Episode 68

Published on:

20th Mar 2024

Ep. 68 - Viruses Don't Exist...!!!

Questioning the Existence of Viruses and the Basis of Modern Virology

In this episode of 'The Reality of Health' podcast, I present a controversial opinion questioning the existence of viruses, the methods used in modern virology, and the integrity of the pharmaceutical industry. I challenge the fundamental principles of how viruses are claimed to infect cells, the process of isolating viruses, and the validity of PCR tests. I critique the scientific community's reliance on theoretical genomes rather than concrete evidence, suggesting that much of what is believed about viruses and their impact on health is based on flawed or pseudo-scientific methodologies. I also discuss the financial incentives behind virus research and vaccine production, hinting at a conflict of interest. This episode is positioned as a call for listeners to think critically about the information presented by authorities in the medical and scientific fields.

00:00 Welcome to the Reality of Health Podcast: A Controversial Take

01:00 Diving Deep into the Virus Debate: Unseen and Unproven?

02:16 Exploring the Science of Viruses and Cells: A Critical Perspective

04:17 The Complex Process of Isolating Viruses: A Skeptical View

08:21 Questioning the Existence of Viruses and the Efficacy of Vaccines

14:47 The Science of Sequencing: Debunking the Genome Puzzle

19:18 The Great Deception: Unveiling the Conspiracy

20:03 The Pharmaceutical Industry's Dark Agenda

21:29 The Flawed Science of Virus Identification

22:49 The PCR Test: A Tool for Misdiagnosis

25:52 Questioning the Germ Theory and Antibodies

27:49 The Virology Industry's Lack of Transparency

30:07 The Materialistic View of Health and Its Flaws

36:25 A Call to Rethink Medicine and Embrace True Health

37:34 Final Thoughts: Embrace Health, Question Narratives



Welcome friends. The Wednesday's episode of the reality of health podcast. I promised it was gonna be a doozy. Let me tell ya, it's going to be. If you didn't already read the title.

Well, let's put the disclaimer out right now. This is my opinion, based on the evidence that I have studied and learned. On my own. You don't have to take my advice on this subject at all whatsoever.

I am not making any claims. That you should follow what I'm about to say. I'm simply just giving you my perspective.

All right, let's get into it.

We're going to start with the basic principle that they claim. You know who they is. Yeah, the infamous of the day. I think you probably know who I'm talking about. If not, you will, by the end of this.

They claim.

That you get infected. With an unseen unproven, magical substance called a virus. πŸ“

And it started off the whole argument. Did you know, they say there are 17. Different theories. On what a cell membrane is. No one has ever seen. A cell membrane, by the way. You have pictures in microscopes with a circle. But that doesn't mean anything. They've never actually seen one. Dealt with one.

At all.

So there's this magical. Substance particle that you need to worry about.

But no one's ever seen.

That will penetrate. Your unseen unproven, living cell membrane. Okay.

If that's not enough.

Of an intro. I don't know what else to say. Cause. I mean. We're going to get into it and it's going to be crazy.

If you love this kind of stuff, like I do. I love learning the new stuff, the new biology, the new. Science. When old garbage has been proven incorrect, because it's been perpetuated by people that make money off of you. I love it. And this is one more way. That we see the reality. Of health. As it pertains to your.

cells your body. Your immune system. And everything that you are afraid of.

My being a little bit too dramatic. Maybe I am.

Or maybe I'm not because.

Your whole life. You were taught to fear something that they can't prove.

But they've never proved ever. Not once. Oh, they can claim all the time. See these photos. Those photos don't show you real life.

So if they've never seen it, then they can't decipher. It's quote, genetic code unquote.

Because that's the whole basis for this thing. You've got this. Virus enters your cell. Changes your genetic code kills the cell. You get sick.

So then they have to make a test to test for it. And then they make a vaccine to stop it.

Oh, Erik, you're being so dramatic. Yeah. Being a little dramatic because. This is incredibly. Arrogant of them. And completely.


