Episode 9

Published on:

5th Jul 2023

Ep. 9 - Fat...the great controversy...

In this episode, I challenge the misconceptions about fat and emphasizes its importance in our diets. I explore the history of fats, debunk the myth that fat makes you fat, and discuss the benefits of animal fats for our bodies. The episode also covers the differences between types of fats and provides tips for incorporating more animal-based fats into our diets while reducing carbohydrates. Overall, it encourages listeners to reevaluate their perceptions of fat for a healthier lifestyle.


Ep 9 - Fat


Erik (2): Welcome to episode nine . This is where things start to get interesting. Well, I personally think the episodes one through eight were interesting, but we're gonna get more detailed now. This is one of those episodes that I know these are one of those topics that I know are gonna really change how people think.

They're not gonna want to hear it.

It's time to set the record straight. I'm gonna give you the reality of fat.

to make yourself feel better.[:

This is one of those not just topics. This is one of those nutrients that will change your life for good or bad. I know you've heard it your entire life. Fats bad. All right, let's get into it.

So we all know how doctors in the medical profession feel about fat.

ory. Did you know that before:

So what changed? Well, I'll tell you what changed seed oils. after World War I, they had to [00:02:00] figure out what to do with the lubricants that they were making for the machinery because they didn't need the machinery anymore. And yet they have created this whole source of lubrication from seeds, even beans, which is what a peanut is.

These fats were not. Healthy, but they didn't care they just Wanted to keep producing and chugging out all this polyunsaturated fats and telling you you needed to consume these and not everything else. There are many photos online of the marketing campaigns by the companies making these things, these vegetable oils, claiming they're so much healthier than bacon, fat, lard, soit, any other fat that we've been cooking with since the dawn of man.

em to make. And if you don't,[:

Or you could just use the fat from bacon or beef or whatever. So much simpler is pull out the animal and use it.

So what's amazing,

than you are to avocado ? So [:

We're just talking fat. It already converted it for you, so all you have to do is eat it. There's very, very little processing after that in within your body, what do you think your body has to do with fat? An oil that comes from a bean or a seed, sunflower, safflower, avocado, all this. What? What do you think your body has to do to process this?

ted to a human than they are [:

All right. So you say, I don't want to use fat while I cook. That's fine. You don't have to, but you're not gonna feel very good. We'll go more into the processing of fats and how that affects your body in the future. This is a general overview, an umbrella approach to fat. So I'll say right now, fat does not make you fat.

That's not how the body works. You may have been told that a thousand times in your life, or you may think that because it sounds like, like equals like that's not true. Calories in, calories out is not true.

is it that you have to grind [:

Do you know how much or how many seeds it takes to make that oil? Do you plan on grinding that, pressing it, and filtering it for a year to get a gallon? I don't think so. What about the flavor? Do you think that meat tastes really good when it's fatty? Of course it does. Fat adds flavor. There's a quick quip I'm gonna give you right now.

Maybe it's a just a phrase, I don't know. Whatever you wanna call it. This is something I believe that no one else has said. This is purely me. This is one of my concepts. This is something that I've come up with to tell people that is fat keeps you alive, but cholesterol makes you healthy. Let that sink in for a second.

p all of the important areas [:

You wanna make hormones in order to literally do everything in your body. You need cholesterol. Oh, you want healthy looking skin, you need cholesterol. You want that beauty that everybody wants. It takes cholesterol and fat. Larger fats. Fat is kind of like a cushion to the body. Not only does it give you moisture, how many people do you know that say, oh, my hands are dry.

I'm gonna put some [:

Not gonna happen. Your immune system because of the hormones, relies on fat. Mostly cholesterol. It's a fuel source. It's the primary fuel source next to ketones.

It gives you energy. Sugar is like a quick flame. Burns really fast. It's gone. Doesn't really give you all that much fats like a furnace. Just keeps going and going. Produces tons of heat. Which is energy. I'm not talking, it makes you hot. I'm just saying it makes energy and a lot of it, by the way, fat keeps you alive, like I mentioned.

Why does it keep you [:

cholesterol keeps you alive , fat keeps you alive. Cholesterol makes you healthy. All the little details in your life require cholesterol, neural wellbeing, and the quality of your body relies on on fat. It's a fact.

Then you say, well what about a vegan? I know vegans who are super healthy. Really? Are they? I'm not saying you shouldn't be a vegan. I'm just saying, are they really that healthy? Most of them aren't. They do not get everything they need cuz they don't get enough fat. They would have to consume absolutely ridiculous quantities of avocado, which is the only true fat source that Acan should be consuming.

