Episode 39

Published on:

13th Dec 2023

Ep. 39 - Unveiling the Secrets of Healthy Skin Naturally

Understanding Skin Health: From Beauty Products to Natural Care

In this episode, I offer an enlightening view and comprehensive guide on skin health. I emphasize that attractiveness stems more from personal health than from superficial features alone. Topics range from debunking misconceptions about skin care, understanding the skin's biological function, to exploring self-care practices that may help enhance skin health. Personal nutrition tips, the importance of gut health in influencing skin conditions, the essential role of vitamins, and the hazards of chemical-laden commercial skin-care products are also discussed. Encourage listeners to critically examine mainstream beauty narratives,I conjecture that holistic health could be the key to achieving one's beauty goals.

00:07 Introduction to Attractiveness and Beauty

01:00 Understanding the Importance of Skin

01:48 Personal Journey with Skin Health

02:44 The Science of Skin

06:16 The Importance of Diet for Skin Health

08:09 The Impact of Exercise and Blood Flow on Skin Health

09:50 The Role of Sunlight in Skin Health

15:46 The Controversy of Sunscreen

19:32 The Role of Stress and Sleep in Skin Health

20:08 The Benefits of Vitamins for Skin Health

24:01 The Truth about Soap and Skin Health

28:23 The Myth of Exfoliation

30:24 The Importance of Skin Care and Microbiome

31:32 The Dangers of Glycerin in Skincare Products

32:21 The Truth About Oils in Skincare Products

32:46 The Power of Facial Exercises

33:32 The Role of Bone Structure in Aging

35:03 How Your Face Reveals Your Health

39:23 The Truth About Skincare Products

40:56 The Impact of Essential Oils on Skin Health

57:18 The Connection Between Oral Health and Skin Health

58:48 The Magic of Aloe for Skin Health

https://amzn.to/3REJ1En Linen Wash cloths, they will shrink when washed. Totally normal and they will get softer and softer the more you use and wash them. Lightly wipe skin. Use one per wash only, then wash. So have enough for a week.

https://amzn.to/3TidE3S Frankinsense...make sure you always get 100% undiluted.

https://amzn.to/3REQMKu Living Libations- I use the BEST SKIN EVER product and the deodorant. A little of these products go along way.

https://amzn.to/48hhDSm - The shampoo I use couple times a week. This is not a foaming shampoo. Only need to use a little bit. Foam strips your hair remember, surfactants...this is like a cleansing lotion/oil. What do you need to cleanse out of your hair? If you have that much stuff to clean out then you may be using too many products. Not your traditional lathering shampoo. Don't buy unless you want to learn how to use it for your hair situation. Otherwise I use baking soda, again not lathering. Sprinkle on wet hair from a shaker https://amzn.to/3thGOFI and rub the hair lightly, then cap the shaker to keep moisture out. Then you can also use it on your face lightly as well. Very soft feeling and won't dry your skin. Super inexpensive. Great for you scalp. Removes build up in hair without being harsh. Otherwise maybe you don't need anything in your hair...? Like the weekends...just cleanse with water.

If you go to Living Libations website https://livinglibations.com She has many more products and natural make up!

https://amzn.to/47UCeMG Primal Life Organics- I use the deodorant.

If you go to here site there are many more products than on Amazon. She has many products on the website. https://www.primallifeorganics.com

Aloelife Aloe Gel - https://amzn.to/3TnQt8d - Endless things this is good for. First aid in a bottle.

Aloelife Aloe Juice - https://amzn.to/3NuCKbZ - So many uses. Internal for so many issues. I have an Aloe episode you should check out. Ep. 32, https://therealityofhealth.com/episode/ep-32-aloe-is-a-game-changer

Aloelife Body Lotion - https://amzn.to/4awBAXB - Best lotion you will ever use. I have used it since 1990.

Zinc - https://amzn.to/4agnKZ7 - The proper ratios and form.

Sandalwood organic - https://amzn.to/4alKFlC - Great company and product. Remember only need a drop per armpit. Good in a diffuser as well for the home.

Beef Tallow/lard - https://amzn.to/3REP7Vj - Great for skin, especially hands and feet. Burns, face, carrier for essential oils. No smell. I use it for cooking. No flavor and super silky. If you eat carbs especially potatoes, fry in this and it will be better than any oil or butter you have used...