It's like.

They want you to believe. In πŸ“ Disneyland.

And then when you go there, you say where's Disneyland and they say, well, it's here and you go, no, this is a theme park. And they say. I know this is, this is Disneyland though. And you say, no, no. This is people dressed up in costumes. That looked like. Characters, but in reality, None of this is real.

It's all just fake. It's. Make believe.

All right, so let's get into it. You first have to isolate something, then you have to use Koch's postulates. That's K O C H S. That's a guy. He's a scientist. Then you have to infect an animal or a person. When you've proven with his postulates. That it exists.

And by the way, it's not by injecting it into someone's eyeball or its brain or into its abdomen or any other thing like that, because that's not how you are susceptible to viruses, viruses, don't get into your body because someone injected you. You either breathe it in or you touch something. That's what they say anyway.

So, if you asked to see the fluid taken from, let's say a lung, for example, That's supposedly teaming. With viruses, they say. Well, there's not enough to find. Which of course stands the question of. If you can't find the virus, what makes you think it's gonna kill everyone?

You see. They say.

There are so many of these viruses. And you're susceptible to them. And yet. They can't. Prove they exist.

Then they say that's the wrong way to think because viruses are only inter cellular pathogens.

And then they say, you're not gonna find it anywhere, but inside the cells. So then the only way to find them is to look at the cells. But of course, in order to infect anyone. They would have to get them. From the cells. Which means you should see them in the fluids, outside the cell. Or in the cell. So in order to isolate. They use a centrifical. System. Separating. By densities. Then they'll add antibiotics. To whatever layer of density they want to use in this case of virus, which has a density of a certain amount. Think sand in the jar, you shake πŸ“ it. Everything settles according to its density.

Then after that they put it into what's called Vero. Cells from kidneys. Why wouldn't they just use lung cells.

If that's where they say a respiratory virus occurs.

I think you might know which virus we're talking about right now.

So you used an antibiotic that's known to cause kidney death on kidney. Cells. Then claim that you've isolated. The virus. Am I getting this correct? Yes, Erik. That's exactly what we're saying.

So what they've actually done. Is killed cells. And then claim that they found the disease. Oh, and by the way, in order to slow down the killing. So they can actually monitor it. They use bovine serum. That comes from fetal bovine serum. So while the cow is producing a small πŸ“ cow, They take out some of the serum.

And without it. It would die too fast. And they couldn't isolate exactly what they want to sell us into believing. So basically. The tissue culture is poisoned. And dead.

So let's recap. They pulled the fluid out, separated it, added toxins, then gave it food while in a tissue culture. Then they will take fluids out of a person who is sick. And then add it to that mixture, which then it does all kinds of stuff and breaks down and get sickly and dying as a culture. And then they say, That that is a virus. That caused that.

Okay. Really. So instead of isolating something. And then just putting that into a person and see if they get sick. They've made it more complicated. I added more things to it. More steps. And more possibilities of what caused the breakdown. The decay. Or the destruction of that tissue culture.

It's unbelievable. What would happen if all this knowledge got out and people realize that viruses don't exist? πŸ“ Therefore a vaccine is completely worthless. Can't make a vaccine unless you have a virus. They can prove causes disease. Which they have never done this. Ever.

People. Would say no. They would lose all faith in the medical prescription, pharmaceutical stuff. And they would lose their entire industry.

Do you know what a gallon of gas costs. Well, it depends. On the political environment, but obviously, you know, what a gallon of gas costs. How about a gallon of milk?

Do you know what a gallon of a very prolific recent virus pandemic. Costs.

Well, it's a, about a hundred thousand dollars.

Hmm. Seems like it's a little bit profitable. Other vaccines costs anywhere from 150 to $175 per dose. So let's just break it down to 160, right? So 160.

Of one shot of vaccine that gallon. I would be $1.2 million.

That's not profitable at all. I mean.

