Episode 10

Published on:

12th Jul 2023

Ep. 10 - Lactic acidosis...why you are sick

In this detailed episode, I explore lactic acidosis as one of the main causes of sickness and disease, delving into its impact on the body and various symptoms it can manifest. Lactic acid is produced when sugar and protein are burned, and it can be recycled as fuel repeatedly, affecting the chemical matrix and physiology of the body. The accumulation of lactic acid, known as lactic acidosis, can lead to a range of ailments, including cancer, weakness, brain and thought problems, mood disturbances, social and performance anxiety, sensitivities to light, noise, and touch, as well as conditions like Asperger's, autism, migraines, and more. This episode also discusses the link between lactic acidosis and psychological issues such as violent thoughts, addictions, panic attacks, and distorted thinking patterns. Additionally, this show touches on the depletion of B vitamins by various antagonists, the impact of lactic acidosis on enzymes and bone health, and the benefits of low-carb or no-carb diets in mitigating these effects. This episode concludes by emphasizing the importance of understanding and managing lactic acidosis for overall health and well-being.



hello everyone. Welcome to episode ten . This one is gonna be a little bit more detailed.

We're gonna touch upon one of the main reasons of sickness and disease and why you don't feel well. Actually, part of the, one of three ways you get sick, feel sick, or you 📍 die. I didn't go into a lot of detail that first time with this one because this one's much bigger, but it's also extremely interesting.

One of the main ways that you do not feel well or.

Eventually get sick in many ways, more than just a single symptom, but an actual collection of symptoms, meaning collection of symptoms, makes an actual illness. And it's called lactic acidosis. Some of you may have heard this, others may never have heard it, so we're gonna get into it a little bit. Bear with me.

We're not gonna get super geeky, but we're gonna get a little bit. At the same time, I want you to understand that not everybody has this. Not everybody deals with this. Some people deal with it more than. But it's definitely there. It's part of the chemical matrix functioning physiology of your body.

It could be. Up to 85% of the reason for ailments. . It's always burning sugar, including protein, and then it creates byproducts called lactate or acetate, ethanol, which is alcohol and acetyl aldehyde, which by the way is also plastic. Yep, your body creates plastic.

That would be an awesome podcast in the future, if you want to hear about that one, we can go deep into that one. So lactate basically is created from sugar burning and protein and then it is recycled as even more sugar as fuel. Again, and again and again.

Basically sugar becomes lactate. Your body recycles it back into sugar, which then turns into lactate, acetate, , ethanol or acetyl aldehyde, and then back into lactate again. So here's the interesting thing. Lactate is recycled as sugar fuel, the others don't. You burn sugar turns into lactate and these other things, but your body takes lactate and makes sugar again out of it, and it just keeps going with this cycle looping like crazy.

If you think you eat sugar and then it's burned and it's gone, nope, it gets converted back into sugar. It's converted into lactate, then back into sugar, and then into lactate. The others acetate, ethanol and acetyl aldehyde don't, but they do use up all your B complex vitamins. If you eat a lot of sugar or carbohydrates as a whole, you use up, be complex and a lot.

When you have this buildup of lactic acid, it's called cacia. It can cause so many issues. I'm gonna list these issues and I hope you can well understand where I'm coming from with. These are gonna cover a large gamut, but you might have these ailments, these illnesses, so this could be something for you, but don't freak out.

Just because you have lactic acidosis doesn't mean you have all these or will have all of these. Everybody is a little bit different. I know you've heard that throughout your whole life. Everybody responds differently. Everybody's different. No, they're generally all the same. It's just some people are strong in certain areas, other people are weaker in other areas, but we are all exactly the same.

We all function essentially all the same. We just are a little bit different in the sense that everything you've done in your life and currently do, it may exacerbate. Or stifle some of these. All right, let's get into it. Cacia is basically lactic acidosis. It's an overabundance of lactic acid. Cancer is one of them .

Wasting away just, just no strength, you're just falling apart and you're, you're basically short of saying it. You're dying slowly.

The acidosis part of it. This is different. I'm not talking about acid alkaline balance. That's not what this is, but the acidosis part of this creates brain and thought problems. Pretty much all bad thoughts can come from this. So if you have a high acidosis content in your blood and your body, it can change your mood.

