Episode 53

Published on:

31st Jan 2024

Ep. 53 - The secret of how your body works...

The Power of Energy, Frequency, and Vibration in Health

This episode delves into the deep connection between energy, frequency, vibration, and human health. I passionately explore these concepts as seen in life, nature, and as echoed by Tesla, emphasizing their role in every aspect of our living experience. The episode stresses the profound effects of unseen physical phenomena, the importance of harmonic frequencies, the role of energy fields and disturbances around us, and the body's ability to respond to these energies. I also touche on energy medicine, the commercialization of health, influence of dietary habits, and the significance of electrolytes in our bodies.

00:23 Introduction to the Reality of Health

00:39 Exploring the Interconnection of Mind, Body, and Spirit

01:12 Unveiling the Secrets of the Universe: Energy, Frequency, and Vibration

01:31 Understanding Energy, Vibration, and Frequency

03:35 The Power of Money and Influence in Science

04:52 The Role of Energy in Health and Medicine

05:12 The Impact of Negative Energy on Health

05:44 The Importance of Natural Substances in Healing

06:16 The Side Effects of Synthetic Substances

07:29 Appreciating the Marvelous Work of Art: The Human Body

08:05 The Tragic Story of Tesla

08:14 The Power of Frequency in Body Function

09:39 The Sound and Color of Elements

11:09 The Body as a Highly Tuned Orchestra

12:49 The Impact of Disrupted Frequencies on DNA

14:48 The Impact of Frequency on Our State of Being

15:11 How Diet Influences Our Personal Frequency

15:39 The Power of Harmonic Sounds on Our DNA

16:13 The Influence of Energy on Our Lives

17:21 The Science of Frequencies and the Atomic Clock

18:31 The Role of Frequencies in Our Brain and Heart

19:39 The Importance of Electrolytes and Electricity in Our Bodies

20:48 The Impact of External Energy Sources on Our Health

23:29 The Power of Invisible Energy in Our Lives

26:32 The Importance of Energy, Frequency, and Vibration to Our Health


β€Š Welcome friends.

to the reality of health podcast. Today, we're going to talk about something that just really invigorates me. Yep. I use the word invigorating.

I love this topic. It is to me the most interesting aspect of the human body. In all its forms from mind, body, and spirit.

Have you ever really thought about your body and the way that we're going to talk about? Well,

Let's explore. How everything interconnects.

You were fearfully and wonderfully made. And this is one of those times. If you can think in your mind's eye, what's going on in your body.

As we talk in this episode. Maybe you'll see how wondrous you really are. I'm so excited to talk about this that can hardly stand it. So let's get going. Okay.

Nikola Tesla. Stated, if you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration. Yeah, Erik. We know you've said this before. Oh yeah. Cause that's my favorite. I quote.

Of all time. That constitutes health.

What is energy? What is frequency? What is vibration?


notice he also didn't believe in many of the theoretical scientific principles. Why. It's right there in his statement. Everyone wants to think it's all about matter and stuff you can touch. He said, no, it's energy, frequency and vibration. What is energy? Well, let's get into some definitions for the body.

It's the strength and vitality. Uh, required for sustained physical or mental activity. For the universe, it's power derived from the utilization of physical or chemical resources, especially to provide light and heat or to work machines. Oh, wait, you think maybe we're a machine.

What is vibration?

It's a noun.

An instance of vibrating. Like an earthquake and in physics, it's an oscillation of the parts of a fluid. Or an elastic solid. Like maybe jello. πŸ“ Who's equilibrium has been . Disturbed. Or have an electromagnetic wave also known in a person as a persons. Emotional state. The atmosphere of a place or the associations. Of an object. As communicated to and felt by others. Hm. Almost as if you are.

Affected by energy around you. What is the frequency? It's the rate at which a vibration occurs that constitutes a wave. Either in a material as in sound waves, . Or in an electromagnetic field. As in radio waves and light usually measured per second. Yup.