A gallon of.

The best substance you can think of.

Would that ever be $1.2 million? Would it.

Under normal scientific studies, you would have an experiment. Using, let's say a disease lung fluid. And you would also have a control. Which is without a diseased lung fluid sample. That way you're working with and without a disease sample. They don't use controls, trying to isolate a virus. And that is not real science.

Do you know how you see pictures of viruses that look all super scary with a. With a circle and all those tentacles coming off of it. Those are all CGI photos. They don't know what they look like.

They do see a cross section of a circle with some pokey things coming out. Well, it look like. Pokey things. That's just debris. From cells breaking down. That's known as an exosome. They've known this for a very long time.

It's in their literature. It's in there. Studies and they're controlled trials. It's part of cellular biology. Quote. Cellular unquote biology. It's what they know of as just Broken down protein debris from cellular structures. It's nothing new. I know it's there. It's not a big deal. And they know it has absolutely zero impact on health whatsoever. Not one implication.

Of ill health.

And yet. They look exactly like what they say. Viruses look like. Hmm.

Those little spiky things.

Or what I'm talking about. Those are basically human proteins that have been identified as what we know of. Well, let's put it this way. They call them. Clathrin C L a T H R I N.

So when they're looking at cells or structures under different forms of microscopy, the one that they use is called the electron microscope. They take the tissue. They macerate it. And well, let's go back. Masseur rate. That means they put it in the blender. I mean, let's be real. And then they freeze it to minus 150 degrees. They add heavy metals to it, to stain it. And then they spread it on a slide glass slide. Because you can't see any of the tissue normally under an electron microscope. It's clear. Oh, isn't that interesting.

And then the electro-microscope because it can only see the metals then. They see. Tissue.

And of course that's not living tissue. Living tissue has a life in it. Without life it's dead. And dead things don't look like living things. That almost sounds like a Sesame street.


Never seen a skeleton. Can you tell what they look like before they rotted away? Of course you can't.

Because you're actually only isolating through heavy metal colors and dyes. You're only seeing what would be the shadows. You're not actually seeing the structures that you think you're seeing. It's like seeing the shadow of an airplane on the ground and trying to decipher what it looks like in real life.

Then they say this virus that they can't find in the cells. Let's say in your lungs, and then it tells your lung cells to create more of these viruses, to the point where the explode. In your lungs. πŸ“ Then you cough that out. Or breathe that out or sneeze that out. And that makes other people sick.

If that's true, then how come you can't find it? In the lung fluids. Why can't you just. Grab the virus and put it into another person and prove that this is how they got sick. That's because they know they can't. So they have to do. Quote science unquote, and then make it super complicated.

So, if you could get sick from just breathing in someone's breath. How come during all the experiments that they have ever done. That they've ever conducted. They can't get any one sick. Hm. That's interesting.

So, what they do is they come up with a test.

Uh, test, let's see like a PCR test.

Which amplifies apparently. A sequence of proteins that your DNA or a virus DNA.

Then they can over sample it. Which means they replicated over and over and over again so they can see it. Then they compare that to sequences that they have found apparently in other things in computer databases. And the closest thing that they find, they then say it's the same thing or. Part of that sequence.

Where did the first sequence originate? I mean. Don't they need something to compare new sequences to. They claim that these are.

Genome sequences, but if they never isolated anything from any organism, What's going on.

They don't actually have the genome of an organism. What they have is a computer model of a theoretical genome of a theoretical organism that hasn't been proven. Ever.

Let that one marinate.

They based. All this on the fact that they believe they have sequenced a genome.

I'm not going to bore you with what that.

Is so look it up for yourself.

All right, I'll just do one really quick.

They claim that our genome is so huge. That if you unraveled it, it would go to the moon and back 150 times. So that means. They would need to run the genome of a famous recent pandemic virus. Do you really think they did that? But they did actually. Was.