Here's some of the mood symptom. Fear, hopelessness. It can exacerbate PTs. D can make you angry. Or even a scattered brain brain fog. A lot of people who get rid of sugar say, I got rid of brain fog. I'm just crisper in my thoughts. I remember more. My short term memory is better. It can cause social and performance anxiety.

Those are, I don't think I need to get into those. Too much sensitivity to light. How about sensitivity to noise or touch? Asperger's and autism, they have those and those illnesses actually, To a low carb, low sugar diet because lactic acidosis doesn't occur. Your body can clean these these things out, these molecules,

this gets a little bit more intense, so bear with me, but violent sexual thoughts, addictions to things. Because it's a cycle. Anytime you add things to your body that the body has to cycle to deal with them, it can be an addiction. Alcohol, as one of those sugar drugs, even adrenaline. You know what I'm talking about?

All you adrenaline junkies, you need that fix, but just because you're an adrenaline junkie doesn't mean. You're bad. It just means you enjoy the rush. Well, guess who also gets a rush Runners triathletes. Once you hit that wall and keep going, and then you have all the hormone rush , you know what I'm talking about, and you love it.

It's one of the things that spurs you to keep going. Well, guess what? You've created a cycle Migraines. Migraines are a big one. You have dirty blood. It's full of lactic acid. When you work out, you do a lot of physical activity over and over and over again quickly. You know that burning sensation you get in your muscles.

That's lactic acidosis. It's a buildup of lactic acid and ammonia and other things, carbon dioxide, et cetera, but lactic acid's in there. This one's really interesting. It's. Time slows down. Really? Yeah. It confuses your brain. Your brain's no longer consuming ketones, sugar, fat for fuel. It's starting to use lactic acid, , which is not a good fuel source.

You start reviewing all your life's decisions. This one's crazy. It puts you in a mindset It, I think it basically triggers you to short circuit in your brain and you naturally go into this mode of deciding whether or not. The decision you made were good. Am I in the right place? What should I be doing?

You really get all confused about where you're at. So if you're just normally a person that goes day to day, this can interfere with you. This is if you're a person who has goals and you say, well, I, I am achieving those goals, but did I really, and should I change my goals? And maybe those goals weren't the right ones.

No. Any goal that you achieve is a good. Grief, it can exacerbate grief. Bipolar, it's short, circuits the brain. It's not a good fuel source so you can be all over the place. Depression, well that one's obvious I think. Obsessive compulsive disorder. Yeah. You are feeding your brain a fuel. It doesn't. Panic attacks.

This one is multi-level, so this is physical, emotional, and spiritual all at the same time. Panic attacks are absolutely incredible and I definitely want to do

a distinct series. Of podcasts on panic attacks. These are multi-level multifaceted experiences. I have had what I consider to be minor panic attacks, and of course, we all know people that have dizziness because it interferes with the brain activity and the, and the, the communication between your balance, your 3D perspective of your eyes, where you're.

Vertical, horizontal, et cetera. Violent thoughts, that's we kind of, when violent thoughts are pretty intense, why would you feel those things? Those aren't natural. Avoiding social contact. You feel basically like you just wanna stay away from people you can't handle social interac. That's not you. That's not a natural thing for humans.

Humans want to be around other people. Lower the sugar, lower the lactic acid, and you will want to be around more people. It's a fact. Agoraphobia. Yep, that one's crazy. And you also have apocalyptic. Apocalyptic just meaning everything's gonna end, nothing's worth living and striving for.

It's just, it's the end is a terrible result. That's all that means.

So some of the weird feelings you get when while you're in this, this is just naturally just living every single day, just going through your life. You feel tired after a meal. So you eat, you know, your normal diet, whatever it is. Hopefully it's not purely crappy, but most people are eating a lot of carbohydrates.

Those carbohydrates cause the lactic acidosis. So those carbs are literally turned into, I said earlier, ethanol. So you might not be a drinker, you might stay away from alcohol. But you actually aren't because carbohydrates can turn into alcohol and they do. It's one of the reason why carbs are so addictive.

There's a side note to carbs that I'm gonna throw in here too. Carbohydrates are 80% oxygen, so immediately the brain loves it. You also feel nervousness. Regular anxiety. Just just nervous about everything and it dehydrates you. And we all know the effects of dehydration. It's terrible. The first thing they look for when you go to the hospital, very first thing, dehydration.