Those are the definitions of energy, vibration and frequency.

Brought to you by Tesla.

You've heard the concept. Of tow the line. This is where if you are. Anything outside of the considered correct path. Then you are ostracized. Do you know how many people from researchers and scientists and doctors have been ostracized? There's usually one common denominator for the.

Ostracization. It's money. You could also claim its power. It's influence if you stray. Outside. The boundaries of which people with money, power, and influence have, then you will be ostracized in many different ways. Did you know, That they have jailed. Medical researchers who strayed from the path. Did you know that they have demonized them and crushed their work even had campaigns into the media. To counteract their claims. With such ferocity as to completely decimate a researcher's entire life. Did you know, That that still happens today. Do you know, That's been going on for hundreds and hundreds of years.

I'm simply bringing you information.

It's up to you to decide what you want to believe. But all of your health. Is based on energy, which science says is the foundation of every single thing in the entire universe. Then why would they want to disprove any energy medicine?

At all. You have to ask yourself this question.

So if by putting into the body, As an example. Something with good energy. Good vibration, good frequency. And it has a good outcome. Why would anybody want to stop that? Why would they want to put something in your body? That is a negative energy state. Negative frequency, a negative vibration. If it wasn't just to disrupt the good energy, the good frequency and the good vibration. If they see you have evolved on this planet. Then what are you made of? Well, that would be things of this planet. Am I right. So then. Using common sense and logic and wisdom, which are well the best way to direct your life.

You would say to heal the body, you would use these things. From this planet.

You wouldn't create synthesized non-organic non-natural substances in order to heal the body or even amplify the attributes of your body. Ever heard. Of an ad on television for anything that naturally occurs, let's say water from a company or an ad from the broccoli association or an ad from any food company.

And then at the end of the ad, they state all. I have the side effects from consuming their product. Where have you heard ads like that?

Something is so good for you. And then at the end, they list a whole bunch of side effects. That are worse than the original condition.

Oh, well, that would be, well, you know, where. You've never heard an Evian water. Add ever state after telling you how good it hydrates your body and how naturally sourced it is and how you feel better drinking it. And then at the end, it states. Consult your doctor, if you experience any of these symptoms. Headaches. Nausea. Vomiting feelings of suicide, depression, anxiety, joint pain, muscle pain. Uh, or uncontrollable bowel movements. πŸ“ No. You've never, ever heard anything like that.

Tesla also stated. Everyone should consider his body as a priceless gift. From one whom he loves above all a marvelous work of art. Of indescribable beauty. And mystery beyond human conception. And so delicate. That a word. A breath. Uh, look nay. Uh, thought may injure it. Tesla is an absolute genius. He has depths and levels to him layers even.

That make him one of the most brilliant people that's ever lived. And yet. They crushed him. They ruined him. Y. Well, I would say you should look into that.

We used to think the body transferred or understood the energy information through electricity. Now they're starting to find out it's through frequency. Interesting. Isn't that?

Tesla also said a single Ray of light from a distance star falling upon the eye of a tyrant in bygone times. I may have altered the course of his life. May have changed. The destiny of nations may have transformed the surface of the globe. So intricate. So inconceivably complex are the processes in nature. In no way.

Can we get such an overwhelming idea of the grandure of nature? Then when we consider that in accordance with the law of the conservation of. Energy. Throughout the infinite. The forces are in a perfect balance and hence the energy of a single thought. May determine the motion. Of a universe. Oh πŸ“ man. Is he not awesome. I wish I could think, like he does.

That concept of how deep. And how utter reaching energy is, is mind blowing to me. Did you know, That hydrogen. Actually has a sound. Yeah, it sounds like the key of E πŸ“ major. And it also has a color. Yellow. Wait a minute. Hydrogen has a sound and a color. It does E major and yellow. So then Erik, what about oxygen? Oh, yeah.

