Episode 69

Published on:

25th Mar 2024

Ep. 69 - Lyme disease...the truth

My Take on Lyme Disease: Germ Theory vs. Terrain Theory

In this episode of my podcast, the Reality of Health, I dive into the contested topic of Lyme disease, challenging the common medical assertion that it is transmitted by tick bites carrying the bacterium Borrelia. I make a case for the terrain theory over the germ theory, arguing against the existence of Lyme disease as it is currently portrayed in mainstream medicine. Throughout the episode, I reference various sources and point out the lack of solid evidence to back up the germ theory's explanation for Lyme disease. I question the diagnosis, treatment, and general understanding of this condition within conventional medical practices. I discuss the beneficial role of bacteria in clearing away dead tissues, suggesting that what is commonly diagnosed as Lyme disease might actually be the body reacting to different toxins.

00:00 Welcome to the Reality of Health Podcast

00:39 A Revolutionary Discovery in Health

00:55 Debunking Lyme Disease: The Myth Unraveled

01:20 Exploring the Terrain Theory vs. Germ Theory

01:59 The Lyme Disease Controversy: A Deep Dive

06:05 Questioning the Foundations of Lyme Disease

11:00 The Flaws in Lyme Disease Research and Diagnosis

21:40 The Terrain Theory: A Different Perspective on Health


Welcome friends.

To the reality of health podcast. It's Monday.

The first one to say, thank you to all of you who listen. First thing in the morning. Each episode day.

And those of you on the video platforms.

I appreciate you tuning in, even though there's not a video.


just want to give a quick update of what's going on. I am learning some things right now that I have never known before. That are literally changing the way that I think about health.

I can't wait to share them with you.

All right. Time to get into today's topic.

If you haven't already noticed. A few of the past episodes have been debunking. Some things that you've been told your whole life. Well, today's no exception.

Today, we're talking about Lyme disease. And how it's should just be called lying disease. Because it doesn't exist. Or it's at least not exactly what they tell you that it is.

Well today, we're talking about Lyme and it is part of the germ theory versus terrain theory. I am on the side of terrain theory. Y. Erik are you saying that germs don't exist? I'm saying that the terrain theory. Is provable and the germ theory has nothing. I don't care if people want to believe the germ theory, that's up to them. You're welcome to believe anything you want. I just choose to believe the terrain theory is better. Makes way more sense. And is provable. So. Let's go ahead and start debunking this whole Lyme thing. And I will at the end, tell you what it is. Don't you worry.

the term Lyme disease in the:

Dr. Mark Bailey. He goes on to say. If a doctor says you have Lyme disease. They do not know what they are talking about. Get out of there before they run nondiagnostic tests or worse. Try to treat you.

Yup. Couldn't say it better myself. Did you know, New Zealand has no known cases of Lyme disease from tick bites.

But the New Zealand health department says, yes, we have Lyme disease. But even though ticks carry disease causing bacteria. Um, Yeah, we just don't seem to have any Lyme disease. That's interesting. Isn't it? Again, it's one of those weird things, like I talked about, about borders. You know, With Haiti. And Dominican Republic. Apparently mosquitoes do not fly across the border. 📍

In AmErika. The CDC says, quote. Lyme disease is the most common vector borne disease in the United States. Lyme disease is caused by the bacterium Borrelia. It is transmitted to humans through the bite of infected black legged ticks. Typical symptoms include fever, headache, fatigue, and a characteristic skin rash called. Erythema migrans.

If left untreated infection can spread to joints. The heart and the nervous system unquote.

So the question begs. How do they know this?

Well, they just say. Um, That's kind of what we just say it is.

Do you have any proof? Well, I mean, we have, you know,

Our theory. And, uh, so this is, you know, what we believe. Well, how do you believe this theory? What do you have.

Do you have anything?

Well guess what they don't. They have no citations to provide any evidence except the note. At the bottom of the web page of what I just read. That says the content source. Can you guess who it is? That would be the centers for disease control and prevention, the national center for emerging and zootropic infectious diseases. And another scary one division of vector borne diseases. No studies, no papers, no nothing.

It just says source those three people. But.

Where's those citations. Where's the proof. Oh no, we don't have anything. Here's another one. Another statement. Quote, Lyme disease can affect several body systems and produce. A broad range of symptoms. Not everyone with Lyme disease has all the symptoms. And many of the symptoms are not specific to Lyme disease, but can occur with other diseases as well. Did you hear that? I'm going to say that one, one more time. This is called circular reasoning. This is how they treat you.

This is how they think that you are stupid. Lyme disease can affect several body systems and produce a broad range of symptoms. Not everyone with Lyme disease has all of the symptoms. And many of those symptoms are not specific to Lyme disease. But can occur with other diseases. As well.

They really want you to believe that. Wow. They just think we are completely stupid.

In the book published in:

And chapter 13. Called Lyme disease pathogenesis. It states that quote Lyme disease was first recognized in 19 76 when a cluster of cases of juvenile arthritis was recognized in old Lyme Connecticut. Yeah, there's a town called old Lyme.