Food allergies are a big one. that can be a big one. It interferes with how your cellular structure works. All the physiology. It can increase cortisol. Carbohydrates can have a detrimental effect. One of those detrimental effects is high cortisol. Cortisol is a good and bad hormone.

This is one we will also delve into in the future. Remember, we are in the basics, right? The, the foundation of your health. These are little things, well, they're not little, but these are, these are topics we can go over later in more detail. It also creates an abnormal behavior. So when you're wondering why people do certain things, why you did certain things,

sometimes it's because you had a lot of carbohydrates.


That's not normal. And in Chinese medicine, that's a good, well, not a good, it's a bad sign. Sighing is nothing that a human should be doing. You are trying to relieve stress. There's stress on your, your whole system. At that point, it's not because you need air. Sometimes the air that we think, well, we need air, well, that's because you've been clenching.

Well, you're clenching because you're stress. You can be abnormally sensitive to pain. That's a terrible one. That lactic acidosis is interfering with. Nerve conduction, not a good thing. There's also a larger kind of, um, uh, shall we say, set of symptoms. , it's not an illness, but it's just a, a, it's a subset, we'll call it.

Called Anibal. Not in the good way, not like anabolic where you build and make more muscle and repair it in your positive state. It's when your body doesn't know when to stop creating and it creates weird things, DNA instructions gone. Weird interference in your body from other things doesn't matter.

The point is, is that it's an anabolism. That is negative, such as skin tags. Oh, yeah. Wondering why you have skin tags. Drop your carbs goes away. Cysts, fibroids, tumors, moles. I thought I had on my face what they call an age mark. You know, darkening area. I was like, really?

Of all places on my face? Well, I put stuff on it that works for things like that. Didn't help, nothing helped. About five years ago I went keto and it went away in about two weeks. Keto is just a ketogenic diet. It doesn't. One form. It can be carnivore lion diet. It can be, uh, even a low carb paleo. It can be just meat and veggies only.

It's whenever you're burning, ketones. Here's a big one, Osteoporosis. Is a weird one, but the lactic acidosis actually causes the body to pull calcium and other minerals from the bones to buffer those acids, so you're actually softening your bones because you can't give up the donuts or whatever it is. Restless leg syndrome, one of its main components is lactic acid.

Because think about it, you've heard people that on low carb diets or get rid of sugar, their restless shake syndrome gets better. Well, one of the reasons is because, like I said, you're burning sugar turns into lactate and other molecules, and then it gets converted right back into sugar again. So you think, well, I'll be fine.

I'll, I'll take something to get rid of this, when really it's just trying to block the feeling. Of the restless leg syndrome, when really all you're doing is interfering with the lactic acidosis part of it, we'll just stop consuming the sugars and restless leg syndrome starts to go away. Yes, there's other things you can do.

Maybe you're lacking potassium, magnesium, et cetera. That's different. This is one of the main reasons, not the only reason. Mouth dryness is a weird one, isn't it? That's, I don't understand, but. That's one of the problems.

Heart disease is also one of them, and we'll go into that in the future more. But basically you're interfering with the blood and if you interfere with the blood, that's a problem. You're, you're never gonna be better off by interfering with the blood. basically the acidosis aspect of this turns your enzymes.

Into destructive enzymes. Enzymes basically do everything in the body. This will be an upcoming episode very soon because enzymes are basically the construction workers of your body. Hormones and enzymes, for the most part, do almost everything. it's basically hormones, enzymes, and electricity are the three components that I.

The most important things. So enzymes can turn from positive to destructive and you'll get things like arthritis, all of your normal day-to-day, acute, maybe even intermittent.

Acute illnesses,

those enzymes can actually over time do so much destruction that it decreases your life expectancy.

All right, so we'll get into a little side topic here real quick. And that's the antagonist that can deplete B vitamins. Sugar is one of those. I mentioned it earlier and it's important to understand, but there's a bunch of other ones. I'm gonna go through these really quickly. I'm not gonna spend a lot of time on 'em.

Ready. So here we. Antagonists that can deplete B vitamins, by the way, real fast, B vitamins are massively important to the body.

They do hundreds and thousands of processes in the body. Without B vitamins, basically you would die. All right, so here are the antagonists. Tannins. Tannins are in plant foods, coffee, tea, et cetera. Red wine. I know. I'm sorry for all those wine drinkers, but those tannins that make your wine a little dry, not good for you.