Welcome friends.

Don't we all want to look better. Don't we all want to be sexier. More attractive. Look ourselves in the mirror and say, that's one handsome gentlemen. That is one pretty lady right there.

I know you all want to feel that. But let's face it. Not everybody's. Attractive.

Some are more attractive than others. Some are naturally attractive. They just have that skin.

That just looks awesome. And you wonder. What do they do?

Do they have a regimen? Or are they naturally beautiful? Or handsome. And then there's those times where you say. Age. Has actually improved their looks.

Like they say about many men. as men get older, sometimes they become more attractive. I hope I'm one of those.

Well [:

Start off. Right away and say that. This topic is so big. There's no way I can cover it in just one episode. So we're going to kind of do a crash course again, like we've done several times because. I just can't get all the information to you. So I'm just going to kind of do an overview. In many different topical.

Thoughts and strategies.

Erik 1: Also going to give you some things to think about that you maybe you have never thought about before with your skin or your body.

Just no. This is not an exhaustive episode.

This is more of an general overview of your skin health.

All right, so let's go.

um. Type. Not like a couple, [:

Then I went to Russia. On a trip and got sick. When I came back, that really made me delve into nutrition.

I say that to tell you.

That the skin issue is personal to me. It actually started. My journey of learning nutrition.

So this topic is a little more personal, I guess it would be for you too. We all want to look awesome. Don't we. We all want to look in the mirror and say, wow, I got smooth skin, no wrinkles, no blackheads, no pimples, no weird discoloration or red spots or scaly skin or any number of stuff.

But once you understand what the skin really is. Then, you know what you can do to make it better.

bout it's your largest organ [:

It weighs on average eight. Or nine pounds, depending on. How big you are. The average person, eight or nine pounds, and has a surface area of over. Two yards squared.

That's like. Three of your bath towels laid out next to each other. Keeps all the water inside your body while also maintaining proper amounts of.

Hydration. Whether you're exercising or just sitting around doing nothing. It regulates your temperature.

And then if you damage the surface of your skin, you can lose up to 75 times more water through that damage, like a burn or a cut or anything.

ngle day. Did you hear me? I [:

Every two weeks.

So over a lifetime you've shed. 40 pounds. Of dead skin. And then of course. The craziest thing is all that stuff ends up in the air. In your mattress. If it's a regular type mattress, not one of the foam ones. It's in your clothing, it's in your couch. It's anywhere that you touch your body. That's porous. You know what I mean?

Did you know, That. They say. You know, the infamous day. That you've actually. Breathe in. A skin cell. From somebody who lived thousands of years ago. That they're still floating around everywhere. I don't know. That's true, but. That's what they say.

Their [:

I don't know if I've smiled 200,000 times, I guess I have. But if I haven't then how come I don't have a line? Where my smile is. Hmm. That's interesting.

So we have several different types of skin. . glands. Most famous is the E crying, sweat gland, or maybe you pronounce it at crying. E C, C R I N E. It doesn't matter.

of your Palm, you have about:

So, because we all want to look totally beautiful and handsome. We do all kinds of things to make that happen. We do the four PS, the letter P.

p. We preen. We poke. And we [:

Come on guys. You do it too. You're not out of this, not just the women. Men do it just as much as women do. Maybe we might not use many products, but we do just as much primping.

But I get it. Everybody wants to look good.

Erik 1: Now for the basics of good skin. You need. Food. Sun. Pure water. Fresh air.

Stop wearing petroleum products. For clothing. You know what I mean?

Showering in chlorine and eating GMO food. Those are just real basic things you can do to improve your skin and your overall health. Because if your overall health is good, your skin will be good. Stop wearing plastic clothes.

so many of my episodes, but [:

Don't you worry? I won't geek out too much in this episode,

but we'll talk a little bit here and there.

The other one that's really important for skin health

is balancing your interleukin.

I use that as a general term interleukin. You have these interleukins they're proteins that Can be. Beneficial or negative. And when they get out of balance, it affects your skin. They've got a ton of science on this. There's no debate. Mitochondria. And interleukins are very, very important. We're not going to geek out too much on those right now.