Don't you worry. Oxygen also has a key of F over F πŸ“ sharp. πŸ“ And it's color. Is chartreuse. For those of you who don't know what chartreuse is, it's green. And by the way, The one that they say we got to get rid of. You can't have this element because with this element comes. Well,

I'll let you decide.

Once I described this one. So carbon. Is the key of E major. And is. Also yellow.

Isn't that interesting. The same as hydrogen. Hmm.


Sound and color. Frequency and vibration associated with common elements. Of this planet. Is new science. Unbelievably. Awesome. Super fun to learn about. I mean, think about that. If you could take hydrogen. And listened to it.

I mean. How amazing is that? And then it has a color. I'm so blown away.

Let's put it a different way. Let's take a guitar or a piano. πŸ“

So you tune. Each string to a specific frequency. Now. Let's take one string and de-tune it. Let's play a song. Could you tell. Oh, yes, for sure. You could tell, even if you've never played the instrument. If you've played the instrument. Maybe it's even your instrument, you know that instrument so, well, you can tell if one string is slightly out of tune. Your body is so highly tuned and it knows when anything. Is slightly out of tune than it adjusts in whatever way it needs to. Sometimes you feel those adjustments, other times you don't feel those adjustments. Your body is not a guitar.

Your body is more like an orchestra. A huge orchestra. That orchestra is now playing the most intense. Musical piece ever created. But one instrument.

Can be out of tune.

And that entire orchestra is out of tune. Everyone knows it. The people listening. The other people playing the instruments and more important. The conductor. The conductor freaks out. And stops. The whole song looks over at that person who is out of tune and says how dare you. Do you know what you've done? Now we have to start all over again. You disrupted the entire masterpiece.

All right. I might've got a little dramatic there, but I think you get the point. We believe energy just passes on.

When your particular prime resonant frequency is played, your DNA get excited and they tighten. What the heck did you just say Erik? All right. I'll repeat that. Your prime resonant. Frequency. Yes, you have one of these. When it's played. Oh yeah, your DNA get excited and they actually tighten up. They get better. They get healthier. It's called harmonic wave re sequencing.

So let's say the frequency coming in is supposed to be full oxygen F over F sharp, but it comes in as lower than F.

It can be interfered with, because another frequency is coming in at the same time and it's disrupting it. Now let's say the full frequency. Of yore.

DNA gets disrupted because of frequencies coming in that disturb your Resonant prime frequency. If you play a tuning fork at a certain frequency. πŸ“ Then you hit another one of a different πŸ“ frequency. πŸ“ They will slowly come together to make the same frequency that new frequency is the combination of those two combined. So what I'm giving you is this analogy I'm using it to show you. One of the first frequency from the fork.

You didn't want the second one, but. Inadvertently it came into your area and disrupted that first frequency.

Let's say your first frequency is disrupted because the cell phone just rang. πŸ“ Or your refrigerator compressor turned on or baby started πŸ“ crying or let's say maybe even a siren. From an ambulance. πŸ“ You were in a peaceful state, you were happy. And everybody. I was in a good state. And now that frequency from those examples, I just gave. Now breaks. Or inhibits your good peaceful state. You're healing state. Into a different frequency that is not. Your prime harmonic. Frequency. Let's put another way. Your diet is really good.

You're losing weight. You're feeling great. And then you go eat ice cream. That ice cream is going to mix with your frequency of your DNA. That frequency to you. That's specific to you. And harm it all through frequency.

Just when you thought everything was great. Something comes in and disrupts it. That is disharmonious. What about things like Tibetans singing bowls or monks chanting, or the sound of choir music or an orchestra or a single instrument in the orchestra? πŸ“ πŸ“ πŸ“ Are we to think that those beautiful harmonic inspirational life-changing stress reducing even mind altering frequency sounds have nothing to do with your DNA. πŸ“ Is your DNA not responsive to every energy and all of its ways around you. Are we supposed to think that there's all this energy going on all around you every single day on this planet? You are in all of that energy and it has zero impact on your body or your mind or your spirit.