Quote. This is according to them, quote. We took 56 million snippets of 150 base pairs matched and combined into a theoretical 30,000 base pair genome. Unquote. πŸ“

Doesn't that sound super scientific.

Well, it's meant to sound that way because it's all made up. This is what we call Disneyland.

So Erik, what you're seeing is. They take a whole bunch of pieces in random order and put them together in the order that they want. And then they claim that. This is the order. Yes. That's exactly what I'm trying to say.

It's called pseudo science.

So let's illustrate this.

You start collecting two by fours. Like you used to make your house. And you get all kinds of lengths and different types of wood, and then you just take them. And start nailing them πŸ“ together.

You don't measure. You don't do anything to them besides grabbed them and put them together with screws and nails.

And the outcome. Is a massively huge mansion that is super beautiful and fully custom made.

Does that seem plausible at all? Because that's what they're stating. You are made up of these DNA that have a genome that is so huge. And so complex and somehow. They figured it out using a computer model by.

Taking random pieces of broken up genome fragments and matching them together. The possibility of that. Is like taking a jigsaw puzzle, the size of the moon. Remember your genome goes to the moon and back 150 times. So it has to be a big puzzle. Then it doesn't have a picture on it to know what it is.

So you decide to randomly pick four letters. To use. That indicate every piece. Of that puzzle. Now. Go ahead and put it together. Go ahead. I will wait. πŸ“

Yes. It's as ridiculous as it sounds.

Oh, Erik. You're so dramatic. It can't possibly be like this. Oh, yes. It is.

You have been sold to believe in something. That you can't see and they can't prove. πŸ“

You know what the worst part is. You can't prove them wrong. You don't have the instruments. Or the computers. Or the nonsense language model. And magical education that they have. So you just have to take their word for it.

That sounds like. Irritated. Or I'm being dramatic. Or I'm stressed. That's because for the last 100 years, You have been told a lie. They have put so many people in fear. Killed so many people with their medicine.

That it is disgusting. It is evil. It is a conspiracy. Yeah. I just said it. It is a conspiracy to keep you ill to keep you in fear. So they can make as much money as possible.

Go to the places in the world where they don't have pharmaceutical medication.

They're just fine.

They're considered third world. They're considered the poor. They live out. In the open ranges and the forests in yet. They are healthier than you and I. So, yes. It does make me upset.

Instead of spending the money to find the problems.

That make us sick. They spend the money. To make more money. And use you. As the lab rats.

That is the epitome. Of evil.

And I'm glad I'm not a lab rat. I think for myself.

He who speaks the loudest. I never listened to that person. That person has something to gain.

Okay. I digress.

So basically they make a theoretical genome sequence and they make other ones. And then they compare them. And the one that's closest to their computer generated model. They then call it. As being the same.

For example, if any, one of them is 80% close. Then they say, yep, here we got it right here. This virus matches this virus. So therefore that's the type of virus it is. So they made up theoretically, a virus that matches the genome of let's say rabies by 80%. They say yep. Here it is. It's a rabies virus.

They're both made up. They're both theoretical.

You took one fake virus and matched it up to another fake virus. And then you say. You have the real virus.


So then they make a test to test for a fake theoretical virus and they say, You tested positive. But of course. You know that they amplified. The testing procedure. I mean, why not? Everything else has been fake up to this point.

Do you know who Kary Mullis is? He's the inventor of the PCR test. Ooh, you know, the PCR test.

Received the Nobel prize for chemistry. He said with PCR, if you do it well, you can find almost anything in anybody.

He also said it doesn't tell you. That you're sick. In other words. They can prove you're sick by looking for something until they just find it.

And they will find it. In everybody. It's called money.

So let's say the PCR test will test for, I don't know. Mint.

So because most people use mint toothpaste. πŸ“ Next thing you know, everybody tests positive for mint. As long as you keep testing, until you find the mint, eventually you will find the mint. And that's the reason for them saying that everybody's sick. Of course, it looks like everybody's sick because everybody uses mint toothpaste. You can amplify the test.