Maybe later we'll get into those. If you really want to let me know. Otherwise look up interleukins I N T E R L U E K I N S.


: All right. So let's [:

It helps everything. The other benefit to exercise is blood flow.

Exercise will improve your skin because without blood flow. That's a problem.

ant pond. You want a running [:

it is a form of B3. Just won't give you a niacin flush. You ever had a nice and flush from B3 kind of weird. Some people love it. Others don't.

The highest concentrations of niacinimide come from animal foods. So your top seven, all animal foods, not plants.

If you're going to buy something, you can buy niacin. Or a nice into mine.

Those are both very inexpensive work. Awesome. Or just buy a B complex if that's what you choose.

Now we come to the. Most controversial part of this episode. The sun. The big, bad killer of skin.

Really. Is it. Let's see.

You [:

For your skin, it creates. Really good things. Mitochondria health. It destroys bad bacteria. It makes you grow. It releases hormones through your brain. Your skin essentially is a light magnet. It's like an antenna to light. It's almost as if the skin was designed to be a light receptor. The whole thing. And then also do everything else.

If you don't get sun on your skin. Or in your life or on your crops.

Or on your grass or anything else? Everything dies.

Therefore sunscreen is horrible. We'll get more into that in a minute. But this is an area where if you follow the money, you will see. That sunscreen is worthless.

It's also bad for your skin.

Much better would be to build your solar callous.

nstead of slathering on skin [:

So why his son. So important for you and your skin. Well, first thing it does, it creates your own. Water.

Then it also creates water soluble, vitamin D.

What our soil vitamin D is very interesting. You have multiple forms of vitamin D, which is a hormone, but let's go back to the vitamin part of it. It actually in the water. Form. Lubricates areas of your body. Isn't that interesting. It lubricates your body joints. Muscles moving. If you're member of the fascia episode, we just had vitamin D is responsible for the ability for your body to move and flex and these kinds of things crazy.

hormones. And so many other [:

I know you've heard so much about Peptides. They're awesome. You gotta be careful using them. They're extremely expensive to purchase. If you go to a clinic that gives those to you. Very, very expensive. You can make so many of these peptides just by getting in the sun.

on't stimulate the brain and [:

Look into those actually really, really cool. I approve of those. I just don't approve of. UV blocking sunglasses.

Why would you say that Erik? Well, Because you've been sold a lie. They want you to believe that UVA UVB and guess what? There is a UVC.

You just probably never heard about it.

So of all the microorganisms that we deal with on a regular basis that are negative. UVC Kilz. Every single one of them, they cannot live in UVC light.

It sounds like something I want.

ters. UV light is antifungal [:

So we think it is bad. Like. Let's say the new controversy that we're hearing about is truck drivers. Who get one side of their face and there are messed up. Well guess what. Why does that happen? Because glass blocks, UVB. Too much UVA imbalances your mitochondrial.

Use of UV light. If you go back and listen to my light episode, I believe that is episode 15. Your body wants. UV rays. They are not bad. They're only bad if you imbalanced them.

What's another way to imbalance them all. That would be sunscreen sunscreen actually filters out UVB, just like glass does.

created imbalance. You need [:

Plus sunscreen has all kinds of chemicals that are known to be terrible for your skin. So what's the point. Of using them.

Now we're worried about the sun, but we're not worried about the chemicals, literally destroying your skin directly.

You slather it up, you put it all over your body or your face or anywhere else. And then. That coding. Makes its way into the skin layers. And also into your body as a whole, and they're damaging. These are chemicals. They are not using good. Things like zinc oxide

the carrier substances that are in the. Product.

ou're trying to stop the sun [:

I know this sounds really weird, but this whole podcast is here to dispel the truth. I'm cutting through what you've been sold. I say this more and more now because. This is serious stuff. You believe, because you've been told by all these people that this is the way.

Is it the way.

Well, if you did some research to find out if what you're being told is the truth. You would find that most of that. Is nothing but follow the money.

There is no science backing, that kind of stuff. And that the science that does back the truth. They don't want you to know this.

So on this topic.

You might say, wait a minute, Erik, what about skin cancer? Like melanoma. All right. What about melanoma? How about. Bernard Ackerman.