To think that energy, which is the foundation of all science has no impact on you from what you eat. From what you think about from what you put into your body, from what you put on your body to. What you listened to from what you touch from what you hear from what you believe. From what you read. From what you see. That would be detrimental to the understanding of how your body responds to everything around you.

Not only is it scientific. But it's also common sense when these two principles come together. It's really hard to disprove them.

I know I'm getting deep. I totally understand that because, well, we're deep. Universe is deep. Creation is deep.

So let's bring this down into a more. Scientific way. The atomic πŸ“ clock.

Which is an absolute, incredible device. Did you know that it uses.

that is an .

Atomic mineral.

That is radioactive, but. Here's the thing.

This atomic clock. It tells time. So accurately by utilizing Cesiums' frequency. Are you ready for this? I'm going to tell you what the frequency is in Hertz.

9 billion. 192,631,770. Hurts.


wait a minute. Yeah. That's a frequency. is so stable. That they use it. As the standard for time. You know, Time. The thing that we all run our lives with the thing that tells you how old you are tells you what time your program is on TV. The thing that never changes, it's always the same. Oh, but that's okay.

Because we think that frequencies have nothing to do with. Everything in your life.

So your heartbeats that are frequency, your brain runs on frequencies. How about the brainwaves? Alpha beta Delta and theta.

Theta waves. R between four to eight Hertz. Beta waves are between 16 to 32 Hertz. Gamma are greater than 32 Hertz. These are associated with what you know of as REM sleep. Notice. They are characterized by Hertz. Yeah, that would be a frequency.

All of your cells have voltage. πŸ“ When that voltage goes up too high or goes too low, you will reap all kinds of problems. Every cell in your body is actually running. At 22 to 25 millivolts. Then, if you need to make new cells. That will require 50 millivolts.

So if you're. Voltage is too low. Yep. You're going to have chronic disease.

Erik, this is all pseudo science. This is just a woo.

Well, Let's put it into another scientific way. I know you've heard of electrolytes. Uh, hi. I know for a fact, You've been inundated with these over the last 10 years.

If you don't have them, you're in big trouble.

You ever wonder what that word means? Electrolytes. Starts with the word. E electro as in electricity. So without electrolytes, you can't conduct electricity.

See how simple this is. This is easy stuff to understand.

Did you know, your bodies are made out of water.

And the nervous system.

Runs on electricity. The cells require electricity and energy. That happens through electrolytes and then your body uses electricity. To contract a muscle in order to move. You see, you're requiring electricity to run your brain. Just like a computer. Does.

Do you think that you are affected by energy sources around you? The sources that you have all around, you. Will absolutely affect you in so many ways. And they're either good or bad.

Do you know anybody that lives under a cell tower? Or, uh,

Power line. Of course you don't because nobody does. That would be terrible thing to do. Why. Because it would destroy your health.

Did you know,

That the military. Has energy weapons.

Did you just say that there are weapons that use energy? Yup. Are you saying that we're in star Trek or star wars? No, it's not quite cool as that is. It's.

Nowhere near as awesome.

They use them for crowd control and for other things, They'll use frequencies.

And then they blast these into a crowd and cause people to have heart attacks or they can feel their skin burning or. The sound is so loud to them that they can't even handle it and they run away. They even have more extreme weaponry. Utilizing vibration. Frequencies in energy. Which we're not going to talk about here.

Again, Erik. Sounds like. Voodoo science to me. Okay. What happens when your heart stops? What do they do? They shock you With a defibrillator.

Y. Because it energizes your heart.

If you go to a hospital, they put you on an Ivy.

Y. To give you electrolytes. Sodium potassium, magnesium. Chloride sulfate. Yeah.

We want to think that if we just walk around in this world, we are not affected by energy fields around us. And yet we know you don't put your finger in a light socket.

