to wrap this up here a little bit. And I'm going to get into just two things.


Does a deficiency of LDL cholesterol look like. First off causes cataracts. Oh, you thought that your eyes have nothing to do with what's going on your blood or your diet. Oh, yeah. Your eyes are just

An extension of your brain. What's your brain made out of? Oh, that's right.

25% cholesterol. So, if you want healthy eyes, you need cholesterol.

Digestive I have all different types. And the way to know is if you have a lot of fat in your stool, Like when you look down after you go to the bathroom and there's a layer of fat on top of the water. That means you're not digesting your fat.

If you're [:

I said this before. We will have an episode on a D E N K. These are super important. And you don't get them from vegetarian sources. Only get them from animal sources.


h. You literally get dumber. [:

Oh, that would impact all kinds of mental disorders, anxiety, depression, alzheimers dementia. You name it?

If you don't have the fuel, which is also the building block of the brain, how do you expect your brain to be healthy?

the way. Or anything that's [:

It also cleans up all the stuff on the inside of your body that has died.

You need it. You need an immune system, the strongest one, you can get an LDL.

Builds that system.

It also can cause hyperthyroidism, you need. Cholesterol. Specifically LDL in order to make. Thyroid hormones.

So, if you want to balance your thyroid. You need cholesterol, eat that butter.

So what does LDL actually for like, why do you have it?

e you live long. To make you [:

They keep you being who you actually are.

It also supplies, CoQ10. Have you heard about CoQ10? That nutrient has become really popular as of late, Probably the past. I'll say five to eight years.

It's the spark plug in your muscle cells. So without that spark plug, there's no energy.

Muscle cell gets fuel. In the cells, it has to spark it and burn it for energy. That requires CoQ10. It also makes vitamin D. Without proper amounts of LDL. You can't make vitamin D. Vitamin D is made from lots of different fats. But the main one, it loves LDL.

So, what do lipoproteins do remember started the episode off with lipoproteins carry the cholesterol.

It's kind of like a [:

Cholesterol is inside the bag. Lipoprotein carries it to well, everything. All the cells.

They have functions on their own. Being. Their structure. So yes, they show up, they have a structure it's full of. Cholesterol. What do those lipoproteins do well, first of all, they're anti parasitic. Lipoproteins bind and target parasites. For destruction. The bad ones, the ones you don't want.

That's amazing. So you're worried about eating. An egg. Yet. You aren't worrying about parasites in your body. Causing destruction. So if you eat an egg, You actually give your lipoproteins. Power to kill parasites.

I find that fascinating.

tes nutrients to your immune [:


Glutathione, all these things.

So that the host can use them to defend the body.

Lipoproteins also bind to endotoxins. and other biological agents and prevent those toxic effects. So basically it's a detoxifier. Lipoproteins. Can stop. Toxins from all the bad stuff from affecting you. It's a detoxifier.

They also bind to uric acid. If you like. Kidney stones. Then you should lower your lipoproteins. I don't think anybody does. So the more leper proteins you have. As in.


So I think we just got a crash course on why you should not worry about LDL cholesterol or any cholesterol whatsoever. It is used in your body. For. Pretty much everything. Especially making up the structure of your cells. And the most interesting is killing.

Infections. If you want to be having infection, ear infection, gut infection. Cancer.

Tooth infections. Sinus infection. Doesn't matter what the infection is. Cholesterol LDL specifically. Fights those. It's what your body uses as. Fuel. And building blocks

And they ride inside the lipoproteins in order to get to those infections and kill them.

One more time. [:

And it will raise that LDL. If you're. Not infected or not sick. It will keep the LDL high in order to protect your body. Isn't that amazing.

Lipoproteins specifically, LDL are not your. Enemy. They are your friend. It is.

Your special forces.

It is your fighter jets.

nst parasites infections and [:

Don't be afraid of LDLs.

High LDL.

I know this episode was completely.

Against all you've been told. I understand that. That's why there's studies in the shownotes. I could put many more in there, but. Are you really going to read them? Do people really read them?

Erik 1: If this information is hard to understand. Or grasp. Or.

Comprehend or even believe. Then I say, listen to it over again. If you have questions. You can email me.

This information is polarizing, and I understand that.

I have nothing to gain. From giving you this information.

I just want to help you see things differently. If you see things differently. Then you might understand why. The medical profession has never healed anyone. Of any heart.


Their own [:

This is the most polarizing subject in all of health. LDL cholesterol. It's the divider.

Even really good doctors who understand health and nutrition and good diet and exercise and being healthy. This is still the one thing. That cuts right through the center of their belief system.

I challenge you to learn more, look into it. Don't take my word for it. I will also put into the show notes, a link to a website of a doctor who spent 25 years. Trying to help people. With their heart.

Then he realized what he was doing was completely worthless and changed how he saw cholesterol. Statins.

Fat in the diet. And changed. And now he has amazing results.

Don't worry. About [:

Avoid those foods and you're going to find yourself.

In a lower state of health. Thank you for listening. I know this one was tough to hear. But I had to do it.

Take care of yourselves.

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About the Podcast

The Reality of Health
Health is a holistic concept impacted by lifestyle, habits, sleep, exercise, water, food, air, and toxins.
This is not your average health podcast. It is cutting edge info.
"I never know who to believe"
I hear this all the time...
Well, I will help you navigate all the info you are constantly sold to believe.
The reality is not what you were sold...
New episodes every Monday and Thursday @ 5am!
You can reach me here for anything...


About your host

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Erik Muzzy

I have been educating clients since 1992 on health and nutrition, studied numerous different areas of natural healing and wellness. Utilizing nutrition, diet, exercise, mind, body and spirit for ultimate health or just feeling better.