Never heard of him. Yeah, you probably wouldn't have.


On myth.

So instead of me,

Citing a whole plethora of studies, which I could list. God knows how many. I'm going to say. Go read Ackerman's book. Look it up. You will see, you've been lied to. No sun.

Equals death. Take away the sun. Your plants.

Your tomatoes.

Your peppers and everything to grow in your garden is dead.

So will you be.

rid of skin cancers. Why not [:

Any number of things.

You have bad skin. Because you've been sold. To believe. You need processed foods. Put a whole bunch of stuff on your skin. Get injected with all kinds of things you don't need.

Watch television. I don't get outside.

Buy stuff that you don't need because. They make you think without it. You can't be healthy. You can't be a better person. You can't be attractive. Well guess what. You've been sold.

ight. I got to calm down. As [:

Where do you get melanin? Well, you get the production of melanin from being in the sun. Isn't that awesome.

Now stress is another major culprit. You can actually see it on people's faces. You know, those with high stress that affects them, they look sickly.

Now there's good in bad stress. I'm referring to the negative stress. It robs you all your positive hormones and nutrients. And then your skin suffers, you get inflammation and puffiness and all sorts of skin issues. The other one is sleep. Well, that goes hand in hand with stress.

But [:

One of the best things you can do for skin, as far as vitamins are concerned. Or, you know, eating. Would be to get vitamins a. D. E and K.

I think this is the third or fourth time I've mentioned this, but I will do an episode on these. Trust me. They are so important for your health. It's ridiculous. One of the ways that you can get these is liver.

I know it doesn't taste good. There are lots of different types of liver. From chicken livers to. Wild Turkey livers. There's so many different ways. There's fish livers. Lots of people that consume these fine ones. They like, and then they're like, this is actually tasty. Even liverwurst. Is a good source of these vitamins from liver. And no, you can't get too much.

sit down and eat that much. [:

Liver is super healthy for you. I'm not saying you have to eat it. I'm just saying if you want the best source of vitamins, a D E N K E liver.

Otherwise egg yolks. Egg yolks have.

A lot of vitamin a and a million other things in there that are good for you. Things we don't even know are in there yet. You look at that egg yolk and it's just. So normal looking, you just look at it and think it's just yellow and kind of round, and it doesn't look like much. It's sort of.

Simple looking.

I don't know how to describe it. And yet it is. So nutrient dense it's insane.

need. Is two egg yolks a day [:

By the way it also has D E and K. I would prefer people to have more than two per day. I'd have as much as you want. If you want 10 eggs a day, eat 10 eggs.

I always do extra . Egg yolks in my daily. A egg. Consumption. I also use ghee and butter. In my eggs.

You can't get enough G or butter in your diet. I've told you before ghee. Increases structured water content in your body. Number one way to get it. Butter. Is so loaded with nutrition. I mean, so is ghee. But gee is much more expensive than butter.

onsuming butter on a regular [:

You can just take up. Tablespoon, throw it in your mouth. Melt it. It's. So delicious. Also fatty fish. Loaded with a D E N K.

All right, let's move on.

I got a lot more for you. You want to get rid of a pimple? Oh, cayenne. Yep. That cayenne pepper. You've heard about get some cayenne powder. Mix it. With lemon juice or honey, or just do it with little water. Dab it on your pimples, throw a bandaid over it overnight. And it will be either gone or almost totally gone next day. I've heard that testimony.

I don't even know how many times. Maybe it's two nights. But at least it's super fast. Anti-inflammatory lemon juice is acidic. And the honey, of course, we all know How good honey is.

Onto my new favorite topic.

hould use soap in the shower.[:

This will blow your mind.

Why is soap harmful?

Soap contains surfactants. I know you've heard these before. That's what breaks down. All that grease while you're washing your dishes or washes the oil off your body, or gets the oil out of your hair or cleans your car when you use it surfactants. Work with water to break down the surface tension of all the things like oil and dirt and all this kind of stuff.

They're filming and they're detergents. Here's the problem. They build up. In the skin.

actants get rid of that. And [:

A certain depth. And then they cause microscopic splinters. It's like having little knives. Piercing. And interfering with all the cellular structure. Of your skin. They'd all wash off after rinsing. And they build up daily, yearly.

