Episode 54

Published on:

5th Feb 2024

Ep. 54 - Habits create health

Creating Positive Rhythms: Achieving Physical, Mental and Spiritual Health

I discuss the importance of establishing positive routines in our life to achieve better health and well-being. I suggest your daily habits significantly impact our physical, mental, and spiritual health, and hence, it is crucial to consciously make habits that are beneficial for us. They touch upon various aspects of life, such as financial management, time utilization, choice of food, and spiritual routines, emphasizing that changing our everyday rhythms can help create a positive state of mental, physical and spiritual health. I wrap up with three simple habit changes one can implement immediately: getting an extra hour of sleep, staying away from digital devices in the first hour of wakefulness, and incorporating a basic stretching routine into the start of the day.

00:21 Introduction to Rhythms and Habits

00:54 The Impact of Negative Habits

02:01 The Role of Routines in Daily Life

02:31 The Consequences of Bad Habits

03:58 The Power of Positivity

04:37 Creating a Positive Homeostasis

06:24 The Importance of Small Changes

06:38 Three Simple Health Tips

06:54 The Benefits of Stretching

07:42 Conclusion and Farewell


 Welcome friends. To the reality of the health podcast. Today is Monday minutes. Did you know,

That rhythms rule your life. Did you know, Then every single day that you wake up and you go to bed. You've.

Created habits.

Did you know, At your brain.

Can be rewired of those habits.

And did you know.

That the rhythms of your life, these habits determine. The outcome. At the end.

Yes, this is. About health, even though I'm talking about rhythms and habits. You want to create rhythms for yourself? In your mind in your body and your spirit. For example. You don't want to create habits and rhythms that are negative. You want to do the positive things. Like your finances. Are you stuck making the same amount of money or do you want more money? Are you stuck watching television when you get home instead of creating something or doing a hobby? Or volunteering or whatever, something more beneficial with your life. Your food choices.

Do we eat the same things every day that you know are bad for you? Like fast food. Sugar, too many carbohydrates.

Maybe you can change your routine up and make. Food when you get home. So you don't have to.

Figure out what to eat the next day. That's unhealthy because you're in control.

Your bad habits, make bad health.

Erik, you're getting so deep with your philosophical. Quips.

No, I'm just simply stating.

You are.

The outcome of all your rhythms. What about your spiritual life? Do you cultivate rhythms and habits for your spiritual life, regardless of what your spiritual life is?

How about routines for your daily schedule? Like your kid's soccer practice, all that kind of stuff. All that. Stuff's totally fine. I'm talking about outside of that. Let's say you get home from soccer practice and you make dinner and you put the kids to bed and then you watch television. Maybe you don't need to watch TV. Maybe you could do something else with that time.

I'm just saying like something spiritual or mental or even physical, if you have the energy. Most of us don't but. You know what I'm saying? Maybe a hobby. The problem is we end up with mental issues because we have really bad habits and really bad rhythms. So when you create a negative homeostasis, you create stress.

Maybe you don't even realize is there it's underlying it's underneath, it's hovering just under your day to day life. You might not even notice it. But it's there. And it's a disease.

Remember the stress episode, I talked about this.

Episode 24.

You create your homeostasis.

It's this life homeostasis. It's very, very important. By doing positive things. You know, physical, mental, spiritual, you can create a healthy. Body. Mind. And spirit. I'm not saying that watching. A movie here and there, or a TV show here and there, or some sports on TV. Or anything like that is inherently negative.

What I'm seeing is if you do it all the time, then it becomes the normality in your life at a lower state of consciousness. Or a lower state of life. Or a vibration or feelings of regret or energy levels. Uh, or of immune levels or stress levels. And everything we complain about on a regular basis. Why because we never cultivate positivity. I'm not trying to put out the positivity.

That is so cliche nowadays. I'm talking about real positivity, talking about real change in your life. Physical, mental, and spiritual. Your body, your mind, and your spirit will always, and I mean, always try and go to the lowest level. It's up to you to create whatever level you want. The body's trying to sit on the couch. You got to change that.

It's up to you. If you want to create what you want.

They just want the easiest path. And then once you do that, you can't get out of that rhythm. But here's the catch. The easiest path can be spiritually, mentally, and physically intelligent. In other words, if you set up your life properly, then your homeostasis will be at a higher state. Naturally. When you don't care about what you're doing, then you'll always be at that lower state. Not enough money, poor health. No ambition, no drive, no purpose. And nothing good at the outcome.

So for example, Meditation and prayer. It doesn't require a lot of energy.

Yet it has massive improvements in your spiritual, mental outlook, and even your stress level. Everybody who does it says, wow, I didn't. Think I could get this much benefit out of just praying or meditating. It's amazing how it's changed my life. How about cooking?

If you're cooked the same food you normally would. How about just changing it up and making good food instead, healthy foods, not hard to do. You're just.

You're using the same amount of energy. Get you're creating a better result.

So the amount of energy you use to watch TV could be used to do a hobby. Therefore,

You create a positive. Homeostasis.

Positive changes absolutely will add up to good health, but constant negative . Habits. We'll create ill health. Unfortunately. this world. Does not function in a way to create good health. It has the opposite effect. You need to go to war. For your health. If you remember. Basic physics. Energy is always changing from one state to another.

It's always degrading. It's never increasing. Just like your life. You were born with darn near pure health. And then you die in . Ill health.

All the little changes that up may not seem significant, but changing something small in your life. Definitely has implications. Now add up 50 little things. What's the outcome. That could be huge.

So here's three simple things you can do right now in your life that are free. Anybody can do these. Go to bed earlier, even if it's only one hour. Don't look at your phone or any device until you've been awake for at least an hour.

Do some stretching. Before you leave to go to work. If you don't go to work. Do some stretching before you start your day. You only need, you know, five to 10 minutes. You don't need a lot.

Don't work out. Don't do the treadmill. I'm not talking about exercising. I'm talking about stretching.

Doesn't have to be the world's best routine. It doesn't have to be perfect. Just stretch, do something. Large muscle groups, take it easy, go slow. You'll build up that, that ability to stretch easier and you will feel better. Every single day.

I will have an episode upcoming in the future on stretching, but right now, just do what you can do. Every day in the morning. I do mine after the shower works better for me. Whatever works for you. Trust me. It will change your life. Thank you for listening. Take care of yourselves.

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About the Podcast

The Reality of Health
Health is a holistic concept impacted by lifestyle, habits, sleep, exercise, water, food, air, and toxins.
This is not your average health podcast. It is cutting edge info.
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About your host

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Erik Muzzy

I have been educating clients since 1992 on health and nutrition, studied numerous different areas of natural healing and wellness. Utilizing nutrition, diet, exercise, mind, body and spirit for ultimate health or just feeling better.