If you want more results or you can actually slow it down. If you want less results. What do you think they did recently?

So then everybody got scared. Influenza cancer, diabetes. And all the other things people die from dropped severely.

Then most hospitals said they weren't seeing as many cases as they were expecting.

What they did say was suicide and overdosing. Skyrocketed.

But you never heard about it. The fear and the isolation drove young people to commit suicide. All because a test looking for a fake virus. That's over amplified told everybody that they were sick.

But Erik. What you're saying is all these organizations and government and medical establishments and universities and schools in the media. Are all lying to me. Yes. That is exactly what I am saying.

I am not exaggerating.

It's a perpetual lie. That everybody has bought into because no one can prove them wrong.

By no one. I mean you, and they know it. They've been proven wrong. Thousands of times though, since this whole debacle of a germ theory even started. But guess what? You don't hear the truth because there's no money in the truth. If you're healthy, nobody's making money from you. Including a nutritionist. I might add. Even natural health healers believe a lie. I did. Until I found out the truth. Isn't that what happens your whole life? You find truth.

So, what about antibodies, Erik?

Well, I'm glad you asked antibodies. Or what they use to determine many times. If you're sick.

When in reality antibodies really just bind all kinds of chemistry in your body that is coming into contact with it. It has hardly any function at all. And if they want to look for it. They can find it. It's just one more way. Your body cleans up all the garbage.

It's not as important as everybody thinks it is. But they say there's this anti body. And that's the defense mechanism of your immune system against this pathogen known as virus.

Never been proven to be the case. So essentially. We think because we've been told this. Our whole lives. That there's a germ. Enters your body and then your immune system attacks the germ and then creates antibodies against that germ so that you don't get sick from that germ any longer. They've never proven this to be the case. Ever in history.

So now everyone believes that every day there are particles and germs and pathogens out there that will enter your body and wreak havoc and create disease.

When that is just not the way it works.

And then of course there's always the variants. Of a virus. That's even more nonsense. They create those in laboratories and then claim that they're real. That then makes even more fear because they tell you. That they're even more contagious than the original virus, even though they've never isolated the original virus. At all whatsoever.

In the magical world of virology. It's not necessary to have a control group in your experiments. It's the only discipline. That allows this. Why is that because they want to prove. Viruses. And if you have a control, it would disprove. The virus.

A control group is part of your experiment. Which is the opposite of what you're trying to do. For example, let's say you wanted to test the bacteria on your countertop. Not only would you test it when it was dirty, but you would also test it after you cleaned it. Because.

If they show the same thing and the cleaning didn't work. If all you did was test it while it was dirty. You would say, see. I proved there's bacteria on my countertop. But if you clean the countertop and tested it, And there's no bacteria. You would say, oh, cleaning works. Actual academic scientists believe. All of their own theories to such a level because all of their theory, support each other. That's called circular reasoning.

When asked, why can't they isolate the virus from a sick person? They say, there's not enough. Like I said earlier, So then the argument is, well, what if you had 100 people that were sick or 10,000 people that were sick? Would that be enough? Guess what their answer is. They don't have one. They say, we don't know. This is called dogma.

Which means a principle or set of principles laid down by an authority as

incontrovertibly true. Uh, one of the hardest things for people to accept is. Perceived. Authorities may just be regurgitating. What they've been led to believe. Most people feel this way. Oh, Erik, they would never. Oh, they wouldn't would they. Hmm.

How could all these really smart people keep perpetuating all the lies. It's actually not that difficult to explain. It's called materialism. It's where it all starts. That's the doctrine that nothing exists. Except matter. And it's movements and modifications. They think we're all just particles with no other attributes.

But I would say in reality, we are water interacting with all kinds of attributes in our body.