Not only do they rupture and tear apart your skin? But they also create dysbiosis.

That's the imbalance of the good microbiome on your skin. Even natural versions, do this all surfactants. Do this.

d a lot of them. Well that's [:

Your skin wants to be oily. Because then it's supple. It's soft. You dry it out. It becomes brittle. You'll lose the stratum corneum, which is the barrier to protect you. From having all kinds of skin problems go back and listen to my Monday minutes about soap. Do you need it?

Oil. Is what is going to make you look younger? And healthier, less wrinkles and all these issues.


So if your skin wants oil, you can use.

actually on your skin to benefit it, to clean it. To nourish it.

You just have to be careful.

To use oils that come from reputable companies.

Want to look for certified organic as usual.

When you use oils for your skin. And I'll get into those oils, but if you're going to use oils,

re going to be expensive for [:

And I can't stress enough.

Water in your products. Dilutes them. What are you paying for? Now.

for every area of your body. [:


Cream. Knee and elbow lotion.

Body lotion.

Hand lotion or cream. Face lotion. I cream. And conditioner for your hair. It's. Total nonsense.

They got you believing.

There lies.

So instead of buying one product you bought. 10 to 12.

cells are dying and I got to [:

And I looks so pretty and so beautiful. And my skin is so smooth and.

I looked so young. No. What you are showing. Is.

Premature skin. You don't have your.

Stratum corneum protecting those under layers. Your cells die faster than you can scrub them off. You need that layer. To protect all the skin underneath it, which will then give you better overall skin quality. Many of the skin issues. Are just microbiome, dysbiosis. When you interrupt the communication of the good or bad microbes.

tually communicate with each [:

Then you have to keep doing it regularly. Or else you have red skin or itchiness or. Even things like dry patches. Or oily patches, redness. Um,

Acne puffiness. [:

Not protected. And the microbiome is in dis biosis. You don't want that. You don't need to scrub or peel your skin. A lesson is a medical issue.

There are things in our.

Skincare products. That are not good for you. And others that are very good for you.

One of the worst that you can have in your products. Is glycerin.

What is glycerin it's sugar, by the way.

it's actually worse and more [:

It's also a filler. So if you're buying something for 25, 30, 40 bucks. And it has glycerin in the first two ingredients. You're paying mostly for something that costs. Hardly anything pennies.

Which brings me to oils.

The oils that they use in skincare products. Most of them are horrible. They're rancid. Especially the larger companies products, they're all rancid. Most of the oils you buy in the grocery store are all Ranson.

Very rare to get fresh oil. That's not rancid.

Why would you want to put that on your skin?

he internet. It doesn't even [:

So we exercise our body, but not our face.

And then we wish our face was attractive. So you can exercise your face as much as you can exercise your body. If you're an attrition is bad. Then you'll lose bone as well. They can actually scan the bone structure of your face in your skull. And see the loss as you age. So one of the reasons that your face looks the way it does as you're aging is because that bone structure. So we think it's skin. And we don't realize no, no, no.

It's not just skin. [:

You can do it all day. Your diet. We'll improve your bone, but your muscular ger underneath your skin, you can do that while you're at work. While you're driving your car, you could do it all the time. You can work those muscles continuously.

I think that's pretty cool. Anything that's free and has that much impact in your life. Why not?

All right. I'm going to run through a few new things for you that you never thought about.

We're getting a little bit long. So I'm going to make this shorter.


our skin, which is on top of [:

Thyroid issues. You will lose hair top bottom, all of your body with thyroid problems. Dark circles under your eyes. Insulin resistance is a major problem with your kidneys. When your kidneys can't filter. Fluids in your body. That will show dark circles under your eyes. Another reason why you should go low carb. Blackheads. Low [00:36:00] vitamin D. Well, how do I get rid of blackheads, Erik?

Get your butt in the sun or get red light therapy or blue light therapy and get that vitamin D work. And that'll clear up Blackheads. If you have rough. Scaly skin. Dermatitis. Dry eyes, dry hair. Yeah, you're not getting enough fat in your diet, especially omega threes. So we increased the mega threes. And then of course increased saturated fat. That will balance out the fact that you and this condition. Uh, dry skin dermatitis, dry eyes, dry here.