It's a ridiculous [:

So let's step into a different approach. Let's talk about the integrity of cells in your body. Let's make this not super geeky. Let's just make it more well-rounded and easy to understand. . Have you ever seen the show on television called alone?

items. They [:

The first person to last the longest, the last person makes the money. They survived longer than everybody else alone. It's an intense show if you've ever done that yourself or understand what they're going through, it's brutal. Actually. I don't think people realize while watching this show how brutal that really is.

Most people tap out really quickly. Because they can't live without people. They think they can, but they miss interaction with humans. That's an amazing thought. The people who stay have to deal with all the repercussions of eating. They can brave the cold, they can brave wind, and, and the circumstances

they've [:

Since the beginning episode of season one, this has always been the underlying theme , how to get enough nutrition in order to live longer alone. Than any other contestant. And guess what? Every single contestant, the one nutrient that they can't find is fat. Many of them tap out because they may have found protein.

uess what? They actually get [:

Every single person that goes in there loses weight because they can't find fat quickly. They go from whatever weight they are in, great health, so on and so forth, to tapping out in three weeks or getting pulled in a month. Very, very few people last more than three months out there. The only people that last any length of time have found fat sources, which are very difficult to find.

The people who found salmon [:

Their diet's a little bit restricted because there's only so much fat on an animal. It's mostly protein. So they're trying to get that fat. For many of them, they've lived on the shellfish that they could find, that they could find fat from those, you know, low tide, find a bunch of muscles, but they couldn't gather enough of them to be beneficial, just enough to barely stay alive.

My point by bringing this up is there's two things that keep them going, that's general fat intake gives them energy. They're not burning their own fat off their body, keeps them alive.

hing is those animals eating [:

Because cholesterol keeps you healthy. It gives you immune system, it works your hormones, it gives you brain health. It's what keeps you healthy.

I challenge anyone who says you can survive completely as a vegan in the woods by yourself. I'm gonna say I've never seen it, never heard about it, never read about it. I could be wrong, but I'd really like to know what those quote unquote vegans, maybe even vegetarian.

s to avocados. When you live [:

All of the longest living humans on the planet consume quite a bit of fat. Some of them consume most of their diet and fat. 60, 70%. They don't have disease. No disease. They feel great, and some of them are in super cold climates. Others in hot climates, the Messai are a great example. The Kakuy Tribe next to the Messai is an amazing, amazing story.

ey have more energy and zero [:

That's interesting. Think about that one. Why so fat in your diet is what makes you feel good. It's what satiates you. What you're looking for in the food, it's flavor. Most people do not want to eat vegetables. I mean, think about it. How many people do you know in your entire life who've ever said, I can't wait to have a bowl of broccoli That just, no one says that.

. We've heard throughout our [:

But what they're saying is they want something that's crunchy, flavorful, cuz you can have salad dressing on there . Their brain says, oh, I'm eating something healthy. What they're getting is seed oils, which are very unhealthy, many side effects of seed and nut and legume oils.

anything animal, he's gonna [:

Obviously, he'll kill mac and cheese. I'm simply stating vegetable, vegetation. Kids don't want it. Why? Because nobody wants to eat it. It's terrible. Tastes terrible, but you take broccoli. And put a whole bunch of nacho cheese on it or melted cheese, whatever, and the kid will eat it. Why? Because cheese technically is an animal product.

Obviously liquid cheese is not, but they don't know the difference.

I think generally speaking that most adult don't really like vegetables. We can put the asparagus on with our filet mignon, but really we want to kill the baked potato and the steak. We don't give a crap about the vegetable. Why do you say that, Erik? Because what's the first thing you cut up when you get that plate?

egetable off to the side, so [:

Some people go to the potatoes first, whatever point is, you're not eating that asparagus first. You're not like, I can't wait to dive into asparagus. If you go to a barbecue, your friend's house, let's say you're like, oh man, it smells so good. Yeah, nobody's like, oh wow, that asparagus on the grill just smells amazing.

for leftovers is vegetables, [:

The problem with most vegetables, they do not contain fat, therefore, you cannot live on them. They just do not sustain life. All living.

Larger animals like humans require fat.

You can produce a little bit of fat in your body, but you really need much more. It's very difficult to produce the amount you need. You just can't do it. But if that is so essential to life, why are you told that is bad for you? If you told somebody in the year 1,200 that the food that they were eating at the time was very unhealthy and you're gonna die of a, of a heart attack from heart disease or any number of diseases were told, he would laugh at you.

s you would pull that animal [:

For most of the history, there wasn't a lot of vegetables eaten. It's mostly animal foods. Why? Cuz they're healthy. The animal foods have fat and you need lots of fat in your life. Fat that you eat does not get transferred and put into fat cells no matter what you've been told. That is so far from the truth.

t were true, that would mean [:

It's ridiculous to think that if you eat fat, that it goes straight through the stomach, lining the intestines and right into the blood, and then that gets put into fat cells. That's not how it works. As a matter of fact that's what carbohydrates do . If you've never learned that concept, guess what we're talking about real soon in podcasts coming up,


Like I had talked about earlier, polyphenols are plant cholesterols. You absorb those and then the body doesn't like them. It prefers animal cholesterol over plant cholesterol. The body actually will attack polyphenols. But Erik, there's so many articles written and I'm told I need the polyphenols from red wine and, and all these vegetables and everything should be colorful on my plate.