Why does it kill you? Because it's too much electricity at one time. Even though without electricity, you'd be dead too much. And you're dead, too little. And you're dead. The body loves homeostasis. Not only. And all kinds of nutrient balances or macro nutrient balances. But also electromagnetic balance in your body. All run by the autonomic nervous system.

Yes. My favorite topic.

Tesla also said. The day science begins to study non-physical phenomenon. It will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence. Man. He is so awesome. You see how this all ties in. Non-physical phenomena. That's you. That's everything around you effecting you. This is why it's so interesting.

Erik. This is just, I don't know how to think about this.

I don't know if I. Man. I don't know really what to think. Well think about it like this, then. I wouldn't the most interesting thing be what you can't see. And yet, Affecting you. Because it is.

Why do you have television? You can't see that television program in the air, but your TV picks it up. You pick up everything around you, just like your television. You are a light bulb, like a wireless light bulb.

You are affected by everything around you. Not only by the things that you put inside of you. But everything that's around you. Mind, body and spirit. I talk about EMF and electricity. And the autonomic nervous system a lot.

Because. Sometimes the most important things about your health, you can't see. You are influenced by these. And doesn't that make it really, really interesting.

Isn't it interesting how a cell phone works? You don't see the connection between the tower and your cell phone. And yet you're walking around with this little device and you're like, I can't believe I'm connected to the internet and I can make phone calls. And this thing is awesome.

Why is it awesome? Is it the device? No, it's not the device. It's what you can't see.

You don't see the rays of light coming from the sun that hit your skin. You just feel the sun on your skin and you think, wow, this feels so good. I love this.

You can't see him. And yet you're enamored.

Every single thing, you come in contact with, whether you see it or not. Is energy. Frequency and vibration.

How do you hear the music that comes out of your speakers? That is through frequency and vibration. And you can either make that sound awesome or something where you say, turn that off. That sounds terrible. Like the guitar, the piano we spoke about.

The reason why people don't think much about this is because they can't see it. They can't see it working in the body.

Electrolytes your autonomic nervous system. Conduct electricity, just like wires that go to your electronic equipment. That passed throughout your whole entire house. That power, your television.

Energy vibration and frequency are more important to your health. Than even your food. Which by the way. Is actually. Energy. πŸ“

You can eat some food. Yeah, you might feel not so good or it might feel a little bit.

Of energy from it.

But you can have more influence coming. From a different source. Uh, affecting you. And a much more powerful way.

Like sticking your finger in a light πŸ“ socket.

By the way don't do that. Ever.

It's very difficult.

To express to you how important energy, frequency and vibration are to your health. Or how much you should respect. And enjoy.

The knowledge of those three. Forms.

Three principles in your life.

They're not sexy. I guess for some people. For those of us nerds. It's super sexy.

But without those three things you would not experience. Anything in your life, not health. Not television, not love.

Not joy. Not peace.

They are.

What you experience every day, all day. And they come in the form of food.


Music. Touch.

Someone telling you, they love you.

You caring for someone else?

The smell of a good πŸ“ rain.

The visuals of a fully starry sky at night. The crack of thunder. πŸ“ The visuals of πŸ“ lightning.

Or even.

Experience of this awesome podcast. I'm kidding.

πŸ“ I hope you see your life differently than just physical form. And you just eat. And you just put things on your body and you just go to work and you just do every day. It's all energy frequency and vibration. It's phenomenal.

If you thought this was fun and interesting, send it to literally everybody, you know,

Thank you for listening. Take care of yourselves.

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About the Podcast

The Reality of Health
Health is a holistic concept impacted by lifestyle, habits, sleep, exercise, water, food, air, and toxins.
This is not your average health podcast. It is cutting edge info.
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About your host

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Erik Muzzy

I have been educating clients since 1992 on health and nutrition, studied numerous different areas of natural healing and wellness. Utilizing nutrition, diet, exercise, mind, body and spirit for ultimate health or just feeling better.