You have too much omega six omega six. Yeah. That's going to do a lot of things. Where do you get to make a six? That would be the seed and vegetable oils or chicken, especially a lot of people eat chicken. Don't realize full of mega six. Actually give your skin.

A dry look.

If you have chapped lips or [:

How the foods you eat can suck out oils, even though you think I'm eating something that's oily. Why is it not working? Too many amiga sixes. Facial hair can be a sign of high. Negative androgens. So when you go work out. You make androgens. And the positive antigens. Happened in the first 45 minutes of exercise after [00:38:00] that all the negatives start showing up.

So if you're in high stress or you work out a lot, you're probably producing a lot of negative. Androgens. That can contribute to facial hair. Same as acne. Acne is high negative androgens. How do you increase your good positive energy wins? Don't work out as much. More intensity, less time.

Lower your sugar. And lower the seed and vegetable oils.

If you have insulin resistance, you'll also get a round face. You'll look in the mirror and go, man, I'm so puffy. Yup. That's because you're eating too many carbs, too much sugar. If you have things like red cheeks or red spots areas on your body, you're like, whoa, that's just red. It's not really. Venus. Or, or a lot of capillaries, it's just kind of red.

That's [:

So Erik, what products should I be using on my body and my face? Well,

You can use products if you like, you don't have to, but in a lot of cases, they're really good for you.

A lot of people make great products for your skin. Others make really terrible stuff.

Just because it's expensive doesn't mean that it's good for you.

Go to the large department stores. And that will make my case for me.

think I did this, therefore [:

No, you don't.

Questions to ask yourself about these products would be.

How natural do you want them to be? How much do they cost? How many chemicals are you putting on your skin every day? Then. Multiply that times all the years. Then add all the chemicals from your skincare products, with all the chemicals that you're ingesting in your diet. You see.

There's very little science done on ingredients that are in these products.

Believe it or not. All this stuff you hear. About percentages of wrinkle reduction and all this stuff. Most of that is nothing but garbage. It doesn't exist. You've been lied to, you've been sold to believe.

But there are things that do have real science backing them.

One of those things would be essential oils.

I [:

All the evidence backing their use and what they can do for you with side effects as well, by the way. And it's astounding. It's called.

If you want to own it. And this should be in your library. It's called principles and practice of phytotherapy second edition. Modern herbal medicine. It's a textbook. So, if you don't like to read. Textbook style information. This is not the book for you.

This is irrefutable. You cannot refute anything in this book.

Kerry bone. And Simon mills. Legit I'm telling you right now. Amazing. This is a go-to.

So of all the essential oils for your skin. The king.

It literally does everything [:

Of your hormones protects your skin and prevents aging of your skin. It can help you sleep. Who doesn't want that? Improves your brain function.

Things like. Concentration mood. Even helps to relax you. You can use it in your hair. You can clean your house with it. And so many other things. How many ingredients in your skincare products you currently use? I can do any of that. I mean seriously.

I put a link in the show notes of just a frankincense

uy them diluted. Dilute them [:

Now when you're buying products for your skin. If the first ingredient is water, just know that that's usually the worst thing you can see.

That means. There's very little of all the other stuff. If it's super thick. You've got a lot of fillers. If the thickness. Is. Because of the ingredient that you want, that makes it thick. Well, then that's fine. Like aloe. You know, aloe is not thin. It's kind of thicker. So you just have to use your brain a little bit, but. Essentially. Most companies will use water. To thin it out and make more money. This is where oils come in. If you buy straight essential oils and then add them. To carry your oils, you know exactly what you have.

The water that they use can matter as well.

unk, tap water concentrated. [:

Erik 1: After all, this is a skin episode. I would be remiss not to talk about that topic of natural makeup.

I think it's important.

I think it's so important. That the number one area I think that women worry about would be wrinkles around the eyes. I am I right?

So then we use.

Makeup around the eyes that destroys the skin.

Isn't that interesting. Why not use a makeup that doesn't destroy the skin and actually in essence might actually help the skin.

you add certain products. To [:

I'm also just going to say that some of you need makeup.