Okay. Any [:

Remember, this episode is an umbrella. This is not, I'm not getting into the weeds here with all the data, we will do those future. We're just setting the standard of the basics right now, so you understand the human.

Let's touch on really quickly the differences. So you've heard a lot about Omega three s. You've heard a lot about Omega six Es, maybe even heard about Omega nine. S E P A D, hha. There's lots of different types of fats. The main ones are the ones that just listed.

hear about a lot. Omega six [:

Now if you're sensitive to chicken or Turkey, something like that, pork, well, those omega six s and they're high on those. Those Omega six s that you're sensitive to are probably from a less quality animal. So they produce a lot of omega six s that aren't really good quality and a large amount ruminant animals being beef, deer, mutton, lamb, elk, buffalo, the ones that eat grass and they [00:27:00] can eat grains too, but mostly eat grass and then ferment that grass and then chew it again.

And they basically tear apart that vegetation and break it down so far, and then reabsorb everything, that's in it . And make the best meat you can eat the. Pigs don't do that. Chickens don't do that. Turkey fish, none of these animals do this. Only ruminant animals. So ruminant animals make the best meat with the best fatty profiles.

Super healthy. The best superfood is red meat. The fatty red meat is superfood. It literally has every single nutrient that you require as a human.

itamin C in red meat. Uh, no [:

And so the glucose and the vitamin C compete for absorption, so they cancel themselves out. And that's true for most nutrients in your vegetation. It all cancels each other, each other out. Anti-nutrients are just what they are. They're anti

Well, we've covered a lot of different areas in the fats.

ere does the fish come from? [:

Everything's concentrated. Your salmon should always come from wild caught. And usually very northern areas. You never want Atlantic or farm raised.

Do you need fat supplements like. Omega-3 six and nine s in a pill form in a liquid? No, most of those are rancid. They have changed their chemical structure. They're not healthy. They're oxidized. The fats that come from your animal sources like, or even a chicken breasts, small amount, but let's just say you got it from that, or shrimp or a fish or something.

could be oxidized are on the [:

You don't get that with meat from ruminant animals

Pigs, poultry, these kind of things takes a while.

So what about dairy?

If you can handle dairy and you're not a, you don't have an issue with it. Even just lactose, doesn't matter. People can be allergic to lactose as well as the proteins. The fats in, by the way, just as a side note, the fats in milk are quite large. Proteins are a little bit more difficult to digest compared to goat milk.

ult for the, for the baby to [:

Dairy for some people can be very easy on the gut. Other, it's not so easy. There are different types of proteins, a one, a two, et cetera. The basic idea is with dairy and you want to consume it for fat and protein, go for it.

One of my personal favorites is heavy cream, especially if you can get it as minimally processed as possible, which means zero or extremely low amounts of pasteurization,

even natural dairy, completely raw, which has the enzymes. Some people still have a hard time with it, so maybe dairy isn't the best option. Then just eliminate it. You don't really need it. As a side note, one of the reasons why people think dairy is so good, and we're gonna discuss this in the future, but dairy has a type of morphine in it.

Your body [:

I think if you're fine with dairy and it doesn't affect your digestion or create weird moods for you, and you don't have cravings constantly to consume large amounts of dairy, then I think it's good for you and it's totally fine. It absolutely has to be organic. Without a doubt. You cannot do any non-organic dairy sources, grass-fed dairy much better.

The fat profile, by the way, for animals that are grass-fed is better. Is it? Absolutely 100% essential to have a grass fed animal. there are great aspects about it, but it's not absolutely necessary.


They, they're all grass fed, grass finished

normal meat, , regular beef is actually grass fed 80% of its life and usually 20% grain. So technically it's mostly grass fed. They fatten it up with the grains later, but they're not gonna spend a lot of money on grains when they can just let the cows go eat the grass, which is free.

in that food. It's not just [:

Does it mean it's the healthiest thing they can do compared to grass? It's probably not. Is it a big deal? Not a big deal. Can you consume grass fed meat, dairy free range chickens and stuff all the time? Constantly? Probably not. If you switch it up and you go half and half, that's better than eating crappy food.