Europe. But it was not until:

Ticks was suggested to be the cause.

Tho role. Of the bacterium named Borrelia as the positive agent Of Lyme disease was quickly established. As the bacterium was recovered from patients as well as from reservoir host. Such as the white footed mouse, unquote.

l came from one citation from:

asing it on one citation from:

So they took 126 ticks. From shelter island, New York. And found that 61% had Spirochetes in their digestive system. So then based on that, Dubious number. They stated quote, the degree of infection varied. Some ticks contained only a few Spirochetes, others contain large numbers. Unquote. So let's get this straight. Because. They found a percentage of the ticks. With bacteria in their gut.

They say, that's what causes Lyme disease.

I have a question for you. Do you have bacteria in your gut? Because I have them in mine. Does your dog have bacteria and its gut. Does every living creature on the planet have bacteria in their gut. Yes. Of course, they do trillions of them. Bacteria in the gut does not mean it causes disease. But Erik. It's a specific bacteria. And it's a bad one and that's the one that's causing the disease. Bacteria doesn't cause disease. Bacteria cleans up. Dead or dying tissue.

So then they decided to test it on some rabbits.

So they shaved their abdomens and attached ticks. To them. In what is called. An uncontrolled experiment. We talked about the controlled experiments. Last Wednesday, you have to have a control in order to do an experiment. In this case, they didn't. They didn't infect. Some rabbits with ticks. That were infected with a bacteria and then other rabbits as the control that weren't infected with any of the bacteria they claim cause Lyme disease.

Do you know what the outcome was?

None. Of the rabbits got Lyme disease.

They did. However, get a rash. Where they were bitten. Y. Because Lyme disease is not caused by a bacteria. Does the tick secrete a little bit of toxin when they bite you sure. Is that cause the rash, of course it does. Ever had a mosquito bite. Or a spider bite. Any kind of bite where you said, wow, look at that.

A beasting. Ooh.

Then they took the skin biopsies from the rashes. Did they find any bacteria? Nope. None.

y Lyme disease. And yeah, the:

They don't have anything more. What they do have is a whole bunch of people talking. And regurgitating the same info over and over and over again. To make it look like, look at all these studies. No, they're not studying. They're called papers. And it's just some guy who wrote what he thinks and that's it.

So, what you have is one more theory. The tries to prove the germ theory. Even though Lyme disease does not even exist. They just have to keep on coming up with more and more things for you to fear. Erik. You're telling me that the entire Lyme disease magical theory is based on only one research paper. Nope. There's more. So then they tried to find antibodies and people who have Lyme disease. After all. Antibodies are there as a part of your immune system to protect you from pathogens. Ooh. Guess what. Anti-bodies don't do that. Antibodies or like construction, cleanup workers. You don't do anything. They don't block viruses.

They don't block bacteria. They don't fight. I don't do anything like that.

Then they said, well, people with the Lyme disease had more antibodies. Therefore it proves that if we find the antibodies, we can prove the Lyme disease.

Like I spoke of last Wednesday. Just because the fire is burning doesn't mean the fire men are the ones that caused the fire. Things show up in your body to clean up stuff. debris Toxins mold everything else that shouldn't be there. That is their role. If you have disruption in your body from whatever is causing it, your body will naturally try to get rid of it. And it uses all kinds of things to do that. And antibodies are just one of them.

So just because somebody has antibodies. Doesn't mean that they have a disease.

And like I stated last Wednesday as well with viruses. Lyme disease does not pass Koch's postulates. The foundation. On how to do scientific experiments.

In that same research paper. That academic cluster of magical fairy tale theory. They claim that Lyme disease is a prototype. Of an emerging infectious disease. Well, That's what you call using your imagination emerging out of your fairytale. Germ theory.

Am I being sarcastic a little bit. It might be because. It upsets me. That they come up with this. Theory. Puts you in fear to make money from you because that's exactly what they're doing. Making money from you. They can't prove their side. What would they can do is propaganda. And they're very good at it. They hire the best propagandists.

To steal your money from you. By putting you into such fear. That you say. Oh, no, I really hope I don't have Lyme disease.

Then they say a pivotal paper called Spirochetes, isolated from the blood of two patients with Lyme disease.

England journal of medicine,:

The title sounds impressive until you read what they said. Quote,

we isolated Spirochetes from the.

Blood of 2 of 36 patients in long island and Westchester county, New York who had signs and symptoms, suggestive of Lyme disease. Wait. What. A whole two out of 36.

Who had signs and symptoms. Wait a minute. Let's let's look at your word. Suggestive. Of Lyme disease. Do you know what we call that? We call that. 📍 BS.

Suggestive does not mean. Proven. I just want to. You know, I just want to point that out. To anybody. Yet really super smart doctors, researchers, scientists, and professors will read that and go, oh, look, see. 2 a 36. They had suggestive symptoms of Lyme disease. That means they had it because they say that they found it in two of them. Really. Wow. Just wow. That means. 34 of them didn't have any detectable levels of any bacteria at all. Let that sink in.

If you were a gambling person, would you take the odds of two out of 36 or 34 out of 36 just saying.