That's what makes us who we are. I know, it sounds weird. We are water beings. But it's really not. You're mostly water. So how can that be a weird concept? think I'm going to go further into this in the future. Once you realize that you're a water crystalline structure. It makes so much more sense to life than what they tell you.

e no isolated virus. From the:

They also do not have any isolated virus from the recent common cold virus that starts with a C. They also did not have any virus isolated from HIV. Or from human papilloma or influenza. Or west Nile. And it goes on and on and on. Let that sink in again. Zero isolation of any virus at all whatsoever. Ever. But Erik. Surely. They have our best interest in mind. Okay. So let's follow the money. Who's funding the research. Who stands to gain by creating a fake virus of any kind.

Who are the two biggest funders of research? That would be the government and pharmaceutical companies. So wait.

What's you're telling me is the people who fund. The research are the people who also create the solution to the problem.

Yes. That's exactly what I'm saying. Do you think there might be a motive there?

And now they're starting to connect cancer. With viruses. Oh, yes. I think there might be some more money even there.

So what role do vaccines play?

They shut down your body's ability to clean itself out and regenerate. So you increase. Chronic disease. This has been shown. Over and over again. Antibiotics. Essentially do the same thing. If you go to the website. How bad is my batch.com.

And I will. Say this right away. I'm going to give a warning. Because that site will forever change how you see medicine. You can put in your lot number and see how many people. Have been damaged. Or killed. By that lot number.

That's why I give a warning.

Now I have a serious question. Y. With that website need to be in existence.

I have some questions. This is the way I think.

So they claim that we have 10 to the 15th power viruses in our body. Yet they can't. Isolate, even one of them. And then when they show you a picture on an electron microscope, they can only find one. Here and there. That kind of looks like. What would be the classic virus photo you've always seen. Even though it is. not a virus. So apparently. Let me get this straight. You're only getting sick from one virus. Let's say in the fall. Well, what about all the other ones? Are they just dormant? Are they just nothing. What's the definition of a virus again. It's a poison. So how come you're not totally poisoned all day, every day. If you have 10 to the 15th. That's the number 10.

With 15 zeros after it. You would be dead. You'd be nothing but viruses.

Okay. So we talked about how they grow this. Magical apparent virus. Which they took from a sample, let's say out of your lungs and put it on a cell culture. So how come the one that they want to see is the only one. That grows in none of the other trillions and trillions of viruses that they say. We have. Don't grow. It seems a bit selective.

Doesn't it?

Do you know when viruses took off? I mean. Look at all these.

Trillions and trillions of viruses.

That's interesting. That was:

Maybe we should do a:

That would be a really long one. I would have to say.

So here's my thoughts. If you care, actually, what I believe in, you're not just listening for entertainment purposes. Be careful what you believe. Don't take my word for it. Do your own learning. I didn't say research.

Because you will just read all the perpetuated magical theory nonsense. Learning requires actual non-biased deciphering of real scientific literature.

Where they do real science controlled trials. Or you could just save a bunch of time and listen to my podcast. I'm just kidding. Don't be afraid of things you can't see and they can't even prove.

Just. Be healthy. Eat the best you can. Take care of your mind, your body. And your spirit. Lower your stress. Drink, clean water. Love everybody. Love yourself. Love your creator. Thank you for listening.

I just wanted to jump back in here and say quickly.

This is a very heavy. Episode.

And for some of you, this might be a shocker.

For others, you could say Erik. You're full of crap. Okay, that's fine. No problem.

Again, thank you for listening. I hope you understand my heart.

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About the Podcast

The Reality of Health
Health is a holistic concept impacted by lifestyle, habits, sleep, exercise, water, food, air, and toxins.
This is not your average health podcast. It is cutting edge info.
"I never know who to believe"
I hear this all the time...
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The reality is not what you were sold...
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About your host

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Erik Muzzy

I have been educating clients since 1992 on health and nutrition, studied numerous different areas of natural healing and wellness. Utilizing nutrition, diet, exercise, mind, body and spirit for ultimate health or just feeling better.