Same with coffee and. You ever notice when you drink black tea, it's like it's really dry alcohol sulfites in wine and other foods that you might be consuming. Sugar white processed foods will lower B vitamins substances that your Dr. May give you. I think you know what I. Those are, those have a definite impact on lowering and depleting.

B vitamins, pain relievers, all of them , chemo, estrogen drugs, anti Parkinson's drugs, any of the NSAIDs. Those are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like Ibuprofen, et cetera. Naproxen Corticosteroids, which are anti-inflammatory drugs, cholesterol, lowering drugs, blood pressure drugs, anti convolusant drugs, asthma drugs and acids, and suppressors.

Also anti-diabetic drugs.

s amazing. Also Carl Corey in:

Think about that one.

Do you want a lot of adrenaline in your heart tissue? It's probably not a good idea. What do you think that causes? It's pretty self-explanatory. Do I need to say it? Here's what's really cool. Lactic acidosis has two buy products , so one of the byproducts is dextro lactic acid. That one's actually pretty good.

You couldn't utilize that, but it also makes Levo lactic acid. That's a poison. They're almost exactly the same when you look at 'em. They are the same molecule, except if you've never learned this us,

how molecules are construc. We believe electrons fly around this nucleus. Right? Well, they're also shapes. They have a shape to them. The shape is extremely, I find extremely interesting. I'll give you a quick one before I go into the lactic acidosis . You've heard so much about vitamin E. Well, natural vitamin.

Is clockwise. If you look at it, it rotates in a clockwise fashion, like a corkscrew, it goes to the right, synthetic vitamin E or man-made. not a natural form. That would be the dl.

So DL Alpha Tocopherol actually goes the opposite way. Counterclockwise well enzymes in your body for vitamin E receptors go counterclockwise. What that means is the receptor. Needs the proper clockwise direction so that it can screw into it, so to speak. If both the receptor and the molecule went to the right, it wouldn't fit.

So you need a receptacle in the proper direction. How, how intuitive is that? How amazing and structured. And designed is that, think about. You need the correct

structure to enter into the correct reciprocal, that receptacle has to be the opposite of what it needs, otherwise it won't. Think of a puzzle piece when you're making a puzzle. One has the lobe, the other has the area that the lobe attaches to. Can't have two lobes. They don't fit well.

That's exactly how vitamin E works, and among many, many molecules in the body has to be the proper.

Molecular condition,

so the lactic acids that are created, the dextro and the Levo one's good one's bad. Levo is a poison. They're exactly the same molecule except that the polarity to the left is food, so your body reuses it can burn it to the right. It's a poison interesting. Vitamin E goes to the right. And that's food. In lactic acidosis, lactic acid goes to the left, and that's food. See how the body is so intricately woven? Just because things go the right doesn't mean that's always a good thing.

Sometimes it goes to the left. Why is that? Well, maybe lactic acid. In order to be turned into something that can be used needs to go to the left because if it goes to the right, the body will mis take it for something else. It's just absolutely amazing. Side note here, this is pretty cool.

I love this, and that is fat. There's no waste product when you burn fat. It's. There's no recycling of waste product from fat. Pretty cool. not only is it more than double the energy content, you know of it as a calorie, but it's the energy content. There's no such thing as an actual calorie when it belongs to food.

That's a whole different thing. If you don't believe me, look up calorie. It really doesn't apply to food. Lactic Acidosis. It's not the main cause. For everything, but it's definitely part of the whole matrix. And if you paid attention to what I said of all the different things that it can cause and what it can do to the body, it's something you don't want. Really need to watch out for it.

This is where clean foods, low carb or no carb will actually benefit you. We'll get more into the no carb, low carb thing in the future. I know you are thinking, well, I was always told I need carbs. You don. Matter of fact, I've said this before, there's not a single process in the body that requires you to consume carbohydrates.

Carbohydrates will turn into lactic acid, acetate, ethanol, that's alcohol, and acetyl aldehyde, which is plastic. until next time, thanks for listening. Talk to you later.

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The Reality of Health
Health is a holistic concept impacted by lifestyle, habits, sleep, exercise, water, food, air, and toxins.
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About your host

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Erik Muzzy

I have been educating clients since 1992 on health and nutrition, studied numerous different areas of natural healing and wellness. Utilizing nutrition, diet, exercise, mind, body and spirit for ultimate health or just feeling better.