These are the people telling you. That you have a disease from a tick wreaking havoc. All around the world. But they haven't actually found anything yet.

Then they had the gall to say, quote, That this provides the most direct evidence to date of their ideological role. In disease.

of their

etiological role in this disease. Referring to Spirochetes.

So, what do they claim is the treatment for this magical infection? That would be antibiotics.

So now you're saying you're gonna give me an antibiotic for something that you can't find. That sounds really scientific. Doesn't it?

Do antibiotics have any effectiveness at all? Very minor. One day, we're going to talk about antibiotics and I'm going to teach you why antibiotics seem to work.

You can read of stories of people who have gone to Lyme disease specialists and were quote, cured, unquote. Only to find out a year later, it all comes raging back. Y. Because it wasn't a bacteria or a virus or anything pathological.

The signs and symptoms of Lyme disease are nonspecific the test to find such causes. Are non-specific and what they have to fix it is. Nonspecific. So to get a diagnosis of Lyme disease is totally non specific.

Yet. Everyone's heard of it.

Medicine can't find it. Can't actually diagnose it. And can't actually treat it.

So, what is it then?

Dr. Darren Schmidt says there's 89 different types of Lyme disease. I think there's 89 different types of toxins. That sit in the tissues of our bodies that look like what would be a Lyme disease. He's not the only one that believes there's more than one type of quote, Lyme disease. . I mean the medical profession. Says it's spirochetes and then picks out just one. How do they know? Well, they haven't found it. What do bacteria do when they feed off of. Anything?

Well, They have to pee and poop. 📍 So just like you and I do.

You're going to feel it.

When you have toxin overload of any kind, I don't care what it is. Your body has to respond.

One of the ways it responds is it utilizes bacteria.

And parasites. To eat up. All of the dead and dying tissue.

Why is it dead and dying? That would be the toxins.

Your body is a biomechanical crystalline water structure.

You interrupt that with a toxin. And it has to do anything. It has to do. To get back to a homeostasis. And one of the ways that it does that will look like what is called Lyme disease.

Arsenic poisoning looks different. When you get it. Then, if you had lead poisoning or if you had mold poisoning, Or if he had any other poisoning, they all look different. They all have different symptoms.

With all of that said. I will say this. Nobody really knows how anybody gets actually sick. We have ideas we have. Titles. We have descriptions. We have symptoms. But does anybody actually know. For real. Why anything has an symptom of any kind. Whatsoever a disease. A breakdown of tissue of dying tissue. No, nobody does. We have associations. These are the disease symptoms. That looks like arsenic poisoning. Okay.

Probably is, but how did arsenic actually poison you? They don't know. What does it actually do? They don't know. They can only associate. If I stick my finger in the light socket and it kills me. I died of what electricity what's electricity. Nobody knows. There's theories. But nobody knows what electricity is.

So how did what? They don't know what something is. How did that actually kill you? They don't know. All they see is an association. Finger light socket. Electricity shoots out of light socket Kills that person. What's electricity. We don't know. We think. It's electrons. But it could be the aether.

So, who are you going to believe? Edison.

Or Tesla.

You see.

Most of science is associations. Which is why in the very first episode that I made, I told you that I would give you a lot of anecdotal evidence. Because there's very little. Scientific evidence of anything. Almost. Everything is a theory. And the very few things that are provable. Is. Hm, this person. Got exposed to something.

And now they have symptoms that look like quote, Lyme disease, unquote. So you got diagnosed. With Lyme disease. Even though they can't prove it. Are you following me?

The reality of your health is. No, one's really 100% accurate on anything. But the terrain theory. Which says that something occurred in your body and now that area is dying because of it.

Now bacteria. And pathogen show up. To eat up that dying tissue to save you.

That creates symptoms.

You'll see. Okay. That's enough getting into the weeds.

Point is. Do not worry about Lyme disease. As a bacterial infection. Bacteria is there to save the day, not to kill you.

And they have zero evidence. That there is a bacteria there at all whatsoever that harms you. None. The evidence that they say they have is so thin, it would never stand up. Not only in, let's say a court of law. But if you just asked a hundred people with an IQ of a hundred. They'd be like that doesn't make sense. Well, why?

Because it's ridiculous. And anybody can tell.

I appreciate you listening today. Wednesday's episode might be something that you like. You might drink it. You might enjoy it. You might have a guilty pleasure using it. Wednesday guess what we're talking about? Wine. Oh, yeah. Is it good for you? They say it is. Is it really what's in it. Can it harm your health?

Can it increase your health?

That's interesting.

I'll see you over there. Take care of yourselves.

Oh, and don't forget to do all the cool stuff, like comment, subscribe, and like, and follow and all that kind of stuff. See you later. Bye.

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The Reality of Health
Health is a holistic concept impacted by lifestyle, habits, sleep, exercise, water, food, air, and toxins.
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About your host

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Erik Muzzy

I have been educating clients since 1992 on health and nutrition, studied numerous different areas of natural healing and wellness. Utilizing nutrition, diet, exercise, mind, body and spirit for ultimate health or just feeling better.