I guess the question begs, do you even need makeup? Some of you don't but yeah. I have to admit. Others do. I'm sorry. That's just the way it is.

Many men get probable use the makeup. You know what I mean?

I have a question for you.

If you were in the woods. Living by yourself or in a tribe with very few people. In the most simplistic terms. Would you put anything on your skin? Whatsoever.

Why would you need any skin? Product. If you were living in the woods.

at people going to Africa or [:

Or they don't put anything on their skin at all. So why do we have to do that? Would that be because we're counteracting, all the other things we do unhealthy in our life, therefore showing in our skin. And then we have to counteract that with skincare products. I'm just throwing that thought out there for you. You know when health. One of the things you always have to think about. Is the approach. Am I going after symptoms or am I going after the cause?

ause. Find the cause symptom [:

One of my favorite things that you can use. For not just your body's health. But it absolutely impacts. Your skin. The number one mineral that you could use is zinc.

Zinc will. Massively impact the microbiome. And the ability for your skin cells to repair themselves.

Zinc. Empowers 350. Different enzyme systems in your body. This is why you hear so much about it. It's super, super powerful zinc and magnesium. The two most important minerals to get.

If you're on a low fat diet, you're missing saturated fat. Saturated fat. We'll be what moisturizes your skin. And everything internally, by the way.

good way, not in a bad way. [:

Fat. Entering the cells. To give moisture and balance are the ones that make you look youthful.

health, especially your skin.:

Now water will take a little bit longer to enter your skin. And create havoc.

Things that are fat soluble that are in the water. Although we'll go in. In about 26 seconds. So general water in. Water soluble substances. I won't get in there as fast. That stratum . Corneum. Protects that water from entering your skin. Your body doesn't want water. It wants fat. Then the fat-soluble. Substances that are in water.

We'll go in quicker within 26 seconds.

Erik 1: Once it's in the body.

Your body can then filter in neutralized toxins. So you want to limit as many as possible. That's where the filter comes in.

he shower? Linen wash claws. [:

It doesn't matter.


If you're a member has a vibrational frequency of 5,000. It's the most healing of all. Cloths.

Super good for your skin. Mild exfoliant. If you want it, the lighter you go, the less exfoliation, the stronger you go, the more exfoliation. Don't think you need exfoliation, but if you really want it. Have fun.

Gotta be careful with the essential oils in your products that you buy. You want to make sure that it's not too destructive to the microbiome and caused that dysbiosis? Using things like neem.

Oregano. Or teacher oil.

Things that kill. That's not [:

If you use. A lot of the essential oils, you don't need to use most of these things daily, either. You're stratum corneum is enough. 90% of the time, unless you have a legit medical problem, then you can add all these different essential oils. Plus. You're not spending a lot of money. Constantly buying stuff.

Water's amazing to clean your, your skin.

And of course, I'll say again. Stop eating seed and vegetable oils. These destroy the skin. They actually destroy all tissues in your body. Every single one of them. It is going to come out. Eventually full mainstream. That seed and vegetable oils. Or the number one?

es. Seed and vegetable oils. [:

You know, Erik, I've heard that doing a face mask is a good thing to do. Sure go for it. Just be careful. Be careful what you're using. You can make a very easy face mask using raw honey and some essential oils. Or lard with essential oils or any of the clays. You gotta be careful with the clays. They're absorbing all the oil out of your skin.

So. Got to know how to use those.

Good companies that make really good clays that understand. This will tell you we are balancing the oil content. While using these clay products.

By the way.

r burn yourself, like in the [:

Regular yellow mustard, just slather that stuff all over the burn.

It is an instantaneous. Pain relief. I don't know how that works. Some say it's the tumErik. Some say it's the mustard, some saves the vinegar. I don't know. I could be blocking the air. Getting to it. I don't know. But it's absolutely incredible. And it happened to me. Used a whole bunch of things, nothing worked. Saw it did it.

It was immediate. Awesome. Super cool. And who wants to hurt that bad?

health. Is. Your skin health.[:

And tongue.

You treat your gut poorly than the skin. Has to help flush all the toxins.

All the inflammation.