The basic idea is the better quality animal foods that you can afford or get are better. They're. The fats are better, they're better utilized, they're more healthy for every aspect of your body. They taste better. No one can tell me that margarine tastes better than real butter.

getation. Eh, I have known a [:

Very few people are true vegetarian or true vegan. I know vegans. I've met vegans my whole life that we're wearing leather shoes. They're called themselves a vegan and they're wearing Doc Martin boots. Really true. Vegan has zero to do with anything that could possibly be involved with an animal. basically all clothing is cotton.

ney, you're not a vegan. I'm [:

If you truly believe that you can serve vegetation and non-animal products, I'll help you. Matter of fact, we'll do a full podcast on it. full start to finish. Best way to be a vegan. Best way to be a vegetarian. I've been there, I've done it. There's new science on it. Most of it is not good.

Okay? Enough of that.

Fat. Fat keeps you alive. Cholesterol keeps you healthy. Think about your sources. How much of these are you getting? Not gonna make you fat. If you would clean up other foods in your life that create inflammation and make you fat, lose body fat. The reason why you're thinking, well, if I eat animal fats, it makes me fat.

the carbohydrates, it's the [:

I feel better you will. I guarantee you I will get those emails guaranteed. The very few times that it might say, ah, I don't feel better. Well, maybe you emailed me too soon. A week is not enough. Most people that change their diet and go more animal based are quick and they, it's sustainable for a long period of time.


aid this person said it. The [:

You can't eat all this meat and flesh and all this salmon and all these, you can't eat all this. You're gonna get sick. You're gonna have a heart attack. And he says, what are you talking about? Every one of my family lives to be 120 years old. With no diseases or problems at all. They wish that they could just pass away cuz they're tired of living after that amount of time.

vegan, vegetarian, and live [:

No, they don't. And before the wars they didn't, they lived on mostly pork, wild boar. It wasn't until after the war where we stole and ate all of their animals, they had to live on vegetation and they're not near as healthy as they were previous to World War ii.

If you don't believe me, look it up. There's nothing really wrong with pork. If the pork is raised properly, it's very healthy. Eggs very healthy. You don't understand, Erik.

gonna be allergic to the egg [:

Why is that? Because it creates an animal. You don't create animals from polyphenols. You're never gonna see a chicken. Become a chicken from an egg that's made out of asparagus.

So here we are, lots of different topics, lots of different ways to make people upset and really mad at me, but you really don't have the science. Let's look up to science. Let's talk about it. There are zero studies showing a saturated fat in animal foods cause disease. It's actually the opposite, and all you have to do is look into history.

The history has it.

Throughout history, people ate animal foods and thrived. No disease, no symptoms, no sicknesses from those symptom. As of the last a hundred years, everything's gone towards plant-based foods, and all the problems really became rampant.

This is just a primer and [:

I would argue it's fat, not protein. That's a whole podcast right there. But I will tell you on that show alone, people got a lot of protein. Some of them, they still had very serious health issues and had to quit. The people that had the fat didn't quit. They didn't have to

some of them, there's only a few that could actually get that far because they were that good. But some of them, Literally got pulled because the show was over and they were, they said, I could go many more months like this. Matter of fact, I don't wanna leave.

than you have ever. Protein [:

Don't do enough of it or eat the wrong kinds. That's the seed oils. And the bean oils. Those are terrible for you. We will talk more in the future about the Omega six polyunsaturated seed oils and bean oils. We'll get into more depth right now. I just want you to get the umbrella approach of get more fat from animals.

t get sick as much or at all.[:

By the way, pain, inflammation all goes down if not completely gone. Like I said, A very well respected endocrinologist, and she puts her female clients on a stick of butter a day, and they have no menstrual pain. No pain female wise at all. It's all gone. Menopause situations gone. It's amazing. But you're worried about getting fat in your diet.

But all your pain, inflammation, your life is better.

ut all of that might be true,[:

Said, cholesterol. Many of those providers don't give a crap what you're doing in your diet. When they see that all those numbers went down too, because you consumed much more cholesterol and fat and you feel good, look good, you lost weight. Your energy's through the roof. You sleep better, your sex drives up.

You never get sick. Most of those providers say, keep doing what you're doing. They don't want to know because they know the truth.

All right. That was the last rant of this. This has gone on an hour. I'm so sorry this was a long one, but this is, we're talking about fat. I mean, this is a big one, right? I can't just throw this out in 10 minutes. I mean, I could, but it would be super boring. Maybe I bored. You already.

hy without it. Thank you for [:

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The Reality of Health
Health is a holistic concept impacted by lifestyle, habits, sleep, exercise, water, food, air, and toxins.
This is not your average health podcast. It is cutting edge info.
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About your host

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Erik Muzzy

I have been educating clients since 1992 on health and nutrition, studied numerous different areas of natural healing and wellness. Utilizing nutrition, diet, exercise, mind, body and spirit for ultimate health or just feeling better.