Course, it's not going to look good. You'll have rashes of all different kinds. Then of course you'll have poor nutrient uptake, et cetera. By the way, if you want to increase your gut health. You can take a supplement called. Butyrate. There's lots of different versions. You can buy.

Doesn't really matter so much as getting it.

iber, but you don't need it. [:

It's known as a post probiotic, so it's not pre it's not pro. It is post.

It helps you build your microbiome as well. Super powerful for your immunity. Not just growing the good guys. If you're going to use any type of oil on your skin, one of the best it is not the best. The best is. Well, I will say out for debate. But one of the best that you can use is Jojoba J O J O


A .

your skin, but you can also [:

It in a wet. Linen washcloth and, and kind of wipe it over your face. Not too strong.

Hoba or most oils will detoxify your skin. It cleans your makeup off at cleans the dirt and excess oils, things like these, but also nourishes them at the same time and keeps that stratum. Corneum. The only time you actually need soap. Is on your pits and privates. Go back to the PS again.

So what about deodorant?

Well, Hopefully you listened to my Monday minutes, just two days ago. And I talked about deodorant.

ed. Otherwise, you should be [:

One of the things that most people don't realize is how important your oral health is to your skin health. They're actually connected. It starts in your mouth.

In your mouth actually. Is your skin. Wait. What. Yeah. Think about it.

You have orifices of your body. You have. The another region. Boy or girl. Your ears. Your nose. Your eyes. Your mouth.

You have a skin or mucosal? Barrier.

What you do in your mouth determines what's going on on your internal microbiome, which then nutritionally. Uh, affects. Your skin. It doesn't sound like much. Well, what about all those people that have all these. Skin conditions. They clean up their diet. Boom. Now their skin looks awesome.

Or they have an [:

You want to.

Digest and absorb. Your nutrients starts with saliva, which is the second thing that's closest to blood.

Besides mother's milk.

People discount, how important oral health is? Aye.

We'll say oral health is more important than anyone realizes, which is why I did an episode on oral health. I encourage you to go back and listen to that too. I'm sorry. I keep saying that, but all these things are connected.

You can't just do one thing, expect everything to be healthy. They're all interconnected.

se it on your body. Amazing. [:

Portable. That would be aloe juice.

My favorite brand is aloe life. This is one of the few that I will tell you, make sure. You use my.

Link in the show notes, because this is legit. I did a whole episode just on this brand's Allo, nothing else like it on the planet. Nobody's even close. But they make just a straight juice, no sugar, no flavors. That put in a spray bottle or wipe it on. You can use it as a hair serum. You can use it on any area on your body, any way that you can think of using it to heal. I mean it's next level He literally has more nutrition than most things on the planet. That we know of anyway.

I [:

You cannot go wrong.

Karen who owns that company also makes a product called skin gel.

By far, the most nourishing, most healing, most effective and most affordable.

Gel cream type product that you can purchase. Literally any skin issue you can think of, you can use it. It will heal. Everything.

You want to add some frankincense oil to it or a oregano oil or anything else? Go for it. You can use it as a base carrier for anything. Her products are so powerful. It's insane.

ow good aloe is for healing. [:

If everybody's looking for the magic bullet for nice skin. And aloe is inexpensive. And it works. For all conditions. And all healing.

Um, just about anything you can think of. Why would you not want to use it daily?

So you can see, this is a long episode because it is. There's so much information. I can't even just bring it into a small amount. I could do many more episodes if you want them. Let me know. We'll do more specific episodes on specific conditions. Or areas of your skin. Otherwise, I really appreciate you listening. If you know anybody who's interested in information like this, please. Send it.

for listening. Take care of [:
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About the Podcast

The Reality of Health
Health is a holistic concept impacted by lifestyle, habits, sleep, exercise, water, food, air, and toxins.
This is not your average health podcast. It is cutting edge info.
"I never know who to believe"
I hear this all the time...
Well, I will help you navigate all the info you are constantly sold to believe.
The reality is not what you were sold...
New episodes every Monday and Thursday @ 5am!
You can reach me here for anything...


About your host

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Erik Muzzy

I have been educating clients since 1992 on health and nutrition, studied numerous different areas of natural healing and wellness. Utilizing nutrition, diet, exercise, mind, body and spirit for ultimate health or just feeling better.